Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 206 Forbidden

The fire in the Saber camp had subsided, but the black smoke continued.

The subordinates of the Legendary Wing stood in formation, looking suspiciously at the group of hungry prisoners beside them, while the mercenaries stood cautiously further away.

"what happens?"

Tardin desperately stuffed a piece of dry food into his mouth, and didn't even bother to drink water:

"Is this...a farewell meal?"

He ate and ate, and glanced under the sand dunes in the distance:

Those were three figures, two big and one small.

The first two stood stiffly, while the small figure sat cross-legged on the ground, also gobbling.

Tardin beside him shook his head and continued to eat hard.

"Does it matter?"

Little Barney grabbed a piece of hard bread, his eyes thoughtful:

"I can't think of anything worse than today."

Saker sat a little further away from them, he chewed the jerky in his mouth, and stared closely at the three people in the distance.

"If I enter...the prison of bones..."

The fast rope on the side was eating happily while crying:

"At least don't keep it, woo... can I take a bite of your jerky, thank you... woo, I mean don't keep... grass, it's not good... don't leave regrets, woo..."

His sincere cries made everyone frown.

At this moment, Little Barney put down the bread in his hand and spoke quietly.

"Why did you come back?"

All the members of the royal guard froze, and only Kuai Rope was left alone.

Little Barney looked up at the penalty knight.

"You don't think that we can go back to the past by overthrowing a few people together?"

The vanguard officer's eyes are burning:

"Do you think everything can still be the same as before? Brotherhood? Fellowship?"

Belletti patted Barney on the shoulder awkwardly.

The latter snorted coldly.

Sackel didn't speak, he just stared into the distance and remained motionless, the wounds on his face and shoulders were clearly discernible.

"So what about you," Barney quipped:

"Still thinking about killing the prince?"

The penalty knight trembled slightly.

"And you are still not going to tell us anything, even if we already know his secret?"

Belletti on the side sighed and advised:


Sackel was silent, and everyone in the guard was also silent.

Only Kuaisheng swallowed his own food heartlessly, and when he secretly reached out to the food of the people around him, he was beaten back by Tardin.

"Barney," finally, the penalty knight raised his head, his eyes in a trance:

"Stop asking."

Little Barney was startled, then gritted his teeth:

"You bastard..."

But he was interrupted.

"Do you know that there used to be a disaster in this world, which was invisible but endless—because it lived in everyone's mind."

At that moment, everyone including Kuai Rope was stunned.

"As wise as Prince Tormund, as brave as Nakaru the hero, neither can do anything to it."

The penalty knight looked at the void, with an undeniable coldness in his tone:

"Some things... less people know."

"The Kingdom of Stars is the safer."

His voice fell.

Leave a long lingering silence.

With endless wind and sand.

However, in the distance, the three people under the sand dunes were far from having such an atmosphere.

When Thales worked hard to tear apart the fifth piece of jerky, he could even feel the sharp blade-like coldness from the two pairs of eyes above his head.

He was forced to swallow it in two gulps of water.

The prince wiped his mouth with his sleeve without any image. On the way, he came across a part that was swollen by the fast rope, and he couldn't help baring his teeth.

Legendary Wing and the mercenary leader stood in front of him and watched him eat, one with his hands behind his back, and the other with his arms folded.

The two looked at each other with growing impatience.

Thales burped, and before being torn to pieces by the eyes of the two, he finally spoke:


Both Roman and Ricky were taken aback by this word.

"What?" Ricky asked confused.

Thales' next words made Ricky's face change:

"The key that opens the dungeon, and even opens the exit."

"If I remember correctly, you told Qianzi before that you happened to find another key outside the camp?"

The prince noticed the gradual changes in the faces of the two:

"But when you told me that fate is a bigger prison, and you have the key to open it, maybe the only key..."

Thales narrowed his eyes, and pointed to the Legendary Wing with an increasingly ugly expression:

"I can't help but wonder: What if there is really only one 'key'?"

At that moment, it was as if someone had knocked a heavy hammer into the air.

Ricky frowned fiercely.

Legendary Wing stood still, motionless.

Thales hiccupped again:

"Oh, I ate too much, sorry—then I followed this clue, going back and forth, recalling everything that happened."

