Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 71 Black Path

In the next second, Griveau pushed Thales away, looked away, and was short of breath.

Kurz coughed lightly.

"I saw Kevin." Kurz shook his head to the left. There, a young man was sneaking his head behind the wall, waving to this side. Thales recognized him. It was the old man who was driving last night. The crow came to the young coachman in the Shield.

Maybe it was because the topic about him had just ended, the faces of the three of them were not very good after seeing Kevin.

It's like being caught talking bad things behind your back.

"I'll make the final confirmation and wait for my signal." Kerz spat out the grass in his mouth, patted the dust in his hands and stood up, his original rogue-like temperament instantly became sharp.

Griveau nodded and watched her leave.

Only the veteran and the prince remained.

The atmosphere is a bit heavy.

Thales looked at the back of the seamstress going away, and suddenly said: "To be honest, I have been in the Northland for six years, and such girls in the Northland are really rare."

Griveau paused slightly and hummed softly.

"Kurz's father used to be a military doctor. She grew up in a military camp, and her childhood was full of blood and screams."

Taylor's eyes moved.

The veteran's fingers flicked on the wheelchair, as if recalling the past:

"Until her father died unexpectedly, the teenage Kurz faced those old soldiers. You can't imagine what a girl will go through in that hell, let alone what she will become."

Taylor's heart tightened.

He looked at the corner where Kertz disappeared with some surprise, recalling the tough impression this seamstress gave him.

Griveau said in a daze, "At least until I fish her out."

"Unfortunately, the famous Dragon Clouds City is not much better, especially the shield area and hammer area."

At this moment, the stubborn veteran looked extremely tired, as if he had just experienced a big battle.

Thales took a breath slowly:

"No wonder."

Griveau snorted and shook his head: "It's hard to imagine that you are born noble, and everything goes smoothly, but do you think she was born full of foul language, cursing, violent and unruly, and has no sense of tenderness?"

"Do you think she doesn't want to be like an ordinary noble lady from the Northland, wearing gorgeous dresses and extravagant makeup, sitting in a warm and gorgeous palace with rouge and powder, enjoying a sumptuous dinner and being pampered by men in a soft voice? Is it?"

"When life is tough on you," Griveau squeezed the wheelchair tightly, the remaining three fingers on his left hand trembling slightly: "You have to be tougher than it."

Thales remained silent for a long time.

But then he looked up.

"But I think she is fine now," said the prince, who was inexplicably heavy, with sharp eyes:

"Just how a woman is at her strongest, most beautiful, and most alluring."


Thales screamed.

He put his hands on his aching forehead, and looked at Grewau in displeasure.

The veteran withdrew his right hand, which was comparable to a cauldron, with a blank expression: "You are young, don't learn how to pick up girls."

Thales replied with an aggrieved look.

"But yes."

"She's great," Griveau smiled slightly, and the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes sparkled slightly: "For more than ten years, Kurz has long been our brother."

Thales rubbed his head vigorously, and said angrily: "It's just a brother?"

"She will be disappointed."

Griveau glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally, but did not speak.

A few seconds later, the veteran spoke abruptly.

"Your father, what kind of man is he?"

Thales' nerves tightened.

"My father?"

Griveau turned his face to the other side, shook his head, and shrugged seemingly indifferently: "Yes."

The prince blinked.

That was a memory from so long ago.

Thales frowned, and replied somewhat hesitantly: "He, he is a king."


The second time, Thales held his head in his hands with tears in his eyes, and watched Griveau withdrew his right hand angrily.


I saw Griveau was a little frustrated: "Fuck,

Who the hell doesn't know your father is a king... say something else, useful, okay? "

Thales gritted his teeth: "Don't do anything!"

"Other? He..." The prince was about to speak, but his eyes rolled: "Why do you want to know this?"

Griveau coughed, and turned his head seemingly normally.

"Oh, this, you know, the two kings of Exeter are despicable and shameless bastards," the veteran shrugged for the second time indifferently, rubbing his back on the wheelchair: "I was just thinking, the stars Is it the same with your king?"

Thales showed a suspicious look.

"But the old crow said, you don't care about high-level politics."

