Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 67 Try to Be Real

why is he here

Mallos couldn't help asking himself this question every time he walked in the corridors of the Fuxing Palace.

A few rays of light leaked through the narrow stone windows, dividing the corridor on this floor into countless black and white fragments.

And he walked through the light and shadow, flickering in the cold morning.

Soon, the road under Mallos's feet diverged before his eyes: one went to the royal treasure house and the watchman's secret room that he often visited, and the other went to the guard's quarters that he hated most.

why is he here

Mallos took one of them without hesitation.

Because he was meant to be here.

Passing by the precious portrait of Halva, the "wisdom minister" in the era of King Fuxing (he still looks so dazzling with his wisdom beads in his hand), the watchman greeted the two logistics officers of the royal guard who passed by, but he was sensitively aware: they The attitude is very strange.

It's normal.

After all, after last night, Mindis Hall became the center of attention of the entire capital.

Mallos thought indifferently.

What's more, the person who really bears these pressures...

Mallos turned a corner with ease, pushed open a wooden door, and walked into the guard's first duty room.

"So, Weah, what's in store for the new year?"

Mallos stopped in front of the wall where the roster was hung, and while greeting the people in the room, he took off his saber and hung it on the sword stand.

To touch the weapon, to meet the other.

His finishing power awakened in his body, like an instinct.

The whole world fell silent.


Dead silence.




until someone disturbed.

"Mate tea."

On the other side of the duty room, a young man—the flag officer Weah put down his teacup with a bitter face, and raised his head from behind the desk full of piles of documents:

"A business group brought it back from the Zante Islands. It was so bitter that it couldn't be sold in the king."

"So the logistics wing bought a large number of them cheaply, 'helping to refresh oneself'."

"At least that's what they said."

Weah was depressed for unknown reasons.

Mallos controlled his face and made a smile that felt genuine.

"That's right," the watchman picked up the teapot and poured himself a big cup:

"Bitter, this looks like a logistics wing."

Mallos took a sip, and the taste in his mouth made him frown severely:

"It's especially suitable for your job."

But Weah, who is usually talkative, didn't pick up this time.

"Don't look at me, Master Mallos," Weah raised his hand helplessly:

"Today, I'm just a recorder."

Seeing Weah's unusual caution, Mallos paused.

Not only was he depressed, but he was also nervous that he was trying to hide.

but why?

Footsteps came from inside.

New fluctuations appeared in the dead world, which attracted Mallos' attention.

"You are late," a voice sounded in the duty room, calm but serious:

"Lord Mallos."

The voice was full of unhappiness.

The watchman turned his head, and a man about his age, with a pair of slender eyes and a pair of thin lips, and a man with an uncomfortable aura came out of the inner room and came to him.

It's him.

Mallos' complexion remained unchanged, and he sighed slightly in his heart.

Why do I still feel disappointed?

He knew he was coming, didn't he?

"I didn't expect it to be you."

Mallos put down his teacup, smiled, and faced the visitor head-on:

"Lord Taron."

Vogel Talen, the deputy captain of the guard and the chief flag officer who had just met last night, snorted softly at him:

"Yeah, I didn't think of it either."

Mallos nodded.

Vogel was not happy.

In a dead world, he told himself.

The other party wants something, but can't get it, so they are extremely resentful.

The watchman turned his head and asked Weah:

"Where's Gaitan?"

"As I recall, he is usually responsible for recording?"

Behind the desk, the flag officer Weah stared at the words written in his pen seriously, as if he hadn't heard the words of the watchman, and seemed to have made up his mind not to look up.

"Chief Flag Wing is very busy today and is understaffed."

It was Vogel who answered him.

The chief flag officer said coldly:

"Thanks to last night."

Mallos smiled.

"Very busy? So, as the leader, you have to go to battle in person?"

The watchman turned his head and looked directly at Vogel's willow-like eyes:

"To do...paperwork?"

Vogel didn't answer him, but just moved behind the desk and pulled a chair beside Weah.

Mallos caught Weah sneaking a little sideways.

In the next second, Vogel suddenly said an old saying in a cold voice:

"The knights are full."

