“Ah!!! Master! I, I’m going to die!!!”

After a long time, Catelin finally collapsed completely. Fang Yuan then opened the system prompt he had just received.

In fact, not long after Fang Yuan and Catelin started fighting, Fang Yuan received a prompt from Catelin, which also showed that this guy just wanted to be filled by himself, and there was no problem with his loyalty.

【Congratulations on getting a new servant god——Catelin. Your control over Catelin has been improved. You can check Catelin’s servant god panel at any time.】

【It is detected that you do not have a priesthood, so you cannot grant it to the Servant God. The Servant God cannot obtain exclusive priesthood blessings and cannot obtain a title.】

【Name: Katrin】

【Title: Fire Poison Queen】

【Main God: Jack】

【Divine Fire Strength: Weak (8761/100000, each shallow believer can provide 1 point of Divine Fire Strength, devout believers 3 points, fanatics 10 points, saints 100 points, petitioners 200 points, and heroic spirits 500 points. Divine Fire Strength affects the speed of soul level improvement)】

【Soul level: 1 (0/1000, the soul is tempered by divine fire, and the soul level can be increased by devouring other souls. The soul level affects the upper limit of divine power, attribute conversion rate, divine skill power, divine power)】

【Divine power: 0/100 (Faith power: Divine power = 10000: 1)】

【Portfolio: Fire (primary control), Poison (primary control)】

【Magical skills: Fire burst, plague spread】

【Statue: None】

【Kingdom of God: None】

【Believers: 7049][Expand][Light Believers: 5543, Devout Believers: 856, Fanatic Believers: 65, Saints: 0, Prayers: 0, Heroic Spirits: 0】

【Power of Faith: 8761/day. (The daily basic power of faith is equal to the strength of the divine fire. Every time a believer prays devoutly and has extra reverence for the gods, he will gain additional power of faith.)】

【Note: The main god’s soul has not been detected, the attribute conversion rate of the servant god’s spirit panel has not been blessed, the main god’s priesthood has not been detected, and the servant god’s priesthood has not been activated. Please ignite the divine fire as soon as possible to improve the kingdom of God.】

【Fire and Poison Queen – Katelin’s priesthood takes effect, the main god’s fire resistance +20%, fire element damage power +20%, poison resistance +10%】

After seeing Catelin’s divine panel, Fang Yuan was stunned!

Compared with his and the Sword Saint’s attribute panels, which were either 0 or nothing, Catelin’s attribute panel was too rich!

And Catelin actually had two priesthoods and divine skills! She had too many believers! It was several times that of the Sword Saint! Moreover

, Fang Yuan finally understood the benefits of servant gods! The servant gods with priesthoods could actually feedback passive effects! Not to mention the poison damage, but the increase in fire element damage made Fang Yuan’s fire element sword more powerful!

“Is it because you devoured the souls of Marcus and Quintus?”

After carefully reading Catelin’s title, priesthood, and divine skills, Fang Yuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and immediately realized the key, and asked Catelin!

“That’s right, Marcus has mastered the priesthood of poison, and Quintus has mastered the priesthood of fire.

The souls of the two have already merged with each other, so after I devoured part of their souls, I also mastered the priesthoods of the two, but it was still the most basic priesthood.

I have already comprehended a little bit of the power of the rules of fire, so I have a more thorough understanding of the priesthood of fire, but the priesthood of poison can only be said to be barely introductory.

Katelin nodded, and did not mean to hide it, and immediately explained.

Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes. It was indeed the case. The Sword Saint used the Immaculate Soul, so after sublimation, there was no priesthood, but Katrine directly devoured the souls of Marcus and Quintus, so she mastered the priesthoods of the two! It seems that the unprocessed wild soul is more effective, but there are obviously other limitations and disadvantages!

While Fang Yuan was still thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of the Immaculate Soul and the Wild Soul, Katrine was still facing the Sword Saint standing under the statue. She showed a provocative look.

It was as if she was saying: I am stronger than you. From now on, I will be the boss and you will be the subordinate. You have to listen to me! Don’t even think about turning over and becoming the first wife!

Even if the Sword Saint was well-educated, she twitched her eyes slightly when she saw Catherine like this.

But she turned her eyes to Fang Yuan again, showing a strange expression, because the Sword Saint found that Fang Yuan seemed unable to suppress Catherine. If the servant god was stronger than the main god, it would be easy for the servant god to become the master.

In other words, it is very likely that Catherine would ride on Fang Yuan’s face in the end!

“”Hmph! When it comes to loyalty, I’m a hundred times better than you! I just want to ride on my master’s butt, step on my master’s butt with my high heels, whip my master’s butt with a small whip, and drip candle oil on my master’s back. Succubi will only do these things to people they approve of! I’ve followed my master all the way, and I know very well how strong my master’s potential is.”

After seeing the Sword Saint’s eyes and smile, Catelin immediately snorted coldly! Obviously, she also saw what the Sword Saint was thinking, and Catelin also generously admitted her thoughts and ideas! This time, Fang Yuan’s eyes twitched!

What kind of lewd words are these! How can you say such shameless words so openly!

And Catelin’s next words made Fang Yuan blush!

“I spent ten years, but I am still stuck at the last step. It’s not that I haven’t devoured the soul before, but my soul didn’t sublimate. However, this time, just by following the master, my soul was immediately sublimated, and I also mastered the dual priesthood. All this is because of the master’s gift!”

Seeing Catherine’s fanatical excitement, Fang Yuan couldn’t help but wonder what he had done…

But on second thought, it is really possible, and it is very likely because of the Heart of the Demon King!

“You too, don’t forget that it was the master who gave you the Immaculate Soul, so that you could take that final step!”

After enthusiastically expressing Fang Yuan’s loyalty, Catherine glared at the Sword Saint fiercely again!

“I am different from the devil. After I choose the Lord of Faith, I will serve my Lord forever and ever until my soul perishes.” ps: Don’t ask me why the first two are gone, isn’t this basic operation? Don’t be stupid

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