Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 45 You owe me a word of thanks

The suppressed commotion in the Hall of Stars has officially turned into an uproar in the hall!

Regardless of civilians, officials, or nobles, everyone is scrambling to get closer, wanting to see the descendants of Canxing who haven't appeared in twelve years.

Under Gilbert's order, groups of guards who had been prepared for a long time rushed into the arena, formed a human wall, held up the anti-shock shields and electric shock batons urgently borrowed from the police station, and tried their best to resist the crowd and maintain order.

"Stand back! Otherwise, you will be punished as disrespectful to the royal family!" Many guards shouted with all their might.

Although these guards turned their heads frequently from time to time, they looked at the special boy who was only six or seven years old.

Thiel stood calmly, calm and calm, facing the eyes of the whole hall.

This is what I have to face, and I can't choose everything.

He was a little tired, so that even though he was under countless gazes, his mood was extremely calm.

Especially the gazes of the dozen or so dukes and earls were puzzled, surprised, angry, unwilling, contemplative, and obscure, and then they all turned into scrutiny and vigilance, cutting like swords.

And—that complicated look from Jann Cavendir.

Zhan En only felt that the blood in his whole body was flowing upstream, hitting his brain.

Trembling slightly, he slowly stood up and looked at Thales in disbelief.

It's that boy.

how come?

The so-called illegitimate son of Lord Mann.


What's even more ironic is that I just saved his life from the assassin yesterday.

If I had insisted yesterday...or simply didn't have to intervene and let him die under the assassin's sword...

He clenched his fists tightly and clenched his back teeth.

No, they haven't lost yet.

still have a chance!

However, louder, louder and more deafening cheers came from Xingju Square.

The news of Canxing's descendants was finally announced to the entire kingdom.

"Go back to your seats, my lords," Gilbert said coldly, "I think His Majesty will humbly accept advice and accept your proposal to appoint an heir."

"Why does this boy have a nine-pointed star... It's been twelve years...Your Majesty..." Earl Sorel couldn't retract his surprised expression at all, and sat back on the stone seat in a trance.

"We have never heard that Queen Keya has a third child... Who is this unidentified child..." Earl Dastan murmured. He sat back on the stone seat, frowning and thinking deeply.

"Your Majesty, we still need an explanation!" The one-eyed Duke of Nantrester, Gust, lowered his head so that people could not see his expression clearly under the shadow, but he never let go of his clenched fist.

He suddenly raised his head, staring fixedly at King Kessel V with his single eye full of anger: "At this moment, a boy wearing the nine-pointed star clan emblem appeared...Are you fooling us!"

Kessel V didn't even look at him, just stared in another direction.

"Kai, I understand, so this is your purpose." Val frowned, exhaled softly, and said in a low voice: "Like this group of disgusting people, you have already planned it. It's the meeting, it's not about Exeter at all... it's about the kid."

The Duke of the North leaned back, looked at the expressionless Thales, then at the silent king, and said in frustration, "You all think of me as an idiot, don't you?"

"Ha, after a long time, no one cares about Exeter and the war except the North itself." He laughed sarcastically. "Look, this is the glory of the stars, the afterglow of the empire."

King Kessel V ignored him, and the lords also avoided his gaze.

The obese Duke Cullen frowned rarely, thinking seriously and solemnly, without words.

"Don't be surprised, this is the Canxing royal family and the nineteen nobles," Duke Falkenhauser laughed dryly,

Regardless of whether he scolded himself, he mocked: "The pillars of the stars!"

Jann Cavendir, who had calmed down, exchanged a look with Kuusd, and they tried to communicate with Duke Cullen on the other stone seat, but the latter just lowered his head in thought, as if everything outside had nothing to do with him thing.

Damn old man.

The young Duke of South Bank and the one-eyed Duke of Yadi cursed inwardly at the same time.

He is obviously the initiator of "New Star" and the approver of the plan, but when accidents happen, he always shrinks the fastest.

"Everyone has heard what His Majesty said," Gilbert watched the earl and dukes sit back to their seats, and responded coldly: "Your Majesty will recognize this boy as his bloodline at the National Council today."

The middle-aged noble took a step forward, trying his best to suppress his excitement: "Canxing Wangmai, continue here..."