As soon as this remark came out, Mallos and Viazi were silent.

Although he had other thoughts in his heart, the watchman had no choice but to respond sternly with Weah:

"Only follow the emperor's order!"

He didn't know the significance of this set of ancient rituals.

But as long as I can remember, the royal guard has enforced such rules.

It seems that in this way, the demeanor of the Imperial Guard can be regained.

He can only obey.

The atmosphere became tense.

Vogel stared at him silently, as if to test the veracity of his words.

A few seconds later, the vice captain just nodded:

"Lock the door and let's begin."

Weah took a deep breath and stood up to do so.

He pulled a black chest from the locker, and took out a bit of asphalt and a rough pebble.

Mallos stared.

"Then, Honorable Watcher of the Guard, Tormund Mallos, please sit down."

While Weah respectfully asked Mallos to sit down, he opened an iron gate behind the wall.

The wall under the iron gate is engraved with weird but delicate patterns, and there are many ancient runes that only a poor man can know.

Weah obviously didn't understand these things, but that didn't stop him from following the process and embedding the asphalt and stones into the intricately patterned holes in the wall.

Move carefully.

Familiar, yet in awe.

Weah closed the iron gate, and a few seconds later, there was a strange shimmer in the gap of the iron gate.

"What does this mean?" Mallos stared at the lights.

"Focus Stone," Weah replied cheerfully, and it seemed that he also found it very novel:

"It's very powerful, right, it is said that it can work like this..."

Mallos interrupted him:

"I know what this is."

"I'm asking why."

Weah froze for a moment, then subconsciously looked at Vogel:

"You know, the important records in the royal guard generally need to be left in eternal files, especially the flag wing..."

Vogel coughed suddenly.

Weah immediately turned his back on the matter.

"On the morning of January 4th, 680, the End Calendar, according to the Covenant of the Imperial Guard, the work of holding the flag of the Royal Guard begins now."

"The target of the file is the Watcher of the Guard, Tormund Mallos."

The flag officer opened the record book, quite well-behaved:

"I am the Chief Banner Officer Weah Corden, and I am in charge of witnessing and recording this time. I will be accompanied by Chief Banner Officer Vogel Talen, who will lead today's..."

But Vogel interrupted him directly:


"Pit crystals are expensive, let's save some."

Amid Weah's embarrassing look, Vogel took over the conversation.

"First of all, about last night in Mindis Hall..."

Vogel turned over a page of records in his hand, looked directly at Mallos in front of him, and said coldly:

"Whether it's an impulsive end or a proxy duel, as the captain of the personal guard, you know the pros and cons."

"Why did you not stop it, but condone Prince Thales' impulsive move?"

Mallos looked away from the wall inlaid with polyphonic stones and asphalt, and no longer looked at the ancient polyphonic circle that had been repaired by countless amateurs for six hundred years, but now it can only be regarded as barely usable.

He goes back to last night.

"I have neither the right nor the ability to interfere with the decision of His Highness the Prince."

"Since he has spoken, I can't disagree with him in public."

Vogel hummed inexplicably:

"Is it?"

"But why do I feel that you really wanted to disagree with your superiors last night?"

He hasn't changed.

Mallos looked at Vogel's face, which was as suspicious, mean and hostile as ever.

Just like eighteen years ago.

At that time, Vogel, Facundo, Staley, including himself, were all just young knight apprentices. Even Vogel, who had the highest background and the most senior qualifications, was only a selection student of the royal guard, not even an official guard. member.

It's just a group of young people, looking up to the legends of the past, longing for illusory fame.

But at the age of being sensible and about to become an adult.

Witness a bloody nightmare.


Dazed and out of order.

Mallos shook his head:

"You must have misunderstood, Lord Taron, last night you and I..."

But Vogel never gave him a chance to finish his speech:

"Danny Doyle, that D.D, your first-class security officer."

The chief flag officer looked down at a page of documents:

"His performance last night was unbearable, even disgraceful."

"For my own selfishness, act recklessly, disregarding the safety of the prince, and ignore the orders of the superiors."

Vogel raised his head:

"is that so?"

