“The location of the Demon King has been determined. It is in the center of the maze, but the guards are a bit tricky. We must rely on the power of other adventurers to successfully kill the Demon King.

The Elf Archer pointed to the unexplored area in the center of the map with a solemn face. The Minotaur in front of him is one of the guards. The

Minotaur is not strong, but its vitality is too tenacious. It is amazing when it recovers. It is annoying! It is a complete waste of time to use heroes to deal with them, so the heroes have decided to use adventurers!

“”It’s almost time. Gather the adventurers. The strongest ones will go into the maze with us and hold back the guards. The rest will stay outside the Demon God’s Temple to block the monsters in the forest. We will form two lines of defense. We don’t have much time. I feel the Demon God will wake up soon.”

Prince Allen nodded and looked at the adventurer shield guard beside him. The shield guard took out the magic manual he carried with him and injected his consciousness into it. Then the magic manuals on all the adventurers began to vibrate and heat up. A new message appeared on the magic manual.

“All adventurers are requested to rush to the designated location within two hours to assist the hero.”

“It only takes half an hour to get there. We can take a break before we go on and recharge our batteries.”

Fang Yuan glanced at the gathering point and his own position on the magic manual, and immediately laughed, then turned his gaze to Catherine. Catherine blushed, and immediately understood what Fang Yuan meant by”rest”!

In the dark forest, a barrier formed a closed space. People inside can see outside, but people outside cannot see inside.

From here, you can just see the magnificent buildings of the Demon Temple. There are already adventurers gathered there in groups of three or two waiting for the arrival of other adventurers.

From time to time, adventurers even looked at the gap in the dark forest, but no one saw the picture inside.

Mu Feng and Catherine stayed alone in the barrier.

At this moment in the magic barrier, Catherine leaned against the tree trunk and made a strange sound.

……The hidden plot has been triggered!……

“Are you happy?”

Fang Yuan teased with a mischievous tone.

“No, no!”

Katelin jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on!

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes and stared at Katrine.

“Um… those heroes are coming out, time is almost up, let’s go over there quickly!”

Catherine obviously guessed what Fang Yuan wanted to do, but she had just been here once and was a little overwhelmed. Fortunately, Catherine found an opportunity to change the subject immediately.

A large number of adventurers had gathered at the entrance of the temple not far away, and there were only a few minutes left before the end of the main line mission. This time was indeed not enough for Fang Yuan to come again.

“Then I will let you go this time, business is more important.”

Fang Yuan smiled, and Katrina breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Fang Yuan took out the special defense and handed it to Katrina with a smile on his face.

Katrina’s face immediately turned red. Two of the three”artifacts” that Fang Yuan had obtained were used on the spot, and the remaining special armor was worn by Katrina at other times.

Fortunately, the attached special effect did not last long, so Katrina was able to bear it.

However, the side effect was that when Katrina took off the armor, there would be some side effects.

And because this armor can only be opened with Fang Yuan’s key, Katrina is more dependent on Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan smiled, pressed Katrina against the tree directly, and forced the armor on Katrina!


Satisfied with Katrin’s expression, Fang Yuan immediately turned his gaze to the outside of the barrier. The outdoors of the dark forest was shrouded in darkness, and the wind with a dark atmosphere blew warmly on Fang Yuan’s face.

From here, the bustling crowd outside the temple was just moving experience and treasure chests in Fang Yuan’s eyes.

Fang Yuan smiled:”Maybe I see the same thing in the eyes of other hunters. I’m really looking forward to an exciting fight.”

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