Griveau's face changed: "Yes... I, I suddenly changed my mind... Knowing more is not a bad thing. Next time we meet, I can laugh at him instead."

The veteran shrugged for the third time.

Thales stared at Griveau thoughtfully.

Until Griveau coughed in embarrassment and turned away.

Thales tentatively asked, "But didn't you say you didn't want to see him again, Heather?"

Griveau blushed: "It's none of your business!"

"Of course, of course, but..." Thales carefully observed Griveau's side face, narrowing his eyes: "Why is it my father?"

Griveau's face froze.

"Oh, come on," he waved his hand and interrupted Thales angrily: "You know...forget it, forget about it."

Griveau snorted coldly, obviously extremely upset.

"Who the hell cares about your King Papa."

The old soldier folded his arms, turned around, shrugged his shoulders for the fourth time, and muttered to himself angrily: "It's just another boy who is precociously talented, young and rich, handsome, charming, and domineering."

Thales looked at him quietly and smiled.

"What about Seran?"

Grewal trembled slightly: "Huh?"

"You heard what I said," Thales sighed, "Where's my mother? What kind of person is she?"

This issue ushered in an exceptionally long wait time.

It took a long time before Griveau tilted his mouth and shook his head disdainfully.

"Your mother? Ha!"

"That nasty little girl with a crooked mind," the veteran in the wheelchair said with a complicated and incomprehensible look, "The best thing is to make a lot of troubles and make everyone angry."

"Cheat everyone to wipe her ass."

Thales nodded: "Including you?"

"But please forgive me." Griveau shook his head and sneered, "I hate her the most."

Thales smiled slightly.

"You and Heather...were both slaves in the desert, right?"

This question seems to have hit Griveau's pain point.


He jumped a few inches on the wheelchair, very annoyed:

"I don't care what the old crow told you..."

Griveau pointed at Thales with a hostile expression: "I agree to do you a little favor, but that doesn't mean we know each other well!"

"Stop the 'I'm your best friend' play."

Thales blinked helplessly, expressing his understanding.

The two leaned back to their original positions, waiting for Kertz's signal.

Until Grewau spoke again.

"Hey, the old crow didn't tell me much, but looking at the direction you're going..." Griveau seemed to be unable to naturally switch from the "furious" mood, and he said bluntly: "You're going The desert, right?"

Taylor's heart tightened.

He spread his hands, just squinted and smiled.

But Griveau seemed to have seen through his mind, and hummed softly:

"Listen, if you're going into the desert, you'd better have a skilled guide, otherwise..."

Griveau shook his head disapprovingly.

Thales's heart moved: "Is it so scary in the desert? Orcs or bone men?"

"It's all," Griveau twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyes were sharp: "Orcs, they smash your skull just as effortlessly as we smash eggs, but the skeletons...they are hard to say, those guys are evil Very much."


"But your biggest threat is far from them," Griveau said solemnly, "it's the desert itself, the sun and the yellow sand, and the devil who whispers in your ear all the time, 'Lie down, sleep, dream, Never get up again'."

The veteran's expression began to drift into the distance again.

Thales looked at his side face and remembered something: "You have been in the desert, haven't you?"

Griveau nodded, absent-mindedly:

"When I was a soldier, I went to fight inside."

Thales frowned slightly: "Then?"

Griveau looked up.

"Then," the veteran in the wheelchair looked at Thales seriously:

"There's no after that."

at this moment.

On the street in the distance, there was a commotion suddenly.

It appears to be two men arguing.

"get ready!"

Griveau vigilantly held both ends of the wheelchair: "When the signal comes, they are ours."

Thales stood up nervously, lowered his body and grabbed the hedge.

"Will this work?"

Thales looked worriedly at the two men who started fighting at the slightest disagreement, and watched their fight become more and more intense.

More and more people joined in, turning the fight into a group fight, and the group fight into a riot.

The sentry patrol began to frown towards them, seeming suspicious.

Thales felt uneasy: "Meteorites may be suspicious. I have seen the actions of the former White Blade Guards in Dragon Clouds City, and how they tracked down the whereabouts of a Commas man in half an hour in a chaotic situation. Meteorite The Raiders and the White Blade Guard know Dragon Clouds City like the back of their hands, and this is their home."