Mallos and Vogel looked at each other quietly.

During the eighteen years, he and Vogel, the young people of their generation, worked tremblingly, trying to shape themselves into the most admired, but also the most unfamiliar appearance.

From selected students, to trial trainees, to second-class officials, first-class officials...

until now.

I thought it was just like this.

It can cover up the fear and despair of the past.

become adults.

Then teach the new generation of young people.

"Yes," Mallos said happily:

"He was stupid last night."

Vogel snorted, meaning unknown.

"As for the first-class vanguard officer, Karen Glover..."

The chief flag officer changed the page:

"As far as I know, Doyle broke away from him to the point of jeopardizing the situation."

"is that so?"

Mallos suddenly felt sleepy.

But he couldn't yawn in their face.


Not very polite.

"I can't deny it." Mallos picked up the yerba mate tea in his hand, while covering up his yawn, feeling the stimulation of bitterness in the dead world.

This made him very excited.

The logistics wing does good things occasionally, doesn't it?

"So they deserve to be punished, do you agree?"

During Vogel's interrogation, Weah rustled and recorded something.


Mallos lifted his nose from the teacup and smiled lightly:


Vogel looked at him for a long time, as if to confirm that the other party really had this reaction.

He pulled out a report and pushed it backwards in front of Mallos:

"Very well, then you sign it, and I will send it to Chief Penalty Officer Facundo."

"For your sake, Banner Wing will not hold other people accountable..."

Mallos looked at the flag bearer in front of him and reported, and caught a few key words from it:




deal with.

Mallos raised the corner of his mouth.

But he obediently grabbed his pen and opened the report.

"Don't worry, although the mistake has already been made, I think that neither Doyle nor Glover can be forgiven, and they will not enter the confinement well of the guards."

Vogel still stared at him with gleaming eyes, and the words in his mouth softened a lot:

"I suggest to Facundo, just downgrade them to second class..."

Mallos remained indifferent, he tried the ink on the draft, and hummed:

"Then you are really generous."

He is not.

Vogel is eager to do so.

Mallos told himself.

To demonstrate the power he has never obtained elsewhere, to numb the pain he feels elsewhere, to cover his decades of irritability.

The world is still dead silent, allowing Mallos to feel Vogel's emotions more clearly.

But he did so, but still not satisfied.

It's like revenge can't fill the void.

The future cannot make up for the past.

"But there is no doubt that these two people are no longer suitable to stay with Prince Thales."

Vogel changed his words:

"I think they should go back to the old wings and reflect on the standby..."

Mallos nodded while looking at the report, and said casually:

"Just one small problem..."

Vogel paused:


The polyphony array flickered slightly, Weah frowned, and knocked on the wall tentatively.

"Under the witness of Prince Thales and the whole team, I have executed the punishment," Mallos seemed indifferent:

"Doyle and Glover, both paid their due price."

Vogel was silent for a few seconds.


"Just this morning."

Mallos turned to the next page, oh, this is the signature page.

"The details will be recorded by the Deputy Penalty Officer Gray Patterson. Of course, I believe that Hugo Forbe will report to the flag wing as soon as possible."

Vogel didn't speak.

But in the dead world, Mallos felt that the pressure from the other party was rising.

Like a stove for boiling water.

"this morning……"

Vogel exhaled:

"Is it too hasty to deal with the incident last night in such a hurry?"

"It's really hasty," Mallos raised his pen and dipped the ink:

"Helpably, Prince Thales is furious."

"Under compulsion, we dare not delay."

Vogel frowned fiercely.

Mallos paved the report meticulously, preparing to sign the most neat and perfect signature in his life on this processing report.

After several seconds, the Deputy Guard Captain in front of him slowly choked out a sentence:

"Is it?"

Vogel stared at Mallos:

"Prince Thales, is he so mean and unkind?"

At that moment, Weah next to him suddenly felt a little suffocated, and had to concentrate on maintaining the polyphonic circle.

As if he really understood that stuff.

Mallos shrugged, chuckled and began to write letters:

"Ha, you can't imagine."

