Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 25 Little Lang Hoof

Crown Prince of the Stars.

Midil Canxing.

The... former owner of Mindis Manor?

Thales felt a slight turmoil in his heart, and felt a sense of uneasiness like sitting on pins and needles.

Ji Ni's tone softened a bit:

"When Kessel was young, he often came here to relax."


Ji Ni looked at the furnishings in the study obsessively, as if she had seen through time and seen the past.

"This place has a different meaning to him."

Thales stared.

I saw Ji Ni looking at the void and smiling slightly.

"Actually, in terms of layout, compared to the Fuxing Palace, the Mindis Hall is more like a leisure place than a well-defended royal palace - more than one person suggested him to change the palace for safety, and even the previous king asked him about it."

"But do you know how Midil answered?"

Thales pricked up his ears.

I saw Ji Ni looking at the seat where Thales was sitting in confusion, and said a slightly ancient sentence:

"If everyone fears..."

"The palace wall is a thousand feet long, and the majestic pass is ten thousand feet long. How can I save my life?"

If everyone fears...

Thales chewed the sentence, frowning slightly:

"Is this what he said?"

Jinny shook her head:

"No, this is what the sage king engraved on the silver coin said."

"Middler made some changes when quoting, but..."

Ji Ni rubbed her wrist lightly, her eyes were gentle:

"A long time ago, I don't remember what the original text of Xianjun was."

"I just remember the way Midil handles government affairs here."

Thales didn't speak.

He thought carefully about what kind of uncle who can say such words generously should look like.

Jinny seemed to know what he was thinking, and said:

"When encountering difficulties, he will sit behind your desk, lightly press the frowning brows, slightly frown at the corners of his mouth, and meditate slowly without saying a word."

Jinie looked at the desk in a daze, with endless nostalgia in her eyes:

"After a few minutes, the corners of his mouth and the center of his eyebrows will be relieved at the same time."

"At that point, he'd put his finger down and give a smile."

As if to echo the words, Ji Ni also smiled gracefully and quietly:

"Then, the problem isn't a problem anymore."

Thales felt guilty.

But Jine's words continued, with an ethereal and dreamy tone, as if she was telling a fairy tale:

"He always found a way out of a difficult situation."

"Resolve conflicts to the satisfaction of all."

"Keep things organized."

"For all...dispel disappointment."

Ji Ni's voice fell.

Thales remained silent.

Both of them sat silently, one felt the memory, the other marveled and imagined, leaving a silent blank in the study.

After a while, Ji Ni took a deep breath, and the expression on her face returned to helplessness and sadness. She only heard her hoarse voice:

"Boy, it's not that he doesn't like you."

Thales was startled, only to realize that the subject of the other party's words had changed:

"He just..."


Jini stared fixedly at the desk in front of Thales, and didn't say any more.

But Thales looked at the chair he was sitting on, distractedly recalling the Fuxing Palace a few days ago.

【...You will never become the Duke of Star Lake...】

【because of you……】

[Not worthy. 】

Thales was stunned.

He stared blankly at the desk in front of him, recalling the identity and deeds of its former owner, he couldn't help wondering:

He, the owner of the Fuxing Palace, thinks Thales is not worthy...

What exactly is it?

After a while, Thales finally came to his senses.

He looked at Jinny gratefully.

"Nice to see you again, ma'am."

Thales nodded, holding back excess emotions:


Ginny smiled.

She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she closed it after all.

A few seconds later, Ji Ni quietly said:


Eat more, go to bed early. "

"Also, although I am no longer in charge of teaching you martial arts and swordsmanship, but..."

Jinny looked at him silently:

"Remember to practice the sword."

Thales' heart moved and he smiled lightly.

"I've seen you fight."

Jinny said softly:


But the next moment, the female officer's tone became serious:

"But I didn't teach you the sword skills used by the Northland Army to turn you into a lunatic who sacrificed his life to fight."

Thales, who was still immersed in the soft atmosphere, couldn't help but tremble.

"Remember, you are a prince."

I saw Ji Ni sternly said:

"No matter what you've been through in the North..."

"When the battle comes, you have to raise your shield and protect yourself first!"

