At the same time, Fang Yuan also summoned his own memo and made another note in his little notebook.

【Look for perception and exploration skills. 】

And before this one is: [Look for long-range attack methods. 】

Noticing that the other party had no intention of taking action immediately, Fang Yuan calmly relaxed his tense mind, and several thoughts flashed through his mind. Then, pretending not to notice anything unusual, he took Ingrid and Pudding into the ruins of the building on the side.

It was as if he was trying to avoid the upcoming shadow nightmares.

Two stealth hunters lurked around him silently, and there was a sniper on the commanding heights in the distance.

Moreover! The other party was also very patient, and found Ingrid’s perception weakness that he didn’t even know about, and evaded it in advance!

Even when Pudding ran into their attack range just now, the other party didn’t make a move!

So there is no doubt that the other party’s target is not Pudding! But himself!

At the same time, Fang Yuan had more doubts and concerns in his heart.

In addition to the three people who have been exposed, how many other hunters are there?! Fang Yuan didn’t believe that the person who could arrange such a layout would only send out these three people!

While thinking about countermeasures, Fang Yuan went deeper into the wreckage of the building, at least to temporarily make these people lose their tracks!

On the rooftop a thousand meters away, Sugar Sauce frowned slightly. Although Fang Yuan just glanced at this place inadvertently, and she had already disguised herself, the other party should not be able to see her, but there was always a vague sense of uneasiness in Sugar Sauce’s heart!

In fact, just when Fang Yuan started the three-dimensional mobile device to hang in the air, she wanted to shoot! That was a great opportunity for her!

But the previous agreement with Arthur was to wait until Arthur’s arrangement was completely completed! Arthur and several hunters who mainly attracted firepower were not in place yet!

If I shoot in advance and Fang Yuan is not dead, then he is likely to escape, and he will also be alert, making it more difficult for them to do it!

So in the end, Sugar Sauce did not shoot, and what she arranged was that she missed the only best chance to snipe Fang Yuan!

The two hunters hiding in the shadows were naturally the remaining hunters summoned by Arthur. They were the only two hunters with stealth capabilities among the 15 people summoned by Arthur. Their role was to maintain an extremely low level of magic power to get close to Ingrid and Fang Yuan, making sure that the other party would not sense them!

And the facts proved that this was indeed the case!

In fact, Ingrid’s perception weakness was not discovered by Arthur, but by a C-level hunter under Arthur. At that time, the C-level hunter used up all his magic power to kill a C-level knight from the demon world, and Ingrid and Fang Yuan just happened to pass by not far away. He was clearly standing there, but Ingrid didn’t even look at him.

At that time, it was proved that the C-level hunter had not realized what was going on, but when Arthur was summarizing the information, he told this matter. After repeated confirmation, Arthur immediately guessed Ingrid’s perception weakness!

And now it has been confirmed by him!

After confirming that Ingrid could not sense the hunter in low magic state, Arthur and others exhausted their magic power and began to approach Fang Yuan.

As for the fact that they had no magic power when they really had to fight, they were not worried because they chose the time before the hunting time started. At that time, the coordinates of the hunting would be announced directly, which was the time for them to take action!

Everyone had a bottle of magic recovery potion in their hands. Although the recovery amount was not large, it was enough.

Because they knew very well that Fang Yuan only had one chance. If they failed to kill Fang Yuan in one wave, they would most likely die! So as long as the magic power was enough to deal one wave of damage, it would be enough! Although

Arthur had formulated a tactic that could theoretically kill Fang Yuan in one wave, which gave everyone a little confidence.

But when several hunters who were hiding in the dark and in position saw the ruthlessness and decisiveness of Fang Yuan’s attack just now, they were still shocked!

That extremely fast attack method, that swift and fatal blow, and that flexible displacement combat method were not at the same level as them!

These hunters, who were only rated as C and B, had ordinary combat capabilities and average attributes. They relied more on weapons and skills, and did not delve much into combat techniques.

So after discovering Fang Yuan’s skill connection and attack techniques, they were immediately shocked!

“Do we…really want to fight a monster like this?……”

A C-level hunter saw Fang Yuan kill two demons in a blink of an eye, and the last demon, who was obviously the boss, ran away directly. He spoke softly in the micro-communicator with some fear.

Everyone carried a micro-communicator, which was a tool known to the hunters of the mechanic profession. It allowed everyone to communicate tactics and make emergency contacts.

Even though Arthur had already formulated a tactic, and Arthur himself was responsible for the most dangerous task of attracting Fang Yuan’s firepower, the task of others was just to do their best to output when Arthur and Fang Yuan were fighting, but some people were still afraid.

Fang Yuan’s expressionless posture of killing demons and his cold eyes were deeply imprinted in the heart of this hunter!

“The demon that ran away from me just now had such a strong aura, but was scared away by this Jack. I was afraid that he would chase me and find me. Fortunately, he didn’t come over. I was so scared that my legs went limp.……”

In addition, the hunter who was hiding across the street was even more frightened! On the one hand, it was because the Dark Nightmare escaped from the shadow beside him, and the breath scared him so much that he almost jumped out! On the other hand, it was because Fang Yuan almost caught up with him!

If he was discovered by Fang Yuan in advance, whether the plan was exposed or not was a small matter, he would definitely be dead!

“Otherwise, let’s retreat.……”

Some people immediately backed out. After all, the hunters had their own agenda. In the end, only ten people could pass the test. There were 15 of them. Even if they killed Fang Yuan, they might not be the lucky ten.

However, there were a few people who didn’t care.

“Are you such cowards? You want to run away before the fight even starts? What kind of hunters are you? Just wait to die!”

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