Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 211 Good-looking


Nob slowly pushed away Gomez, who was trying to stop him.

"Don't get me wrong."

"If it's not necessary, we don't want to deal with you, an indifferent, selfish, cold-blooded sissy who is different from ordinary people."

Legendary Wing raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

But Nobu snorted coldly:

"Anyway, you made the Saber Camp a mess and everyone is in danger, you have offended all the officials and nobles, whether it is the central government or the Western Wilderness, you have made a mess of our work, and you have disturbed the tribal balance in the desert. It's a's not the first day either."

Legend Wing listened quietly, not moving.

Thales' eyes kept going back and forth between Nobu and Legendary Wing, feeling that the conflict between them had been going on for a long time.

Nobu paused for a moment, then slowly pointed to the smoking Saber Camp, and then to Qianzi's body.

"But this time?"

"It's different this time."

Nobu's voice sank:

"Do you know how valuable the brazener is, and how many things he is involved in?"

"Do you know how much Lord Hansen attaches importance to this matter, and what this task means to us?"

"Do you know that this is a big case in the kingdom that even His Majesty personally intervened, asking the secret department to 'do your best'?"

Nobu suddenly turned his head and looked directly at the Legendary Wings:

"Do you know how much we have paid to welcome this opportunity in this Western Wilderness that no one remembers?"

Legendary Wing narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Eighteen years."

Having said that, Nobu seemed to have remembered something, he was silent for a moment, and his breathing accelerated.

"Not like your blood-stained title, Williams."

"I and my people,

We were punished by the lord because of a mistake in the bloody year, we were demoted and exiled to the Western Wilderness..."

"From now on, I will guard this corner and wasteland, and deal with countless scum and criminals..."

His eyes are complicated and his expression is in a trance:

"It's been eighteen years."

Taylor's eyes moved.

Roman remained graceful and unmoved.

Gomez behind him sighed:


But Nobu ignored him at all, just staring at the indifferent Legend Wing:

"Eighteen years, I've been in a daze, drowsy, with no future, no hope, and no bright future. I can only watch the boys who are in the prime of life under me hang their heads and grow old slowly day after day. You understand this. What kind of torture is it?"

Thales' heart moved when he heard his words.

Unexamined, groggy.

No future, no hope.

Dean, Douro, the Royal Guard, the Sword of Disaster, and even the orc Warchief...

And now...

It's Nobu from the Occult Department.

It seems that this land has given everyone a reason, unwilling to be silent, and taking risks.

Saber Camp, Western Wilderness, Great Desert.

What kind of place is this film?

Nobu pointed to the smoking camp in the distance, and then looked at Thales:

"Finally, eighteen years later, it's been hard...the prince will return to the country after this, Xihuang will reshuffle the cards again, and His Majesty will take this opportunity to make things happen..."

He took a deep breath, as if trying to suppress himself:

"We, the forgotten ones, are only remembered again."

"I once again had the conditions and reasons to ask the lord for such a chance to turn around: dig out the chisel, dig out the shadow shield, dig out Teng and his lackeys."

Nobu looked at the headless corpse:

"Do you know, as our only hope for more than ten years, how important this action is to us who are far away from the center of the kingdom, far away from the sight of the lord and His Majesty, who are unknown and unattended?"

Nobu's face was blue and red, and he pointed to Qianzi's body, but he couldn't seem to find any other suitable words:

"It's been eighteen years, and you just, like this...'handled' him?"

"Have we dealt with our only chance to stand up for eighteen years...?"

Nob gritted his teeth and said:

"This is unacceptable."

But Roman just glanced sideways at Nob, seemingly interested.

"so what?"

Nob steps forward:

"So chase 'em back, Williams."

Nobu stared at the figure that was getting farther and farther away:

"Bring back those who let go—whether it's the sword of disaster or someone else—and we may still find some clues to save this failure."

"Make credit and reverse the situation."

"Reverse... our future."

Thales' heart sank: Nobu seemed to have made up his mind to recover those who escaped.


Legendary Wing sneered.

Nobu's eyes were red and his chest heaved.

"Otherwise, Legendary Wings."

He looked at Roman, his tone became more and more sinister:

"Don't forget, everything about you, your title, your army, your territory, and everything about you are given to you by His Majesty and the kingdom."

Legendary Wing frowned slightly.

