Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 139: The Man Forgotten by History

In the dark hall, Samuel listened blankly to Barney's words. His eyes swept over every bone in the prison, but there was only emptiness and confusion in his eyes, like a prodigal son who had been away for many years returning to the place where he had nothing left. Home.

"Seven..." he murmured.

For some reason, Thales felt empty and uncomfortable while listening to their conversation.

In the crowd, Qianzi coughed lightly, walked quickly to Ricky's side, and pointed to the top of his head:

"Above, my people can't control it for too long, and we have to prevent possible accidents..."

Ricky ignored him, but the brat got the attention of the prisoners.

"Samir, those people who came with you, who are they?"

Little Barney approached the fence, put away his sad expression, squinted at the swords of disaster in the distance, and said vigilantly:

"It doesn't look like an official person, no one looks like a nobleman in charge, and no one looks like a soldier in the Saber Camp, but rather... a mercenary?"

Ricky frowned, stretched out his hand and waved the drill back, signaling him to be calm.

Belletti in another cell also became alert: "It doesn't look like the person who escorted you down to capture the fugitive."

Belletti remembered something, and her face was serious:

"How did you get down, Samir."

Samir frowned slightly, hesitating how to answer.

In another cell, Cannon, who had been crouching with his head in his arms, looked at so many people outside the cell, and suddenly trembled, leaning against the wall and groaning in pain.

"They are helpers," Samir finally said, calmly facing the scrutiny of his former colleagues:

"When I was desperate, the only person who was willing to lend a helping hand."

Samir glanced at the Swords of Disaster with a calm expression.

"Just like us, they are also a group of poor people who have their own needs and needs."

Clay snorted softly, and patted Josh beside him.

"It is also a group of people who do not want to be mercilessly forgotten by ruthless history."

Ricky didn't move.

"Fate has brought us together," Samir turned his head and stared at the imprisoned little Barney, his words were slightly profound:

"We were able to resist it."

But obviously, perhaps because he had endured too much torture, his former companions did not respond positively to him.

I saw little Barney raised his chin sideways, squinted his eyes, and looked at Semir with a rather unkind gesture:

"Why are you here, Samir?"

"What identity did you come back with, and how did you get into the Prison of Bones?"

"Exile? Jailbreaker? Rescuer?"

Little Barney was talking, but his eyes shifted to the people behind Semir, and he began to size up the group of uninvited guests.

"I don't see much light, and my eyesight has deteriorated a lot, but I can at least see...a group of vicious men with various weapons, it doesn't look like they came with an invitation."

"As for the few unarmed...they are the ones they kidnapped, right?"

While Samir was speechless for a while, Little Barney spoke lightly, his tone becoming more and more suspicious:

"Also, who is that boy? Why do you put so many people around him, whether it's the people around the hood or the dress, they all subconsciously look at him?"

Little Barney raised his chin suddenly, looked at Thales indifferently, and made the prince's whole body tighten.

Jianzi and Russell who were mentioned by him were slightly taken aback, and had to keep their subordinates away from Thales under Ricky's gaze.

But just when Thales thought of something, his shoulders suddenly felt heavy and his legs felt cold.

"Dare to say something superfluous, kid," Marina said coldly as she pressed his back shoulder, rubbing the blade against Thales's trousers:

"You will be gone below."

Thales only felt a chill hit his upper spinal cord, and he didn't dare to speak again.

"No, it doesn't look like protection." On the other side, Belletti in the cell also stared at Thales, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper:

"I see it,

That young man, he was also kidnapped. "

Ricky's face turned serious: the defeated soldiers of the royal guard exceeded his expectations. They had struggled in captivity for so many years, but when they saw the light again, they saw the key to the situation at a glance.

Semir's face was a bit ugly, he took his eyes away from Thales:

"Little Barney, Belletti, you are indeed a pioneer officer and a punishment officer, and your observation skills are still astonishing."

Little Barney snorted coldly, staring at Thales closely:

"What is he..."


At this moment, Jianzi suddenly interrupted their conversation.

"Dear Crassus, your plan is to help this former royal guard reminisce?"

Ricky frowned slightly.

Qianzi and his two subordinates stepped forward with smiles on their faces, interrupting the conversation of the former royal guards about Thales, while slowly approaching the prince.

"For many reasons, I don't think it's a good idea for your men to spend their lives with these gentlemen," Qianzi winked at Ricky, "Maybe I can escort our identity-sensitive cargo back first..."

