Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 17 Going to High School

Please remember the domain name of this site: Golden House Kingdom Bloodline

Chapter 17 Going to High School

"...Very well, I will remember. The etiquette class might as well be more flexible. It is also three nights a week. When it is applied in practice, it can be used anytime, anywhere. Mobile terminal"

Gilbert's words rang in his ears, pulling him back to reality.

Thales tried not to look at the schedule on the opponent's lap, and tried not to calculate how much free time he had left in a week, so he took a deep breath.

"As for what you said, ancient and foreign languages."

Prince nodded:

"Well, ancient imperial text."

"Northern people despise this thing."

"But it's still the old crow, it insisted on putting it back in the course," Thales' eyes lit up, "'Don't waste so many ancient books in the library', that's what he said."

Gilbert moved slightly.

He was a little nostalgic, but also a little moved:

"Yes, Mr. Heather."

Thales snorted, intending to reduce the burden of this class:

"Of course, with the foundation you have laid and years of conscious reading, I am quite relaxed about ancient imperial literature."

"As for my classmates," Thales shrugged:

"Well, I'm afraid she doesn't think so."

I remembered the scene where Selma stared blankly at a book "Selected Poems of Political Allegory in the Age of Kings and City-States" written in an antique ancient imperial language, biting her nails and looking around, casting horrified glances at herself from time to time as she turned the pages quickly. , Taylor suddenly felt extremely happy.

And decided never to tell her the secret to speed reading:

can't read?

Then skip it!

At this moment, Gilbert suddenly spoke:

"So, is Mr. Heather teaching ancient imperial literature or modern imperial literature?"

Thales was taken aback, hesitated and said:

"Uh, let me think about it..."

But Gilbert suddenly nodded without hesitation, and began to rustle and write again:

"Understood, you need additional tutoring for both of your imperial languages."

two kinds.

Thales suddenly felt a sense of sadness as he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot.

The Foreign Secretary raised his head:

"And foreign languages?"

The prince looked at the schedule with fewer and fewer vacancies on the paper, and said with a bitter face:

"Uh, does the orc language count?"

Gilbert raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and wrote with a clear face, filling in the few remaining spaces:

"So you still need tutoring in three languages: Ancient Xiya Elvish, Gurion Elvish, and Universal Elvish."

Thales raised his head in horror.

"Just kidding, Your Highness," Gilbert raised his head and laughed loudly:

"No one speaks the first two but the elves themselves and the linguists."

"Don't worry, all you need to learn is general Elvish."

Watching the other party cross out a few boxes again, Thales wisely swallowed the phrase "So can Ada speak?"

"Very well, then, grammar, history, etiquette, language, the basic classes in your course are over," Gilbert said with satisfaction:

"Next comes the second category."



Thales was heartbroken again.

The first category is enough for him!

However, Gilbert's next sentence caught his attention:


At that moment, Thales was stunned again.

A few seconds later, Thales said in solid surprise, ignoring the pressure of his studies:

"Zhe... Zhe what?"

Gilbert raised his head seriously, and pronounced:

"Philosophy is an ancient name, an extremely broad subject."

"Today, especially in your curriculum, which includes math, science, art, and theology."


Math, nature, art, theology?

Thales said in surprise:

"Are these all put in philosophy?"

Gilbert smiled slightly, and asked in the same sentence pattern:

"Which ones can't be put in philosophy?"

Thales waved his hand.

"I know what you mean," the Duke was a little puzzled:

"But I think that narrow and specialized philosophy is not so specific. Doesn't it answer some broad and profound ultimate questions?"

The Foreign Secretary repeated the same as if he was going to joke with him:

"Then what questions do you think do not belong to the 'extensive and profound ultimate questions'?"

Thales was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head, God, this must be a disease that was picked up from Cohen.

"Eh...'What's for dinner today'?"

he asked blankly.

Gilbert put down his glasses, took a breath, and sat up straight.

"First of all, the question of 'what to eat' can also be profound..."

He looked at His Highness the Prince earnestly:


"Your Highness, as long as a scribe or a civil servant from an academy works hard enough and is familiar with classics, he can also be proficient in grammar, knowledgeable in history, decent in etiquette and proficient in language."

"A commoner knight from the conscript or city defense team, as long as he works hard enough and keeps practicing martial arts, he can also achieve outstanding martial arts skills, command well, be invincible on the battlefield, and make repeated military exploits."

"They all have the chance to be knighted one day."

Gilbert's eyes sharpened:

"But how can you distinguish that you are a real nobleman with a long history and extraordinary significance, and they are not?"

Thales gave him an awkward smile back.