Gomez behind Nobu has eyes!

Just listen to Nobu coldly said:

"The royal standing army under your command, the so-called Stardust Guards that run across the desert, their supplies, equipment, horses, military resources, personnel, including the Saber Camp where they are stationed, all belong to His Majesty."

"And he can take it back at any time, so that you can turn back into that worthless little soldier from the Western Wilderness."

Thales, who had a premonition of something, felt something was wrong:

Oops, he is...

But it was too late for him to do anything. Nobu gritted his teeth and clanged every word:

"And you know, how does this work?"

At that moment, the eyes of Legend Wing changed!


Gomez interrupted his boss, took a deep breath, and prepared to stop him with all his might:

"Nobu, that's enough, let's go back first..."

But the Legendary Wing spoke again:

"I said, 'Let him talk'."

Roman stared at Gomez coldly, and the meaning in his eyes frightened the latter:

"Is there any word you don't understand?"

His words were like setting fire to a barrel of oil.

Nobu's eyes turned cold, and he shook off Gomez's hand suddenly:

"Disobeying the king's order, destroying important affairs, cooperating with internal and external enemies, covering up crimes, indulging important criminals, supporting the bandits' self-respect, working together, collaborating with others, murdering colleagues, privately opening the prison of bones, murdering the blood of the kingdom, endangering the interests of the stars..."

When Nobu spoke eloquently, Thales cried out in his heart.

"That's what you did today."

His abnormal behavior alarmed the surrounding cavalry and everyone in the secret department, and they all cast suspicious glances.

But Legend Wing did not interrupt him.

The cavalry under his command also continued to maintain a confrontational situation.

Nob sneered:

"As for the bad things you and your scumbags have done in the past eighteen years: extortion, bribery, torture, abuse, looting, indiscriminate killing, enclosing land for self-enrichment, enriching your own pockets, and even using black hands on the battlefield to murder Noble peers..."

Nobu stared at the Legendary Wing, and every time he said a word, Gomez's face changed:

"We're tired of wiping your ass too."


These crimes...

The more Thales heard it, the more frightened he became.

Just listen to Nobu's cold and authentic way:

"Eighteen years, every piece of evidence and every crime we have collected is enough to make Fuxing Palace furious at Baron Saber, make the nobles in Xihuang who have hated you for a long time ecstatic, and make the whole kingdom despise you Spoiled, let the reputation of you be ruined..."

"And all of the above, together with all the dirty things you have done in the past few years, will be truthfully reported to the Imperial Council, to His Majesty and Lord Hansen."

There was a hint of madness in Nobu's eyes:

"Until he was under pressure from many parties and had to decide: deprive you of everything."

"From knighthood to army."

"From territory to fame."

Legend Wing's expression became ugly.

Thales also had the same ugly expression.

Not good.

What Nobu did was no different from what he had just done.

If you can do it yourself, then Nobu...

That little white face...

Thales looked at Roman with a pale face, looking at the other's handsome face uncertain.

"Now, my lord baron."

Nobu took a deep breath, and his voice sank, as if he put his anger back into his chest in an instant:

"We'll either make it up together."

Nobu stared at Legend Wing, as if trying to dig out a piece of flesh from his handsome face.

"Or die together: you lose your title, I lose my future, and we rot together in the Saber Camp, in this bottomless abyss that cannibalize people."

He said in a low voice:

"Time is limited, the choice is yours."

The voice fell, and the scene returned to tranquility.

But the hearts of those present were far from peaceful.


This was the only thought of the distraught Thales.

A few seconds passed, but Thales felt like a long time.

"Mr. Nob, Baron Williams, in fact, I'm very tired now, these messy things..." He pretended to be impatient, thinking about how to deal with this situation.

But before he could finish speaking, Legendwing interrupted him again.

"It's weird."

Roman spoke softly, meaning:

"Why does everyone think so today."

"Are you qualified to threaten me?"

Thales' expression changed.

I saw the Legendary Wings slowly stepping forward:

"Secret subjects, have you seen Morat?"

Nob narrowed his eyes.

Thales was also slightly surprised:


The figure of the Black Prophet appeared in his mind.

What's the matter with him?

The Legendary Wing smiled lightly and said:

"Do you know why that prisoner in black robe is always on crutches?"

Nob frowned.

"Because he once said something similar to me."

Similar words?

