Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 60 Can't Escape Its Sheath

imperial style.

Thales chewed the word for a while.

A genre worthy of rivaling "The Temple".

Is it the wind of the empire, or the wind of the emperor?

"Now, do you understand?"

Mallos lightly stroked the sword hilt at his waist, his eyes complicated and difficult to distinguish.

"Difeng, what is the significance of this line of martial arts inherited from the empire era to the Star Kingdom, the Canxing Royal Family, and especially to you?"

There were only a few people on the training field, and there was silence in the depths of the courtyard, except for the stone-built main hall standing majestically behind it, which remained the same under the gray sky.

Thales pondered for a long time before speaking.

"So, 'Difeng' not only represents martial arts, but also represents history. It is of extraordinary significance. It is equivalent to the family tradition of the Canxing royal family..."

So this is another story of reading history and reading the world, which made me "study hard"...

Thinking of this, Thales was choked up.


The family history of the Canxing royal family...

Thales' expression changed slightly, while Mallos on the side remained silent.

"Doyle of Mirror River..."

The prince suddenly said the surname without thinking.

"Last night, the fight between D.D and Bailar..."

Thales looked at the watchman, and spoke in surprise and doubt:

"Although the weapons and styles are different, I have the impression that D.D's swordsmanship style also belongs to the imperial style?"

Mallos narrowed his eyes slightly.

After a few seconds, the watchman nodded.

"Danny Doyle was the last attendant hired by Knight Joaquin. Before Knight Joaquin died, he was a private soldier of the Canxing royal family on his own territory. Master figure.


The swordsmanship instruction of Canxing's private soldiers.

After the question was confirmed, Thales turned his eyes, and then asked:

"What about the others?"

"Besides Toledo and D.D? Glover? Bastia? And you?"

Thales stared fixedly at Mallos.

The watchman smiled faintly, affirming his guess:


"Glorver, Morgan, Vladden, Oscarson in the vanguard..."

"Bastia, Franczuk, Ferry, Kusta in the guard wing..."

"Including Tang Xin and Trifanov under my command."

Mallos' palm was still pressed on the hilt of the sword, as if sighing:

"More than that, your Xinghu Guard, to be precise, is the entire royal guard, most of them are practitioners of Emperor Style."

The vast majority of the royal guard.

Thales realized something at first, then frowned and thought deeply.

"As for me, the teachers who taught me martial arts are also imperial knights."

Just listen to the watchman slowly say:

"Thanks to Canxing's private soldiers, even the royal standing army, which has only been organized for decades, is more or less affected by it, and many people from officers to soldiers practice it."

Thales was silent for a while.

He quietly pondered the truth.

Mallos didn't rush him either, but patiently waited for the prince's reaction.


A few seconds later, Thales spoke quietly, in a daze:

"You said, between the temple and the imperial style, do people pay any attention when choosing their own school?"

At that moment, Mallos' eyes dimmed.

He gently let go of his sword hilt.

"I think, in an era when tyrants are rising and the world is in turmoil, the skills taught by the Tower of the End will often become popular for a while, spread and become prominent in the eyes of the world."

The watchman got rid of the confusion in his eyes and became calm again:

"In times of peace and prosperity, when the country is prosperous and the people are peaceful, the orthodox imperial style has become a trend that people are chasing after each other."

Mallos looked at Thales, calm as before, only the pause between words was very different:

"You, do you understand?"

Thales took a deep breath.

He sat upright, facing his personal guard captain and martial arts teacher with awe.


"What exactly do you want to talk about in today's class?"

The arc of Mallos' mouth widened a bit, but he shrugged his shoulders with an innocent and helpless look:

"Of course the two representative schools in the world..."

But Thales interrupted him.

"You can be more straightforward, you don't have to be so secretive and careful," Duke Xinghu stared at him seriously:

"I don't engage in keyword review."

Mallos hesitated slightly.

He snorted lightly.

"That's as smart as you, what do you think I want to say?"

The two looked at each other silently for a moment.

Until Thales took a deep breath, gently closed his eyes, and then opened them again.

"Nan'an leader, that idiot from the Calabyan family...cough cough, I mean, respected Master Cohen."