Thales looked at the hand extended by the brazener, feeling vigilant in his heart.

Until a hollow long sword stopped in front of Qianzi like lightning.

"Touch him, son," Clay held the dark light sword, stopped the son from getting close to Thales, and said in a bad tone:

"Don't even want that hand of yours."

The brazener's smile froze.

Russell coughed awkwardly and had to come out to smooth things over.

"Gentlemen, I think the suggestion of Jiaozi is: it's time for us to speed up the progress," the man from the North pushed the Zizi back silently, signaling the two assassins beside him to put them away. He took out the weapon and solemnly reminded:

"Accidents can happen at any time, don't forget our situation."

Ricky looked away from them and snorted.


"Semir," the leader of the Sword of Disaster said softly:

"Focus on the task."

Samuel nodded.

"As for you," Ricky said dissatisfiedly, looking at Qianzi, "we need time."

Qianzi raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

But he finally smiled and backed away slowly: "Very good, of course."

"Then I'd better wait for you outside, anyway, I am also very concerned about the situation above, I need to confirm."

Qianzi raised his hands, took two steps back, and then walked out of the hall with his subordinates under the eye-catching sword of disaster.

Russell gave Ricky an apologetic smile:

"They get impatient sometimes."

Unknowingly, the mercenaries surrounding the Shadow Shield let go of their sword hilts and put away their murderous eyes.

On the other side of the hall, the prisoners and Semir watched the little conflict in silence.

Samir took a breath and seemed to be adjusting his emotions.

"Little Barney, I'm so glad to meet..."

But little Barney rolled his eyes.

"Who is that?"

The prisoner in the cell looked at Qianzi's back from a distance: "The man with the hood? He doesn't make me feel very good."

"And that dress," another cell, Nai stared straight at Russell, gritted his teeth:

"The damn Northland accent is definitely not from the Coldhold area, but from further north: from Exeter."

Russell shuddered.

Looking at the two skeptical colleagues, Samir sighed:

"It does not matter……"

But a panicked shout suddenly broke the oppressive atmosphere!


Everyone's nerves tightened, and their first reaction was to hold the weapon, and then they came back to their senses: it was the people in the prison shouting.

"No no no! Little Barney!"

Little Barney frowned and turned his head.

In another cell, Cannon, who reminded the prisoners of the opening of the Iron Curtain, was still crouching on the ground with his head in his arms, but he couldn't stop shaking, twitching, and shouting in pain:

"Little Barney, I can, I can hear, just like what I see in my dreams every day..."

His roommate, Naki, who was lazy before, stepped forward quickly with great experience, hugged Cannon's shoulders, and comforted in a low voice:

"It's okay, Cannon, it's over, it's over, everything's fine, everything's going to be fine, those horrible pasts don't exist, we're fine, that's it..." Nucky said, himself Lost, staring blankly at the ground.

But Cannon was still struggling desperately, his eyes closed, and he yelled frantically:

"Their steps, pressing the soles of their feet, tipping their toes, like cats... Those steps, those voices, those people who only haunt the dark... Like, like those... people! Those people!"

Samir looked at Cannon's attack with a sad expression, while Barney Jr. frowned deeply.

"They're coming, little Barney, they're coming!" Cannon yelled in pain, tossing his messy hair about:

"They're coming to kill them!"

"Like they used to..."

Cannon's cry of pain lasted for nearly a minute, and it wasn't until Naki started humming a little song softly as he had comforted Nai before that Cannon finally calmed down.

Semir exhaled silently, looked at Cannon, whose eyes were wide open, still in shock, and his chest was heaving, and said with regret:

"When did he become like this?"

Little Barney shook his head ironically, but his eyes were full of doubts:

"have no idea."

Samuel was silent for a while.

"Listen, little Barney, you shouldn't be here," Samir gritted his teeth, his gaze firm:

"You are all respectable fighters, tough fighters, fearless warriors, and sharp knives. You shouldn't be silent here, dying in depression..."

Little Barney slowly raised his eyes, making Semilton, who was slightly agitated, pause for a moment.

"Come with me, join us, I can give you back your freedom, maybe there is enough power," but Samir insisted on saying his proposal, and looked at the others expectantly:

"To make up for past mistakes."

"And even change the fucking world."

Semir's tone contains intensity:

"How about it?"

As soon as these words came out, the prisoners were silent for a moment.

Little Barney looked at Semiel indifferently, Tardin and Bree frowned, Nucky was still comforting the trembling Cannon, Belletti and Nye didn't respond.

