Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 55 Chess Players

Amid the busy noises, Thales stared blankly at the dagger in his hand, walking backward silently, letting countless members of the guard pass by.

The figure of the prince is interspersed among the group of armored men hurrying away, appearing lonely and isolated.

Dazzling and prominent.

In the next second, as if the ban had been lifted, the long-silent crowd of guests erupted into a commotion.

There was a swarm of voices, cheers, discussions, applause, and whispers.

"Oh my god, I swear, this banquet is the coolest thing that happened to me this year..."

"As expected of Canxing, right? Reminds me of forty years ago...cough cough cough..."

"That's not it, let me tell you, when Polaris was still in the Northland... That's called one, seeing the king kill the king, seeing the grand duke kill the grand duke... We in Elk City always miss him!"

"Remember, in the future, if anyone asks about what happened at the scene today, they don't talk too much, and just say that the royal guards controlled the scene..."

"His posture is so brave, ah, good Shanni, let me tell you quietly, I really want to be pressed against the wall by His Highness and kissed... Oh, what are you too? Huh, shameless! Bitch!"

"Let me tell you, go back and immediately become a shareholder of the trade association of glass merchants, especially the production of wine utensils..."

"No, listen to me, before the Fuxing Palace responds, you are not allowed to come to the Mindis Hall again, and you are not allowed to comment on what happened today..."

"Before that slut Inosha takes action, we need to find out the details of His Highness the Duke's life in the north, especially what kind of girl he likes..."

"Sure enough, I still can't get rid of the Yankee style. Let me tell you, be careful in the future..."

"Ma Ma, I also want to study in Exeter...huh? Otherwise, I can just be a hostage!"

"Did you remember? Yes, in this order: quail eggs, roast goose, lettuce, especially lettuce..."

"Tell your father to close all the loan sharks your family put out... loss? Are you still thinking about loss? Doyle is a lesson from the past!"

"Did you hear? Did you hear? 'I have the guts to stand in front of him and look him in the eye'?"


You can't even mention it after you go back, especially the bet..."

It seems that the enthusiasm lost by the public for a while finally returned after the situation subsided.

"Fortunately, fortunately, my sunset... that damn villain, I swear, I swear..." Baron Doyle hugged his son and wife, crying wantonly, which made dd very embarrassed.

Many people began to look at the star prince who was among the figures of the guards and turned his back to the hall with different eyes.

But Thales just kept silent.

He raised his head slightly, and looked at the empty top seat after the king left.

As if living in their own world.

Don't be disturbed, don't be disturbed.

"Okay, Banner Wing will take over from here... go directly to the secret department," Vogel ordered the escort of Anke, and then glanced at Thales in a daze, with a complicated expression:

"Obviously, a lot of people have to work overtime tonight."

Soon, under all kinds of gazes, Anke was escorted away by the guards who were waiting in formation. Although he did not struggle, the length of the escort team was still comparable to a guard of honor.

Thales silently listened to the sound of Anke being escorted away, without looking into his eyes.

On the other side, the Doyle family was overwhelmed and wept with joy.

Thales didn't respond.

It was as if a boulder had been pressed against his chest, making it difficult for him to react.

Mallos signaled Glover to put on the cloak for the Duke, but Thales stopped him with his hand.

As the backbone of the royalists, Earl Godwin coughed, stepped forward, and condoled Thales like an elder:

"Your Highness, thank you for your hard work tonight..."

"If you don't mind, I think this is the end of the banquet..."

But Thales suddenly said:

"Sorry, everyone!"

Duke Xinghu's sudden loud voice interrupted the buzzing discussions.

Thales turned around.

His face was so cold that everyone's heart trembled.

Looking at the prince's expression, Mallos frowned slightly.

Thales knew that more than one person had told him: a smile is the best armor.

But the Northlanders taught him:

Only armor is not enough for combat.

The prince pressed the bewildered Lord Godwin and walked towards the crowd.

"I know, maybe today, my opening remarks were too gentle."

Thales' eyes were unprecedentedly cold:

"It's easy to misunderstand."

The banquet hall was completely silent.

Thales lowered his voice, but against the backdrop of the silence, his words were extremely clear:

"But for those who don't know me, or don't like me, or even don't want to see me..."

Thales had a gloomy face:

"I don't mind, repeat the welcome speech."

He paced lightly, and his sharp eyes glanced at every guest.

It makes people feel withdrawn.

"My lords!"

Thales suddenly raised his voice, and bit out the strength and deterrence that he was used to but deliberately forgotten from between his teeth:

"I am Thales!"

He looked around the crowd, his eyes sullen.

"A name that you can't find in the 700-year genealogy of the Canxing family!"

The guests whispered again, but it quickly disappeared under Thales' eyes.