The young man's finger moved slowly, pointing to the exit of the prison of bones that had been closed long ago.

Taylor's eyes lit up;

"Guess what? All the strange things are connected one by one."

The prince was smiling and his tone was lighthearted and dramatic, but neither of the other two clearly had a sense of humor.

They just stared at Thales coldly.

It can be seen that the mood is quite bad.

Thales glanced left and right, embarrassedly withdrew his unappreciated smile, and hecked twice dryly.

"Ricky, after you got out of the prison, you weren't in a hurry to escape, but still leisurely waiting for the so-called 'opportunity'?"

The face of the mercenary leader is getting worse and worse.

"And Williams, who was supposed to be searching for me in the desert with light cavalry, just appeared here?"

The legendary wing in front of him became more and more gloomy.

But Thales continued to work hard, hitting the two of them one sentence after another:

"After Williams appeared, he didn't even care about my existence. He just grabbed you secretly but eagerly and asked how is the 'task'? What is the 'accident'?"

The boy looked at Ricky again with a look of color on his face:

"In front of the overwhelming cavalry army, you unconsciously took me, who was not in your hands, as a 'hostage' chip, and arrogantly threatened the famous Legendary Wing—maybe because you were not threatening him, but Hand over the task to the employer?"

Thales took a deep breath and narrowed his eyes:

"And just now, I specifically mentioned the Prison of Bones to both of you."

Roman and Ricky were stunned again, recalling what happened just now.

Thales sighed:

"Williams, you are indifferent to the strange fact that he brought the prisoners of the black cell here, and turned a blind eye to why the black cell was breached."

"Ricky, you don't worry about Semir, who is also branded—it seems that you are confident that even if Semir's identity is exposed, you will have a way to escape unscathed."

"And at the same time, you seem to have forgotten that we just walked out, the damn exit of the prison of bones?"


Thales raised the jerky in his hand, and bit it into his mouth:

"There are so many doubts, so many strange things, that it becomes clear."

At first, Roman and Ricky would exchange eyes, exchange dissatisfaction and anger, and even open their mouths.

But as Thales talked more and more, the reason became more solid, they no longer looked at each other, but just stared blankly at the ground.

Thales pointed at Ricky with the tip of the bitten jerky, and pointed at Roman:

"The two of you have been in collusion from the beginning to the end—from the time you got the key to the dungeon without any hindrance, to the time he stands here watching Camp Saber burn."

Thales said a long list, looked at the almost petrified expressions of the two people opposite him, finally nodded with satisfaction, grabbed the water bag and took a sip.

The two were silent.

Time seems to have passed centuries.

Finally, Legendary Wing closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

He reached out to Ricky, flattening his palm.

On the other side, the leader of the Sword of Disaster looked at the young man unwillingly, and with an expression of eating poop, he took out the crystal green rectangle Thales was so familiar with from his arms.


Thales smiled.

"You are worthy of coming out of the Fuxing Palace," Roman coldly took the key to the dark cell from Ricky:

"Inborn cunning."

Thales raised his eyebrows and bit the last bite of jerky into his mouth.

"No, this is nothing more than simple observation and reasoning," he said vaguely:

"I think, as long as you are a normal person, you can see it."

These words made Roman's expression even uglier.

Ricky on the side sighed.


He laughed helplessly, hummed and shook his head:

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Just because of a goddamn key?"

Ricky's laughter stopped, he gritted his teeth and let out a breath, looking at Roman with dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction:

"So I told you, you can't ignore this because few people know the truth about the black prison, at least act out a scene of theft, but your damn self-esteem..."

Roman snorted in return:

"And you just took a bunch of 'tourists' in for free and showed off the key for five minutes in front of everyone?"

Thales squinted at the quarrel between the two.


We know each other better than expected.

While his thoughts were diverging, Legend Wing turned his head to look at Thales.

"So you get it, 'Prince.'"

Baron Williams said coldly:

"Blade camp is our destruction."

At that moment, Thales felt a chill down his spine when he was stared at by his sharp and deep eyes.

I saw Legend Wing raised his head and looked around, and made a pause gesture to his subordinates who were anxiously waiting for him.

