The civilians and small and medium nobles in the Hall of Stars suddenly became agitated in panic, and the guards had to shout loudly.

"You really dare to say it, Cyril." Val, the Duke of the North, took a deep look at Cyril: "Thanks to you, no one should talk about going back to the closed, small conference room now, right?"

The royal earls on the stone seat responded silently.

"It's going to happen sooner or later," Duke Falkenhauser's eyes were dark, and even amidst the laughter, his sharp voice remained: "Hey, I just removed luck and fear for you."

"The 'unwelcome' at the banquet," Duke Cullen sighed, "It really lives up to its name."

Zhan En, like most earls of the thirteen noble families, had a gloomy face and said nothing.

Ten seconds later, what was transmitted from the Star Judgment Square to the Hall of Stars was the panicked buzzing of the general public, and it became louder and louder.

The news of the impending conflict between Exeter and Xingchen has been made public.

Earl Sorel's eyes were unkind, and he looked straight at the king: "Your Majesty, you have achieved the desired effect by announcing this impending disaster to the citizens—the question is, how will it end now?"

The cold-faced King Kessel V didn't speak, but glanced lightly at Sorel, who was still stubborn.

"That's easy," Earl Talen stared at Sorel unceremoniously: "Do you want to fight or talk? If you want to fight, everyone should return to their territories and sound the calling call."

"We still have the opportunity to negotiate. We have allies, just like twelve years ago, and we can ask them to mediate." Zhan En slowly raised his head and looked at the lords and princes: "War may not necessarily break out, as long as a certain price is paid ..."

"The one they died in the mission was the prince—the only son of King Nunn, the only heir of the Walton family." Falkenhauser interrupted the little duke, and he said in a strange way: "Pay the price? That's right, put Whichever piece of northern territory is ceded to Exeter, it will probably be done."

"We won't give up even an inch of territory in the north," Earl Zemuto said coldly, "That is the land that our family has guarded for generations."

"But that prince did die within your jurisdiction, didn't he?" Earl Dastan sneered, "This is your responsibility, and of course you have to pay the price."

"If you're not joking, Dastan," Earl Forex raised his head with a fierce look in his eyes, "then we can fight on the platform of the end now."

"Okay, okay, then let them give up 20% of the supply of eternal oil in the East China Sea?" Duke Falkenhauser pretended to be thoughtful, first looked at Duke Cullen, then at Zhan En, showing disbelief With a satisfied smile: "Or how about the asphalt mine in the south?"

"There is a limit to joking around, Cyril." Duke Cullen replied with a rare seriousness.

Jen showed him a friendly smile and shook his head slightly.

At this moment, King Kessel V lightly tapped the scepter.

All the nobles calmed down in due course and looked at him.

Under the eyes of the king, Gilbert nodded and took a step forward:

"According to the secret department, Dragon Clouds City knew the news of the prince's death in the stars yesterday," he said with a frown, "and Grand Duke Heisha is faster than their king. Two days ago, he started recruiting soldiers and mobilizing the army—— The other two Grand Dukes in the south of Exeter were half a day behind him, but they are generally the same."

There was an uproar in the hall!

"Silence!" Gilbert exclaimed solemnly.

Amidst the complex emotions in the hall, the Supreme King said in a low and deep voice: "If the two countries go to war, the royal family and the Tarun family will do everything they can to support the northern border."

Earl Talen nodded resolutely.

The king looked at the Duke of the North with a flat expression: "Val, how much troops and supplies can you provide?"

"How many troops? Are you kidding?" Val Aarend responded seriously: "I have summoned all the vassals,

Fifteen thousand infantry, one thousand archers, five hundred heavy cavalry, and even a few magic guns! They will reinforce Broken Dragon Fortress in the shortest possible time, and serve under the command of Lord Sonia Sutherley. "

"That's our territory! Once a war breaks out, even women and children will take up arms!"

"As for supplies, it depends on how much land we can hold."

The two earls Zemuto and Forress nodded firmly:

"The 3,500 people in Watch City will fight to the death."

"There are only two thousand infantry in the Gulaota, but we will fight until the last one."

"We can withstand the pressure of the three Grand Dukes of Exeter, but if it is the whole country of Exeter..." The Duke of the North straightened up, his dazzling eyes swept over every nobleman: "We need the power of the entire star."

Cohen, who was standing behind the old Earl Karabyan, scratched his head, and whispered doubtfully:

"Isn't this a national meeting for all people? How did you just say that about the deployment of troops?"

Old Count Karabyan closed his eyes lightly, and sighed imperceptibly.

"Didn't you see it?" He lowered his voice and told his son with a tired face:

"This posture of the northern nobles is for Exeter to see."

"Do you believe that the Duke of Arend can gather 10,000 people? The stars have not recovered from the bloody year. I suspect that a third of the troops claimed by the lords would be good."

Cohen was taken aback for a moment.

He looked at the top of the hall in disbelief, the pattern of silver cross and double star.

As a descendant of the empire, the Shield of the Western Continent, is the Kingdom of Stars already weak to this point?

King Kessel V nodded lightly, then turned to the scary-looking Cyril: "Where are the lords of the West Wilderness?"