Vogel lowered his eyes, looking at Mallos' beautiful handwriting:

"Are you sure you should be punished?"

"I don't know," Mallos dipped his ink and shook his head:

"Of course, it's not incomprehensible if you think His Highness is unfair and needs to be re-sentenced..."


The deputy captain slapped the table with his palm.

Mallos stopped writing. He raised his head and looked at Vogel in front of him.

He doesn't need to wander in his own dead world to feel the other person's emotions.

"No need."

Vogel stared at Mallos closely, and took the paper back without any objection.

The name was half signed, and the tip of the pen drew a long line of ink on the drawn paper.

Weah bowed his head deeply—this child has been immersed in the flag wing for a long time, and knows how to read words and expressions.

"Generally, we don't punish twice for the same crime."

Vogel was expressionless.

In front of Mallos, he tore the report into pieces and threw them into the wastebasket.

"Of course, I forgot."

Mallos put down his pen and smiled at the other party:

"Thank you for reminding."

What a pity, that was his best signature.

Vogel was silent for a long time until he digested his current emotions.

A few seconds later, when the chief flag officer raised his head, his posture was perfect and his attitude was correct.

"As far as I know, you have been with Prince Thales for more than two months."

Vogel swept away the unhappiness just now, he pulled out a report again, and returned to his current job:

"How's your Highness's character these days?"


The kid's... character?

Mallos' eyes were slightly distracted.

"Fight to death."

He said slowly:

"If you lose, you're still stubborn."

Vogel frowned and looked down at the report:

"It's not just martial arts, it can also be..."

The flag bearer paused:

"other aspects?"

Mallos smiled slightly:

"Perhaps the Kingdom Secret Division will know more about His Highness's life in the north."

Vogel raised his gaze:

"But I'm asking you."

There was a pause between the two.

Mallos looked at Vogel quietly.

Just like when they were young.

"Bard poetry."

Mallos spoke slowly, with a look of indifference:

"He likes this thing very much. He has read a lot and sang very well. It's a pity that he plays the lute..."

"He played it like a cat meowing spring."

Vogel frowned again.

"He likes to talk to himself, and he also likes to play chess, but his chess skills are as bad as D.D."

"He likes to hold a book wherever he goes, pretending to be a man of culture," Mallos picked up the teacup, and gradually felt that the tea in it was not so bitter:

"But he never looked through it."

"What else?" Vogel interrupted him:

"Like... some abnormality?"

Mallos raised his gaze.

Vogel's expression remained unchanged:

"We all know that the prince is a genius, different from ordinary people."

Different from ordinary people.

The watchman stayed in the dead world that only he knew for a while, then he hummed softly and returned to reality.

"Well, His Highness's mouth that seems to have been smeared with poison never forgives others, but it's strange that his usual temperament is gentle and calm."

Mallos showed a knowing smile again:

"Including some moaning and melancholy temperament that are common at this age."

"You know, childhood lack of love..."

Vogel coughed deliberately!

"Watch your words, Lord Mallos."

Mallos smiled apologetically.


The watchman stood in the dead world, looking at the infinite desolation ahead.

Vogel has been living in irritability and emptiness, burning with anger.

But he was still in awe.

in fear.

"Anything else?"

"Yes, although I don't know the details, but Your Highness has one thing that makes the guards worry..."

Vogel raised his head, as if listening.

"From all indications..."

Mallos thought for a moment:

"Prince Thales, maybe, um."

The watchman nodded and said seriously:

"Prefer men?"

At that moment, Weah, who was drinking tea, was splashed by the huge waves splashed in the teacup, and wiped it off quickly, in a panic.

The report in Vogel's hand was torn out of shape, with messy folds.

The duty room was extremely silent, awkward and inexplicable.

Only the Polyphony Array is still working with dedication


Vogel was expressionless, but his voice sank:

"You know what, we used a polyphonic stone."

He said sullenly:

"This eternal file..."

"It will be passed down for thousands of years."

Mallos laughed.

"Yeah, I know."

The watchman looked at the shimmering polyphony array, his smile was like New Year's greetings, and it was so fake:

"So we try to be as real as possible, don't we?"

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