Of course, even if the problem was not with the S-class leader, it was with the A-class deputy leaders, so Fang Yuan was not just guessing blindly.

It was just because Fang Yuan locked onto the S-class leader that he said he was the mastermind.

Ingrid actually had doubts, but she didn’t want to show it in front of Fang Yuan, and still stared at Fang Yuan with a forced indifference. At this time, Ingrid also knew that Fang Yuan had not finished speaking, and he wanted to see what Fang Yuan wanted to say next.

“How about this, we set up a trap, you contact him secretly, let him come to see you alone, and tell him your current situation, see what he will do, if he really has a problem, or if he has contact with Kiryu Sama, then he will definitely take action against you, how about it? Do you want to test the loyalty of your men?”

Fang Yuan immediately did not keep the secret, and directly told him his general plan


After a brief silence, Ingrid nodded without hesitation!

On the one hand, Ingrid really wanted to see if the Demon Knights she managed had already shown signs of depravity and corruption.

If it was true, then she would take this opportunity to purge the traitors! What

Ingrid could not tolerate the most was betrayal!

And if the other party did not betray, then Fang Yuan would be the unlucky one!

Ingrid firmly believed that once her whereabouts were exposed to the Demon Knights, and the Demon Knights were still loyal to herself and the ancestor, then with the Demon Knights’ ability to do things, they would definitely be able to hunt Fang Yuan down to death!

Not to mention that she still had a very heavy weight in the heart of the ancestor Edwin. Once the news of her capture reached his ears, there was a high probability that the ancestor would personally come to find her. Then there is no need to mention Fang Yuan’s fate!

Therefore, in fact, this is no longer a matter between Fang Yuan and Ingrid. In Ingrid’s eyes, Fang Yuan is gambling with his life against himself! If the other party has problems, then the Demon Knights will be purged from within.

If the other party has no problems, Fang Yuan will die.

In any case, Ingrid has no losses at all! She even has something to gain!

More importantly, Mu Feng didn’t know that the S-level leader actually has another important role! Once he is gone! Then the ancestor of the blood clan will arrive soon! And this is the real reason why Ingrid agreed to Fang Yuan’s proposal!

Making a deal with the demon clan! It’s not that simple!

And Fang Yuan also showed a satisfied smile. In Fang Yuan’s view, no matter whether the other party has problems or not, it is good for him. If Fang dares to come, he will have only one way to go, and that is death!

Fang Yuan and Ingrid quickly reached an agreement, and both sides began to work out a detailed plan.

This made Pudding, who was following behind, feel that she was completely redundant.

Pudding wanted to interrupt several times, but found that she could not get involved in their conversation at all. Unlike Fang Yuan, who was familiar with the plot, Pudding, as a pure girl, did not watch such masterpieces as Demon Knight.

And when it comes to conspiracy and intrigue, she has no idea at all. Compared with the old coin Fang Yuan, she is as pure as a blank sheet of paper!

So at this moment, Pudding can only act as a little transparent, following the two of them weakly, with a face full of grievances! What made Pudding most unhappy was that she didn’t know why she felt that Ingrid’s eyes were full of dazzling from time to time when she looked at her. Yao and ridicule, that feeling is as if saying: Little girl, compared to me, you are still far behind? Just be your pillow!

Brain supplement is very terrible, so Pudding is getting angrier and angrier, and has decided to find a chance to take revenge! As for the way of revenge, Pudding decided to help Fang Yuan! Let Fang Yuan do her a good job! This time, I will never sympathize with her again!

I have to say that the jealousy of a girl is very terrible…

Although Ingrid’s magic power is sealed, as a fourth-level boss, her perception ability is still very strong. According to her, everyone has an aura.

The stronger the person, the greater the aura in his perception, so he can judge where the other person is by sensing the aura of others.

Of course, this is not absolute. There are many people who have the secret method of isolating the aura, such as Kiryu Sama.

However, as an invader, the members of the Demon Knights did not intend to conceal their breath, so through Ingrid’s way of sensing the aura, she quickly found the S-level leader of the Demon Knights.

“Captain, we have been searching this area for such a long time, and there is no trace of Lady Ingrid. This is the area where the remaining exorcists are active. Is Ingrid really here? Or has Lady Ingrid already………”

The leader of the Demon Knights is called Hayate, a speed-type Demon Knight with strong strength and keen perception. At this moment, he is patrolling the edge of the Tokyo ruins with a team of people.

A B-class Demon Knight following behind him asked the leader Hayate hesitantly,”It has been a day and two nights, but there is still no news about Ingrid, which makes many Demon Knights suspicious.”

“If he’s alive, I want him. If he’s dead, I want him to be dead. Keep searching. If you see an exorcist, catch him alive.”

Hayate has typical vampire features, blond hair, blue eyes, handsome looks, and also wears the standard armor and robes of the Knights of the Demon Realm. The only difference is that his sword is a narrow-bladed rapier, which is somewhat similar to the magic sword used by Ingrid.

Hayate stared coldly at the Knight of the Demon Realm who spoke, and said in a cold tone


Everyone felt a chill and bowed respectfully. In addition to his strength, Ji Feng was known for his harshness in order to be the leader of the Demon Knights.

Of course, the harshness here does not mean that Ji Feng is not good to his subordinates, but once Ji Feng issues an order and his subordinates do not complete it according to his requirements, he will punish them severely.

In the entire Demon Knights team, the branch led by Ji Feng is known for its strict discipline.


Suddenly, Ji Feng’s eyes turned to a corner of the ruins of the city, where a figure in a black cloak flashed by.

“What happened to the boss?”

The B-level demon knight following behind Jifeng noticed that Jifeng was different, and immediately asked Jifeng with some vigilance

“It’s okay, you guys continue searching forward, I’ll act alone.”

Ji Feng shook his head coldly, then gave orders to his men, turned his horse around, and headed towards the place where the figure in the black cloak disappeared.

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