Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 92: Knife or Crossbow?

Once again, under the effect of the crime of prison river, Thales felt in surprise:

Time slowed down.

In the slow-motion vision, he could see clearly:

Nicolai yelled violently, his face was full of shock and anger.

On the other hand, Monty stepped forward with a stern look on his face, kept his right arm outstretched, and rushed towards the boy.

And in front of his right arm, three flying knives were spinning in the air, flying towards Thales.

Seeing the unavoidable three flying knives, Thales was shocked!

what to do?

Seeing the bad situation in front of him, Thales took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

The air smoothly entered his lungs, decomposed the flow, and turned into energy in the blood.


Thales' pupils moved, and suddenly realized something was wrong!

He just took a breath of air.

Normally, this action takes half a second.

But in front of me, everything in front of me...

But still in the slowing time, no change?

This is……

Thales let out another breath, and was surprised to see that during the time of exhaling, the flying knife in front of him had only moved forward by less than an inch.

Sure enough - his heart was shaken: this time, his breathing just now was a little faster than the "slow motion" around him!

So, it's not just my thinking that is speeding up now—Thales looked at the rushing Monty in surprise—this is, the new ability of the sin of Hell River?

But the feeling of weakness that followed made Thales realize that as he took this breath that was slightly faster than the "slow motion", the crime of prison in his body began to be consumed rapidly, and the power of ending that had been accumulated with great difficulty after recovery, Almost empty.

Clearly, the new capabilities don't come without a price.

But there was no room for him to think about it.

So Thales cleared his mind and made up his mind.

No dodge, no retreat - these actions consume too much power of finishing, and it is impossible to do them at all.

But before the flying knife comes, adjust the action, use the hell sense to measure the trajectory, wind direction, and the opponent's dodge...

Following his movements, countless terminating powers rushed in and were exhausted.


Thales gritted his teeth, aimed at the target, and pulled the trigger!

The next moment, time returned to normal.

Thales' vision was blurred, he only felt a pain in his left hand and right shoulder, and the arm crossbow in his hand trembled at the same time!


The crossbow of time fell to the ground.


This is the sound of crossbow arrows piercing flesh.

"Be careful!"

Nikolai's roar had just been heard.

Thales sat down on the ground in pain, the increasingly severe pain and hunger in his body made him extremely uncomfortable!

Before his eyes, Monty had already lost his balance and fell to the ground.


The Deathcrow cursed unwillingly, and held down his left thigh with a face of pain - there, a crossbow bolt penetrated into the flesh and blood, and the shaft of the arrow trembled.

The weak prince trembled, reluctantly pulled out the short-handled flying knives on his arms and shoulders, and was still in shock: he escaped a catastrophe in the nick of time.

"This reaction and accuracy..."

Nicolai on the side looked at the prince in surprise, as if he no longer knew him: "You still keep this trick?"

Thales took a breath, ignoring that his hands were still bleeding, grabbed the arm crossbow, and scrambled away from the spot.

Get out of Monty's attack range.

The startled prince ran to a safe place and wiped the sweat from his forehead with lingering fear, only to feel the unbearable hunger and pain:


"You finally don't want to pretend anymore, do you?"

"Your loyalty doesn't just belong to the secret department."

While speaking, Thales couldn't bear it anymore, he staggered forward to the side of the horse left by Monty, took out a bag of dried meat, and stuffed it into his mouth hungrily.

This is probably—the boy with a mouth full of food tore open the next piece of jerky, thinking this way—the sequelae left by just using the crime of prison river to stimulate vitality.


I saw Monty raised his head and stared at him angrily: "Damn little brat..."

Thales bit off the lid on the leather water bag,

Swallowing the jerky with water, he smiled thoughtfully: "So that's what I said..."

"So he already knew—Death Raven, you told him."

Monty resisted the severe pain in his thigh, his face was full of ruthlessness: "What?"

"You know about Adele and Michael." Thales shook his head helplessly, feeling that his stomach was at least full: "So, he only learned about the life experience of the Grand Duchess from you."

"The Secret Division intends to use you to rescue me - he also knows this through you."

Following the prince's words, the death-haunted crow's gaze became even sharper.

The meteorites were even more puzzled.

Thales remembered something and frowned: "So, he came here because of this, and used his strength to break the situation."

"damn it."

The prince swallowed the last morsel of food, with a look of remorse and unwillingness: "Fortunately, I was stupefied by him for a while, thinking that I was cheated out by him - and I regretted it for a long time."

On the other side came Nikolai's dissatisfied question:

"What are you talking about, little prince?"

