The [Brutal Beast] that Heige used on White Bear before can increase White Bear’s strength and physique by 50% in a short period of time!

White Bear’s strength is as high as 14 points! After going berserk, he can exert a powerful strength of 21 points! Although the negative effects are also obvious, he can’t care so much when facing a strong enemy!

The skill [One Cut in Two] is White Bear’s strongest purple skill. It can burst out three times the attack power after a short charge, and it also comes with a 50% skill severing effect! And the higher the quality of the weapon used, the more damage bonus!

Momochi Zabuza’s golden [Beheading Sword] has a special effect, which is to absorb and store the blood of the creatures being killed, and then release it in an instant, turning it into a powerful attack power.

The beheading sword in White Bear’s hand is full of blood. In order to ensure that Fang Yuan can be killed instantly, he also released it all in an instant!

In this way, White Bear’s attack, in a berserk state, uses purple skills and golden weapons. With the addition of the three parties, it can instantly burst out a terrible attack power!

Under normal circumstances, it is not a problem to kill a hunter with a physique below 30 points in seconds!

Of course, the price is that the violent state will end after one minute, and the white bear will fall into a weak state of -50% of all attributes for up to 6 hours, a 24-hour cooling time for the one-shot cut, and the heavy price of the beheading sword being damaged!

However, if he can kill Fang Yuan, who is S-level, then it will all be worth it!

As expected, the white bear’s beheading sword hit Fang Yuan, who was slightly stiff and paralyzed!

At the moment of the cut, a ferocious and excited smile suddenly appeared on the white bear’s face!

Because his attack had killed a hunter who had advanced to the first level! In his opinion, even if Fang Yuan was rated as an S-level exorcist by this hunting world, he still had not reached the height of the first level!

But soon the white bear’s smile froze on his face!


An invisible ripple spread out from the place where Fang Yuan was cut!

Bai Xiong’s fierce attack did not cut Fang Yuan in half as he imagined, but cut on an invisible shield, making a dull sound, as if it was cut on solid leather!

Bai Xiong’s pupils shrank! The strongest attack that he and his brother prepared together was actually blocked!

Fang Yuan, who was cut, also raised his eyebrows, because he had three layers of magic shields stacked, and there was only the last layer left! Even the last layer was already shaky and about to break! The reason why

Fang Yuan dared to be so reckless was because Fang Yuan had several trump cards, such as the soul worm he could revive, and the life link that Pudding was connecting to his body.

There is also the effect of the [Magic Shield] attached to the dark gold-level [Royal Secret Ring]

【Magic Shield: Choose the amount of magic power consumed to form an invisible shield with a magic value of 2. The magic shield will not disappear before the protection value is exhausted. It can be stacked: 3. Cooling time: 6 hours. 】The effect of this ability is not significant when used temporarily, but it will be obvious if there is enough time!

When Fang Yuan was in the leisure world with his stepmother and sisters, he had already consumed all his magic power to form the first magic shield. At that time, Fang Yuan’s magic power was only more than 2,000, so the shield value of Fang Yuan’s first magic shield was as high as more than 5,000 points.

The second magic shield was formed after Fang Yuan returned from the world of the elf sword dance. At that time, Fang Yuan’s magic power had exceeded 4,000 points, so the shield value of the second magic shield was more than 8,000 points! The third shield was formed by Fang Yuan before he advanced, and it was also more than 8,000 points.

The shield value of the three shields is as high as 32,000!

Even if Fang Yuan used the magic sword Chaos and the Iai Slash, when fully charged, not counting the effect of armor penetration, one attack could only deal about 20,000 damage!

And the attack just now by the white bear actually dealt nearly 30,000 damage, which is already ridiculously high!

Although the King Selection Game uses semi-digitalization, in fact, Fang Yuan also calculated that without calculating the fatal attack, the value of health is actually physique*1000, that is, a normal person with 10 points of physique has about 10,000 points of health.

Of course, the ratio of this physique to health is related to the profession, and the ratio of melee is obviously higher, and the ratio of ranged is lower.

The mechanism of conversion of other attribute points is the same, so it is very important to allocate free attribute points according to the profession. Fang Yuan’s attribute points are all in wisdom, and the conversion ratio is actually at a disadvantage because there is no additional bonus from the profession. If

Fang Yuan did not have a magic shield, then the white bear’s attack would definitely kill him instantly!

The white bear was obviously surprised that he could not kill Fang Yuan instantly with one attack!

He wanted to use other skills to attack again at the first time!

However, when he raised the beheading sword, it had already broken because he released the stored blood!

The attack power of the beheading sword in the broken state is only 30% of the original. It must kill a sufficient number of targets to restore the attack power, and now there is obviously no such opportunity!

After Fang Yuan recovered from the stiff state, he immediately activated the [Speed] effect attached to the gold-quality [Gold Finger Cloak], and within 24 seconds, the movement speed was +100%! In an instant, Fang Yuan turned into a gust of wind! However, Fang Yuan did not attack the white bear behind him!

Instead, he rushed forward! Continue to attack Heige who bounced him away!

Because Fang Yuan found that after Heige found that the white bear did not kill him, his eyes flashed with astonishment, but he did not give up hope. Instead, he prepared other skills again!

Although Fang Yuan did not know what skill Heige was going to use, it was definitely a trump card that could make him so calm. Instinctively, Fang Yuan did not want the other party to succeed!

Especially the ground impact just now was beyond Fang Yuan’s expectations.

Fang Yuan was not afraid of powerful attacks, but of strong control!

Control-type hunters were the most disgusting!

“Beast Soul Attack!”

Heige’s pupils shrank, and a flash of panic flashed in his eyes!

Heige initially thought that his brother’s attack would definitely kill this arrogant S-level hunter in one second, but he didn’t expect that the other party was not killed in one second! Heige realized that the other party must also have a trump card!

After a brief surprise, he immediately wanted to use his trump card!

Heige’s profession is the orc totem priest, and the stone stick in his hand is actually a totem pole.

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