Thales stared at Mallos with a solemn tone:

"As far as I know, he is a student of the Tower of the End."

"According to what you said, he is the trainer of the 'Temple'."

Mallos raised his eyebrows, noncommittal.

"Northland, Miss Miranda from the Arund family."

"And last night, Xihuang, Anke Bailar in Yatiao Town."

"And Nexi, as you said, before he moved to the central leadership, he lived in the blade collar."

Thales' tone was affirmative, advancing step by step:

"By the way, there are Exeters."

Thales remembered what Wyah had told him:

"As far as I know, Kaslan Rumba, who was once famous as 'Earth Shaker', also learned his skills from the Tower of Terminator when he was young."

Hearing the name, Mallos moved slightly, thoughtfully.

He raised his head and responded leisurely to the prince:

"You do know a lot, Your Highness."

Thales frowned:

"Also last night, when you said that the assassin's martial arts originated from the Tower of End, your old enemy—sorry, I mean Lord Vogel, the deputy captain of the guard—the first reaction was: that is a foreign noble."

Tels paused for a moment, but Mallos remained calm.

"As for Difeng..."

Thales felt that he had caught the line, and was pulling it tighter and tighter until he was close to the key:

"In my guard, D.D and Glover are both from the central leadership, to be precise, they are the Seven Stars."

"And you said, Toledo is a branch descendant of the Seven Samurai family."

"Even yourself, Tormund Mallos, is a descendant of the Seven Attendants."

Mallos breathed slightly.

"Also, the 'vast majority' of the rest of the royal guard."

Thales said seriously:

"The temple and the imperial wind."

"Is it a coincidence that their practitioners are so different?"

But Mallos still didn't answer his words, and asked instead:

"what do you think?"

Thales frowned, and thought to himself that this guy is stinging words like gold at this time, and he is definitely trying to get revenge on the prince before stealing words.

"I guess……"

Thales tried to infer:

"At least in the Kingdom of Stars, the local nobles tend to send their children to the Tower of the End to practice martial arts in the Temple?"

"The lords in the center follow the inheritance of the imperial style more, so as to be close to the preferences of the Canxing royal family?"

"is that so?"

Mallos smiled, noncommittal.

Thales exhaled.

"A little deeper..."

The prince frowned and said:

"The skills of the Tower of the End have been spread throughout the kingdom, especially the local families with a long history and habit of dividing and ruling."

"Difeng is based in the center of the stars, with Eternal Star City as its foundation, and is highly respected by the knights surrounding the throne."

Taylor's eyes lit up.

"Holy Temple and Emperor Style, martial arts genre, I seem to understand."

Thales no longer cared about Mallos' reaction, and thought for himself:

For thousands of years, especially in the age of the Empire, the Temple and the Imperial Wind have faced each other and competed with each other.

But this is not the difference between different schools of martial arts, the battle of sword qi in the previous life.

"It's like the power of the end," Thales recalled what Ricky said in the dungeon, and subconsciously repeated:

"They are not only themselves, but also the fighters themselves."

Mallos frowned slightly.

Thales spoke faster and faster:

"The Temple of Knights originated in the ancient Northland, and its martial arts were spread among rangers and bravery, and spread to all parts of the world."

"Their opponent, Emperor Feng, started from the ancient empire, benefited from the orthodoxy of the imperial power, inherited from the knights of the legion, and benefited from the center of the palace."

"From the beginning, the two were born in different people, and they developed and grew up in the struggle of these people with each other."

Thales said in a trance:

"Until the millennium passed, they changed their appearance and formed two major martial arts in the territory of the stars, surrounding the throne and the royal power."


"Emperor Wind."

Mallos stared at the prince closely.

Thales ignored him.

At this moment, he is immersed in thinking:

Yes, as Ricky said:

The power of the end is closely related to the warrior himself, reflecting everyone's experience and personality...

The genre of martial arts is closely related to the real world, reflecting everyone's inclinations and choices.

Thales said in a daze:

"Because they are not just two major factions, and their competition is not just a battle of honor and disgrace, a battle of fame, but also naked real politics."

"In ancient times, those who used them were obsessed with the division between the central and local parts of the empire."

"In contemporary times, the practitioners of the two are surrounded by the difference between the power of the stars and the division of vassals."

