Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 107 Welcome to the Star Kingdom (Part 2)

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\u003eFantasy Fantasy

\u003eKingdom Blood

\u003eChapter 380 Welcome to the Kingdom of the Stars (Part 2) Contents Set Bookmark Comments Chapter 380 Welcome to the Kingdom of the Stars (Part 2)

Novel: Bloodline of the Kingdom Author: Sword of Masterless Words: 11202

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Duro stared at Tomdin: "Do you know that this will aggravate your crime?"

"Collaborating with enemies, espionage, and bribery!"


Tomdin turned pale and was completely bewildered.

Thales, who was puzzled, looked at Douro's face, and suddenly remembered a long time ago, when he was begging in the lower city. 35xs

The police officers and the public security team are generally too lazy to patrol the dirty and messy downtown, but Thales has a lot of experience of begging at the west gate.

There, where there are green skins everywhere, a set of rules that are completely different from those in the underground street are enforced.

When facing the people in the underworld, you can just hand out the coins, but when facing the slippery and nimble green skins at the foot of the capital...

Looking at the terrified Tomdin and the other people who didn't know why, Thales couldn't help but sighed.

The boy takes a step forward.

"We understand, my lord," Thales squeezed out a smile and attracted everyone's attention: "But please believe me, we are all legitimate businessmen, and we left the Blade Camp before the blockade order was issued. What they carry are daily commodities that comply with the regulations.”

The captain of the supernatural person's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Unfortunately, our caravan encountered orcs on the way. All our goods were looted, and we lost a lot of manpower. There were only fifteen camels left, and we escaped after a narrow escape." Thales shook his head in a slump. road.

Hearing these words, the faces of the prisoners changed, while Captain Douro's expression darkened.

"I'm sorry to hear this," he sighed sadly: "It should be our duty and responsibility to guarantee your lives and interests in the desert, but we are busy besieging orcs and leaving you in dust Thief's hand, this is our dereliction of duty."

Thales keenly noticed that Douluo's western accent disappeared a lot in an instant.

"Heavenly Fiend Sand Bandit..."

Du Luo frowned slightly, motioning for him to continue talking.

Thales understood immediately.


He quickly corrected: "We were robbed by a group of sand thieves, and all the goods disappeared afterwards, but we were lucky. After we escaped, we ran into Lord Douluo within a few days after you led the army to encircle the desert orcs. That scene was really shocking!"

Du Luo's complexion slowly eased down.

The captives looked at each other strangely.

"It was you, Captain Douro, the glorious Stardust Guards, who saved us on the turbulent battlefield," Thales looked at him gratefully: "You also gave us enough help when we were desperate and resource-poor. We, who lost everything, were able to return home."

Thales puts a lot of emphasis on "losing everything."

Douro sighed slightly.

"Oh, no, young man," the team leader patted him on the shoulder with a humble face, and said in a kind and gentle tone, "it's nothing to lose the goods, as long as you live well... Besides, don't you still have 'ten' camels left? ?”

Du Luo emphasized the "ten heads".

Tomdin covered his face in pain.

"As for gratitude... this is what we should do. The reason why the army exists is to protect the people, whether it is your property or your life."

Thales' face froze.

But he forced some tears in time, turning this embarrassing stiffness into emotional choking: "Yes, at least we still have 'ten' camels left. As for your kindness, Captain, we... We are grateful ..."

Behind Douro,

The female knight nicknamed "Spiritual Blade" was about to pop out of her eyes.

Thales continued to choke with sobs: "This is the only consolation we have after losing the goods. It's just that Master Tomdin offered to pay you a thank you money, but you just refused to agree, which makes us very sorry."

In the freak team, the snake hand burst out laughing.

Douro glared at him.

The snake hand immediately stood up obediently.

Only then did Duo turn around in satisfaction, and coughed: "I understand everyone's wishes, but we have principles, and I'm sorry I really can't accept it."

Kuaisheng rolled his eyes in an invisible corner.

The freak boss looked at Thales with relief: "Very well, it seems that you really understand the truth, young man."