Thales ignored him and just shook his head.

"As for the 'principle number one' and 'shut him up'," Thales said with an unhappy face, his teeth itching with hatred: "as far as I know, there is only one person in this world, and he is the only one who will treat me His words were full of resentment, and he was so jealous and hated that he didn't even want me to speak."

Prince Xingchen sighed: "So, in the final analysis, it is my struggle with him."

"So, the Death Crow of the Triple Agent," Thales showed a kind smile to Monty:

"Say hello to His Majesty Charmain for me."

Nicolai froze.

And Monty on the ground became more ferocious, and slammed the ground fiercely: "Fuck!"

Finally, the three people under the sun tore off the last bit of camouflage and exposed themselves to the eyes of the other two.

In the next second, Thales let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at the two terrifying opponents who were already at the end of their battle with complicated emotions.

Unexpectedly, he was the only one standing safely.

He smiled subconsciously, as if he was talking to himself: "A real strong person turns a disadvantage into an advantage, and turns a disadvantage into an advantage..."

Both Nicolai and Monty stared at him unkindly.

Thales fell silent.

He shrugged, walked slowly to Nicolai's mount, and took out the luggage on the saddle one by one.

Food, water, wallets...

Transfer them to your own mount.

The face of the meteorite changed: "Hey, you..."

"Hush——" Thales raised his index finger to his lips, interrupted him dissatisfiedly, and stuffed the last piece of Nicolai's bread into his saddle bag by the way.

Then, in front of the staring eyes of the other two, the prince listened attentively, followed the sound into a rock crevice, and pulled out another horse—Monty's mount.

"I'm so—" Monty turned pale.

"Hush—" Thales shook his head unhappily, and in front of him, he took out a bag of crossbow bolts and stuffed it into his bag.

"The supplies and belongings for three people should be enough." He said to himself, leaning over in front of the creek to fill three water bags.

The two men on the edge of the rock and on the ground couldn't afford serious injuries, and could only watch Thales doing all this helplessly.

"Damn it, kid, come up if you have the guts." Monty dragged his badly injured thigh with difficulty, and said viciously: "I will definitely take you..."

Thales didn't let him continue, but the boy smiled and shook his head: "Well, let me tell you a story."

Both the Meteorite and the Death Crow showed ferocious expressions towards him.

Obviously didn't want to hear any stories.

But the prince was still complacent, and said leisurely: "One day, two men passed by the barren land, and each dropped something. They were very panicked..."

Thales stepped forward step by step, walked to a corner, and bent down.

"At this time, a prince suddenly appeared. He kindly stretched out his hands to the two of them, and asked: 'Don't panic, come, take a closer look, you lost it...'"

Both Nicolai and Monty's expressions changed.

Thales straightened up, walked up to the three horses, and raised two legendary anti-demon weapons with a smile: "Is it the knife in my left hand, or the crossbow in my right hand?"

Time seemed to stand still.

The two stared at Thales tightly.

The prince himself didn't seem to notice, and happily shook the Rising Sun Saber and the Crossbow of Time in his hands.

After a few seconds.

Nicolai was furious, he stared at Thales and gritted his teeth: "Fuck..."

Monty's eyes were not friendly, and he accepted the words of the meteorite tacitly: "...your mother."

This time it was Thales' turn to change his face.

"'Answer wrong'," Thales put away his smile and frowned. "The prince said angrily: 'You are not honest.'"

Thales shook his head solemnly: "These things..."

He first tied the Rising Sun Saber to his waist, and then hung the time crossbow on the saddle, showing a bright smile: "...Obviously it's all mine."

Staring at their expressions, Thales happily untied the reins, stepped on the stirrups, and stepped on his mount—the horses did not resist his riding, as if since the silver shadow man at the bottom of the mountain gave him that blessing, Horses rarely repel themselves.

Thales snorted, looked at the sky, and smiled in relief.

"You know," Thales exhaled and touched the crossbow quiver on the saddle: "I can raise the crossbow now and shoot you all to death here."

"Hmph," Nicolai said coldly, "Try it."

Monty was silent, concentrating on his leg injury.

Thales rode on the horse, looked at the two seriously injured men in front of him, and suddenly smiled.

"No," the prince shook his head:

"Do you know what's the difference between me and you?"

Meteorite and Death's Crow paused lightly.

Thales looked at the meteorite.

"Nikolai, six years ago, I was indeed the one who brought about the disaster in Dragon Clouds City and brought you a blatant humiliation, but it was also I who led you to counterattack and drove Luba out of Dragon Clouds City."