Thales raised his head and looked at Mallos with certainty:

"It's not just martial arts."

"It's politics and power, history and change."

"This is the truth and significance of the two schools of thought that have been handed down to this day."

"That's what you really wanted to tell me, right?"

Mallos smiled, very relieved.

He looked at the sparsely barren courtyard in the distance due to the alternation of autumn and winter:

"To be honest, I'm not good at interpreting politics, and I don't want to mislead you, Your Highness..."

Thales shook his head and interrupted him:

"Nonsense, your heart is as bright as a mirror, very thorough."

The prince no longer looked at Mallos, his eyes were dim.

thousands of years ago...

The general trend is rolling and gathering into a tide.

The human race will be prosperous, and the temple will be proud of itself.

What is good at the top will be worse at the bottom.

The direction of the imperial power is based on the imperial style.

Mallos looked at the prince in deep thought and fell silent.

Thales glanced into the distance. After the battle, Nexi and Toledo were wiping their sweat and drinking water——the former seemed to be worried about it, but the latter didn't care.

The clash of swords between the two of them just now seemed to resound in his mind again:


Thales was stunned.

Nexi's extremely fast sword light, Toledo's tenacious defense.

It was not just a duel between two people, or even a collision between two schools of thought.

In that battle, what he glimpsed was the scenery of thousands of years ago:

Emperors and princes.

Empire and Ranger.

Unity and chaos.

Iron blood and publicity.

And now, a thousand years later...

Thales' thoughts drifted away:

In a troubled world divided and governed, it is difficult to start a melee.

So the end tower is erected, peaches and plums are everywhere.

The stars are restored, and the royal power expands.

Inherited by its own knights, the imperial style will last through the ages.

The local nobles chose the Tower of the End, and the Canxing Qishi chose to be close to Difeng.

central and local.

Centralization and division.

King and vassals.

Thales thought about all this in a daze, and became more and more enlightened.

There is nothing in this world, it is nothing but illusory castles in the air that drop from the sky.

Even foreign objects or tools like martial arts and swordsmanship, which seem innocent and independent, and are only related to personal choice of interests, are no exception.

The emergence of the Temple and the Imperial Wind are closely related to the times. Their competition with each other is by no means isolated and static, but the result of the joint action of history and politics, reality and power.

The opposition between the two is a faithful reflection of the relationship between people in the inheritance of martial arts and real violence.

Time has made them.

They reflect the times.

This is true for martial arts, and even more so for people.

Thinking of this, Thales sighed:

"It seems that Gray Sword Guard is right."

"Ancient swords cannot escape their sheaths."

Gray Sword Guard?

Hearing this comment on the previous generation of masters, Mallos was taken aback, seemingly puzzled.

But Thales just shook his head.

"For every kind of martial arts, every genre, no matter how powerful and glorious, how powerful and prominent..."

Thales let out a sigh of relief:

"The background of the times and the soil of society, and even the people who use them, are the 'sheaths' that they cannot escape."

Mallos fell into deep thought and nodded slightly.

Speaking of this, Thales suddenly remembered what Bachelor Bona said in grammar class just now:

【Language is a tool and a result, but it is also the master and the cause of formation. It is the best example of being anti-objective and profoundly affecting users in the process of change...】

Thales was startled subconsciously.

Whether it is martial arts or language.

They are not just tools of the mindless.

On the contrary, the people who use them put them into their scabbards, brand them with their own brand, and endow them with the characteristics of the times and society. From then on, they are integrated, inseparable, and even have...humanity.

They are more anti-objective, influencing more people in inheritance and practice, and continue to strengthen and promote the trend of the times.

【Theology, in the final analysis, is the study of people. 】

The words of Priest Megan resounded in his mind.

"It's like the temple and the imperial wind."

Thales subconsciously said:

"Their opposing meanings, from ancient times to the present, have been passed down in the bodies of thousands of practitioners, taking root and sprouting, looking for opportunities to bloom, whether they are aware of it or not."

They are constantly changing and entangled in countless real and political territories.

They clang and linger in every blow of weapons.

At this second, Thales remembered the scene of the confrontation between Nexi and Toledo just now.