The commotion in the distance was getting bigger and bigger, and many people came from outside the street after hearing the news and joined the fight.

Until a patrol soldier who persuaded the fight was also punched and knocked over.

Griveau laughed mockingly.

"Meteorite? Hey, that dog-leg leader, with his dog-leg brothers?"

The veteran in the wheelchair turned his face with a serious expression: "You are wrong."

Griveau silently patted his chest.

"The people who are best qualified to call this city 'home'..."

"It was never them."

In the next second, Grevet turned his wheelchair, and amidst the growing commotion, he decisively drove out of this cover, hurriedly walked on the side of countless crowds, and headed towards the cliff of the sky: "Let's set off."

Thales let out a deep breath, trotted, and followed the direction of the veteran.

The process of avoiding the sentry post was easier than imagined. The brawl of the poor in the shield area was huge, and the poor dozen or so people in the patrol team were surrounded. They are gone.

In Griveau's words, that is, "Dragon Clouds City is really not as good as one generation after another."

In the confusion, they slid under a rocky, jagged cliff face before the patrols sent in to crush the brigade, and God knows how the old soldier could rock so fast in his wheelchair!

After twisting and turning, before Thales was about to get dizzy, he followed the rear wheel of Griveau's car, and finally saw Kurz in front of a small dark hole.


Kerz looked nervous, but his movements were not procrastinating. She took out a low-quality permanent lamp from the backpack behind her, and threw it to Thales.

Thales, who was out of breath, hugged the immortal lamp, watched Kertz take out the rope and tools, and said solemnly: "Anytime."

The sounds of fighting behind him began to slow down.

Kerz smiled lightly, seemingly disdainful: "Remember, only touch where I have stepped."

Thales took a big breath and nodded with complicated emotions.

"Pray that I don't die inside." Kurz patted the veteran's back with a smile.

The seamstress bit the indelible lamp into her mouth, straightened her body, and immediately slid her feet down into the small dark hole.

No one was there.

This is... the black trail?

Thales couldn't be bothered to be surprised that the small cave was so magical, so Griveau sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

"My people will prepare the horses over there and go wherever you want," the veteran looked hesitant, but he didn't say anything in the end, "but keep an eye on Kertz inside."

Thales took a deep breath, imitating the seamstress, thrusting his legs into the cave. He didn't step on it to the bottom, but he felt the coolness inside and the faint breeze.

"Aren't you coming?"

The fight continued behind him, but the patrol whistle sounded in the distance.

Obviously, time is running out.

Griveau patted his half thigh and mocked, "Do I look like I can fly over walls?"

Taylor's heart was blocked.

"Go," Griveau turned to the side with a gloomy expression, "I have to go back and clean up the mess, especially that dead face."

Looking at the veteran's appearance, Thales clenched his fists.

"Grivo," Thales gritted his teeth and nodded heavily:


The boy said seriously: "It doesn't matter if you are for the old crow or for my mother."

Griveau was stunned.

Thales looked at him sincerely and nodded slightly.

The next second, the veteran's expression became annoyed, he slapped Thales on the back, and pushed him into the black path amidst the latter's exclamation.

Watching Thales disappear into the black path, Griveau took a couple of breaths to calm down his impatience.

Oh shit.

Griveau cursed silently in his heart.

For his mother?

Who did he think he was.

Griveau turned around the wheelchair with an unswerving expression, watched the increasingly clear fight on the street, and spat uncomfortably.

"A king."

He looked at the sky that had just lit up, and murmured.

"A king," Griveau's face darkened, and he said to himself full of depression:

"How could it be a... king?"

The veteran looked at his half thigh, then touched his left eye, which was left empty, with a forced and gloomy expression, and said in a low voice:


But after only a few breaths, Griveau let go of his tense expression.

With a stiff face, he pulled a thread from his pocket in panic.

Slowly fumbled out a small black leather bag from the interlayer.

Trembling, Griveau opened the leather bag, looked dully at the contents, and then looked at the entrance of the black path.