"May I have your name?"

Thales' face froze: "Sekka."

Hearing the name, Dean raised his eyebrows.

Du Luo pulled him into his arms and laughed loudly: "Very good, Saika!"

"Tang Di, if I were you, when this young and promising young man grows up, I will promote him to deputy!"

His Western Wilderness accent is back.

Tomdin squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"With people like you, and good people like you who support the kingdom and the army," Douro shook Thales with a stiff smile: "How can our soldiers not be brave and good at fighting? Don’t move forward? It is the lovely people of the stars like you who we risk our lives to protect!”

"Seeing that the status quo of Star Kingdom is so prosperous," Thales sighed, and said sincerely: "I am also very excited."

The supernatural person nodded: "So, do you know how to tell other people in the camp when you go back?"

Thales sighed: "Of course, we, who were in danger in the desert and lost our goods, were fortunate to meet Lord Douro of the Stardust Guard, and he is a very good person, dedicated to his duties, kind and kind."

Du Luo nodded slightly.

"You know, I am a peace-loving person." Douro's face turned cold instantly, his eyes were like knives, and he scanned every prisoner: "But if you meet those collaborators and smuggling spies who intend to destroy the peace, please be sure to let us know , believe me, even if we travel all over the desert, we will catch them all and create a safe and prosperous business route for you!"

The captives felt a chill in their hearts, and quickly nodded like pounding garlic.

"Great," Douluo said with satisfaction, "In this way, you can return home safely, and we have also fulfilled our bounden duty of defending our country."

"I'm really relieved. The soldiers on the front line and the civilians in the rear understand each other. The Yushui family... How can the Star Kingdom not be strong, how can it not rise, how can it not be revived?"

Thales only felt that his smile was a little sour.

"Tang Di, if I were you, I would definitely marry my daughter to him. Really, if I had a daughter..." Du Luo finally patted him on the shoulder, glanced at the goods around, and said with emotion: "Believe it!" Me, this dowry is sure to make money!"

Thales smiled stiffly.

Finally, Douro waved his hand.

"Okay, please collect the necessary luggage and remember, it is necessary, such as ten camels and go back to the Saber camp."

"Be careful on the road, but don't worry, in the desert," Douro clenched his fists and shook his thick arms with a smile: "We will always be your most solid backing!"

Tomdin, who had lost everything in an instant, responded with an ugly smile from Duro.

The merchants and mercenaries looked livid, looking away from their solid backing.

Thales sighed secretly, but finally said nothing. flash dance novel network

at this moment.


Baron Guz, who had been silent all this time, spoke with anger in his tone: "I'm really fed up."

Duro looked at the one-winged crow flag behind Baron Guz, and frowned: "What?"

"I'm a nobleman," Guz said coldly, putting down his arms, "I'm sorry, Captain Douro, but I can't just sit and watch you steal what belongs to them."

The captives were immediately amazed.

"you mean?"

Guz walked up to Douro and looked straight at him: "You, return the goods to them."

"We came out with a mission to sweep the desert, not to make money."

The supernatural being boss was stunned.

The prisoners also froze.

It took Duro a few seconds to figure out the current situation.

"I thought we had a great time working together, Guz," Duro scratched the back of his head, "Listen..."

"No one likes to cooperate with you," Guz said coldly: "Freak."

The faces of the others sank.

Douro sighed.

"I know, and I understand, no one wants to suffer in this wasteland this season, chasing and driving away those poor and white scum, and the rewards are pitifully small," said the freak who belonged to the Stardust Guard The captain looked solemnly at the baron on the opposite side: "So please, don't get in the way of me, I just want to get some compensation."

Baron Guz shook his head, his eyes were cold.

"My people didn't complain about that."

Following his words, the soldiers of the Chromar family tensed up and surrounded the baron.

The freak boss fell silent.

But he did not show weakness, but took a step forward with his waist thrust forward, and his right hand just landed on the hilt of his sword.

The thick left arm trembled.

The members of the Stardust Guard, including the freak squad, also took a step forward with uneasy expressions.