The voice of Legendary Wings is very weak, very calm, not even louder than the sound of the wind.

But before Thales and Nobu could react, a white light flashed in Legend Wing's hand!

The next second, with a muffled sound, Nobu fell heavily to the ground!


What followed was his painful moan.

After reacting, Gomez subconsciously wanted to draw the knife, but Roman, who had the spear in his hand, just threw a white shadow, and Gomez flew out heavily!

Thales was taken aback!

"but me!"

The voice of Legendary Wing suddenly became high-pitched!

"I was like I am now..."

His eyes were like ice, and he walked towards Nobu who was moaning on the ground.

The next moment, in front of everyone's eyes, Legend Wing raised his leg without hesitation.

Roman ended his words coldly:

"Broken his leg."

A clear voice sounded.


Nobu hugged his right leg and screamed!

The people around saw this scene, and everyone from the secret department subconsciously rushed over!

"grown ups!"

But Roman's subordinates also reacted quickly. They drew their swords out of their sheaths, their bowstrings were tense, and they forced the people of the secret department.

Thales, who was stunned, looked at this astonishing scene and couldn't figure it out at all.

why he...

Nob's screams turned into moans.

He crawled on the ground, trying to stay away from Roman, and the painful groans continued.

Legend Wing snorted coldly, and he seemed to be still not enjoying himself, he shook the white spear in his hand and walked towards Nobu.

"Roman, no!"

Thales reacted quickly and said:

"Too many people are watching!"

Legendary Wing's footsteps faltered, and he suddenly turned around!

He looked straight at Thales.

The cold warning inside made the prince's remaining words stuck in his mouth.

Legendary Wings snorted coldly

He turned back to Nobu on the ground, but the white spear in his hand slowly tightened, turning back into a short spear.

"Now, the secret department."

Legendary Wing stretched out his long arms and pulled Nobu's collar!

"I want you to tell me exactly what I said, everything I did today, including your broken leg, and give it to that son of a bitch Morat Old bastard!"

"'Return as it is' to that bastard king named Canxing and wearing a crown on the Supreme Throne!"

Thales was shocked!

Old bastard, bastard...

What he just said was...

Roman's tone almost froze the sand around him:

"That's right, I not only killed your target, but let your suspect go."

"I also endangered your interests and destroyed your plans."

The Legendary Wing turned around sharply, pointing his short spear at Thales!

The prince was taken aback.

"I even wounded the person you sent to watch me, and threatened to kill the heir of the kingdom."

Legendary Wing's eyes are terrifying:

"And I don't care what you think."

I don't care... what you guys think.

Thales was stunned.

Nobu gritted his teeth tightly, seeming to understand the situation.

Legendary Wings tightened on Nobu, and said word by word:

"Because this is my fucking blade, tooth, camp, ground!"

Legend Wing let go of Nobu, turned around and pulled Gomez back to the ground!

"And I, as always, don't like them!"

Roman growled, as if burning with anger.

The surrounding secret subjects were in commotion again!

Until a certain cavalry whipped one of them back to the team.

Wings of Legend stood up slowly, looking at Nobu and Gomez who were hissing in pain and coughing up blood in pain:

"Next time, they will send an idiot like you, like an ignorant brat, presumptuously threatening me with the King, the Secret Science, and my Saber Camp..."

Ignorant little brat...

Threatening the Saber camp...

Thales just felt a chill down his back.

"Next time, if they want to take my territory again... to play some political game of balancing power..."

Legendary Wing's eyes turned cold:

"Just wait for me to go to Fuxing Palace to find them."

Having said that, Roman suddenly looked back at Thales.

The young man felt palpitations again, and couldn't help taking a step back.

"And if they're upset, if they're feeling..."

Legendary Wing's face was full of murderous intent:

"Come and take my title, take back my army, and take my territory..."

"Bringing that bullshit star's bullshit warrant..."

"Come and kill me!"

Legendary Wing roared.

Shit star...

Thales swallowed subconsciously.


He stared blankly at the Legendary Wing, who was full of killing intent:


Really are……

A vassal directly under the royal family?

Roman turned his head and stared at Nobu who was panting on the ground:

"Kessel and Morat, if they don't grow, if they don't dare."

Roman felt oppressive at this moment, every word of his seemed to be cut out of the air with a blade:

"Let them hold back for me, pinch their tails and balls..."