Nicolai snorted coldly.

"Our grievances are indeed a bit entangled," Thales said with emotion when talking about the past, "but it doesn't matter, during my six years in the Palace of Heroes, we should settle all grievances."

"So, we owe each other nothing from now on."

Nicolai looked at him coldly: "It's a good idea."

Thales chuckled.

But he immediately turned serious, and stretched out his hand to draw out the Rising Sun Saber: "But this knife..."

Thales silently looked at the golden saber.

Nicolai's expression tightened.

The next moment, Thales raised his hand abruptly, and the Rising Sun Saber was thrown far away!

Nicolai and Monty were surprised!

"Clang!" The saber landed at Nikolai's feet.

The Meteor stared blankly at the saber under his feet, but didn't react for a while.

"What are you doing?" Nicolai raised his head and asked through gritted teeth, "Pretending to be generous?"

"No, I'm not that noble, and the bones in my body that were broken by you are still hurting," Thales sighed, with a straight face: "But, this is the proof of the uncontested battle between you and Tuleha, and it is also true. You guard the weapon of Dragon Clouds City."

He said solemnly: "Your real enemy is not me, especially after I leave-instead of wasting time and energy on me, you should think more about how to get back the knife that belongs to you."

"So, protect her well," Thales smiled faintly, "Even for Dragon Clouds City."

Nicolai's expression froze.

The prince turned to the Deathcrow.

"Monty, we haven't known each other for long." Thales looked at the other party struggling to break off the crossbow with some amusement: "I have to say, no matter what the original intention was, it was thanks to your skilled scouting skills that you saved me from Dragon Clouds City. Follow them and escort them out."

Monty frowned.

Thales sighed: "But you just shot me a few more throwing knives..."

"Then..." the prince patted the arm crossbow on the saddle, showing a smirk:

"I will not return this crossbow to you."

Monty's face changed, and he gritted his teeth angrily and cursed: "Go to hell."

"Hahaha—" Thales laughed heartily.

Nikolai looked at all this, slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

A few seconds later, Thales slowly stopped laughing.

"You said you lived in the dark, in order to survive, no matter who your loyalty belongs to... But you reminded me of a person," he thought, with deep eyes: "A damn Comussian."

Deathcrow gritted his teeth: "Fuck you."

"Believe me, Rumba is not a good employer, he is too cruel to himself," Thales pointed to the east, and his eyes turned: "So someday in the future, when you are desperate again..."

"You might as well come and find me."

"Maybe I'll give you a good price."

Monty's eyes moved.

Thales stared at him seriously: "Remember, this is me, and it is Thales Canxing's promise."

Monty didn't speak.

"So, two," the prince shrugged, baring his front teeth to the two:

"Leave it alone."

After the words fell, Thales swung the reins and lashed at the other two mounts, driving them away.


Thales' arm paused slightly.

I saw Monty panting and raised his head: "The desert is very dangerous, hot, lack of water, wind and sand, getting lost, enemies, any of them may kill you."

Thales frowned slightly.

"Only I know, only I know how to contact the responders of the secret department in the desert," the Death Crow gritted his teeth and tremblingly said: "You might as well tie me up and take me with you, anyway, I'm already injured like this —at least don't leave me here."

Listening to his words, Thales pondered for a while.

He turned his head and looked to the south, only endless barren rocks on the horizon.

"If you ask me," Nikolai said coldly, "you will surely die if you enter the desert alone."

"But take him?"

The meteorite sarcastically said, "You will die sooner."

Monty glared at him.

"You just said that you will give me a good price?" The Death Crow stared at him fixedly: "Then start from now, how about it?"

Thales sighed.

"Well, your words make me hesitate."

Monty's eyes lit up.

But Thales smiled again.

"But I've been told there's a good way to overcome hesitation."

Monty's face froze.

"That is……"

Thales waved his hand happily: "Don't give yourself a chance to hesitate."

The next moment, Thales looked solemn, and the rein lashed the mount fiercely!

"Knock, click, click..."

With the sound of horseshoes, Prince Xingchen raised his hooves towards the endless horizon.

Leave Exeter's borders completely.

to his freedom.

Only the two were left stunned, looking at each other.

It seems like a long, long time.

Monty took a deep breath, dragged his injured thigh, and looked at Nicolai solemnly.

"Damn it," Monty frowned, looking at the sun saber at the opponent's feet, "So, we let a half-grown child play tricks?"

The Meteor also looked back at him coldly.

