It was not until the task completion prompt popped up that Fang Yuan realized the benefits of ranking high. This is actually selecting items according to ranking!

In the box thrown out by Prince Allen, there are even purple equipment and skill books!

There is no doubt that the first person to choose the items will definitely choose the best, and the last person to choose the items will have no choice at all! However,

Fang Yuan also knew that it was impossible for him to get first place, let alone first place, even the top five was impossible. The adventurers in the top five points were all small adventure groups with more than five people. It can be said that these people are simply professional”brushes”. Everyone provides points to one person. Unless the same method is used, it is impossible to catch up.

What really surprised Fang Yuan was actually the bronze adventurer identity that he thought was useless.

Unexpectedly, this identity represents a special magic item that does not occupy the equipment slot!

【Adventurer Guild Honorary Bronze Badge: Special magic item, does not occupy the equipment slot.

Strength, Constitution, Charisma +1, reward obtained when the task is settled +10%, flash chance when opening the box +3%.

Note: This is not one of those ordinary bronze badges, but a special magic badge jointly created by the Adventurer Guild and the Magic Guild!

It represents the honor of participating in the crusade against the Demon King!

Origin: Goblin Slayer, specially made by the Adventurer Guild.

Badge that increases three attributes! And it does not occupy the equipment slot! This is definitely a good thing! It is equivalent to upgrading to level three for nothing, and the attributes are rewarded!

The additional bonus for task settlement and the flash chance when opening the box are also very useful, but because the amplitude is not large, Fang Yuan did not take it to heart.

Obviously, this badge was specially prepared for participating in the crusade against the Demon King!

Fang Yuan wore the badge on his chest as soon as possible, and at this time the six people ranked ahead of him had already picked out the things in the box, and there were still four items left in the box, two equipment, and two skill books.

It has to be said that it is worthy of the prince’s things. Even the worst one is of blue quality. Unfortunately, the two blue equipment, a shield and a magic robe, are of no use to Fang Yuan.

Just when Fang Yuan was still considering whether to buy a new magic robe for Katrin, Fang Yuan saw the two skill books!

One of them is a blue skill book for warriors, and the other is a universal skill book called [Reflex Arc], and it is purple!

After Fang Yuan took a look at the color of [Reflex Arc], he was stunned for a moment. After all, he clearly saw that the sixth person in front of him chose a blue item, so Fang Yuan thought that the rest were also blue, but he didn’t expect that there was a purple one.

【Reflex Arc: Purple. After activation, nerve reflex speed increases by 50%, lasts for 30 seconds, consumes 100 mana points, and has a cooldown of 600 seconds.

After taking a look at the skill description, Fang Yuan was stunned again, because even he didn’t understand what it meant for a moment, but when he thought about it, Fang Yuan’s eyes lit up! He decisively chose [Reflex Arc]!

Maybe many people don’t understand the meaning of reflex arc and nerve reflex, but as a forensic doctor, Fang Yuan knows it very well.

Simply put, the reflex arc is a sensory system, which goes from nothing to something through five steps: sensing → receiving → processing → transmitting → reacting.

A typical reflex arc includes [receptors】、【Afferent nerve】、【Interneurons】、【The reflex arc is composed of five parts: [efferent nerve] and [effector].

Among them, the receptor is the organ that receives stimulation; the afferent nerve is the sensory neuron, which is the pathway that connects the receptor to the central nervous system; the intermediate nerve is the nerve center, including the brain and spinal cord; the efferent nerve is the motor neuron, which is the pathway that connects the central nervous system to the effector; the effector is the organ that produces the effect, such as muscle or gland.

The reflex arc can only be completed when the reflex arc is complete. Once any of the five parts has a problem, the reflex will be weakened or disappear!

The effect of [reflex arc] is +50% of the nerve reflex speed, which means that the speed of the entire conduction process is half faster!

For example, the plane that originally took you 10 seconds to shoot down can now be shot down in 5 seconds!

Uh… So this skill seems to make Fang Yuan weaker…

But if you change the name of this skill, many people should be able to understand it! [Bullet Time]!

It is the ability to slow down things in the outside world and speed yourself up!

Or to put it in a more popular way, it increases the reaction speed. Of course, the purple skills are not just as simple as increasing the reaction speed!

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