The atmosphere of the scene became tense.

Thales watched this scene in surprise.

Logically speaking, both of them were ordered to come to clean up the desert and welcome themselves...

But at present, it seems that it may not be a good idea to let the two parties cooperate.

Among the prisoners, Old Hammer's face was ugly: "Damn it."

"We're caught in the middle again."

At this moment, Tomdin raised his hand tremblingly.

"Your Excellency the Baron, in fact, you don't have to do it for us..."

But Baron Guz didn't buy it.

"Shut up."

Guz rebuffed: "It's not for you, businessman."

"It's for justice and fairness."

He stared coldly at the gloomy Douluo: "For us to protect the creed for thousands of years."

Du Luo seemed to have heard the funniest thing in the world.

"Are you sick? Are you still playing this game in this age?" Du Luo opened his mouth and exchanged glances with the subordinates behind him.

But Guz still stared at him indifferently.

Douro's breathing became short of breath.

"All right."

"Thirty percent," Douluo looked at the pile of goods in the distance, gritted his teeth, "You can take thirty percent of this batch of goods."

Guz chuckled.

"Why," the baron said with a sneer, "you still want to buy me? Buy the Earl of Wingburg's Baron Emory, Van Klein Guz?"

"Forty percent," Douluo clenched his fists, "it can't be any more. This batch of goods is not a small amount, and you are just a baron."

Guz shook his head.

"You so-called standing army of the royal family are obviously part of the army, but you just don't understand, right?"

"About what we fight for, what is duty and honor."

This made the atmosphere even more tense.

Du Luo took a deep breath: "Listen, I know, we let that orc run away today, and you are very upset that you have lost military achievements, but listen, don't cause trouble, so many big shots are watching."

"Trouble? The real troublemakers are people like you," Guz said without flinching. "Count Cromar often tells me that."

"I repeat, return the goods to them."

Duro stomped his feet violently.

"Half to half!" He pointed at his feet angrily: "This is my bottom line!"

Guz chuckled.

"My God, it's unbelievable that you still want to use money to eliminate disasters and make peace."

Baron Guz said with emotion: "The king's power is too great. Under the wings he can't see, maggots like you will always breed and erode the foundation of the entire kingdom."

"This is the meaning of our existence: nobles must check and balance the royal power, starting with the domineering army under his hands."

Thales watched them go back and forth, but they didn't have much nutrition, and they didn't have much in common in the conversation, and felt a little weird.

Guz... Could this vassal of the Chromar family be an idealist?

It's just that in the current situation, the conflict broke out between them, which is not optimistic for the captives?

Duro fell silent.

"You can really get involved, Your Excellency the Baron."

"But you don't want to fight us here because of this matter," the captain pointed to the sky, and whispered: "The people above, whether it's the baron or the earl, or even...they won't be happy of."

"You're right," Guz replied coldly, and put his hand on the hilt of his sword by the way: "I think so too."

"So you want to make them happy?"


Du Luo's face changed.

Both groups put their hands on their weapons and looked at each other murderously.

"Sixty percent," Douluo stared fiercely at the opponent, the weapon in his hand had been unsheathed an inch: "If you can't accept it, then let's fight."

Guz silently looked at his opponent.

A second later, the Baron smiled.

"make a deal."

Guz said proudly.

His hand left the hilt.


All the captives were taken aback!

make a deal?

The captives who had just been surprised to see the baron reject the other party's bribes again and again with great understanding and righteousness, and were worried that Guz's impulsiveness would implicate them were suddenly dumbfounded and speechless.

Even Thales was surprised for a moment.

Du Luo spat heavily on the ground.

"Bah, greedy enough."

But Guz just turned around indifferently, stepped on the saddle and said, "Remember, 60%, my flag officer will confirm with you."

"I'll be waiting for you ahead... Happy cooperation, Captain Douro."

The next moment, the baron and his subordinates galloped away in unison.

"These moths!"

Douro looked at the baron's back with contempt: "Nobles? They are simply vampires lying on the kingdom."