I didn't say anything for a long time.

The veteran stopped his movements, snorted lightly, and shook his head as if mocking himself: "Fuck..."

The sounds of fighting behind him began to die down.

But Griveau didn't seem to notice.

He squeezed the things in his hands, his face was blue and red, he put on a fierce expression, and shouted:


As if this proves anything.

A few seconds later, Grevet leaned back on the back of the wheelchair in relief.

He laughed feebly a few times.

The veteran closed his eyes tightly, with a hint of melancholy in his tone:


Finally, the thing in Griveau's hand slowly fell and landed on his wheelchair.

The morning light illuminates it.

It was a neatly bundled strand of female hair.

Supple, smooth and radiant.

The color is fiery red.

After feeling the friction between his back and the rock formation, and sliding all the way to the end with tension, Thales opened his eyes and saw a mass of blackness.

Until footsteps sounded.

"Yo, are you afraid of the dark?"

Thales narrowed his eyes to adapt to the sudden light, and stared in shock at Kezi, who was holding the unextinguishable lamp and looked at him playfully.

It was pitch black all around.

and cold.

Their indelible lamps illuminate only a small area around them.

"Follow up," the seamstress, who only showed half of her face in the light, helped him light up the permanent lamp in the dark, and sighed, "Even if some roads are difficult, you must follow them."

Thales got up in embarrassment.

Kertz turned around and pawed onto the dark rock wall with hands and feet, as if he was going uphill.

"I have to climb this broken place again..."

"At least I took three hundred gold coins last time..."

Kurz said sarcastically to himself: "Where is the customer this time? He gave us a chance to hang, ha!"

"Prince? Hmph."

Thales had to pretend not to hear.

The black path was narrower than Thales imagined. Just as he was about to reach out to grab the inextinguishable lamp beside him, his arm hit the rock wall firmly.


Thales hissed and rubbed the sore spot, not daring to be careless, carefully grabbed the unextinguishable lamp, and followed Kurz's footsteps with difficulty.

Kurtz obviously knows how to drive, and he can only barely see Kurtz's trouser legs and boots through the dim light of the constant light.

Soon, Thales learned the power of the black path.

Obviously, there is no flat road here, either uphill or downhill, but there are still potholes. In several places, there are even steep slopes similar to cliffs. Kertz has to use a hook to climb up, and then hang down a rope to pull him up.

"Is this place really for people to walk?" Thales complained painfully after the eighth fall, "The black path?"

"It wasn't so difficult to walk before," said Kezi in front with a light smile, "but you know... Misfortune is nothing to play with rocks in Dragon Clouds City, and it knocked half of this place down out of thin air."

"Blame them."

In the darkness along the way, there were bumps and bumps everywhere, and Thales repeatedly fell or slipped due to inexperience. If it weren't for his rich beating experience as a child, Thales felt that he might have a bruised nose and a swollen face by now.

"Be careful, don't fall again."

Kurtz's voice came from ahead.

Thales blushed for a while, and groped the surrounding rock formations more cautiously: "Thank you."

Kurz snorted.

"I'm not talking about you, but who cares about the inextinguishable lamp whether you fall or not."

Thales raised his eyebrows and rolled his eyes in the darkness where no one could see.

"The ventilation here is very poor, and you will suffocate with a torch."

Kezi, who was leading the way, said hey twice:

"And it's too dark here. If the permanent lamp is broken, you can't get out without lighting."

Speaking of this...

Thales' heart skipped a beat: I have a way.

He smiled inwardly.

The crime of Hell River answered his call, flooding into his eyes.

In the pulsation of blood vessels around the eye sockets, Thales saw with satisfaction that the dark scene in front of him gradually became brighter.

Including the sound in the cave, although there is only a slight cold flow.

Thales only felt that his eyes were much clearer, and many obstacles that could not be seen in the dark could be avoided in advance.

So he quickly caught up with Kurz, which made the seamstress look up at him.

"You're pretty quick at it!"

Thales couldn't help feeling a little proud, and he began to pay attention to his surroundings.

"Oh, there are still words here?"

Thales climbed onto a relatively flat rock platform, and saw strange writing on the rock wall through the crime of prison river.


