“Without the help of the hero, we can’t get into the barrier of the Demon God Temple. We should worry about ourselves instead of the boss. News has come that the monsters in the forest have begun to gather and will probably start attacking soon. This shows that the Demon God King is anxious. This is a good thing, which shows that the hero’s action is going smoothly.”

Although the swordsman captain’s heart was beating fast, he still looked as steady as an old dog, as if to say,”Don’t worry, I have it in hand.”

“Is it raining? Why do I seem to hear the sound of heavy rain hitting banana leaves?……”

Suddenly, an archer looked around with a puzzled look on his face.

Everyone subconsciously began to look for it, because they also heard the dense, increasingly loud crackling sound!

“”Not good! Open the magic barrier! Monsters are coming!”

Suddenly, the magician deputy captain showed a look of horror and roared at everyone!

The members of the adventure team reacted quickly. The two magicians immediately activated the two magic circles on both sides of the side door. The two white stones in the center of the magic circle immediately emitted a dazzling holy white light. With the side door of the Demon God Temple as the center, a quarter-circle shield was formed, protecting the adventurers and their fortifications.

The next moment, dense monsters rushed out of the dark forest and crashed into the white light shield!

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Although the light shield kept making muffled sounds and ripples, it still firmly blocked the monsters outside!

“The defensive barrier left by the quasi-saint Irene is indeed effective! There is no problem in blocking these monsters! Attack! Kill them all!”

The magician deputy captain showed an excited smile, and then roared, and then a fire bomb was shot out!

This protective light shield is very interesting. The attacks inside can hit the outside, but the attacks outside cannot hit in.

The same scene was played out in front of the other nine side doors. With the strength of this holy light shield, it is definitely not a problem to support it for a day or half a day. At that time, the seven heroes may have already killed into the Demon King’s bedroom and killed the Demon King!

However, all this was turned into a bubble under the bombardment of a sudden fireball!


A fireball accurately hit the magic circle with white stones placed on the side of the Demon God Temple! With a bang, the white stone shattered instantly, and the light of the holy light shield was weakened in an instant, and began to shake violently!

“”What’s going on?” the swordsman captain shouted angrily, and everyone was confused. Only the nurse closest to the side door said tremblingly and uncertainly.

“Captain, the attack seems to be coming from the Demon Temple.……”

“What?! How is it possible?!”

Everyone was shocked, but before they could check, suddenly, three more small fireballs shot out from the side door of the Central Demon Temple!

“Boom boom boom!”

Before anyone could react, three fireballs had already hit the remaining white stone!

Then the holy light shield protecting everyone dissipated in mid-air.

“Captain… the defensive barrier… is broken.……”

“Hold on! Defend on the spot with the help of fortifications!”

“Bull, Minotaur?! It’s coming out!”

” Ah…

“The gap has been opened. Next, you command these monsters to start sorting. The strong ones will stay, and the rest will attack the adventurers at other entrances from inside the Demon God Temple. Don’t launch sporadic attacks. After accumulating a large wave, attack directly from inside and outside, and make sure to clear all adventurers, leaving no one behind.”

Seeing more and more monsters entering the Demon God Temple, Fang Yuan immediately laughed and gave orders to Katrin. Katrin nodded, and immediately began to command the monsters to move, forming a square formation every five levels, and quickly began to assemble and integrate!

A counterattack by the demons is about to begin!

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