"Keep hiding behind the throne and the curtain..."

"Be good and be their cowards son of a bitch!"

Thales was extremely shocked. He looked at the murderous Roman and couldn't believe his eyes.


His attitude towards the Iron Fist...

I just...

How did you successfully "convince" Roman?

Nob panted, holding down Gomez who was trying to get up again.

He stared, seemingly in disbelief.

"Listen up, Secret Division."

Legend Wing snorted coldly, and inserted the white spear back behind his back.

"If you miss even one word."

"One, one, word."

Roman's tone is no longer cold, but the content is still sharp:

"I'll go to the capital myself and take the remaining leg of Morat..."

"Interrupt together."

After finishing speaking, he turned to face his subordinates without waiting for the people on the ground to respond:

"The whole army is fully equipped!"

"Get ready to leave!"

Amid the overwhelming response from hundreds of cavalry, Legendary Wing stepped on the saddle and roared an order:

"The horses of these people are now ours - thanks to the Kingdom Secret Division for supporting us!"

The expressions of Nobu and Gomez changed again.

Under the panicked expressions of everyone in the secret department, the cavalry galloped forward without hesitation, and roughly took away their mounts.

On the way, several people who wanted to resist were knocked down.

Thales stared, looking at Roman, who was riding a horse, circling around and giving orders to his subordinates, with complicated emotions.

"Sorry," the boy approached slowly, showing a friendly smile to the embarrassed Nobu:

"Today, the baron... probably..."

"Bad mood."

Having said that, Thales' mood sank again.

Nob gasped in pain and leaned hard on Gomez's shoulder.

"Thank you for your words, Your Highness."

"I'm just... sorry for letting you see this scene," Nobu tried his best to endure the pain, staring at the Legendary Wing from a distance:

"Even within the country, the rule of the royal family has not been smooth sailing."

Thales tried to smile.

But before he could respond, there was a hurried sound of hooves behind him!

Nobu's complexion changed:

"Your Highness—"

Thales turned his head subconsciously, only to see a flash of white light in front of his eyes!

In the next second, the prince's legs were off the ground!

Disappeared in front of Nob and Gomez.

Nobu looked at the prince who was gone, thoughtful.

At some point, all the cavalry started to move, their horseshoes rolling.

Gomez stared in surprise at the fleeing horse and turned his head.

"You know Williams' temper, Nobu," the slightly chubby man supported Nobu, quite annoyed:

"Why are you doing this in front of him?"


Nobu, who was frowning and checking his leg injury, snorted softly.


Nob hissed in pain:

"Because I'm not in front of him."

Gomez was taken aback:


"Then who else is it..."

Nobu didn't answer him, but squinted at Thales who gradually disappeared from sight:

"Can you feel it, Gomez?"

He raised his head and looked to the sky.

"The wind has changed."

Gomez looked at the desert as always, inexplicably.

wind direction?

Before Gomez was confused, Nobu's eyes flashed:

"It's our chance to leave here and return to the capital."

"It's really here."

In the distance, Thales felt the tremors under his butt in a daze.

Just now, he was so astonished that he almost called out the crime of prison river, until he found out...

My sight left the ground, and the scenes on both sides couldn't help retreating.

He's on

And what I hold...

"This is—" Thales raised his head.

"Hold on! Hold tight!"

This time, upon hearing his voice, Thales backed away subconsciously!

But he was bumped by the galloping white horse and almost let go.

But another hand came from the side and held him up.

In the sound of the wind, the Legendary Wing holding the rein shouted loudly above his head:

"What are you shaking? Can't you ride a horse?"

Thales froze.

He suddenly realized that he was sitting sideways on the white horse in a very uncomfortable position, sitting on...

In the arms of the legendary wing.

Still hugging his waist.



Thinking of the performance of Legendary Wing just now, Thales managed to stabilize his figure and squeezed out a smile:

"No... I'm just... well, I can ride a horse myself..."

Roman didn't wait for him to answer:

"I'll try to be as calm as possible!"

The next moment, Roman took the reins slightly, tapped the white horse's neck with the other hand, and whistled a few times that Thales couldn't understand, and the white horse miraculously slowed down and became stable.

Thales could only laugh dryly, lowered his head, and pretended to be interested in Legendary Wing's clothing.


he and……

With a guy who just threatened to kill Fuxing Palace...