"The stars are destroyed by you."

The prisoners looked at each other, speechless.

"Don't stand here and get in the way, disappear quickly, and don't cause trouble," Douluo who was in a bad mood waved to them impatiently: "We are the army of the kingdom, we have to protect you, we are very busy!"

The captives turned stiffly and walked away.

Thales looked at the departing baron, and then at the sulking Douro.

A few seconds later, he let out a long sigh, stopped the steps he was going to take, held back the words he was going to say, and turned around with the others.


Thales shook his head silently.


It was getting darker.

In the cold wind, everyone in the caravan walked to their respective camps with complicated emotions, and packed up the remaining luggage and remains.

The Stardust Guard kept a strict eye on them, preventing them from taking too much "already lost" cargo.

But Dante's great swords were gloomy.

"to be honest……"

In the mercenary team, Luisa closed her eyes for Pangjia's body expressionlessly, and said hoarsely: "I don't think Tom has paid us, at least not in full. He has a good reason to shirk, even In turn accuse us."

"Pangjia, Kanze, much damage in battle, everyone's compensation..."

Louisa could say no more.

Dante's swords fell silent.

The atmosphere became very oppressive.

Dean sighed, took Kanze's big sword out of his hand, and pushed the big man into the dug bunker: "I'll figure out a way Now, let's collect all our things first, and pack them a little Skill, don't let them stop you."

McKee punched the sand hard.

"What was that just now?"

The skeleton man glanced at the cavalry raiding in the distance, and couldn't hide his anger: "The group..."

Dean shook his head and said nothing.

Thales, on the other hand, sighed.


He spoke hoarsely, rather listlessly: "Welcome to the Kingdom of Stars."

Helping the sullen Quick Rope, the prince scooped up the sand together to bury the shapeless body of the mercenary Harken.

Novel recommendation: Gourmet Adventure The president is the overlord of Lengwen [Quick time travel] The emperor's rescue plan strategy master's manual [Sword 3] Desperate star Gu dog planing Jianghu training Qi Xian Zun Jintang Spring slow heaven knows Nine directions legend EXO wounded city military marriage Sultry: The major general’s charming wife is too hot. Hello, Mr. Mo was reborn in the 1970s. A military wife in the 100s. Trial marriage for 100 days: Young master Ye, addicted to pampering. The city’s happy doctor 99 divorces: Young master Li, please be a low-key female president, a god-level expert farmer. Little widow: Bringing steamed buns to farm and cheating on marriage CEO: He only spoils his little wife and is a chef in another world

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Kingdom Bloodline - Chapter 380 Welcome to the Kingdom of Stars (Part 2) - WuxiaWorld

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Duro stared at Tomdin: "Do you know that this will aggravate your crime?"

"Collaborating with enemies, espionage, and bribery!"


Tomdin turned pale and was completely bewildered.

Thales, who was puzzled, looked at Douro's face, and suddenly remembered a long time ago, when he was begging in the lower city. 35xs

The police officers and the public security team are generally too lazy to patrol the dirty and messy downtown, but Thales has a lot of experience of begging at the west gate.

There, where there are green skins everywhere, a set of rules that are completely different from those in the underground street are enforced.

When facing the people in the underworld, you can just hand out the coins, but when facing the slippery and nimble green skins at the foot of the capital...

Looking at the terrified Tomdin and the other people who didn't know why, Thales couldn't help but sighed.

The boy takes a step forward.

"We understand, my lord," Thales squeezed out a smile and attracted everyone's attention: "But please believe me, we are all legitimate businessmen, and we left the Blade Camp before the blockade order was issued. What they carry are daily commodities that comply with the regulations.”

The captain of the supernatural person's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Unfortunately, our caravan encountered orcs on the way. All our goods were looted, and we lost a lot of manpower. There were only fifteen camels left, and we escaped after a narrow escape." Thales shook his head in a slump. road.

Hearing these words, the faces of the prisoners changed, while Captain Douro's expression darkened.

