Diamond Knight also broke his usual habit and abandoned the hard-headed fighting style just now! He actually started a roaming battle, mainly dodging, defending, and blocking attacks. The Swamp Dragon with only one claw would immediately reveal a flaw after one attack, and Diamond Knight could seize the opportunity every time and stab the Blade of Judgment into its armpit!

Although the attack power is not as good as multiple slashes, the continuous slashes also made the Swamp Dragon’s intact left claw almost unable to lift up!

This made Fang Yuan couldn’t help but cover his eyes. This dragon still looked the same, but it was so stupid to fight!

But in fact, it can’t be blamed entirely on the Swamp Dragon.

On the one hand, he hasn’t adapted to his new body and new abilities.

On the other hand, this is still an underground sewer after all.

Even the widest water flow intersection transfer station is only ten meters high and more than ten meters wide.

The Swamp Dragon’s huge body can’t be used at all.

It just spread its wings and hit the ceiling.

The tail wanted to whip, but it whipped the wall first, so it kept using its claws and mouth so clumsily.

If he is given a sufficiently open environment, his dive attacks, the blows of dragon power, plus his dragon claws and sharp teeth, will definitely make the Diamond Knight understand the horror of the dragon!

“Hahaha! Sure enough, a fool’s pet is also a fool! Hahaha!!”

Just when Fang Yuan covered his face, Catherine had already appeared beside Fang Yuan according to the induction of the contract. She was originally envious of the Sword Saint for picking up a treasure, but after seeing the performance of the Swamp Dragon now, she was no longer envious, and could not help but laugh loudly.

“I can only say… Diamond Knight is indeed a genius in battle, while his opponent is too stupid, which is why we say that fighting also requires brains.

Fang Yuan rolled his eyes and took Catherine into his arms.

“Didn’t the elf girl satisfy the master?”

Catelin fell into Fang Yuan’s arms with a provocative look!

Fang Yuan grinned. A succubus is a succubus. Don’t mess with her!

At this time, Fang Yuan did not attack Catelin but turned his attention back to the battle on the field.

Although the swamp dragon behaved very stupidly, it also restrained the diamond knight.

It was waiting for its treatment to cool down.

As long as a treatment was applied, it could immediately restore all its strength, and then the situation would change again!

The swamp dragon can heal itself, but the diamond knight can’t heal completely.

Although the magician also has healing water magic, it can only repair the shock damage suffered by the diamond knight, and the broken limbs can’t be restored at all.

What’s more, the long-term high-intensity battle made the diamond knight’s movements slower and slower.

The diamond armor on his body has super strong While it has defensive power, its weight is also real!

Fang Yuan squinted his eyes and stared at the Diamond Knight, wondering when would be the best time to kill him. At this moment, Fang Yuan’s pupils suddenly began to spin! Fang Yuan covered his eyes with a look of pain, and countless pictures appeared in his mind!

The [Eye of Destiny] transferred from the Sword Saint was triggered!

The protagonist in the picture is the Diamond Knight. Most of the Diamond Knight’s body is shrouded in mist, as if it were covered with mosaics, but from the blurred picture, it can be judged that his body is covered with various hideous wounds!

Even so, he still did not die and fell in a pool of blood! Judging from the surrounding environment, it is no longer an underground sewer, but a forest outside.

And standing in front of him are three girls!

“Be careful, Saint.……”

After the Diamond Knight uttered two syllables, he lost his life.

The scene ends here!

Fang Yuan covered his eyes and took a deep breath. When he looked at the Diamond Knight again, his eyes had become gloomy! Although the scene just now was very short, Fang Yuan still recognized the three girls at a glance. They were the fish Fang Yuan had been fishing for! Three heroes!

According to the ability of the Eye of Destiny, the Diamond Knight will eventually successfully escape from the underground sewer, encounter the three heroes, and also expose a key piece of information.

Although Fang Yuan cannot see how the three heroes will deal with it later, it will undoubtedly be a very bad start to expose the Sword Saint first.

However, in the current situation, there is no possibility for the Diamond Knight to escape, so why does this future scene appear?

“No! There is a problem!”

Fang Yuan frowned slightly, and suddenly felt a little uneasy. Fang Yuan’s eyes subconsciously began to scan everyone on the battlefield!

“”Master, what did you find?”

Catherine looked at Fang Yuan with a puzzled look.

Fang Yuan ignored her, and even the fact that Catherine held his hand was forgotten by Fang Yuan!

Fang Yuan looked into the darkness in the distance, at the Diamond Knight, at Princess Sophia and others who formed a magic circle behind the Diamond Knight, and then at the adventurers, holy knights and hunters who were still fighting the demons in the distance, his brows furrowed tighter.

Suddenly, Fang Yuan’s eyes were locked on the team of hunters! Then Fang Yuan began to look through the system records! The next moment Fang Yuan suddenly looked up, and he suddenly shouted:”Eleven people! Three people are missing!”

“What did you say?”

Katelin was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Fang Yuan was saying.

“Dongfang Ling’s team has fifteen hunters! One was bitten to death by the Swamp Dragon, so there should be fourteen more! But now there are only eleven hunters on the field! Three hunters are missing! Find them!”

Fang Yuan began to patrol the battlefield with a serious look. In this battlefield where there is almost no possibility of escape, Dongfang Ling ran away, which means that there must be an uncontrollable accident!

Speaking of uncontrollable, the biggest possibility is the hunter! Even Fang Yuan had to admit that Dongfang Ling’s team of hunters was very powerful. If all the hunters tried their best, it would not be impossible to strangle the Swamp Dragon!

However, now this team of hunters is always fighting with the demons. Except for a few hunters with auxiliary abilities who occasionally give Dongfang Ling a status, no one joined the siege of the Swamp Dragon. With the ability of the hunters, they can completely help Dongfang Ling strangle the Swamp Dragon more easily!

So it is obvious that there is something wrong with these hunters! After counting the number of hunters, Fang Yuan immediately found the problem! The number of hunters is wrong!

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