Share a ride?


Thales saw that in front of them and on both sides were countless galloping cavalrymen, who surrounded the two of them in the middle, kicking up smoke and dust.

This made him feel even more embarrassed.

Can only think of something else.

It's strange, although Legendary Wing looks murderous, but his figure under the light armor is a bit thin.

And the smell in his arms is still...

Smells good?

The team suddenly turned around.

Feeling the endless jolts and unstoppable soreness, Thales had to cover his mouth and nose with his hands in the face of the oncoming smoke.

At this moment, a hand stretched out in front of his eyes.

"Face towel," Roman said loudly as the horse's hooves rolled:


Thales froze for a moment, then took the face scarf from Roman's hand, and found that Roman also covered his face.

But his pair of amber eyes are still full of energy.

Thales sighed and tied the scarf.

Thales, who was behind the face towel, took a deep breath and felt much better:

"You're not afraid of threats."

"You are not afraid of secret subjects, nor are you afraid of the king."

The Legendary Wing behind him moved slightly.

The white horse bumped, Thales didn't care about the embarrassment, and hugged Roman's waist tightly to keep his balance.

But he still asked:

"Then why did you agree to my conditions just now?"

Roman didn't answer.

Just when Thales thought the dialogue had failed.

"Maybe because..."

Immediately, Roman snorted coldly, lowered his head, and looked directly at Thales.

There was a complex look in his amber eyes.

Roman stretched out his hand and straightened the veil on Thales' face:

"You look better?"

Thales was stunned.

A second later, Thales, who felt so embarrassed, tilted his head unnaturally, trying to hide his face in the opponent's arms.


The facecloth hid his face well.

The mount under the buttocks was jolted again, and Thales hugged him even tighter in fright.

"Where are we... going?"

This time, Roman didn't answer him.

On the contrary, Legend Wing straightened his waist, drew out the white long spear behind him, and let it lengthen slowly.

"Send a signal to Felicia and Frank!"

Roman's voice suddenly increased, only to hear him roar:

"Everyone, prepare to speed up!"

Before Thales could react, there was a wave of responses from the front, rear, left, and right horses:


The roar of the legendary wing went straight to the sky:

"We——return to the camp!"

His voice seemed to have the power to shake people's hearts, piercing through the rolling horseshoes and reaching everyone's ears.

Even Thales couldn't help feeling a blood rush.


Again the cavalry responded in unison, eager to try.

Soon, the cavalry team began to speed up, and the more intense wind and sand blew Thales had to close his eyes, leaning tightly into Roman's arms.

Damn it!

The dull sound of horseshoes hitting the sand became louder and crisper.

But the voice of Legendary Wings is still clear and shocking:

"Our camp!"

At an increasing speed, the cavalry drew out their weapons one after another and responded frantically:


Horseshoes, sandstorms, roars, bumps, countless sounds were mixed together, and Thales' heart was beating violently.

Is he crazy?

Take me to go to war?

The white spear turned in Legend Wing's hand and went straight forward:

"No matter who you meet along the way, whether it's a human, a bastard, a barren species or a fucking blood thorn lizard!"

"As long as you see the Stardust battle flag, you won't disarm and kneel..."

In the ear, the voice of Legend Wing became colder, with unprecedented sharpness and anger.

In the next second, the Legendary Wing shook the white spear!

He yelled out an orc language that once terrified Thales:


The white horse leaped, shocking Thales almost let go!

He closed his eyes and hugged Roman's waist as hard as he could, only to hear the fervent roar of the soldiers in his ears:

"Sell! Searle!"

"Sail Ricky!"

Thales listened to these ups and downs, coming and going roars, but his heartbeat and blood gradually calmed down.

An unprecedented fatigue hit.

so tired.

"Sell, Searle—"

Amid the endless bumps and tsunami-like roars, Thales only felt his eyelids getting heavier and his body getting lighter.

Everything around his ears seemed to be separated by a water curtain, which no longer stimulated his nerves.

The next second, Thales closed his eyes and loosened his arms.

He seemed to fall into the water.

But a strong arm holding the rein came round the front.

Before the boy fell off the saddle, he held him tightly.


Amidst the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, the dazed Thales seemed to realize something.

But before he could react...

The boy fell into the arms of the Legendary Wing...

Fell asleep.

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