"Wait!" The Duke of Yadi, the one-eyed dragon Gust, who seemed to have just recovered from the shock of his gaffe, interrupted Gilbert loudly: "We all know that two of your majesty's children unfortunately died on the 12th. Years ago, I still don't know what the origin of this boy is!"

Maybe with little effect, but stop this anyway.

Otherwise, they had planned for so long...

Thales sighed and looked at Gusted.

Are they the ones that Gilbert said, looking forward to changing the situation of the kingdom and seizing power and benefits through a sudden crisis?

He swept over Gust, Jann, and the Earls.

Thales lowered his gaze and shook his head slightly.

It's like a farce in the vegetable market.

But it determines war and peace, and determines the future of countless people in this kingdom.

"Interrogate his son's identity in front of His Majesty, at the National Council," Earl Godwin, who is a royalist, said dissatisfiedly: "Who gave you such power?"

"It's about the succession of the throne and the future of the Star Kingdom. Every noble of the stars has power," Earl Lasia said slowly after receiving the gaze from Duke Jann, "How can you treat it like a joke."

Falkenhauser clapped his hands and said with a stern smile: "Okay, just now the Canxing royal family is still a historical antique that is about to be swept into the garbage dump, but now it is the future of the kingdom that everyone cares about."

Guster and Jann glanced at Falkenhauser dissatisfiedly at the same time.

"Let this damn farce end quickly," Val said, holding his forehead, suppressing his anger, "No matter what the result is, the northern border is facing the threat of war."

"Although I know you don't care, even this crisis is... In short, let's end it soon." At the end, the Duke of the North shook his head slightly with flaming eyes, and said mockingly: "Whether the king or the lord... The environment should never have counted on you."

The lords looked at each other and were silent for a while.

The sound of the Star Judgment Square increased again, all the way to the Hall of Stars, but this time, I don't know why.

King Kessel V tapped his scepter lightly, attracting everyone's attention, only to see that the Iron Fist King's expression was ordinary and he didn't care.

"Thales, let everyone see who you are." The king's tone was flat, but the words made people's face change: "Sooner or later, they will all kneel before you, swear allegiance, and become your arms and the pillars of the kingdom .”

Several earls turned their heads calmly, completely giving up their plans to speak.


If this boy really becomes the supreme king of the stars in the future...

Zhan En clasped his hands calmly and quickly calculated today's situation.

If the high council composed of nineteen nobles does not recognize the identity of this child... then...

Even if it will damage our popularity... this damn state conference...

Footsteps sounded.

Everyone on the stone seat turned their heads and watched the boy walk to King Kessel's side.

The boy who was under the eyes of the audience looked thin and pitiful, but his expression was still calm, even a little absent-minded.

I saw him sigh.

"I'm Thales."

In the noisy background, the traverser said softly.

So the people in the hall, in order to hear what he said, quickly fell silent.

This is also the skill he learned in his previous life when speaking. When speaking in a noisy place, he should make others quiet, not louder than them.

Instead, let others have to shut up and listen to their own words.

"I am a descendant of Canxing. My father is the supreme king of this country, His Majesty Kessel Canxing. My grandfather is the former king of this country, King of Changzhi, His Majesty Eddie Canxing."

He scanned every lord in front of him.

He saw the Duke of the North sitting alone on one side with a dull expression and his head bowed in silence.

Val Allende.

And the two northern earls sitting behind him.

He saw the aggressive one-eyed Nantrister again, Jann who stared at him and shook his head slightly, Falkenhauser with playful eyes, and Duke Cullen who kept his head down and smiled.

Earls with different expressions but the same ulterior motives.

Even, holding a scepter, King Kessel V with a calm expression.

Thales suddenly woke up.

One's own identity, the succession of the royal family, and even the upcoming war, the safety of the stars.

I'm afraid it has never been in the consideration of this group of people.

As for those casualties in the war...

The feeling of powerlessness and boredom in the traveler's heart became heavier.

Logically speaking, he should finish telling his "life experience" in Mann Manor as instructed, and then wait for the king and the royalists to finish the rest.

But Thales only felt that he was a little bit discouraged, he didn't want to follow the routine anymore, he was fed up with all this.