Ginny looked at him sternly:

"Defense, this is the first priority, don't always think about taking risks and attacking."

As if to emphasize the tone, Jinniti said:

"Did you hear it?"

Thales shook, and habitually agreed repeatedly:

"Yes Yes?"

Ji Ni stood up neatly, adjusted her attire, and returned to that sharp and dashing first-class court lady again.

Thales quickly stood up and sent her out of the room.

But just as they walked up the corridor, Jini's footsteps suddenly stopped.

The court lady turned her head sharply and looked at the two guards at the porch.

"You, little D.D."

The members of the guard who were in a daze from boredom were startled and came back to their senses:

"Female, ma'am?"

Thales was also taken aback, and quickly followed.

"What are you standing around here for?"

Ginny asked seriously.

Doyle, who was asked, was obviously very nervous. He patted his clothes and stepped forward with his colleagues:

"We have been assigned duties by the officer, ma'am, to accompany His Highness tonight..."

But Ginny cut him off.

"Today, when this kid was being beaten on the training ground, I heard it," Jine gouged him out, narrowed her eyes and said:

"You are still working as a part-time commentary, aren't you?"

At that moment, Doyle trembled all over.

Thales smiled helplessly.

"I... that... I was just joking..." Doyle was crying.

However, Ji Ni's tone became cold:

"So you admitted that, as the personal guard of the Duke of Xinghu, you made fun of him in public?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present frowned, even Thales was no exception.

Doyle was obviously panicked, and quickly denied:

"No, of course not, that, because at that time Lord Mallos was testing His Highness's..."

The tone of the conversation became tense.

Thales looked at Jine in surprise, feeling that this was not a good idea.

Jinny snorted softly:

"So you are accusing that your chief, Mallos, appointed you to belittle and make fun of His Royal Highness in the crowd?"

Doyle was shocked again:

"I, ma'am, that..."

At this moment, the silent colleague beside him spoke up.


The colleague drank in a low voice:

"Shut up."

D.D, who is as big as a bucket, is as good as he is, and immediately shuts down.

Sure enough, this time Jinny changed her target, she turned her head gracefully, and looked at the people beside Doyle.

"and who are you?"

The colleague in the dark raised his head, revealing a tall figure in the light:

"Pioneer Karen Glover. Ma'am."

Jinie narrowed her eyes, seemingly thinking.

"Oh, Glover."

"I remember a Glover," the court lady nodded and smiled:

"The most famous one."

Glover didn't answer, but stood up straighter.

But when Doyle, who was beside him, sighed in his heart, "Sure enough, someone in my ancestors was good at being an official", Jine's conversation suddenly changed.

"You know, it was also here many years ago," Ginny stared at Glover, showing a chill:

"What did your grandfather call me?"

Glover suddenly looked serious.

"'That shameless little rascal from the East China Sea.'"

Little Lang Hoof...

Glover's face suddenly became ugly.

Thales also became nervous.

"Your grandfather, that old man from Glover's family said that to the Crown Prince," Jinie said indifferently, even with some disdain:

"'She deserves to be cast into the seven hells and burn forever.'"

Jine said the last few words in a biting tone.

The smile Thales had been maintaining all this time began to ache.

Really bad.

Is this... a meeting of feuds?

"It's a pity, the road to hell..."

When Doyle next to him was secretly rejoicing, "Wow zombie, you are so unlucky", Jinie snorted coldly:

"Old Glover took a step ahead."

"Let's hope he's not overcooked."

Glover's face remained unchanged, but he clenched his fists.

Thales didn't understand what Jinie was doing, but instinct told him he couldn't keep silent:

"Ma'am, it's getting dark, how about..."

But Jine ignored the prince's words, and said to Doyle and Glover on her own:

"Both of you, pack your luggage, and you won't be on duty in Mindis Hall anymore."

Thales was taken aback!

"Okay ma'am, we'll-"

Doyle nodded quickly and said yes. He didn't react until he said it, and said in shock:


Glover frowned fiercely.

"Yes, because I neglected my master and disrespected the royal family," Jine's face changed, and she said sharply:

"You have been expelled from the Duke's personal guard."