Cyril Falkenhauser tilted his head back, closed his eyes and said, "The ruins can only send out a thousand infantrymen—the Desolate Bone Tribe has recently started to stir up trouble again. As for magic guns, we don't even have enough for ourselves."

"Wing Fort is not good at fighting with soldiers," the young Count Dele Colomo pondered: "But we can send the best hundred crow whistle light cavalry."

Bozdorf also frowned: "The surrounding area of ​​Heroesof Castle is restless recently. There is an orc who is regarded as the leader. He is gathering forces from various clans—the Black Lion family can only send 200 people."

The stingy decision of the Xihuang nobles made all the nobles present start whispering.

Cohen frowned. He had served on the front line of the Western Wilderness and in the Clearing Campaign after the Desert War, but as far as he knew, the military strength of the Western Wilderness was by no means so weak.

"It's quite positive to break the secret just now," Val looked at Falkenhauser coldly: "When it comes to recruiting troops...huh."

There was another burst of shouts from Star Gathering Square to the Hall of Stars, this time it was excited cheers, among which there were many fanatical voices,

"Hey," Earl Talen touched his pentagram brooch and sighed, "I bet the guards have just passed on the words about the strength of the northern border, and they haven't had time to pass on the West Wilderness."

King Kessel V remained calm. He turned his head and asked Cullen: "What is the attitude of the Sun Sword and Shield family and the entire East China Sea Territory?"

"Your Majesty, most people in the East China Sea depend on the sea for their livelihood. We don't have enough troops, but we can send money and call in mercenaries to fight," the fat duke said with a smile. The fleet can harass the east coast of Exeter."

On the stone seat beside the Duke of Donghai, Earl Noah Harvey and Earl Clark Almond looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Duke Falkenhauser said in a gloomy tone: "Thank you very much for reminding us that it happens to be December now, and it's winter."

King Kessel V knocked on his stone seat, and asked with a little deep meaning: "So there are no people, only money? I remember that during the desert war, the Prime Minister told me, if you want money, you can— Is it a bit far to transport troops from the East China Sea to the West Desolation?"

"People five years ago didn't know how to go out to make money, so there were no people with money, but now people have gone out to make money, so no one has money." Duke Cullen replied with a smile without blushing.

The king snorted lightly, while the Duke of the North had an extremely ugly expression on his face.

"There is no usable cavalry in the entire South Bank. The Kevin Dill family can gather two thousand infantry from around the Emerald City, and they also have some magic guns." Before His Majesty asked him, Zhan En replied worriedly: "You can march north." In combat, acclimatization is a problem, and my vassals will definitely not be happy—the quality of soldiers cannot be guaranteed.”

The old Earl Karabyan also had a serious face, and said at the right time: "The same is true for the Walla collar. Even with the vassals, I don't even have the confidence to recruit 300 troops."

Cohen, who was behind the earl, lowered his head and sighed softly.

He still remembered that the last time the two younger sisters went out to visit friends, their father directly sent 500 troops to escort them.

Earl Lasia was more straightforward: "The soldiers in the swamp are not suitable for fighting in the north."

King Kessel V didn't speak any more, just let out a soft breath: "The guardian duke of Yadi and the guardian duke of the blade collar have not yet arrived, but I guess they, as well as the remaining four families, probably have the same attitude. ?”

As the nobles of the Cliff Territory, Earl Sorel and Earl Dastan both turned their heads and remained silent.

On the contrary, the leaders and businessmen who were watching started whispering - they were more worried about the upcoming war.

"Is this how you repay the stars?"

The Duke of the North's face was ashen. He stood up suddenly, pointed at the double cross above his head and said angrily: "This is the country you swore allegiance to, and it was once the greatest country in human history! Even if the North is not your territory, other But there is also a flag of the cross and double stars floating on it! It's the same as your land!"

"My lord, I also fought for the stars five years ago," Earl Dastan said coldly, "In the end, I lost my eldest son forever in the Western Wilderness—I guess you can't understand without a son..."

"Shit!" Val stared angrily, and turned his head suddenly: "My only daughter, the heir of White Eagle, is now in the Broken Dragon Fortress on the border between the two countries, in the flower of the fortress - Lord Sonia Sutherley's Subordinate! Her life and death depend on the outcome of the dragon and the stars!"

Cohen, who heard this, couldn't help lowering his head, sighed, and looked at Raphael behind the Black Prophet.

"Maybe there is no need to go to war, we can choose to negotiate - even if Exter sends troops, it is only for the benefit." Duke Cullen shook his head and sighed.

"Then force the Northern Territory to give up its territory?" Val looked like a preying eagle, his sharp eyes staring at everyone who answered.

"Now, we all know the chips in our hands and the number of troops." At this moment, Zhan En raised his head resolutely and looked at the king: "Whether it is war or peace, it depends on His Majesty's will."

Everyone's eyes shot to Kessel instantly.

Val's gaze is eager and staring, Cullen's gaze has a complicated smile, Cyril's gaze is playful, and Jann's gaze is as plain as water.