"I'm sorry to hear this," he sighed sadly: "It should be our duty and responsibility to guarantee your lives and interests in the desert, but we are busy besieging orcs and leaving you in dust Thief's hand, this is our dereliction of duty."

Thales keenly noticed that Douluo's western accent disappeared a lot in an instant.

"Heavenly Fiend Sand Bandit..."

Du Luo frowned slightly, motioning for him to continue talking.

Thales understood immediately.


He quickly corrected: "We were robbed by a group of sand thieves, and all the goods disappeared afterwards, but we were lucky. After we escaped, we ran into Lord Douluo within a few days after you led the army to encircle the desert orcs. That scene was really shocking!"

Du Luo's complexion slowly eased down.

The captives looked at each other strangely.

"It was you, Captain Douro, the glorious Stardust Guards, who saved us on the turbulent battlefield," Thales looked at him gratefully: "You also gave us enough help when we were desperate and resource-poor. We, who lost everything, were able to return home."

Thales puts a lot of emphasis on "losing everything."

Douro sighed slightly.

"Oh, no, young man," the team leader patted him on the shoulder with a humble face, and said in a kind and gentle tone, "it's nothing to lose the goods, as long as you live well... Besides, don't you still have 'ten' camels left? ?”

Du Luo emphasized the "ten heads".

Tomdin covered his face in pain.

"As for gratitude... this is what we should do. The reason why the army exists is to protect the people, whether it is your property or your life."

Thales' face froze.

But he forced some tears in time, turning this embarrassing stiffness into emotional choking: "Yes, at least we still have 'ten' camels left. As for your kindness, Captain, we... We are grateful ..."

Behind Du Luo, the female knight nicknamed "Spiritual Blade" was about to pop out her eyes.

Thales continued to choke with sobs: "This is the only consolation we have after losing the goods. It's just that Master Tomdin offered to pay you a thank you money, but you just refused to agree, which makes us very sorry."

In the freak team, the snake hand burst out laughing.

Douro glared at him.

The snake hand immediately stood up obediently.

Only then did Duo turn around in satisfaction, and coughed: "I understand everyone's wishes, but we have principles, and I'm sorry I really can't accept it."

Kuaisheng rolled his eyes in an invisible corner.

The freak boss looked at Thales with relief: "Very well, it seems that you really understand the truth, young man."

"May I have your name?"

Thales' face froze: "Sekka."

Hearing the name, Dean raised his eyebrows.

Du Luo pulled him into his arms and laughed loudly: "Very good, Saika!"

"Tang Di, if I were you, when this young and promising young man grows up, I will promote him to deputy!"

His Western Wilderness accent is back.

Tomdin squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"With people like you, and good people like you who support the kingdom and the army," Douro shook Thales with a stiff smile: "How can our soldiers not be brave and good at fighting? Don’t move forward? It is the lovely people of the stars like you who we risk our lives to protect!”

"Seeing that the status quo of Star Kingdom is so prosperous," Thales sighed, and said sincerely: "I am also very excited."

The supernatural person nodded: "So, do you know how to tell other people in the camp when you go back?"

Thales sighed: "Of course, we, who were in danger in the desert and lost our goods, were fortunate to meet Lord Douro of the Stardust Guard, and he is a very good person, dedicated to his duties, kind and kind."

Du Luo nodded slightly.

"You know, I am a peace-loving person." Douro's face turned cold instantly, his eyes were like knives, and he scanned every prisoner: "But if you meet those collaborators and smuggling spies who intend to destroy the peace, please be sure to let us know , believe me, even if we travel all over the desert, we will catch them all and create a safe and prosperous business route for you!"

The captives felt a chill in their hearts, and quickly nodded like pounding garlic.

"Great," Douluo said with satisfaction, "In this way, you can return home safely, and we have also fulfilled our bounden duty of defending our country."

"I'm really relieved. The soldiers on the front line and the civilians in the rear understand each other. The Yushui family... How can the Star Kingdom not be strong, how can it not rise, how can it not be revived?"

Thales only felt that his smile was a little sour.