The traverser's brain started to spin.

[The formation of a feudal country...the lord and vassals...strong personal feelings and private colors...the struggle for power...gradually deteriorated...]

Until he slowly opened his eyes, looked at the lords, and grinned.

So, everyone saw that the boy closed his eyes, opened them a second later, and chuckled.

Gilbert felt a chill in his heart when he saw Thales' sneer and his stopped talking.

Could it be?

Although this little gentleman often gives him a lot of surprises——but on such an important occasion, it is better to have fewer surprises.

Thales blinked and spoke slowly.

"I can prove that I am the blood of Canxing, but..."

"Forget it," Thales said silently as he glanced at the coveted nobles, "Anyway, even if I can prove that I am a descendant of Canxing, you will still have reasons to object."

"Son," Gust said coldly, "do you know what you're talking about? If you can't prove that you are..."

"The Guardian Duke of Yadi, Gusd Nantrest," Thales said coldly, "The reason why you are so fiercely opposed is for the stars and the royal family, or for your people to wear the crown. Don't you all know that?"

"This is a state meeting, and everyone in the capital is listening. Who do you think can be fooled by your awe-inspiring, 'I'm for the stars'?"

The crowd in the hall was suddenly in an uproar.

Gilbert became anxious, this was not what was planned, and he was about to speak—but Ginny pulled him from behind.

"Let him finish." Ginny looked at Thales and whispered, "He doesn't look like he has no plans."

Gusd, who was sitting on the stone seat, stared at him fiercely with one eye, but Thales could feel that Duke Yadi's breathing began to accelerate.

Thales strode up to Kuusd, staring at his one-eyed fearlessly: "You walked into the Hall of Stars with the slogan of supporting the northern border and uniting the kingdom, but you asked for an heir to your own kingdom as a The premise, otherwise you refuse to send troops, and would rather watch the northern border sink—of course, maybe the northern border’s decline is a good thing for you.”

Val, who kept his head down, raised his eyes and looked at the boy.

Gust's one-eyed still stared at Thales, like the mamba observing before launching an attack.

But Thales hadn't finished speaking, his eyes were blazing, as if the deepest anger was hidden.

"But everyone knows—this is not righteousness, but a deal! What you care about is not the stars, the royal family, or the people, but yourself! You are not some lonely hero who is willing to be criticized for the benefit of the kingdom! Do you think What you want is a satisfactory heir to the kingdom, but you insist on using righteousness to cover up your desires and interests!"

Thales concluded coldly with the knowledge he had learned in the past twenty days: "In the Far East—they call this 'the speech of giving up what you want', which translates to: Cyclops, you are a hypocrite, And it makes me sick."

There was only a chill left in Kuusd's one-eyed eyes.

The lords all looked at each other, seeing shock in their eyes.

Although this is an inside story that all smart people know, but to tell it in's too...

"Wow," Falkenhauser clapped his hands in fear of chaos, and said with a sinister smile, "At least your eloquence is good, kid."

King Kessel V gently stroked his scepter, his eyes deep.

After a few seconds.

The crowd began to stir, and even in the seats of commoners and minor nobles, people were shouting.

"Are you finished!"

Gritting his teeth, Gusd stood up abruptly!

He walked an inch in front of Thales, looked down at him condescendingly, and said oppressively: "Damn boy, you think you can transfer nonsense..."

"Shut up, hypocrite," Thales suddenly raised his head and interrupted him coldly: "I haven't finished yet!"

"Standing in front of you is the bloodline of Canxing, the descendant of Tormund I, the bloodline that you and every generation of your ancestors have knelt down and swore to be loyal to the death!" Thales looked straight at Yadi without showing any weakness The Duke said mercilessly:

"Even if you want to usurp the throne, for the sake of your ancestors, show me some respect."

Gusd stared at the one-eyed stare, watching in disbelief that the six or seven-year-old kid in front of him humiliated him with his unobtained star status, and even forgot to refute for a while.

A loud voice came from the square again, and words such as "Bright Star" and "Prince" could be vaguely heard.

"Too bad, it seems that the word has been passed on," Thales sneered, and said again mercilessly: "Duke Hypocrite."