But the next moment, what he saw was the banquet hall from last night again, and it was the angry fight between D.D and Anke.

No, not just them.

Mallos, Doyle, Glover...

Kaslan, Cohen, Miranda...

"They live in every soldier, every weapon, every battle."

Thales said in a daze:

"One after another, one after another, the competition for thousands of years has failed."

"Until now."

Never departed, never diminished, never faded.

It's just people being in it.

Use it every day without realizing it.

I don't know for a long time.

Can't escape its sheath.

Mallos savored for a moment and suddenly smiled:

"It seems that I don't need to say anything more."

Thales also laughed.

He looked at the weapons rack on the training ground, then raised his head again, looking at the gloomy sky.

At that moment, he just felt that everything in the air was enveloped in it.

Perhaps, this is the strings of the times.

Thales expressed his heartfelt emotion:

It is the syllable it plays in every detail of history.

Small and invisible, but the shadow is endless.

It seems to be there, but it is thick and unbearable.

"Mallos, those genres you mentioned before..."

Thales sighed slowly.

"I went back and checked the information."

Mallos looked at the Duke of Xinghu, feeling the heaviness of the latter.

Just listen to Thales slowly say:

"The offensive and defensive faction, or the northern faction, started from the years of conflict between the stars and Exeter on the border."

"The Martial Arts faction is inherited from the church armed forces that were very prosperous in the empire era. They used to be the guardians of the temple of faith."

"Trendy, it is reflected in modern mercenaries and adventurers."

"These martial arts, they all have their own origins, right?"

Thales looked at Mallos firmly:

"As we said today, the temple and the emperor's wind."

Mallos looked back at him for a long time, and then said quietly:

"War and chaos, peace and prosperity, can all give birth to different martial arts and warriors, either colorful and incredible, or orthodox and uniform in style."

The watchman looked at the distant sky:

"I heard that in the foreign land of the Eastern Continent, the farther away from us, the more different the martial arts."

Thales chuckled, feeling a little relieved.

"The changes of the times have influenced and shaped everything," said the prince with emotion:

"Cause and effect follow one another, and the front and back are connected. No one can escape, and nothing can escape."

As for those technological means that transcend history and can still develop smoothly...

Beyond the times, the cheats of exercises that can kill the Quartet...

Thales sighed.

Sure enough, it can only appear in rebirth and time travel.

"But no matter what, one thing will never change."

Mallos stood up with a serious face and a cold tone.

"All martial arts, in the final analysis, are violence."

"All violence, unmasked, can kill."

The watchman said profoundly:

"Your Highness, be careful."

Thales frowned.

Power comes from violence.

Is it?


Thales lowered his eyes:

"Why are you telling me this and demonstrating the teaching?"

Mallos took a breath and let it out slowly.

"Because, that's what you're going to be teaching today."

He looked at the main building of Mindis Hall, his eyes were gloomy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Are you ready?"

Are you ready?

Thales didn't answer right away.

What he thought of at the moment was another matter.

Since the style of martial arts is the same, so is the power of the end. They all bear the imprint of people, engraved with the traces of the times, and reflect the power changes in reality.


Thales' eyes sharpened.

Before the magic tower collapsed, when the mages were not extinct, when knowledge was not listed as a taboo, it was still the supreme knowledge of the world...

What about the face of magic?

How does it overlap with people, is closely related to the times, and entangled with reality?

When Thales was fascinated.

"Sir, Your Highness!"

In the distance, along with the sound of footsteps, came the tense and heavy voice of Guard Officer Bastia, resounding through the training ground:

"Someone from the Fuxing Palace!"

At that moment, Thales and Mallos fell silent.

Bastia's sturdy body stepped onto the ground of the training ground, stirring up endless dust:

"His Majesty's order!"

"Urgently summon the Duke of Xinghu, and immediately enter the palace to have an audience!"

Thales was silent for a while.

Mallos also remained motionless.

They turned a blind eye to the guard's anxiety.

Finally, when Bastia couldn't bear to repeat it, Thales stood up slowly.


"Yes, Mallos."

Thales took a deep breath.

He smiled slightly, and answered the watchman's question just now: "The warm-up is over."

"I'm ready."

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