Thales lowered his head and stroked the dagger in his hand, feeling its precious material and good feel, and said in a deep voice:

"So, you may not know..."

"The past six years."

"I am neither the Prince of Stars nor the Duke of Star Lake."

The guests looked at each other.

Thales played with the short sword and didn't raise his head, but every word he said was low and deep, making the guests subconsciously prick up their ears:

"I have personally witnessed princes killing each other, and Nuen died."

"I have experienced dragons descending from the sky and disasters burning cities."

"I witnessed the Bingfeng incident, and Charmain respects it."

Thales' pupils converged, and he raised his head suddenly:

"Heisha leader hates me like a mortal enemy, and Longxiao City regards me like a disaster!"

His sudden cold voice shocked many listeners.

Thales strode forward, his eyes determined, stabbing everyone who looked at him.

The crowd retreated subconsciously as he approached.

"And all over Exeter, thousands of creatures, call me by name—"

While speaking, Thales flashed out his short sword and slammed it into a long table in front of him!


Amidst the muffled palpitations, Thales roared angrily:


With the help of Hell River's Sin, his voice echoed in the banquet hall, causing the lights to flicker and figures to flicker.

The entire hall was silent.

Hundreds of people, including many dignitaries of high status, did not dare to speak out at this time.

Thales stared at the blade on the table, breathing unsteadily.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

Thales finally let go of the dagger.

Only the hilt of the sword trembled slightly.

But the silence still lingered, and the guests remained silent.

Until Thales said coldly:

"Gentlemen, welcome to my...Mindis Hall."

He turned his head, expressionless, and concluded with a cold voice:

"May you have fun."

"The banquet is over."

No one moved.

Until Mallos sighed, stepped forward, and ordered the royal guards and the guards of Mindis Hall to bring order and persuade the guests to leave.

Vogel and Earl Godwin also stood up and arranged for everyone to leave.

Only then did the banquet hall gradually regain its popularity, and the sound of discussions and footsteps sounded again, but it was much more orderly and low-key, as if deliberately avoiding Duke Xinghu who was in a bad mood.

Thales was still standing in the hall, behind him was the dagger that disturbed his banquet.

"I remember asking you to fetch the alerter," Thales asked without turning his head, Mallos who seemed to have something to say:

"Why didn't you get it now?"

Mallos gestured to the passing guests, apologizing to them for the Duke, and replied indifferently:

"The sword is hidden in the locker in your study. I don't have the password."

Thales was slightly taken aback.

"Why didn't you ask me just now?"

"Because," Mallos glanced at the dagger behind him:

"From the beginning to the end, you never thought of using that sword."

Thales paused first, then smiled in relief.

"Then you are not worried, are you not worried that he will really duel with me?"

Mallos smiled softly, raised his clenched fist, and looked above his head.

Thales also raised his head following his gaze.

Soon he saw five or six members of the Xinghu Guard appearing from the shadows in the high place above the banquet hall, each holding a bow and crossbow, looking at them warily.

Mallos slowly let go of the fist he had clenched for a long time.

In the next second, the royal guards in the shadows put away their crossbows one after another.

"That's... Toledo, Morgan, Itariano beside you..."

Thales couldn't help being surprised when he recognized these people.

"The sniper squad you arranged temporarily," Thales suddenly said:

"How do I remember, Vogel stopped you?"

Mallos snorted softly, and looked at Vogel saying goodbye to several nobles in the distance.

"He thought he stopped me."

Thales exhaled,

"Have you thought about the price of doing this before?" Mallos asked softly.

Thales shook his head:


"What now?"

Thales felt heavy in his heart and fell silent.

Mallos didn't say anything, his expression remained indifferent.

The guests in the hall gradually flowed. Many people squeezed and bowed to Thales farewell, but more people lingered, as if they wanted to linger for a while longer.

For example, the seven servants of the bright star.

"It was handled very cleverly, Your Highness, as expected of Earl Caso's favorite student."

This is Baron Shi Tuo of Canxing's Seven Attendants. He has always had a gloomy face, not knowing what to think.

"The villain is so presumptuous," the old Viscount Patterson said unhappily:

"Your Highness, you have to forge ahead and set the record straight, otherwise such ghostly tricks will only become more rampant."

"This matter is no small matter, Your Highness, take care."

Viscount Adrian's farewell was concise and clear.

"Your Highness, the Doyle family has nothing to repay for your kindness... only..."

This is the crying old baron, but long before he started his speech, he was dragged away by the observing dd.

"Your Highness, your act of standing up for your subordinates is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people," Madam Eleanor led her son Luther to say goodbye, and said softly:

"The benevolent lord must be rewarded with blessings."

Facing them, Thales was expressionless, at most nodding slightly.

