【Hidden side quest: The demon stronghold under the holy city! Triggered!】

【Difficulty level: lv.25】

【Mission Background: According to the information of the Sword Saint and the Sword Hero, there is a Demon God ruin hidden in the basement of the Holy City.

This is a Demon God who was once the apostle of the Demon King.

After the Demon King died, he attempted to replace the Demon King.

After noticing the actions of the adventurers, the Demon God has been preparing for his awakening.

The envoys from the Elves, Dwarves, Dragon People and the Royal Family have reached an agreement with the Sword Hero to enter the basement of the Holy City together.

【Mission requirements: Assist the messengers sent by various forces, clear the demon strongholds under the holy city, kill the demons who attempt to replace the demon king, and ensure the survival of the messengers of various forces.】

【Mission deadline remaining: None】

【Mission scope: Do not leave the holy city】

【Basic mission rewards: Every time you kill a demon, you will get double the honor points. After you clear the demon stronghold, your existing honor points will be doubled. The honor points you get will vary depending on the level of the demon you kill. Note: Honor points can be exchanged for special items at the Adventurer’s Guild.】

【For each demise of a protected target, 200 honor points will be deducted. When the honor points are insufficient, the favorability of the Church, Adventurer’s Guild, Mage Association, Royal Family, Elves, Dwarves, and Dragon People will be negative, and you will not be able to accept any tasks from the seven camps, nor receive any rewards from the corresponding camps.】

“Hiss! The difficulty level is 25! This is a rip-off!”

“It’s worthy of being a hidden mission!”

“Where are the messengers from each faction?! Pull them out and tie them up! Don’t let them die!”

When this task was announced, all the hunters took a deep breath!

The task that was originally within the difficulty of 20 has now become level 25! This means that the King Selection Game determines that this task requires a level 25 to complete! And there is not even a level 20 person present!

It is not impossible for these hunters who have not even reached the second level to complete this task, but there will inevitably be heavy casualties!

More reasonably, this is not just about killing the boss! We must also ensure that the messengers of each faction survive! From the perspective of the seven camps, that means there are a total of seven messengers, and the NPC is going to die! Who can stop it?!

So suddenly there was a burst of ghosts and wolves howling in the hunter’s communication channel!

“Everyone, gather at the entrance of the temple and prepare to go to the Demon God Labyrinth dungeon in the Holy City!”

Fang Yuan did not receive any more hidden mission prompts this time. After carefully reading the mission requirements and prompts, Fang Yuan decisively summoned all the hunters in the communication channel.

“”Boss Jack! Is there any special information?”

The communication channel immediately became noisy, and most of them were asking Fang Yuan for mission information.

“I don’t have any special information about the hidden mission, but this time, there are only four messengers going underground with us. The Sword Saint of the Church is in charge of the temple, the Diamond Knight of the Royal Family is acting alone and his whereabouts are unknown. I represent the Adventurer’s Guild, and there are also Princess Sophia representing the Mage Association, the Elf Archer Nilu, the Dragon Monk Guluodo, and the Dwarf Warlock Torch.”

Although Fang Yuan said that he had no special information, he still told everyone the representatives of each force.

“”Boss Jack is awesome! You are also an envoy of a force! Then we can protect one less person!”

After hearing that Fang Yuan actually represented the Adventurer’s Guild as an envoy as a hunter, a group of hunters started to make a fuss!

Many people have seen Fang Yuan’s power, and hunters have no other abilities, but basically have one or two cards to save their lives, so in the eyes of hunters, Fang Yuan is no longer an object that needs protection. Excluding the two who will not fight, there are only four envoys left who need close protection. Although many hunters have died, everyone is still confident that the remaining people can protect the four NPCs!

“No, please protect me. I am also worth 200 honor points.”


Fang Yuan also made a joke at the right time, causing all the hunters to laugh.

Of course, where some are happy, others are worried.

After hearing Fang Yuan’s identity in this mission, the faces of several members of the Sankou Society on the Dongfang team became very ugly. Although they did not show it as obviously as the spikes, they also wanted to kill Fang Yuan. After all, Fang Yuan had a bounty in the Sankou Society. But now that this hidden mission has been released, Fang Yuan can only survive for a short period of time!

“Oriental Boss……”

“The mission is important, let’s finish the mission first.”

Spike wanted to say something to Dongfang Ling, but Dongfang Ling interrupted him and walked to the temple gate with his men.

Spike stared at Dongfang Ling with hatred and clenched his fists. How dare he ignore me like this! He didn’t even finish listening to my words. I just wanted to say something else!

Isn’t it just a little stronger? What’s so great about it! You wait!

Although Spike was extremely angry, he didn’t say anything in the end! He just followed Dongfang Ling silently, but his hatred for Dongfang Ling had risen to a level that only Fang Yuan could!

“Lanshan and Pudding, come here, I will give you the real hidden task.”

“Are there any real hidden missions?”

When everyone was heading to the temple, Fang Yuan first chatted with Pudding and Lanshan privately, and both of them showed curious expressions. When the two appeared in front of Fang Yuan, Fang Yuan quietly used his authority as an apostle of the Demon King to first issue the hidden demon camp mission [Devil’s Minions] to Pudding and Lanshan!


“Aren’t you the Sword Hero? Why can you release the hidden mission of the demon clan?!”

After seeing the mission requirements of the demon clan minions, the two were stunned! Lan Shan even subconsciously exclaimed in the channel!

The two have always thought that in this world, they just need to follow Fang Yuan to complete the main storyline, kill demons, and brush up honor points, but now that the hidden mission of the demon clan minions has been released, the two immediately realized that Fang Yuan’s previous promise to lead them through the game may not be what they imagined!

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