Without waiting for Gust's reaction, he turned around abruptly, his eyes sweeping towards the lords.

"You guys have a deal in private, right?" The traverser said calmly and loudly:

"An aristocratic group targeting the next king, intercepting the Exeter mission, instigating war, sinking the northern border, some people get territories and resources, some people get promises and benefits, and some..." Thales turned slowly, Looking at the young South Bank Duke, he said indifferently:

"Maybe get that crown."

"Really, Duke Iris?"

Many people turned their heads in unison, followed Thales' gaze, and looked at Duke Jann Cavendir.

Under the eyes of Thales and everyone, Zhan En felt very uncomfortable.

The fact that he accidentally rescued and let go of the boy yesterday, but ended up ruining the plan, also made him very angry.

However, the long-term strict upbringing and aristocratic accomplishments allowed him to keep his best demeanor without revealing his emotions.

"Son, random guesses won't help you confirm your identity," Zhan En let out a friendly smile, and said calmly: "If you don't plan to explain your life experience and provide proof, then we need to send an investigation team. Spend some time, check your past clearly and then..."

Thales suddenly changed the subject and interrupted him!

"I encountered an assassin on the way to the Fuxing Palace yesterday." Thales looked at the lords who were full of seats, and saw the changes in their eyes, and said calmly: "Thanks to you, the guardian duke of the South Bank, Jann Cavendy I got away with my half-shot."

Gilbert and Jine looked at each other, and they both saw worry in each other's eyes.

Hearing the assassin's news, the crowd started whispering again.

Thales nodded towards him, with a peaceful expression:

"A life was saved and someone lacked a word of thanks."

Zhan En suppressed the anger in his heart.

This guy knows that I let you go, a big fish, so...

So are you here to piss me off?

"You're welcome." On the surface, Zhan En smiled and nodded gracefully: "Every noble passing by is obliged to help, besides, you already thanked you yesterday - but even if you are assassinated by an assassin, I can't prove that you..."

But Thales didn't let him continue.

"No, Lord Kevin Dill," Thales raised his head coldly, "You misunderstood me."

Thales walked towards Zhann step by step, and spoke slowly according to the pace - the words spoken in this way can give people the greatest sense of oppression and persuasion:

"I remember very clearly that the moment those assassins saw me, the leader was very surprised, and even shouted 'no'," Thales walked to Kevin Dill's stone seat, and said slowly:

"Gilbert may have been very strange. My whereabouts were clearly not disclosed, but why did I meet an assassin?"

Jen looked suspiciously at Thales in front of him.

What on earth is he going to do?

"As the target they want to assassinate, I am also very strange. At that time, almost no one knew who I was. Even if you met me, who was promised the crown or related interests, you would not involuntarily say it and stab me with a sword. Come."

"Until just now, when I saw Lord Kevin Dill and your accomplices unanimously wanting to establish an heir, I finally figured it out," Thales lowered his head and sighed deeply:

"They didn't come to kill me."

"It's about killing someone else."

Jen finally changed color.

Thales looked at Jen En's suspicious and then shocked eyes, and said the rest word by word:

"Their goal is another big man who is also going to the Fuxing Palace. He is destined to pass through that street intersection. He also acts low-key because of his secret trips and has few escorts."

Jen was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

"Yes, Duke Kevin Dill."

Thales' eyes were steady, his words were cold, he looked at Zhan En who was already stunned in his seat, and grinned:

"Yesterday, I passed by and alarmed their assassination."

In a corner where no one was paying attention, Ji Ni lowered her head and closed her eyes tightly.

"My lord duke, it's me. It's me who is well-planned, well-trained, tacitly coordinated, deeply hidden, armed with supernatural powers, equipped with military crossbows, and able to accurately assassinate the target under the protection of extreme experts. In the hands of professional assassins..."

Thales narrowed his gray eyes, and said softly:

"... saved your life."

He dropped his last son:

"So, you owe me a thank you, Duke Kevin Dill."


Zhan En figured out something, and then his whole face gradually paled, and he leaned back against the stone seat unconsciously.

The two counts behind him, Karabyan and Lashia, the counts on the south coast, looked at each other in shock.

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