Until Val Aarend came to him in shackles and under the escort of the guards.

"You'll be troublesome, kid," Duke Allende snorted softly, staring at Thales with interest:

"Trouble for many people, big trouble."

Thales moved suddenly, he slowly raised his head, and stared at the other party:

"Older than you?"

Val Yang raised his eyebrows, smiled, and without saying anything, he told his escort:

"Let's go, I miss my deluxe single room."

After Val left, Lozano Glover, one of the seven attendants, came to him:

"The long-standing malpractice of Jinghe and Yatiao Town, Your Highness, is definitely not a one-time burden, nor is it just a case of one place. It will affect many parties. Please pay more attention when you deal with it."

Thales nodded, feeling numb.

Viscount Lozano paused slightly, and he glanced at Glover who was coordinating on the other side.

"My younger brother, Jia Lun, is dull and taciturn. He often forgets food and sleep at work, doesn't know how to rest, and rarely goes home." Lozano looked at his brother complicatedly:

"Please let him come back on vacation regularly so that he can better serve the royal family."

Thales' eyes moved slightly:

"I will."

Lozano nodded, bowed and left.

"That's the end?"

Thales turned his head, and Gust Nantry blinked his one eye, looking at the prince disapprovingly.

"No," Thales said indifferently, trying not to think about the haze deep in his heart:

"This is just the beginning."

Gust snorted.

"I will return to Junlin City soon."

The Duke of Yadi raised the corners of his mouth: "Tonight, among the gifts I brought you are some unique rocks of Yadi. Find some trustworthy people and keep them safe."

Thales frowned in confusion:


"Because they are military raven directional stones," Kosd said indifferently:

"It is connected to a few military crows that have not yet been registered at the post office and are not even known to the secret department."

Thales exhaled:

"Why didn't you just say it?"

Gust hummed and shook his head:

"Because at that time, your banquet hasn't started yet."

He glanced at Mallos who was arranging affairs not far away:

"Because then, you don't need it yet."

Thales was taken aback.

But Cyclops left without any regrets.

Figures hurried, farewell sounds, Thales watched today's "unique" banquet come to an end wearily and indifferently.

Until he saw one of them.

Thales took a deep breath, recalling everything that happened tonight.

he laughed.

Amidst the noise of the guests, Thales raised his head and called to the figure who was about to leave:

"Dear Jan!"

The hall was quiet again, and many people stopped and looked to this side.

Among the crowd, the approachable Duke Iris turned around.

"Your Highness?"

Etiquette is decent and manners are elegant.

Thales looked at him and suddenly said:

"You forgot something."

Jen was stunned:

"Something? I don't know..."

But the next moment, his expression changed.

Because Thales turned his head, without hesitation, he pulled out the dagger from the table with his backhand!


The metal short sword flew several meters, and hit the stone ground, the sound was endless.

It caused others to run away.

"The sword you brought," Thales said coldly in front of everyone without concealing it:

"Aren't you going to take it back?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone changed color and were shocked!

The hall was completely silent.

Zhan En opened his eyes slightly and looked at him in surprise.

Among the hurried figures of countless people, Thales and Jen En passed their eyes unhindered across the crowd and met in the air.

Soon, Zhan En's eyes faded from surprise, leaving coldness behind.

Confront Thales.

As if there was a tacit understanding, after a period of frightened whispering, the remaining guests rushed to leave in batches, even Vogel was no exception.

It was as if there was a plague in the banquet hall at this very moment.

After a while, the guests in the hall almost left.

Mallos frowned, and waved away the royal guards and servants who were equally surprised, and he also retreated silently.

Zhan En pondered for a few seconds, then turned around and pushed back his old housekeeper.

"You know, during my six years,"

Thales chuckled lightly:

"Have you learned anything from Dragon Clouds, from the Yankees?"

Duke Jann frowned slightly.

He didn't speak, only his expression became more serious, without the elegance and calmness just now.

In the empty hall, Thales spoke softly, his tone becoming more and more chilling:

"You fucked them."

Thales stared at Zhan En, his eyes became sharp:

"They fuck you back."

In the messy banquet hall, the voice of the Duke of Xinghu echoed in every corner with a palpitating coldness:

"Only heavier."

"More ruthless."

"It hurts more."

In an instant, the banquet hall entered a suffocating silence.

Only two people facing each other from a distance, using their eyes as swords, confronted each other in the air.

Until Jen En sighed and sneered.

"How did you find out?"

Thales didn't speak.

He frowned, took a step back, sat down on a chair, stared at the short sword, his thoughts were unclear.

"You told me," the prince hissed.

"Really?" Zhan En laughed more and more happily, not caring:


A few seconds later, Thales raised his head, looked at Zhan En again, and said seriously:


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