“The shantytown is a more chaotic place than the hybrid area. There are not even decent buildings there, all of them are simple tents propped up by sticks! If we go through here at full speed, it will take at least 50 minutes to get there! But with the speed of the half-orc bartender, I estimate that it will take at most 20 minutes to get there!”

Soon, a winding navigation route appeared on the small map of Fang Yuan and other hunters!

And Lan Shan also quickly gave the time for both parties to arrive at the destination!

“Navigation is really unreliable. Of course, it is fastest to go in a straight line! Catelin! Come on! Use your fireballs to clear the way! I want a straight road from here to the shantytown!”

After glancing at the winding route map on the navigation, Fang Yuan snorted coldly, then pulled Catelin onto his nightmare, and then gave her an order directly!

Everyone was stunned, and they didn’t come back to their senses at first, but soon they saw hundreds of fireballs appearing on Catelin, who was held in Fang Yuan’s arms. These fireballs began to fly out in a straight line like machine guns, smashing all the buildings along the way!

At the same time, Fang Yuan’s nightmare began to charge, and Catelin’s fireballs continued to fire forward without stopping, in a series of explosions and roars!

In this way, a road was plowed out that would allow the nightmare to rush at full speed and lead to the shantytown in a straight line!

“This, this is too crazy.……”

“Exciting! I like it! Go!”

“Is this the world of the strong?……”

A group of hunters looked at Fang Yuan who was speeding in the flames and explosions, and they all showed admiring eyes!

“What happened to the evil god mark just now? Are there other demon gods on this continent?

Fang Yuanke ignored the admiring gazes of the hunters behind him, and hugged Katrin, whispering in her ear

“Hmm… There is obviously a supernatural being behind the half-orc bartender just now, but judging from the aura just now, the strength of the bartender and the transformation magic he performed, the supernatural being behind the other party should be very weak.”

Katelin twisted her body and fought back calmly.

Katelin has never been a person who would easily admit defeat. If you dare to make a move first, I will dare to fight back!

When Fang Yuan took a breath, Katelin explained, and it was obvious from her tone that she didn’t care at all.

“Very weak?”

Of course, Fang Yuan, who had too many unknowns about gods, demons and extraordinary beings, showed a confused look on his face.

At the same time, Fang Yuan also increased the power in his hands.

“There were actually many extraordinary beings on this continent back then, and they were roughly divided into two camps, the demons and the gods. The Demon King was originally just a demon in the demon camp, but later he unified the demons of the entire continent, so he became the Demon King.……”

As Fang Yuan began to display his superb skills, Catherine could not help but groan.

However, in Catherine’s opinion, this was a silent contest, and whoever spoke first would lose, so she still tried to remain restrained, and then tried to pretend that nothing had happened, and explained to Fang Yuan about the relationship between the Demon King, the Demon, and the cultists.

“When the Demon King and the Gods went to war, it was not just the Demon King who participated in the war, but also a large number of demons under his command. These demons were also defeated. Although most of them died, some were sealed, or some special cores remained.”

“Although the Demon King did lose in the end, this world was also sealed by the Demon King. The gods could no longer descend on this plane in person, and could only project part of their power through the faith channels of believers. Therefore, the power of this world has a level cap. If you want to become stronger, you can only leave this plane, or open the blockade left by the Demon King.”

“In recent years, the blockade left by the Demon King has begun to loosen, and some demons have awakened from the seal. We have also found some remains of demons with their remaining wills attached. These are the origins of the birth of a cult. They can establish a cult by bewitching or controlling humans, and then collect flesh and blood and faith through the cult to restore their strength.”

“However, no matter whether it is the demon god who has just broken the seal, or the remnants that are attached to the will of the evil god, as long as their real bodies are found, they will be easy to deal with. The former has no power, and the latter has no body. Anyone who can fight can easily kill them!”

“Moreover, for demons, these sealed demons and their remaining souls are very delicious. The reason why my strength has been improved so quickly in recent years is thanks to them.……”

After Katrin’s intermittent explanation, Fang Yuan finally understood what was going on.

To put it bluntly, it was the mess left over from the war between the demons and the gods. Although the Demon King was defeated and sealed in the end, he also successfully expelled the gods who were originally rampant in this world.

This made this world a place where the gods could not act recklessly. It was precisely because there was no notification of the extraordinary power of the gods and demons that it was able to develop so smoothly and become the master of this world.

Of course, there was a strong subjective color in Katrin. From his point of view, it can be seen that Katrin’s camp of the succubus was very firm!

At the same time, Fang Yuan also understood why Katrin was not worried at all, because in the past few years, Katrin had seen many of these so-called demons. Even several of her cult organizations were originally wild, but after she discovered them and killed the extremely weak demons or souls behind them, these cult organizations were successfully incorporated by Katrin.

After killing those demons, Catelin devoured their weak souls, gained some special abilities, and improved her own strength.

That is why Catelin was so indifferent to the demons behind the cultists.

“Master, I’m hungry. How about we stop chasing and find a place to fight?”

Just when Fang Yuan was thinking about the question about the Demon God and the Demon King, Katrin couldn’t help it and said to Fang Yuan with a pleading look.

“That won’t do. Make a good path. I will reward you well after we take down this evil cult and the demon’s stronghold.”

Fang Yuan smiled triumphantly and continued to tease Catherine softly in her ear.

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