"Freedom, freedom?"

Tardin shook his head, making him look like a clown in a circus. He raised his hands dramatically, waved in the air, and the corners of his mouth curled into an exaggerated arc, laughing loudly: "Big guy Son, he said, he will set us free!"


He laughed exaggeratedly, even a little fake.

Samir looked at his former colleagues in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

No one answered him, only little Barney shook his head and exhaled slightly.

"You know, Samuel."

"Back then, each of us insisted that we were innocent," Little Barney lowered his head and said in a cautious tone: "We refused to plead guilty, so we were sent here."

Samir's breathing changed slightly.

"Unfair treatment and trial," he nodded, with an expression of resignation: "This is what they imposed on us that day..."

But little Barney looked up suddenly!

"No, listen to me, Samir!"

"We were at fault, we were dereliction of duty, Your Majesty and His Royal Highness, they died under our care... But we did not collaborate, we were not traitors, the Royal Guard did not betray the late king... I have always believed that, at this point, we are innocent."

Little Barney leaned against the fence, almost touching the dangerous magical creation.

But he still stared, looking nervously at Semir outside the cell: "Everyone, including me, firmly believes in this, so we grit our teeth tightly, and will not let go no matter how tortured we are."

"So we are steadfast, carrying accusations and slanders, but still walking into prison with our backs straight, like a tough guy."

"Because what we didn't do is what we didn't do, and innocence is innocence."

Samir looked back at him blankly, puzzled.

Until little Barney's next sentence.

"Until you, Samir," Little Barney's expression suddenly twisted, he stood up abruptly, gritted his teeth bitterly, "until you escaped the escort team and disappeared from our 'firm belief'."

Samir frowned and clenched his fists:

"Little Barney..."

Little Barney suddenly jumped forward and grabbed the fence with both hands!

Everyone, including Samir, was taken aback, and Samir subconsciously took a step back.

"Barney, you..."

"Tell me, Samir," I saw little Barney clutching the fence tightly, his fingers trembling, as if he was enduring great pain, but he still stared at Samir angrily: "Back then, why did you escape?"

"Abandon all your comrades, all brethren?"


With a flash of light on the fence, Little Barney let out a cry of pain, sat back and fell to the ground.

But he didn't care, he just raised his smoking hands and stared at Semir coldly: "Why do you use cowardly actions to deepen our guilt?"

"Certify our charges?"

Seeing Barney's actions in disbelief, Samir turned his head to look at the other prisoners, only to find that they all looked at him with strange expressions.

Strictly charged...

Seeing the countless corpses, Semir closed his eyes in pain.


He hesitated for a while, hesitated to speak, and said in hesitation and hesitation: "I'm sorry."

"You know, little Barney, you know."

Sammy lowered her head tremblingly.

"Eighteen years ago... I could bear all the price for that tragedy, no matter demotion, punishment, torture, exile, or even death."

"But this?"

Semir opened his eyes suddenly, raised the torch, and illuminated the surroundings.

Bones, cells, ashes.

"Stink, rot, and forget in a bottomless dungeon, and then be silent here forever, without even splashing water?"

"Let our shame and stigma be buried forever, never to be redeemed?"

Semir's expression became more and more distorted, as if a drowning person struggling in the water, it took a long while before he bit out the next word from his twitching teeth:


"I reject."

He was categorical, staring straight at little Barney, with pain and resentment in his eyes.

"As you said, if we didn't do it, we didn't do it. We shouldn't bear such torture. This is the reason."

Unexpectedly, little Barney smiled.

Had a good laugh.

"That's right, you just said 'I refuse', and you simply ran away, but now you are still running back to rob the prison."

"So what about your pride, dignity, and honor as a royal guard?" Little Barney raised his hand, shook his shoulders, and sarcastically said:

"Where is the blood you poured into the oath of the ancient guards?"

Samuel was silent again for a moment.

After a long while, he spoke slowly.

"I was not a royal guard a long time ago." This time, Semir's voice was low and sad, as if he was telling a shame:

"After our dignity and honor were trampled down to nothing by the new king and nobles who were high above us that day."

Samir clenched his fists, his arm muscles tensed.

"Kessel, he was just a playboy before ascending to the throne, he can't push the entire royal guard into the abyss with just a hasty trial, he can't just rely on the so-called 'collaboration' to push the once loyal Everyone is labeled as a traitor, and he has no right to deprive us of the right to clear our grievances with our own hands."

