As Fang Yuan dodged, Marcus’ eyes flashed with a fierce light! The next moment, his head suddenly opened its ferocious mouth, and two fangs flashed with cold light, biting Fang Yuan fiercely! His neck suddenly stretched several meters at this moment!

This time, without the leverage, Fang Yuan in mid-air had no way to dodge this attack!

And this is Marcus’s killer move!

“”Go to hell! Mortal!!”

Looking at Fang Yuan in mid-air, Marcus’ eyes showed cruel and bloodthirsty joy, because he saw a look of surprise on Fang Yuan’s face!

Marcus even heard the first sentence Fang Yuan whispered since the battle:”It’s you! Orochimaru!”

Although Marcus didn’t understand what Fang Yuan was saying, he still showed a smug look. He could almost foresee the wonderful scene of the mortal in front of him being bitten hard on the neck by him, and then his venom would slowly be injected into his body, and then he would die in his own toxins!

But what surprised Marcus was that facing his final killing move, Fang Yuan’s face did not show an expression of surprise or fear as he thought. On the contrary, his originally straight body suddenly made a curled up squatting posture at this moment!

What is this for?

“Boom boom boom!”

Just when Fang Yuan curled up his body, accompanied by a loud bang, a huge piece of floor debris fell down almost brushing Fang Yuan’s body!

Marcus also understood why Fang Yuan made such a strange move at this time! If Fang Yuan had not curled up his body in time, Marcus would have been killed by the fragment of the stone slab without him doing anything!

But then, Fang Yuan’s move surprised Marcus!

At the moment when the floor fragment passed by him, Fang Yuan stretched out his foot and kicked it hard on the fragment, and then he accelerated all of a sudden, and the man and the sword turned into a dazzling silver light, brushing past Marcus’s snake head. Before Marcus had time to bite it, Fang Yuan had already brushed past his snake’s mouth!

Then, the two long swords that Marcus had always been extremely afraid of pierced into Marcus’ body at a weird angle!


As the blade pierced into him, Marcus couldn’t help but scream. He could feel that his life was slipping away rapidly!

As a demon god, Marcus had been injured before. He had even been pierced by a divine weapon from the gods!

But he could clearly feel that the two swords that pierced into his body actually had two completely opposite powers!

One sword had the power of sucking that only the demons had! He felt that his soul was being devoured by the sword!

The other sword had pure holy power! That holy power was constantly eroding his body, annihilating his only demon god power!

At this moment, Marcus felt the breath of death! That was real death!

“”Stop! Mortal!”

For Marcus, there has never been a time when he felt that death was so close to him more than now. He even felt that the death scythe of the god of death was already on his neck! It was about to take away her only remaining life!

The fear of death completely enveloped Marcus’ heart at this moment. He roared and struggled, and saw a snake tail suddenly swung up from under his black robe, trying to entangle the man in front of him!

But what Marcus didn’t expect was that just as her snake tail was entangled, Fang Yuan stepped on his body with one foot, then drew his sword and jumped back!

Marcus’s fall accelerated under Fang Yuan’s kick, and then fell heavily to the ground.

While Fang Yuan pulled out the long sword, the two long swords still did not forget to make a very skillful side cut, making Marcus’s wound even bigger!

The three-dimensional maneuvering device was activated, and Fang Yuan’s hook was fixed on the ceiling of the underground ruins. Fang Yuan grabbed a stalactite on the ceiling. Fang Yuan did not rush down, but came out long. The previous series of close combat was also a huge energy drain for Fang Yuan.

At this moment, the original location of the altar was in ruins. Looking around, there were broken stones and bricks scattered everywhere. In the center of the ruins of the altar, the demon Marcus collapsed on the ground. His luck was not as good as Fang Yuan. After falling to the ground, his tail was crushed by a huge piece of rubble. At this moment, he could only stare at Fang Yuan fiercely, but he could do nothing.

Seeing that Marcus could no longer struggle, Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly. He did not rush to finish him off, but turned Fang Yuan towards Katrin and the adventurers.

At the edge of the ruins, a hemispherical holy light shelter enveloped all the adventurers. Guardian Knight Aixi played a key role at this time!

Compared with the adventurers, the cultists and demons who had just climbed onto the altar were much more miserable. Most of them were killed by the falling rock fragments, and those who were not dead kept wailing and screaming. The scene was very miserable.

“”You despicable mortals! I actually lost to you! I won’t accept this!”

Marcus glared at Fang Yuan fiercely and roared angrily, like a beast at the end of its rope. There was a thick black shadow around him, which kept dissipating.

Seeing Marcus’s death, Fang Yuan’s mouth curled up, and he could tell at a glance that Marcus was showing off his acting skills! But if I was fooled by your acting skills, I would be sorry for my IQ!

Fang Yuan immediately sent a private message to Pudding.

“The boss is dying! Hurry up! His honor value must be very high! And he will definitely drop a gold box or above!”

Then, Fang Yuan heard Pudding shouting in the team channel!

The hunters who were stunned by the sudden collapse of the altar all came to their senses at this time!

Although they didn’t understand the situation, they saw and heard Marcus lying in the ruins and his angry roar! The hunter who reacted the fastest immediately rushed to Marcus in the ruins excitedly!

“The honor is mine!”

Finally, a warrior who activated some kind of acceleration skill rushed into the ruins of the altar first, and slashed at Marcus with the purple sword in his hand!

Along with the warrior’s roar, Fang Yuan saw Marcus’s face began to become ugly, and the shadows around him began to become more and more dense! Looking down, Fang Yuan suddenly saw a small green snake appear from the shadows. It hid under Marcus’ body, but now it stretched out its body in pain and swayed wildly. At the same time, the little snake’s mouth also made a sharp and angry wail.

“Go to hell!”

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