"So, this is my country?" Kessel raised his head slowly, his eyes were like knives, cutting at every lord.

"The king can only bring his own standing army and direct vassals to face the soldiers of another country?"

"Otherwise, on behalf of the stars, I will humiliately accept their possible conditions?"

Cyril Falkenhauser said with a sinister smile, "Hey, without troops, you can't fight, and the dignity of the royal family can't be discussed..."

"It seems that it is as Su Ye said," King Kessel V sighed, "All kings are lonely."

At this time, a loud and angry voice came from the gate of the Hall of Stars!

"Your Majesty, please take this sentence back!"

"With us, you will never be alone!"

"As the nobles of the stars and the descendants of the empire, how can we step back half a point?"

In the commotion in the hall, a middle-aged nobleman whose left eye was covered by a terrible scar, wearing a yellow-black cloak coat, painted a standing horned deer, walked up to six with coldness and arrogance. Dashizuo.

Some of the nobles in the field, including commoners, began to applaud enthusiastically, while others either snorted or shook their heads and sighed.

Duke Cullen showed a helpless smile, and both Val and Jann responded solemnly.

"The one-eyed dragon of Nantriest," laughed Cyril Falkenhauser, "I thought you would arrive at night!"

The lord of Junlin City and the guardian duke of Yadi, Gustad Nantryster said with a stern look on his face:

"Compared to this... see what you have done?"

He kissed Kessel's ring, but instead of sitting down on the stone seat, he turned to Waldau:

"Master Arend, please don't worry!"

"The whole army of Junlin City will come out! Go north to Broken Dragon Fortress!"

But under Val's surprised and complicated eyes, he immediately changed the subject and looked at King Kessel V:

"Facing this national war! As long as His Majesty can reassure his followers - I can't think of any reason to back down!"

Almost all the nobles in the arena frowned.

Peace of mind for followers?

"Kust," Kaiser V said slowly, "what do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, don't you understand?" Kost said sternly: "A full-scale war is imminent, but the nobles are panicked and push back!"

"In this situation, you are the only one. As our lord, you are enduring the torment of war and peace!"

"It's not fair to you!"

"But why do you think that is?"

Gusted closed his one-eyed tightly, took a deep breath, and said firmly:

"King of the Iron Fist, Your Majesty Kessel!"

"Lords and nobles, dare not follow you!"

"The stars are panicking... Twelve years have passed since the tragedy, and the bones of the former king have been buried! But we still don't know what you are thinking!"

"We don't know what kind of king we are following!"

For a moment, the nobles were silent.

Gilbert and Ginny frowned at the same time.

Kessel squeezed the scepter lightly, and looked at Gusd with a complicated expression.

But Gusd still did not flinch and said: "We are all afraid of you—no one knows what kind of thing a king who lives alone and has no scruples, the last person of Canxing, will do! "

"What's more, this is war!"

Kosted turned around, his sharp one-eyed glanced at every lord, and said word by word:

"Your Majesty! The blood is gone, but the stars still remain."

"But why do you have to bear the suspicion of the nobles even for an obvious war decision?"

King Kessel V's eyes became more and more cold.

The four dukes avoided his gaze in unison.

Pointing to the double cross star on the ceiling of the hall, Kosted said loudly:

"Your Majesty, for the benefit of Xingchen and the dignity of Canxing's royal family, we cannot hesitate in this crisis!"

"Therefore, Your Majesty, please spread the burden of the stars on our shoulders!"

"It's war and peace. Let us all bear the price of this decision."

"If the stars are stable, the future is bright, and the royal family will not be cut off—I don't think anyone will back down in the face of such a national war!"

At this time, many people have already smelled something.

Morat Hansen lowered his head and raised the corners of his mouth silently.


so fast.

Jen pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes.


Good luck.

Cullen watched Kuusd's performance with a smile.



Val stared blankly at the guardian duke on the cliff, and gritted his teeth.

Is this what they are for?

Kai and I are both prey?

The earls whispered to each other on the stone seat, some were worried, while others nodded frequently.

Only many civilians who were watching were still whispering in confusion.

But everything in the Hall of Stars is still going on.

"Your Majesty, you will soon be forty-eight!"

"On the eve of the battle between the dragon and the stars!"

Under the eyes of everyone, I saw Gusd throwing off his cloak, with a stern face, and waving his arms towards the nobles in the hall:

"Among us nobles, please choose the heir of the kingdom!"

"Tell the nobles with your actions that you still care about the stability and survival of this kingdom, and you still trust these lords who are your arms!"

"At that time, we will fight for the dignity of the stars! Fight for the glory of Canxing!"

"No complaints!"

"Never flinch!"

Dead silence.

Absolute silence.

A suffocating silence.

No one dared to be the first to speak out after these words.

Until a sharp and presumptuous laugh broke the dead silence.


The Duke of Falkenhaus opened his mouth wide, and under everyone's surprised eyes, he laughed wildly with joy, his scattered teeth looked particularly terrifying:

"What is that sentence from the Far East called?"

"Open the map, and the dagger is exposed?"

"Your Majesty? Want to fight a battle with dignity? Trade it for the throne! Hahahahaha..."

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