
The Diamond Knight once again stood in front of Princess Sophia and took the attack of the dragon claw head-on! At this moment, the Diamond Knight’s diamond armor was already damaged. After taking this attack, a look of pain flashed across his face, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood!

Princess Sophia was also in pain! The violent shock of divine power made the already unstable transmission even more turbulent! The magic circle, which could only barely transmit instinctively, had completely lost the ability to transmit a group of people at this moment. Even if it was forcibly activated now, it could only transmit one person!

Princess Sophia gritted her teeth and suddenly slapped the jade pendant in her hand on the back of the Diamond Knight who was blocking her!

At the critical moment, Princess Sophia actually gave the only hope of escape to the Diamond Knight. Knight!

Seeing that the Diamond Knight was about to be teleported out with serious injuries as Fang Yuan saw in the Eye of Destiny, and then met the three heroes, suddenly a sacred power appeared above everyone, and a divine domain completely opposite to Katrin’s divine domain enveloped the Diamond Knight and others!

The two different divine domains acted on a small area, and suddenly the spatial position of this range became extremely chaotic and disordered!

At this time, the light of transmission still lit up!

Princess Sofia spit out a mouthful of blood and fainted on the spot. She could not be teleported out, and the Diamond Knight was enveloped by the light of transmission and was indeed teleported out, but he was not teleported to the outside world as Fang Yuan saw, but fell directly in front of the Swamp Dragon!


The Diamond Knight, who was severely injured all over, fell to the ground in a mess, which scared the Swamp Dragon!

With the will of the Diamond Knight, after enduring the double blow of Katrine’s attack and the failure of the teleportation, he still did not faint.

The Diamond Knight raised his head with difficulty and stared at the holy figure floating in the air, and roared unwillingly:”Why?”

After Fang Yuan’s Eye of Destiny was triggered, Fang Yuan urgently notified the Sword Saint and asked her to come down immediately and work together with Katrine to keep the Diamond Knight no matter what. The Sword Saint finally arrived in time at the last moment and stopped the Diamond Knight’s final teleportation.

Facing the Diamond Knight’s questioning, the Sword Saint did not answer, but just sighed, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

Fang Yuan walked in front of the Diamond Knight with a strange smile

“As expected, there are problems with both you and the Sword Saint! This is a trap! What on earth do you want to do?!”

Fang Yuan was not wearing a hood at the moment, so after seeing Fang Yuan, the Sword Warrior, the Diamond Knight also roared!

“Remove his hands and feet, I just want him to be alive, and see if his shield and armor can be repaired. Take Princess Sophia with you, and let’s go to the Magic City.”

As a villain, Fang Yuan has seen too many plots where people were killed because of talking too much, because of spoilers in advance, and because of being too arrogant.

So Fang Yuan didn’t plan to talk nonsense with the Diamond Knight at all, but gave orders to Catherine, and then turned around and left.

As Princess Sophia and the Diamond Knight were also solved, the group of people who came in with Fang Yuan, except for the hunter, only Nilu, the Diamond Knight and Princess Sophia were still alive, and the three were completely under Fang Yuan’s control!

Nilu’s script was to return to the ground to find the Sword Saint, and then charge… As the bait for fishing, the revelation of the Eye of Destiny has confirmed that the three heroes are around the Holy City, but for some reason, they have never entered the Holy City, otherwise the Sword Saint would have discovered them long ago.

Finally, the newly acquired Princess Sofia and the Diamond Knight still have interesting plots to play.

Brother Slayer has just entered the underground sewer. Looking at his cautious appearance, I am afraid he will not be able to find the way for a day or two! But Fang Yuan is not in a hurry. Anyway, the real big fish has not surfaced yet, so let Brother Slayer slowly explore.

And now it’s time to squeeze juice for leeks!


At the same time, in the underground magic city corresponding to the Holy City.

After completing the exchange of the Adventurer’s Guild’s honor props, the hunters were led to the magic city.

After seeing the grand magic city, the hunters all showed shocked expressions!

Obviously, no one expected that there would be a magic city that was more magnificent than the Holy City underground, and the number of demons and cultists was much greater than that of the Holy City!

If the demons here rushed out, they would definitely be able to flood the Holy City!

Moreover, the two statues in the center of the altar gave them a very strong and mysterious feeling. Although one of the statues had no luster, the statue of Catherine was actually emitting divine power, which meant that there were at least two demon gods sitting here!

This made the hunters feel more confident and expectant about joining the demon camp!

“There are three levels of sacrifice. The lowest level is to become a cultist and master an ability granted by the demon god. The second level is to become a demon priest. Not only can you get two abilities granted by the demon god, but you can also get a demon priest suit! A perfect suit! A full set of demon priest suits, including a weapon, four equipment and three accessories. How many sets you can get depends on the number of sacrifices you make.”

“The highest level is to become a Demon Archbishop! In addition to the three abilities granted by the Demon and an epic Bishop suit that is stronger than the Priest suit, you can also obtain a blood essence of the Demon! This blood essence will allow you to obtain the bloodline of the Demon!”

“Remember that all of you have only one chance to sacrifice, and it is also the fastest way to improve!”

When Fang Yuan arrived, all the hunters had been gathered around the altar, and the leader of the cult loudly explained the rules and rewards of the sacrifice.

As the leader of the cult explained, two cultists took off their black robes, revealing the gorgeous priest suit and bishop suit! They were a set of purple and gold suits respectively! The dazzling light made the hunters even have the urge to rush up to kill people and grab treasures!

The hunters were excited! You can get a new ability after joining the job, as well as perfect and epic suits, and even the bloodline of the demon god!

These do not require any difficult tasks, as long as you can sacrifice enough items, you can get them!

This is basically a free pick for the hunters!

Even the local tyrant hunters have spent money and loans to buy equipment and honor props from those hunters who obviously cannot get high-level sacrifices.

There is also a team of hunters who gave all their equipment and honor points to one person for sacrifice, wanting to see if they can exchange them for the bloodline of the demon god!

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