The archer shouted angrily at the first moment. They were right in the passage at the entrance of the maze. If a minotaur attacked them from the front and back, they would most likely die here!

However, before the archer finished speaking, a gray light hit him, and at the same time, a red light suddenly flashed through the minotaur’s eyes!


The next moment, the Minotaur roared, and stomped the ground fiercely with its hooves! [Trampling] was activated! The Warhammer man was immediately knocked flying and fell into a dizzy state! The

Warhammer man had suffered this move once before, but his defense was amazing, and the Minotaur’s attack power was not particularly high. In addition, he had the cover of his companions’ bows and arrows, so he just took it hard and was basically not in any danger. Under normal circumstances, it should be the same this time!

But this time was different! The companions’ bows and arrows did not cover him! The Minotaur’s battle axe chopped firmly on the Warhammer man’s armor!

Although He failed to break the armor, but he spit out a mouthful of blood!

After withstanding this blow, the Warhammer man also came back to his senses from the dizzy state, and immediately distanced himself from the Minotaur, wanting to see what happened to his companion!

But as soon as he turned around, he saw that the archer was standing there with a look of anger on his face, and his movements became extremely hard! A layer of gray-white stone shell spread on his body!

Petrification?! Someone attacked!

The Warhammer man saw the abnormality of the archer at a glance! He was under a spell! At the same time, he also saw the Minotaur running at full speed! It had rushed to a position less than 10 meters away from the archer!


The Minotaur who rushed over also roared and activated the ability of [Trample]! The archer who was about to break free from the petrification spell was shocked into a daze!

The Minotaur raised the battle axe in his hand high, and with a fierce blow, he immediately cut the archer with perfect defense into two pieces!

“Talon! No!”

The Warhammer man witnessed all this, but was completely powerless to do anything.

“”Who is attacking! Come out!”

The warhammer man roared angrily, but no one paid any attention to him. Two minotaurs attacked him one after another!

The warhammer man was very strong, and the defensive power of the armor on his body was also amazing, but a hero could not stand up to the crowd, and two fists could not beat four hands.

The cooperation of the two minotaurs was extremely tacit!

The segmented trampling ensured that the warhammer man basically entered the dizzy state again as soon as he came out of the dizzy state.

Although the battle axe could not cut through the armor, the two minotaurs pushed him against the wall of the maze, and they chopped and shook wildly.

“I refuse to accept it!”

In the end, the Warhammer man was killed by the shock of his armor! His death was extremely aggrieved! He even let out a shrill roar before he died!

“You don’t accept it? Go to hell and don’t accept it.”

Fang Yuan didn’t walk out from the corner of the maze entrance until the Warhammer man died. He curled his lips at the Warhammer man’s body and began to search the two men.

Since both of them were killed by Minotaur, it was basically impossible for them to drop treasure chests, so Fang Yuan could only look for things on them, especially the blue item they had taken from Prince Allen’s box before. This was an item recognized by the King Selection System!

This was what Fang Yuan wanted!

Soon Fang Yuan found what he wanted on the archer.

【Elemental Core: Blue. Summons a level 15 elite elemental creature, lasts for 15 minutes, consumable. Origin: Goblin Slayer】

“Consumable summoning item, a level 15 elite elemental creature, very useful if used well.

Fang Yuan weighed the gray stone, narrowed his eyes slightly, and thought about how to use this item.

【The entrance to Labyrinth No. 6 has been cleared. The number of labyrinth entrances currently liberated: 2. The remaining time: 23 hours and 19 minutes】

“Let’s go to the next entrance. At this speed, we can clear all the passages in half a day.”

After taking a look at the camp mission and the countdown, Fang Yuan immediately jumped onto the minotaur’s back and controlled two minotaurs to rush to the entrance of maze No. 5. When challenging for the loot, those before No. 5 basically took purple items!


“You will all die here! I curse……”

Just as Fang Yuan began to clear the entrance to the maze, at the door of the Demon King’s bedroom, a mummy covered in bandages was chopped down by Prince Allen. The mummy was still uttering a curse before he died, but it was suspicious that Allen kicked his head off before he could finish his words.

“According to the records of the Supreme Church, this is a sorcerer, and there should be four demon messengers guarding the demon king’s palace.”

The young Sword Saint Irene cast a purification on the mummy, and after confirming that he was indeed dead, she said to everyone solemnly.

The battle with the sorcerer has made everyone feel pressured. If it weren’t for the Sword Saint Irene who was able to restrain his body, the others would have no way to deal with him!

“Find these messengers first, otherwise it will be difficult for us to kill the Demon King!”

Prince Allen immediately clarified the battle plan, and everyone nodded.

The Sword Saint wanted to say something, but in the end she didn’t speak. Her eyes were blessed by the gods and could see fragments of the future.

Just now, she saw some blurry pictures, which were pictures of her being humiliated. Prince Allen was not far away. Between choosing to kill the Demon King and saving himself, he chose to kill the Demon King.

This made the Sword Saint feel very complicated…

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