Fang Yuan frowned slightly. When he killed the magic bug before, he received a prompt that the magic bug master’s favorability was -5. How could this guy increase his reward?

There is a conspiracy!

【The Demon’s Internal Response Mission 1 has been completed, and you will receive: 1 High-level Demon Essence, Demon Thorn, Minotaur Guardian Control】

【High-level demon blood: After taking this drop of blood, you will have the blood of a high-level demon. After activation, you will burn your own magic power and gain a high-level magic effect.】

【In the magic state, strength +50%, constitution +80%, agility +30%, consumes 20 points of magic value per second, the magic state disappears after the magic is exhausted, the magic cannot be restored in the magic state, and the magic state cannot be activated when the magic value is lower than 20%】

【After using it, you will automatically belong to the demon camp and have control over low-level demons. Description: The power of the demons is indeed strong, but please be aware of possible traps! Origin: Goblin Slayer. 】The demonization effect of this demon blood immediately made Fang Yuan gasp!

There is no harm without comparison.���The primary demonization effect of Terin only has strength +20% and constitution +30%. Fang Yuan already felt that these two effects were very strong.

He did not expect that the attribute bonus of this drop of high-level demon blood taken out by the demon worm would increase to three items, and the bonus is so large!

A normal person would probably swallow it directly at the first time!

But Fang Yuan was only surprised and looked at the second item.

【Demon Thorn: Purple. Only for holders of Demon Bloodline. Attack 110-210, with attributes: Armor Breaking, Demon Breaking, Chaos. Description: A weapon made from the fingernails of the Demon King, with amazing penetration! Origin: Goblin Slayer. 】

This is a purple double-edged dagger, all black, with a creepy aura! The three attached effects are also very useful, making the magic shield and various shields completely useless in front of this dagger! The attack power of up to 110-210 is very impressive. You must know that a green weapon only has about 10 points of attack power. The maximum attack power of this Demon Thorn is as high as 210 points! Twenty times is okay!

The only limitation is that it can only be used by the Demon Bloodline.

However, it is not a problem at all when paired with high-level demon blood!

【Minotaur Guard Control: Ability to command special elite creatures Minotaur Guards.

As for the third reward, it was quite standard. With the control of Minotaur Guards, plus the control of low-level monsters brought by the blood of high-level demons, basically no monsters can pass through the passage Fang Yuan is defending.

“We demons have always been generous. If you want more rewards, do more for the Demon King! I’m optimistic about you, young man!”

After giving the reward to Fang Yuan, the demon worm immediately smiled and issued the second task.

【Faction Mission: Demon’s Internal Response 2, has been triggered】

【Demon clan’s internal response 2: Clear out at least one adventurer guarding the maze entrance within one day, and liberate the maze entrance. Basic reward: Demon King’s collection * 1. For each additional maze entrance liberated within the time limit, you will receive an additional Demon King’s collection. Currently liberated maze entrances: 1, remaining time: 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes. At first glance, the demon clan’s internal response task and Fang Yuan’s main task seemed to conflict. One was guarding and the other was liberating.

But after thinking about it carefully, in fact, the tasks of both parties were not conflicting. Fang Yuan’s main task was to guard the entrance of maze No. 7 for two days. The demon clan’s internal response was to clear out other adventurers guarding the maze entrance and liberate the maze entrance, and the entrance he was defending was directly judged to have been liberated!

No monsters passed through this liberated entrance, so there was no possibility of affecting the progress of the main task!

Next, Fang Yuan only needs to kill the other adventurers, unseal the remaining entrances, and ensure that no monsters enter the Demon King’s bedroom from the passages he defends, then both tasks will be completed!

Even with the minotaur guards guarding, Fang Yuan can make sure that no monsters will pass through his entrance. The minotaur can completely hammer these monsters to death!

But the more Fang Yuan thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, because this task was too simple!

The control of the minotaur guard seemed to be prepared for this task!

After carefully reading the three rewards given by the magic insect messenger and the task requirements of the second demon clan spy, Fang Yuan suddenly laughed.

Because Fang Yuan has seen through the tricks of the magic insect messenger and understood what he wanted to do!

Want to trick me? Dream on!

“Catherine, come here.”

After seeing through the conspiracy of the Demonic Insect Envoy, Fang Yuan quickly thought of a way to break the situation and immediately waved at Catherine.

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