Normal hunters only have 1 free attribute point each time they level up.

With the benefits of the hunting world, at level 10, if all points are added to one attribute, the highest attribute can barely reach 20.

However, even if Fang Yuan did not use the free attribute points, with the bonus of equipment and the dark contract, his intelligence and physical attributes have already approached the 20 mark.

If all the free attribute points are added to the intelligence attribute, then Fang Yuan’s intelligence attribute will easily break the second level.

Even if they are evenly distributed, Fang Yuan will have at least three attributes that can pass the 20 level.

So what the Elf Princess said was: she sensed that her huge potential was approaching the second level, and the two standards of the second level were level and attribute points exceeding 20.

The only pity was that the time for this task was too hasty. Since it was a reverse summon, the time Fang Yuan could stay depended on the magic power of the Elf Princess, and this time was only three and a half days.

Fang Yuan took a look at the Elf Princess’s intelligence value, which was less than 20 points. Why could she summon him and he stay for three days! His intelligence value was similar to that of the Elf Princess, and the contractor summoned by the dark contract could only stay for more than ten minutes! This is unfair!

Of course, despite all the complaints, Fang Yuan immediately took out the Certificate of Bravery and began to sense the location of the Sword Elf. Fang Yuan originally wanted to have a go first, but the Elf Princess kicked her out from between the Elf World and the Elf Forest, leaving him no chance to get close to the Elf Princess.

Although the large forest where Fang Yuan is now is also called the Elf Forest, it is actually another area of the hunting world, and has little to do with the Elf World where the Elf Princess is.

If you insist on saying there is one, then this is a forest suitable for elves to live under the influence of the aura of the Elf World. Some bloodlines do not exist, and races that have been influenced by the aura of the Elf World and have become self-proclaimed elves live. As for these

“elves” born under the influence of the Elf World, the Elf World will not leave them alone, but recruit them all and make them non-staff without signing a formal contract.

These so-called elves have certain characteristics of the real elves in the Elf World, but they are not exactly the same. Instead, they are brand new elves that conform to the current rules of the hunting world.

“No wonder the difficulty level is only 3, it’s easy with navigation, no, if it’s really that easy, the difficulty should be only 1… huh?”

Fang Yuan held the Certificate of Bravery in his hand, and could clearly feel a traction guiding Fang Yuan to a certain location in the Elf Forest. He could find it even with his eyes closed. It was simply the automatic navigation in the krypton gold web game!

The only drawback is that this is not smart navigation, but a straight-line distance navigation. Fang Yuan has been walking through this dense bush and can’t tell the directions at all.

Just as Fang Yuan was lamenting the difficulty of this task, suddenly, the dense bushes in front of him opened up, and what appeared in front of him were no longer those bushes, but a diameter of The clear lake is more than ten meters wide, the water is so clear that you can see the bottom, and no impurities can be seen at all.

But this is not the point. The point is that at this moment, in the clear lake, there stands a red-haired girl with”holy light” all over her body! The girl has a beautiful face like a glass doll, and her long burning red hair naturally hangs down behind her. She looks particularly seductive when wet. Her ruby-like eyes, coupled with the dull expression on her face at the moment, make her look very cute.

Of course, the girl’s instinctive reaction at this moment is to cover her ** horizontally with one hand, and cover the underwater with the other hand.**

The girl looks only about fifteen or sixteen years old, and her figure clearly has a lot of potential for development!

“Hello, little sister. Remember to drink more milk in the future. You shouldn’t be so poorly developed at your age.”

In this awkward situation, Fang Yuan raised his hand towards the girl, greeted her politely and elegantly, and gave her pertinent advice.

“How dare you peek at me while I’m taking a shower… You’re such a pervert!”

The girl’s face quickly turned red, she lowered her head, trembling with anger, and then a red mark suddenly appeared on the back of her hand, and she began to chant rapidly and in a low voice!

“Guardian of the Crimson Flame!”

“O Watcher of the Sleepless Furnace!”

“Obey the blood contract now!”

“Follow my orders!”

“Good, good second……”

The girl’s voice was very soft and the frequency was very fast, but Fang Yuan could still hear the content clearly. At this moment, Fang Yuan’s only feeling was that the lines were so second-rate.……

“Elf magic suit! Flame whip!”

Then a fiery red whip slowly condensed in the girl’s hand. The long whip was like a living thing, and it took the initiative to circle around the girl!

“Oh! I finally know which world this is! The Sword Dance of the Elves!”

When Fang Yuan saw this scene, he suddenly realized that he finally knew where this hunting world in front of him was!

The Sword Dance of the Elves!

The one in front of him is the heroine! Claire Elstein!

But usually she has a double ponytail hairstyle tied up with thin black ribbons, black knee-high socks, and a white school uniform. Now she is wearing nothing and has changed her hairstyle. Fang Yuan didn’t recognize her at first.

《Sword Dance of the Elves is a mainstream anime, so Fang Yuan only knows some general plots.

It is precisely because of this that Fang Yuan was in an awkward situation of not recognizing the heroine after she shone.

If it were another hentai world, let alone the heroine, even if it was a female supporting role, if she shone in front of Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan would be able to recognize her immediately, but it might be hard to say if she was wearing clothes.

“”Turn into ashes! Pervert!”

Just as Fang Yuan was trying to recall the plot of”Sword Dance of the Elves”, Claire had already angrily swung the long whip in her hand at Fang Yuan!

Fang Yuan’s pupils shrank, and he felt the powerful force of the whip, and immediately started the sword dance and burst out his own strength, and jumped back to escape from Claire’s attack range.


Although the whip’s attack failed to hit Fang Yuan, it covered the fan-shaped area around Fang Yuan with Claire as the center. All the vegetation, including the giant trees that were one meter thick, were easily cut off. The giant trees fell to the ground with a violent roar!

Looking at the cuts on the giant trees, it seemed that it was not the mark left by the whip, but the mark of a sword! ps: The censorship is too serious. Several pictures and even the dialogues are defined as vulgar. There is really no way. Only a thousand words are left after deletion. I am so tired. You all know what it means to be complete and uncensored. Please check the book review section.

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