"Then how dare you expose our conspiracy unscrupulously?"

Roman lowered his head, paying attention to his surroundings while threatening:

"Do you really think that the Nameless One can protect you?"

Ricky stood beside him, giving the teenager an equally malicious smile.

Thales' heart trembled.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

"No, but I thought that what you wanted could help me."

Legendary Wing snorted coldly:

"Then what do I want?"

Thales met his gaze and raised his finger with difficulty.

Roman and Ricky both turned their heads, followed Thales' pointing, and then frowned.

I saw the prince pointing to the smoking fortress group in the distance in the desert, and said softly:

"Blade camp."

Roman and Ricky fell silent again.

Thales took a deep breath.

"My past experience tells me that if a series of things happen one after another, they must be related, and there must be an invisible thread running through it, connecting everything."

"At first, I thought that I was the clue, because the Secret Division wanted my return, the Shadow Shield wanted my secrets, and the Northlanders wanted my identity value..."

Thales raised his head and looked straight at Ricky:

"But gradually, you appeared, and your inexplicable entry mixed everything together, making me think it was a coincidence that connected us together."

The leader of the Sword of Disaster was thoughtful.

"But what if... it wasn't a coincidence?"

Thales changed the subject, with vigilance in his eyes:

"If you show up, is it still because of me?"

Roman and Ricky looked at each other.

The boy raised the corner of his mouth:

"Then I thought about it, you swords of disaster, no, the blood whistle is first a mercenary, and second is a loser mutual aid association."

Ricky froze for a moment.

He immediately protested dissatisfied:


But Thales ignored him, and said to himself:

"Yes, you are 'sword sellers'."

With a serious expression, he punched his fist in the palm of his hand:

"What if your goal tonight is first and foremost the employer's wishes?"

"Secondly, is the crime of Hell River, is the Black Sword, is the secret in the Prison of Bones, and is Sackel?"

Thales raised his head and became extremely serious:

"Then who is most likely to be hired by a group of hundreds like you who are strong enough to support continuous battles and even disrupt the Saber Camp?"

Ricky pursed his lips.

The young man spoke a little thirsty.

He picked up the water bag, but found that it was empty, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

But unexpectedly, in the next second, a heavy water bag was thrown into his arms.

Thales raised his head and found that the Legendary Wing withdrew his arm:


The boy raised his eyebrows, took a sip of water and said impatiently:

"Ricky, tell Sackel that more than a hundred years ago, your leader made a deal with the Red King of the Stars, and the Sword of Disaster was able to act as a mercenary in the Western Wilderness."

"You also told Campa, the tavern owner, that you know the details of the 'My House' tavern. You know that it was the home of the 'Northern Conqueror' Queen Elijah and her remnants who were driven out by the Red King more than a hundred years ago. Land—as if you saw it with your own eyes."

Ricky's expression moved slightly.

Thales sighed:

"I guess they're not coincidences, are they?"

Ricky looked at Thales with an increasingly serious expression.

Thales took a deep breath, felt the slightly restored senses and balance, and stood up from the ground again.

He looked at Ricky seriously:

"So I guess, more than a hundred years ago, the Sword of Disaster came to Xihuang for no other reason, but accepted the employment of the Red King to disintegrate the remaining party of the Northern Conqueror for him?"

No one spoke.

The wind and sand were blowing slightly, and the horses in the distance let out uneasy cries.

Ricky suddenly said:


Thales wondered:


Ricky raised his head, looked at Chuyang above the desert, felt the washing of the wind and sand, and said with emotion:

"The Red King is a person who doesn't like complicated things. He asked Qiu Crassus to go to Xihuang, just to bring back his own sister, Queen Alicia's..."

The mercenary looked sharply:

"Head on the item."

Thales suddenly felt awe-inspiring.

Bring back the head of my sister... on the item.

The old saber next to King Charman appeared before his eyes again.

Thales couldn't help thinking about the origin of the title "Red King", and remembered what Gilbert said to him when he was young:

[The history of the stars has never lacked blood. 】

Roman's eyes were indifferent, and he remained silent.

Thales resisted not to look at the skeleton on his shoulder, and asked tentatively:

"Then Crassus... did he succeed?"

Ricky just gave him a mysterious smile back.