I don't know much.

After all, it's my first time...

Be an aristocrat.

Fortunately, he tried his best to suppress the phrase "golden glittering blood?" that he had been ridiculed countless times in his throat.

Gilbert smiled mysteriously.

"If you are not used to it, my lord, just take it as a nice name: philosophy."

Gilbert looked out the window with longing eyes:

"You know, before the empire period, philosophy was all-encompassing. It was once called the 'Study of Ten Thousand Laws', and it was a compulsory course for nobles. There is no question of whether to study philosophy or not, only whether it is profound or not.”

The study of ten thousand laws?

The "seat of ten thousand magics" that I told Ashida...

Thales paid attention silently.

"But the content it contains, mathematics, nature, art, theology, seems to be somewhat..."

The prince struggled for an adjective, but he failed in the end.

Gilbert just looked at him from afar, with a smile on his lips, and didn't answer.

Thales, who couldn't find a word, could only let out a sigh of relief.

"You know, you remind me of Old Crow again."

The Duke of Star Lake recalled the past:

"Arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and geography, although the aristocratic education in the North swallowed them into military courses, but the old crow separated them separately, explaining the four courses separately, and listing them separately."

"And the old crow doesn't just teach simple arithmetic, but..."

Gilbert suddenly answered:


Taylor's eyes brightened:

"He taught you that too?"

Gilbert laughed lightly.

"This is a compulsory course at Dragon Kiss Academy. It's an old tradition a long time ago. Mr. Sixer brought some to his home class."

The foreign minister said quietly:

"At the very least, the students in the Dragon Kiss Academy must learn the principles and formulas for solving general algebra such as quartic equations."


"Quadratic equation?"

Or is it a compulsory course?

Thales laughed dryly:

"Why? Why don't you just learn the five-times-six-seven-degree equation?"

Unexpectedly, Gilbert recalled very seriously:

"Mr. Hixer said that no one seems to have found a solution to the quintic equation. It is said that there are some methods in the age of empires... some people have found them, but they have been lost since the end of the war..."

"It is said that some scholars who have spent their entire lives have studied more deeply. Their algebra is no longer limited to the category of referring to simple numbers, but some objects beyond reality and beyond imagination. They can even find methods to accurately refer to Direction and space, movement and change, for which their arithmetic papers can spread whole floors..."

"Uh, Gilbert, you can stop here," Thales began to feel a headache, he made a stop gesture:

"You know, in the military indoor class of the Northlanders, I personally prefer astronomy and geography, although my classmates are the other way around..."

Sorry, my interest in mathematics is no better than that of a little girl from the Northland.

Thales thought half teasingly half helplessly.

What a disgrace to our imperial tradition.

Gilbert lowered his head and continued to fill in the grid:

"Besides math..."

"From geography, broaden knowledge and broaden horizons;"

"Art broadly covers music, painting, sculpture, dance, poetry, and drama, cultivating the body and mind, and cultivating temperament."

"As for theology, well, it's more subtle, you'll see."

"The weekly schedule they add up to, well, let's see..."

Thales became more and more tired when he heard it.

Gilbert frowned, picked up the draft schedule:

"Oh, it seems that the schedule is a bit overwhelming..."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go back and arrange the proportion of basic and philosophy courses, both mixed..."

Thales closed his eyes thinking he was unlucky.

But he remembered something, opened his eyes immediately, and asked:

"Wait, Gilbert, did you just say that there are three categories in total?"

Gilbert looked at him with a childish expression:

"Yes, the third category is the practical category. This will be reported to His Majesty for a decision..."


Thales said sadly:


Gilbert cleared his throat, and continued to make notes on the piece of paper that heralded Thales' future fate:

"For example, ruling practices are especially needed by big families above the earl title."

"Military command and logistics, government affairs reporting and handling, farming and commerce, finance and taxation, national politics and diplomacy, religion and aristocratic relations, law and jurisprudence..."

"But this is not what ordinary college teachers can teach. It often needs to be combined with reality and examples. It is best to have personal experience..."

Gilbert finished remembering something, raised his head and squinted with a smile:

"You don't need to worry for the time being, just finish the previous content carefully."

He happily looked at the schedule in his hand:

"So, grammar, logic, rhetoric in grammar class..."

"Then there are history classes, etiquette classes, and some fine-tuning of the focus..."

"Two kinds of ancient imperial script, plus the common Elvish script, I guess you have almost forgotten the foundation of the latter..."

"There are also mathematics, nature, art, theology, well, these four subjects should be subdivided according to your interests and the teachers you can find. For example, I recommend art..."

