Diamond Knight is a rare combat genius. After the previous battle, he has gradually mastered the combat rhythm of the Swamp Dragon, its evasive and offensive habits.

If it is a fight with a hunter, the hunter can also use various means to confuse and change the fighting style, but Nozdormu can’t do this after all.

With a flash, Diamond Knight avoided the attack by sticking to the dragon claw, and at the same time, he chopped Nozdormu’s dragon claw for the second time with a sword! It caused a deeper wound than before!

Nozdormu screamed and retracted his right claw, and at the same time, he stretched out his left claw to try to grab Diamond Knight again. Unexpectedly, when his right claw returned, Diamond Knight had already dodged to the left, barely avoiding Nozdormu’s left claw, and at the same time, the Judgment Blade slashed towards the right front!

This stroke was originally aimed at the empty space in front. At the same time when he slashed the sword, Nozdormu’s right claw had been retracted, and the Judgment Blade actually hit the part where Nozdormu was injured before!

The third slash!


Nozdormu cried out in pain. This blow had already caused his���Bones could be vaguely seen at its mouth! However, what it didn’t know was that its pain had just begun!

With the third slash, the Diamond Knight had already jumped high, facing Nozdormu’s attack and slashing at Nozdormu’s right claw again!


The Diamond Knight’s fourth strike still succeeded in slashing Nozdormu, and the Swamp Dragon’s bones even made a crisp sound! An obvious crack appeared!

However, this strike was not without cost! At the same time as the Diamond Knight slashed the Swamp Dragon, Nozdormu’s dragon claws also hit the Diamond Knight’s body!


The huge dragon claw hit the Diamond Knight with a solid blow! In mid-air, the Diamond Knight exhaled and hit the wall!

Obviously, the Diamond Knight suffered a direct blow from the Swamp Dragon, which made him feel very uncomfortable!

While the Diamond Knight and the Swamp Dragon Nozdormu were exchanging injuries, Fang Yuan had already brought Nilu to the dark passage. There were also cultists and demons in this passage, but the number was very small. They had even received orders to ignore Fang Yuan and Nilu, so the two of them arrived at the best viewing position smoothly.

Nilu, who was unaware of the situation, was always nervous when she was shuttling among the cultists!

When she saw the Diamond Knight being slapped away by the Swamp Dragon, she couldn’t help but exclaimed:”Damn it! Why is there a dragon here! The Diamond Knight is injured! Let’s go help!”

After shouting, she wanted to rush forward! Fang Yuan grabbed her!

“If you want to die, then I won’t stop you. Don’t you find that the demons have occupied all the passages around?”

Fang Yuan’s voice came from the darkness beside Ni Lu.

Ni Lu then remembered what kind of environment she was in, and her voice just now seemed too loud!

Ni Lu looked at the other people around her nervously, and even her hand was on the hilt of the sword she found temporarily, ready for battle. However, to her surprise, the cultists around her didn’t even look at her, as if they didn’t hear her exclamation just now!

Fang Yuan sighed in his heart, and couldn’t help but sigh that Ni Lu’s nerves were really big. If everything hadn’t been arranged in advance, she didn’t know how many times she would have died. Fortunately, Fang Yuan had already known her impetuous personality, so he eliminated all the factors that might be exposed in advance, otherwise he would have had to bear the pain and kill these loyal cultists of Catherine.

“Even if I die! I will still fight!”

After seeing that these cultists did not respond, Ni Lu lowered her voice and said to Fang Yuan in the darkness with a firm face.

But Fang Yuan couldn’t help but twitch his eyes.

He didn’t know what to say to a middle school girl like Ni Lu.

Her previous experiences made her harbor immense hatred for these cultists and demons, and even some self-destructive tendencies.

This is the psychology that arises after a girl is insulted.

It is very common, but this is not what Fang Yuan wants to see.

After taking a deep breath, Fang Yuan said seriously and firmly in Ni Lu’s ear:”I saved your life.

You can’t die before I let you die.

Ni Lu was stunned at first, and her heart skipped a beat. Fang Yuan’s words, at other times, or within the elves, were almost like a confession.

“Are we just going to watch them die here?! It is better to die in battle than to live in humiliation!”

But this shy emotion only flashed through Nilu’s heart. She thought of the scene of being humiliated before, especially the fact that she was immersed in it. When she thought of this, the idea of wanting to die with the enemy in her heart became stronger and stronger!

Fang Yuan felt Nilu’s psychological problem, and frowned slightly, thinking about how to properly enlighten this girl who had just been humiliated by him. He couldn’t tell her: The person who just banged you was me, did you feel good? I can make you feel even better! This kind of words.

Once said, the other party might want to die with him…

So after a short silence, Fang Yuan decided to set a new goal for her, a goal of survival!

Fang Yuan immediately said in a deep voice:”We can die, but we can’t die in vain. If we all die, then who will report the situation here to the living people? At that time, more people will step into this trap. Is this what you want to see?”

Fang Yuan’s words immediately made Ni Lu show a hesitant expression.

Just as Fang Yuan said, she had also discovered that there were far more demons in the underground of the Holy City than the intelligence had indicated! Although she had not seen the legendary demon god yet, the fact that these demons could gather together in such a disciplined manner, and that there were a large number of high-level demons among them, all showed that there was indeed a powerful existence here!

And those adventurers who resolutely betrayed everyone! If those adventurers had not suddenly turned against them, she would not have been captured!

The thought of those adventurers continuing to lurk in the Holy City and lure more people down would have had disastrous consequences!

Seeing Ni Lu’s expression, Fang Yuan knew that his words had taken effect, and he immediately continued to speak while the iron was hot!

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