Kurz, who was groping for the road ahead, asked inexplicably, "Why didn't I find out?"

Taylor paused, and the sin of Hell River continued to surge.

He narrowed his eyes and touched the words carved on the rock wall.

"August, 20... Livestock, grain..." He read the words on it in a low voice.

Thales' expression became serious.

"Ancient Empire."

Kertz climbed up a protruding rock, wondering: "What?"

"The writing, the writing on these rocks, is the ancient imperial script. This kind of not the final empire, but the ancient empire from a long time ago," Thales blinked, thinking of Gilbert a long time ago in amazement The ancient empire alphabet I taught myself: "This tunnel has a history of at least a thousand years, or even longer. At least at that time, the Northland was still under the rule of the ancient empire."

"No," Thales saw a new sentence, and immediately overturned his own thoughts. Curiosity was hooked, he said happily: "It shouldn't be that old, I noticed that there are some common words mixed in these words The writing and usage of the seem to be recording supplies and stocks."

Kurz laughed dryly.

The seamstress seemed to be doing something strenuous, maybe rock climbing, and said perfunctorily, "Yes, it's really...really powerful...really powerful."

"Now, move your ass and keep going."

Kerz finally climbed up a huge rock above. She took a breath, stuck her head out and stretched out her hand to Thales below, and said angrily, "Then give me your hand, and I'll pull you up."

Thales raised his eyebrows, glanced at the figure above, and continued to move forward.

But he froze immediately.


Thales raised his head again, and looked at Kerz above him in disbelief.

The everlasting light only illuminated a small piece of rock wall around her, the rest was pitch black.


Seeing the scene in front of him clearly, Thales was shocked!

He blinked in astonishment: in the dark field of vision of the sin of Hell River, which was almost as bright as day, on the rock formation above Kurz's head...

Suddenly there was one more person.

It was a man.

He was wearing an old-style armor, with complicated braids, a thin face, an open mouth, protruding eyeballs but no pupils, only the whites of the eyes.

Like a dead body.

Thales noticed in the faint chill: In the dim black path, there were only black and golden lights, but the man was "brightly colored", with dark blue shoulder armor, bright silver mail armor, and dark red belt , Even the weapons are distinct in color.

What was even more weird was that the man seemed to be face down embedded in the rock formation, anti-gravity, "lying" backwards on top of Kertz's head.

At that moment, Thales only felt his whole body stiff. He suddenly remembered the story of the upper bunk "back to back" in the campus dormitory in another imaginary world.

why now...

I clearly know... I am most afraid of this kind of thing...


Kurz shook his arm impatiently and asked, "Are you stupid?"

next second.

The man moved.

Little by little, "he" lowered his neck stiffly.

Like a rusty neck.

Thales' scalp began to tingle, and his back began to feel chilly.

The next moment, it seemed that the neck was lowered to the extreme, and "he" started to turn the pair of eyes without pupils, only a piece of pale eyeballs, and stared lifelessly at Kertz below.

"He" slowly pulled up the thin muscles on his cheeks, pulled out a stiff smile, revealed abnormally sharp rust-colored teeth, and spit out a phrase in a hoarse voice like the vocal cords were torn.

Thales froze when he heard the long phrase.

That's the Old Imperial language.

But Kezi was still full of impatience, he didn't seem to notice what was only a few inches above his head: "Do you still want to come up?"

Didn't even seem to hear that word.

Thales took a deep breath, lowered his head, and suppressed the trembling all over his body.


How the hell is he going to tell Kurz: above your head...


there is a...

Thales took a few deep breaths, desperately trying to drive away his fear.

He made up his mind.

What's this?


is not it……

not just a...

Isn't it just a ghost!

Filled with indignation, Thales gritted his teeth, opened his eyes, and raised his head suddenly!

But he froze again.

There was only a pitch-black rock formation above Kertz's head.

It's empty.

What a man lying on his back, what a brightly colored ghost.

As if it never appeared.

"Hey Hey hey?"

Kurz looked at Thales in a daze with a displeased face, and the lights shone on her side face and the rock wall:

"What are you in a daze about?"

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