"As for the detailed instructor candidates, let me take a look again. It is best to find something different for each class, so that you will feel novel and enjoy the class..."

"Practice needs to make another note..."

Listening to his words, Thales' expression experienced the panic, pain, and sadness at the beginning, but now it has gradually become numb.

"Very well, the above are your three types of courses."

Gilbert bared his teeth with a smile:

"Have a good study."

Thales glanced at the almost full schedule, his face turned pale immediately:

"You think, think I can handle it?"

Gilbert shook his fingers, full of confidence.

"No, no, no, others may not know, but six years ago, I witnessed your learning progress with my own eyes. Your Highness, you can be called a genius."

wait wait wait.

The corner of Thales' mouth twitched.

"I trust that these lessons will be a piece of cake for you."

"And, six years ago, when you were young, didn't you tell me?" Gilbert blinked, full of relief for finding a good student:

"You like class the most."

Thales' eyes darkened.


You... have you misunderstood something?

If he said now that his brain was broken by the Northlanders, would it be useful?

But the foreign minister obviously didn't understand his mood:

"Then I'll take my leave first, I'll come back tomorrow, you have to get ready for grammar class!"

Thales no longer remembered how he sent Gilbert away.

All he could remember was nodding his head and smiling blankly, smiling and nodding.

When Thales came back to his senses, he was already standing at the door of the reception room.

At this moment, a voice that was no longer so unfamiliar sounded from behind.

"it's over?"

Thales turned his head blankly.

"Very well, the Security Office just sent people to disperse the group of uninvited guests who wanted to visit the Duke."

His captain of the personal guard, Lord Mallos, the watchman, still had that calm smile:

"Then you must have time?"

Thales looked at him numbly, not knowing why.

I saw Mallos grinning, and everyone who saw it was like a spring breeze.

"Get ready, Your Highness, our drills will start tomorrow."

Thales also returned to his senses numbly.



Thales recovered from his numbness, he turned around suddenly, his eyes suddenly enlarged:

"What the fuck?"

Mallos frowned slightly.

"Earl Caso didn't tell you?"

Thales shook his head subconsciously.

The watchman stepped forward and squinted at His Excellency the Duke:

"In addition to the complicated courses of basics, philosophy, and practice, there is one more important point for Star Nobles."

The most important thing?

Mallos nodded and said with a smile:

"Since the time of kings, the most critical standard to prove that the status of nobles and commoners is different."


An ominous premonition hit Thales' heart.

Just listen to Mallos smiling and saying:

"Martial arts."

Thales didn't react, and was speechless for a moment.

Three seconds later.

The prince took a deep breath:

"No, I learn martial arts, what does that have to do with you..."

Mallos interrupted him with a standard courtesy:

"Unfortunately, your Majesty Tormund Mallos has just been appointed by His Majesty as your..."

"Martial Arts Instructor."

Thales was stunned.

Mallos raised his head with a smile on his face:

"So seven days a week, I need you to take out seven mornings and seven afternoons and start tomorrow. At six o'clock in the morning and five o'clock in the afternoon, please move to the training ground in the backyard on time."

"Follow me and practice hard."

He said the last few words with great joy.

Thales stared at him blankly, unable to say a word.

And Mallos patted him on the shoulder, releasing a friendly smile: "Don't worry, Your Highness."

"Our days are long."

Thales took a breath and walked forward numbly, ignoring the interesting eyes of the people behind him.

But Mallos stopped him.

"Honorable Duke."

"There is a degree of practice, but the sword has no eyes."

His smile is gentle and generous, but in Thales' eyes, it looks downright evil: "If there is a bump..."

"Please bear with me."

Mallos saluted gracefully, smiled, and turned to leave.

The prince was left alone, confused in the morning light.

At this moment, Thales had mixed emotions.

My mind is gloomy.

After a long while, he walked out of the living room with a haggard face.

Get ready to enjoy your rice bug career one last time.

The prince suddenly understood.

It turns out that in the Northland before, it was only the...

Nine years of compulsory education.

Thales let out a painful breath.

Now, he is finally fourteen years old...

it's time to...

Thales thought desperately:

high school.

Seeing the Duke walk over with a numb face, Doyle in the distance shook his head.

It's unfortunate that the boy caught up with Mallos being threatened by some fat nobleman and was in a bad mood.


Doyle looked at Thales' distraught look.

Hey, our second prince, the Duke of Xinghu, is this not enough? .

Rolling his eyes, he scratched his chin.

You know, the dedicated female officials in the palace...

Still waiting to give him sex lessons.

Kingdom blood

Kingdom blood

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