Thales felt dark when he heard the familiar name.

Samuel's shortness of breath:

"He didn't."

Samir raised his head and looked at the unrecognizable, yellow and thin colleagues in front of him, showing resentment:

"He is even less qualified to turn us...turn you...into what you are now."

The Swords of Disaster looked at each other, Clay was about to interrupt, but Ricky stopped him again.

There was a long silence in the cell.

Until little Barney chuckled.

"Like this?"

Little Barney stood up, took a few steps back with a miserable smile, and spread his hands, as if showing his home.

"Hahaha, you know what a fart."

With a chilling smile, he said slowly: "Fart."

Samir was taken aback: "What?"

Little Barney snorted coldly:

"You have no idea what life we're living here."

Little Barney took a step forward and said with hatred: "You have never endured the boundless silence and darkness, you have never heard everyone's desperate wailing and crying, and you have never seen your companions die one by one in a dark cell. I have never tasted the rotting cockroaches that burrowed out of the corpses of the dead, and I have never tasted the water that stinks of manure."

Every time he said a word, the prisoners had different reactions, or gritted their teeth, or clenched their fists, or twitched, or beat the wall in pain.

Little Barney stared at Semir angrily, and pointed to the neatly piled corpses in several cells: "Have you ever tried to stand here as a vanguard officer, the highest guard member in the cell, across the fence, One by one, a farewell speech was given to the fallen comrades."

Little Barney almost gritted his teeth:

"Thirty-seven times."

The prisoners all looked at Semir with unwavering dead eyes.

Make him pale.

"At the end, when I sent away the nearest few people, I had nothing to say," Little Barney turned sideways, exposing several "tombs" with only bones left in front of Semir:

"Not only because of the lack of words, but also because I have become numb. Their past voices and smiles under the sun gradually blurred and faded away, and what remained in my mind was only their dying weeping and absent-minded crying. .”

"I can't, I can't see the next person sinking in this boundless hell."

Little Barney stood there in a daze.

Thales lowered his head and sighed silently.

"And you," Little Barney looked up blankly, the trance in his eyes slowly turning into hatred:

"You? You are a coward who ran away halfway and made us even more speechless."

"What qualifications do you have to come here to 'save' us as a savior?"

Samir seemed to have been punched hard, and took a step back with a dazed expression.

He breathed heavily.

"Little Barney, all I can say is, I'm sorry."

"And I can still make up for it now..."

But Little Barney suddenly roared, "No!"

"No, Samir," looking at the dazed Samir, Little Barney lowered his voice, shook his head slowly and said:

"It's been more than ten years. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally figured out something. Just now, you reminded me of something."

As he spoke, he walked to the wall in a daze.

"Eighteen years ago, that trial may have been unfair to some, but it was not without reason..."

Samir frowned slightly:

"What do you mean, Barney?"

Little Barney snorted with a half-smile, his face full of lifeless indifference.

"Cannon may have gone crazy, become sensitive, suspicious, manic, bipolar, made us sleepless all day, fucked up."

Little Barney pointed at the cells of Cannon and Nucky.

"But it's not his fault. For eighteen years, almost every time he dreams, he can dream of that day... The assassins tore off their camouflage, jumped out of the crowd, the killers invaded the palace, revealed their fierce blades, and fought with us Together……"

Little Barney said indifferently: "It's like a shadow."


Following his words, Cannon flinched again, Nye scratched his hair in pain, and Bree made a displeased "whoosh" sound, but was stopped by Taldin, only Naki and Belletti Be silent and listen quietly.

"Little Barney, you..."

Little Barney shook his head slightly, interrupting the puzzled Samir.

"In the boundless darkness, Cannon dreamed for eighteen years," Little Barney leaned against the wall and sighed absently. Maybe it has degenerated, and the spirit is so sensitive that it will explode when touched, but the hearing may not be."

Little Barney suddenly turned his head, his eyes radiating sharply: "And I believe that he can recognize the steps of those murderers in his dreams."

Cannon hid in his palm and let out a howl.

Samir seemed to have figured something out, he stared blankly at Little Barney.

"Now, tell me, Samuel," Little Barney supported the wall and stood up straight again:

"Why are you with that hooded guy..."

He raised his head coldly, walked to the front, and when he was only a fence away from Semir, he slowly stretched out his hand and pointed to the swords of disaster in the distance.

"... mixed up with a despicable assassin from Shadow Shield?"

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