The air was quiet for a moment.

Doyle's expression changed back and forth, and he didn't know what he was thinking during those few seconds, but he panicked and said:

"But, ma'am, that, Royal Guard, our duty is..."

But at this moment, Glover, who has always been reticent, spoke faster than him:

"Ma'am, our appointment was jointly reviewed by Baron Adrian and Chief Mallos, and signed by His Majesty..."

But Jinny suddenly raised her volume, covering both of them in an instant:

"So, Danny Doyle, Karen Glover, you are not willing to leave on your own initiative..."

Ji Ni's eyes are sharp and fierce at the moment, with an unbearable chill:

"Do you really want me, the female officer in charge of the second prince's life, to make a formal request at the imperial meeting tomorrow morning, to alert His Majesty and the officials, and to worry about the small matter of changing the guards?"

Doyle and Glover froze together!

One of them was tongue-tied, while the other stared angrily, and they all looked at Jine who was acting like a lioness in disbelief at this moment.


Thales finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Please don't worry about this matter," the Duke of Xinghu said gently and politely:

"Guard Doyle's action today was ordered by me, and Glover Vanguard has been conscientious and extremely competent."

Doyle and Gloria Qiqi turned to Thales.

Ji Ni also turned her head suddenly, and looked at the prince with murderous eyes.

It's like the training ground six years ago.

But Thales was still smiling, unchanged.

The uncomfortable few seconds finally passed.

Jinie snorted, seemingly disdainful:

"Be soft-hearted, mother-in-law, drag your feet."

"That's why you don't get dignity and respect."

Thales nodded with a smirk.

"I know."

The prince shrugged, and looked at Ji Ni helplessly:

"It's just...that's not my style."

Ginny shot Doyle and Glover with knife-like eyes, making them stand up straighter.

"Dinner is in an hour, ma'am, would you like to stay for dinner?"

Thales spoke hastily before Jini could say another word.

This made Jine snort in dissatisfaction.


The female officer said coldly, and finally glanced at the tense three people, then turned and left without hesitation.

As the sound of the high-heeled boots gradually diminished, and Jinie's figure disappeared behind the corner, Thales and the other two breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ms. Jine has a straightforward personality, don't worry about it."

Thales apologized.

Glover remained silent, while Doyle forced a smile with shame:

"Your Highness, I..."

But Thales spoke in advance, with a curious tone:

"So, Ms. Ginny, does she really have the power to overtake Mallos and Adrian and drive you out?"

Doyle rolled his eyes:

"Well, I'm not too..."

But Glover spoke this time:

"If she can be publicly and formally submitted to His Majesty and the Imperial Council, and the reasons are valid... yes."

Thales showed an original expression.

He then took a breath and looked at the two with a smile.

"But first, you are my bodyguard, aren't you?"

Doyle glanced around the corner, and he said cautiously while the shadow hadn't been removed:


Thales smiled:

"Then she can't."

Doyle blinked, Glover's expression moved.

"Thank you, Your Highness." Glover said in a deep voice.

Thales smiled, gave them a thumbs up, and turned back to the room without saying anything.

"That, Your Highness," Doyle said hurriedly behind him, with some hope:

"Is there... is there anything else I can do?"

Thales stopped.

"Oh, it's a bit late," the young man suddenly realized, and smiled back at the two of them: "It's an old habit, I want to go back to the study to study."

"But it would be nice to have some accompanying refreshments."

Doyle inhaled sharply.

"Do it right away, Your Highness," D.D nodded sincerely for the first time:


Thales nodded encouragingly and walked into the study.

At the corner of the corridor, Jine was still walking steadily with her boots on.

But at this moment, the court lady put on a smile on the corner of her mouth.

this kid.

What a waste.

The tea in the study isn't over yet, is it?

Thus, Thales' first etiquette class passed like this.

It's just that since then, Doyle and Glover have obviously respected him a lot.

Until one day in the next week, Doyle cautiously came to the study to report to Thales:

The two priests carefully selected by the Sunset Temple have come to the Mindis Hall.

Waiting to teach His Royal Highness their traditions of ruling from the empire to the stars, which every star king must be familiar with...

Theology class.

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