This made Thales feel uncomfortable.

Thales coughed, tried to rule out other thoughts, and returned to the topic:

"All in all, the Blood Whistle has been closely related to the stars since its establishment—or to be precise, to the Kingdom Central's interests in the borderlands of the Western Wilderness."

In the more solemn eyes of the two, the boy turned to Roman:

"Another 'sword seller' veteran told me that since the Desert War and even the Bloody Year, the Saber Camp has been directly under the royal family's Baron Saber."

Thales stared scorchingly at the Legendary Wings:

"For more than ten years, with the help of the threat of the border and the support of the royal family, your royal standing army has truly turned this place into your private land."

"Legendary Wing's alone... Saber Dune Camp."

Thales looked at the calm Roman:

"It is also a sharp knife inserted by the Central Committee of the Kingdom at the vital point of the Western Wilderness to control the princes of the West from afar—whether it is military, political, or commercial."

The Legendary Wing remained silent, just looking at Thales with a piercing gaze, his almost sharp facial features seemed to be the most perfect sculpture of nature.

Thales took a breath, then exhaled again:

"But in this month, I saw many interesting details on the journey from the desert to the Saber Camp."

Thales looked at Roman's swirling amber eyes:

"For example, the prince's rescue team where the stars go deep into the desert is actually composed of the royal standing army and the lord's conscripts from the Western Wilderness who do not bite each other's strings."

"For example, those who were on duty at the gate of the Saber Camp and collected tolls were actually soldiers from the Falkenhauser family. The time has exceeded their service period."

"For example, the supplies sent by the army from all over the Western Wilderness are a bit exaggerated, and even so much that some unscrupulous merchants can smuggle them out of the camp to earn the difference."

"For example, the ones who started law enforcement patrols in the camp and were responsible for arresting people into white prisons were conscripts who hadn't set foot in Saber Dune for many years. They didn't even know the standards of law enforcement."

Every word the prince said made Ricky and Roman's expressions deeper.

Roman took a deep breath:

"You observe a lot and are very detailed."


Thales smiled.

He looked down, remembering the bad old man smoking his pipe:

"When I was still in Dragon Clouds City as a hostage, one of my subordinates once told me: In order for me to return safely from Exeter through the desert, my father had already negotiated with the lords of the Western Wilderness headed by the three major families. and they are absolutely believable."

Roman frowned severely.

Ricky breathed lightly, seemingly slightly surprised.

Thales exhaled:

"He said: The Fuxing Palace paid a very high price, allowing the nobles of Xihuang to completely stand by our side and welcome my return."

Thales turned his head, his eyes released a sharp edge:

"Blade camp, right?"

At that moment, Roman didn't speak.

But in Legendary Wing's eyes, an unprecedented complex light burst out!

This made Thales even more certain.

He observed the other party's expression, and said slowly:

"King Kessel, he completely or partially handed over the royal family's control of the Saber Camp, and gave up the initiative on the western front in exchange for the support of the princes of the Western Wilderness."

Thales was absorbed in thinking about everything he had experienced since the hearing day of Dragon Clouds City:

"He exchanged for the major families of the Western Wilderness, the largest military recruitment and logistics mobilization after the war;"

"He exchanged for Xihuang and the royal family to join forces, go deep into the desert, push into the Freedom Alliance, and deter Exeter;"

"He traded for the chaotic eastern part of the desert. For two or three months, there was no one inhabited, and no grass grew."

Thales' heart sank.

In exchange for... my way home.

The boy no longer thought about superfluous things, he raised his head.

"But you," Thales stared straight at Legend Wing:

"Roman Williams."

"You're not happy."

"Especially when the behind-the-scenes deal has been concluded, and the princes of the Western Wilderness are mighty, shouting and shouting to enter the Blade Ya camp."

His tone was extremely certain.

Roman looked back at him slowly, his eyes were cold.

"Because you have long regarded the Saber Dune as your own forbidden domain."

Thales moved his gaze to the orc skull on Roman's left shoulder, repeating what the latter had said to the brat:

"And anyone who tries to take it from you."

"We have to pay the price." The latest chapter text of the novel Kingdom Bloodline Chapter 481 Forbidden URL:

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