"Tang Di, if I were you, I would definitely marry my daughter to him. Really, if I had a daughter..." Du Luo finally patted him on the shoulder, glanced at the goods around, and said with emotion: "Believe it!" Me, this dowry is sure to make money!"

Thales smiled stiffly.

Finally, Douro waved his hand.

"Okay, please collect the necessary luggage and remember, it is necessary, such as ten camels and go back to the Saber camp."

"Be careful on the road, but don't worry, in the desert," Douro clenched his fists and shook his thick arms with a smile: "We will always be your most solid backing!"

Tomdin, who had lost everything in an instant, responded with an ugly smile from Duro.

The merchants and mercenaries looked livid, looking away from their solid backing.

Thales sighed secretly, but finally said nothing. flash dance novel network

at this moment.


Baron Guz, who had been silent all this time, spoke with anger in his tone: "I'm really fed up."

Duro looked at the one-winged crow flag behind Baron Guz, and frowned: "What?"

"I'm a nobleman," Guz said coldly, putting down his arms, "I'm sorry, Captain Douro, but I can't just sit and watch you steal what belongs to them."

The captives were immediately amazed.

"you mean?"

Guz walked up to Douro and looked straight at him: "You, return the goods to them."

"We came out with a mission to sweep the desert, not to make money."

The supernatural being boss was stunned.

The prisoners also froze.

It took Duro a few seconds to figure out the current situation.

"I thought we had a great time working together, Guz," Duro scratched the back of his head, "Listen..."

"No one likes to cooperate with you," Guz said coldly: "Freak."

The faces of the others sank.

Douro sighed.

"I know, and I understand, no one wants to suffer in this wasteland this season, chasing and driving away those poor and white scum, and the rewards are pitifully small," said the freak who belonged to the Stardust Guard The captain looked solemnly at the baron on the opposite side: "So please, don't get in the way of me, I just want to get some compensation."

Baron Guz shook his head, his eyes were cold.

"My people didn't complain about that."

Following his words, the soldiers of the Chromar family tensed up and surrounded the baron.

The freak boss fell silent.

But he did not show weakness, but took a step forward with his waist thrust forward, and his right hand just landed on the hilt of his sword.

The thick left arm trembled.

The members of the Stardust Guard, including the freak squad, also took a step forward with uneasy expressions.

The atmosphere of the scene became tense.

Thales watched this scene in surprise.

Logically speaking, both of them were ordered to come to clean up the desert and welcome themselves...

But at present, it seems that it may not be a good idea to let the two parties cooperate.

Among the prisoners, Old Hammer's face was ugly: "Damn it."

"We're caught in the middle again."

At this moment, Tomdin raised his hand tremblingly.

"Your Excellency the Baron, in fact, you don't have to do it for us..."

But Baron Guz didn't buy it.

"Shut up."

Guz rebuffed: "It's not for you, businessman."

"It's for justice and fairness."

He stared coldly at the gloomy Douluo: "For us to protect the creed for thousands of years."

Du Luo seemed to have heard the funniest thing in the world.

"Are you sick? Are you still playing this game in this age?" Du Luo opened his mouth and exchanged glances with the subordinates behind him.

But Guz still stared at him indifferently.

Douro's breathing became short of breath.

"All right."

"Thirty percent," Douluo looked at the pile of goods in the distance, gritted his teeth, "You can take thirty percent of this batch of goods."

Guz chuckled.

"Why," the baron said with a sneer, "you still want to buy me? Buy the Earl of Wingburg's Baron Emory, Van Klein Guz?"

"Forty percent," Douluo clenched his fists, "it can't be any more. This batch of goods is not a small amount, and you are just a baron."

Guz shook his head.

"You so-called standing army of the royal family are obviously part of the army, but you just don't understand, right?"

"About what we fight for, what is duty and honor."

This made the atmosphere even more tense.

Du Luo took a deep breath: "Listen, I know, we let that orc run away today, and you are very upset that you have lost military achievements, but listen, don't cause trouble, so many big shots are watching."

"Trouble? The real troublemakers are people like you," Guz said without flinching. "Count Cromar often tells me that."