"He's not a half-grown child," Nicole said coldly:

"The Earl of Lisbane said that one day, he will become Exeter's most terrible enemy."

Monty paused briefly, thoughtfully.

The next moment, Nikolai endured the severe pain in his shoulder, exerted force with his feet, kicked the Rising Sun Saber into the air, and grabbed it in his right hand!

Seeing the opponent's movements, the Death Crow snorted in pain, and fell limply on the rock behind him.

The Meteor took a deep breath, swiped the golden saber with precision, sliced ​​through the crossbow arrows with the scorching blade, and freed himself from the rock.

Nicolai gritted his teeth and staggered forward.

"Speak, old friend," his right hand holding the knife trembled slightly, pointing to Monty on the ground, his eyes filled with complex emotions:

"You want to barbecue..."

"Still raw?"

The Death Crow stared at him with embarrassment: "You can't—"

"No!" Nicolai walked up to him and interrupted him coldly.

Monty sighed and closed his eyes resignedly.

Nikolai slowly raised the knife.

at this moment.


The wind is coming!

A figure suddenly appeared behind the meteorite!

Nikolai's face changed, and he immediately turned around and swung the knife.


Nikolai was startled: his blade cut empty.

There was no one behind him.

The figure disappeared.


But before the meteorite could react, that figure appeared beside him again!


The Meteor's arm meets the Sneaker's fist.

The sneak attacker was not fast, but the precision and angle of his shots were far beyond Nicolai's imagination, especially the opponent's next punch——


The attacker hit the wound on Nicolai's left arm hard!

"Uh——" Nicolai gritted his teeth and grunted, his movements froze, and then he was punched by the enemy again, wounded by an arrow on his right chest!


The Meteor's arm trembled, he dropped his saber, and knelt down on one knee.

But Nikolai had no energy to take care of his knife: he gasped for breath, and recognized the enemy in front of him with horror and anger.

He remembered his skill, his figure, his—

Nikolai suddenly raised his head!


At this moment, the meteorite loses his composure like never before, with a ferocious face, heart-piercing: "You!"

But in the face of such turbulent hatred, the other party did not respond very much, but slowly shook his head:

"You eat... with your right hand, right?"

The voice is hoarse and low-pitched, as if talking to himself.

Nicolai was slightly startled.

He stared at the person who came, the resentment and hatred in his eyes almost flooded the whole world.

He roared angrily, as if trying to break his throat: "It's you—"

But just the next moment, the enemy's hand knife hit his side jaw heavily!


Nikolai's angry and unwilling shouting stopped abruptly.

Under the heavy blow, the famous Meteorite collapsed to the ground.

He lost consciousness.

Under the slanting sun, the sneak attacker who knocked down Nikolai with one move slowly turned around and faced the Death Raven.

But at this moment, Monty stared blankly at the person coming, as if he had forgotten the pain.


As if struck by lightning, the Death Crow stared blankly at the uninvited guest.

After a few seconds, Monty sighed and closed his eyes:

"It is you."

"When did you come?"

The visitor was silent, did not answer, and ignored the dying Crow.

He just raised his head slowly and looked south.

"Rule number one." The attacker said slowly.

Monty suddenly opened his eyes!


The Deathcrow looked at him in surprise: "So, you have been following us since then?"

"And all the way... I didn't notice it?" He looked at the person in surprise.

The attacker didn't speak.

As if he shouldn't have spoken.

"I see," finally, Monty sighed and shook his head as if relieved:

"How come Jitou and his Grand Duke's personal guard are chasing so closely, and they can't even shake him off... So it was you who attracted him."

"You don't have the confidence to deal with me alone," the Death Crow said dejectedly:

"So you deliberately didn't make a move, but secretly attracted him, and we will both lose."

Monty laughed seemingly mockingly, bowed his head lonely, and stopped talking.

The attacker remained silent.

After a few seconds, the uninvited guest spoke slowly, repeating the first sentence:

"Rule number one?"

This time, there were some strange ups and downs in his voice.

Monty frowned: "What..."

In the next second, the attacker made a sudden move!


He slapped Monty hard in the neck.

The Death Crow didn't even have time to finish his sentence, so he fell to the ground and passed out.

The sneak attacker who had just easily dealt with the second of the "Five Warriors" didn't even look at Nicolai and Monty who were lying on the ground. He turned around slowly and turned to the south.

Look to the end of the field of vision.

The breeze blew, and his figure disappeared into the air.

Have you ever heard of a metaphysics? It is said that the number of monthly tickets will directly affect Thales' experience in the desert. by Wujian with a mysterious face

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