"I repeat, return the goods to them."

Duro stomped his feet violently.

"Half to half!" He pointed at his feet angrily: "This is my bottom line!"

Guz chuckled.

"My God, it's unbelievable that you still want to use money to eliminate disasters and make peace."

Baron Guz said with emotion: "The king's power is too great. Under the wings he can't see, maggots like you will always breed and erode the foundation of the entire kingdom."

"This is the meaning of our existence: nobles must check and balance the royal power, starting with the domineering army under his hands."

Thales watched them go back and forth, but they didn't have much nutrition, and they didn't have much in common in the conversation, and felt a little weird.

Guz... Could this vassal of the Chromar family be an idealist?

It's just that in the current situation, the conflict broke out between them, which is not optimistic for the captives?

Duro fell silent.

"You can really get involved, Your Excellency the Baron."

"But you don't want to fight us here because of this matter," the captain pointed to the sky, and whispered: "The people above, whether it's the baron or the earl, or even...they won't be happy of."

"You're right," Guz replied coldly, and put his hand on the hilt of his sword by the way: "I think so too."

"So you want to make them happy?"


Du Luo's face changed.

Both groups put their hands on their weapons and looked at each other murderously.

"Sixty percent," Douluo stared fiercely at the opponent, the weapon in his hand had been unsheathed an inch: "If you can't accept it, then let's fight."

Guz silently looked at his opponent.

A second later, the Baron smiled.

"make a deal."

Guz said proudly.

His hand left the hilt.


All the captives were taken aback!

make a deal?

The captives who had just been surprised to see the baron reject the other party's bribes again and again with great understanding and righteousness, and were worried that Guz's impulsiveness would implicate them were suddenly dumbfounded and speechless.

Even Thales was surprised for a moment.

Du Luo spat heavily on the ground.

"Bah, greedy enough."

But Guz just turned around indifferently, stepped on the saddle and said, "Remember, 60%, my flag officer will confirm with you."

"I'll be waiting for you ahead... Happy cooperation, Captain Douro."

The next moment, the baron and his subordinates galloped away in unison.

"These moths!"

Douro looked at the baron's back with contempt: "Nobles? They are simply vampires lying on the kingdom."

"The stars are destroyed by you."

The prisoners looked at each other, speechless.

"Don't stand here and get in the way, disappear quickly, and don't cause trouble," Douluo who was in a bad mood waved to them impatiently: "We are the army of the kingdom, we have to protect you, we are very busy!"

The captives turned stiffly and walked away.

Thales looked at the departing baron, and then at the sulking Douro.

A few seconds later, he let out a long sigh, stopped the steps he was going to take, held back the words he was going to say, and turned around with the others.


Thales shook his head silently.


It was getting darker.

In the cold wind, everyone in the caravan walked to their respective camps with complicated emotions, and packed up the remaining luggage and remains.

The Stardust Guard kept a strict eye on them, preventing them from taking too much "already lost" cargo.

But Dante's great swords were gloomy.

"to be honest……"

In the mercenary team, Luisa closed her eyes for Pangjia's body expressionlessly, and said hoarsely: "I don't think Tom has paid us, at least not in full. He has a good reason to shirk, even In turn accuse us."

"Pangjia, Kanze, much damage in battle, everyone's compensation..."

Louisa could say no more.

Dante's swords fell silent.

The atmosphere became very oppressive.

Dean sighed, took Kanze's big sword out of his hand, and pushed the big man into the dug bunker: "I'll figure out a way Now, let's collect all our things first, and pack them a little Skill, don't let them stop you."

McKee punched the sand hard.

"What was that just now?"

The skeleton man glanced at the cavalry raiding in the distance, and couldn't hide his anger: "The group..."

Dean shook his head and said nothing.

Thales, on the other hand, sighed.


He spoke hoarsely, rather listlessly: "Welcome to the Kingdom of Stars."

Helping the sullen Quick Rope, the prince scooped up the sand together to bury the shapeless body of the mercenary Harken.

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