“We rolled down from the top, and I fell on my teammates and broke my leg.……”

Fang Yuan’s tone was full of sadness, guilt and anger, and he even choked up halfway through his speech.

After a brief silence, the dragon priest Fent began to use the momentum of swinging the three-headed flail to approach the rock wall where Fang Yuan was.

Originally, when the dragon priest saw Fang Yuan, he was a little skeptical. After all, falling from such a height, Fang Yuan, who was a dragon man, would break both legs, but he could still walk with the help of the wall!

This was obviously a problem. With the eyesight of the dragon priest, he had long seen that Fang Yuan’s strength was just average. He didn’t believe that Fang Yuan’s injuries would be lighter than his!

Fang Yuan’s explanation made him understand.

The landslide just now collapsed with him as the center, so when he fell, he had no place to gain leverage. In order to take care of his teammates, Fang Yuan sat them against the wall of the maze passage, which was the edge of the landslide.

If they fell, they would not fall directly, but roll down along the edge, so the impact would be smaller. If his teammates helped him block the rolling impact that eventually stopped, then it would be completely understandable if he only broke a leg.

And at this distance, the dragon priest had already smelled the strong smell of blood on Fang Yuan’s body. It was obviously caused by a lot of scratches, which caused a lot of non-fatal wounds and bleeding.

Strictly speaking, the target of these monsters was himself from the beginning, and Fang Yuan and Katrin were just affected.

After completing the script arranged by Fang Yuan, the dragon priest dispelled his inner concerns and began to approach Fang Yuan, ready to fight side by side with Fang Yuan. After all, in the current situation, two people will definitely last longer than one person!

Seeing the dragon man Fent approaching him, Fang Yuan immediately laughed.

As a forensic doctor,”rigorous” has always been Fang Yuan’s code of conduct. Fang Yuan’s life motto is:”Details determine success or failure.”

Therefore, every time Fang Yuan makes a layout and arrangement, he will try to consider more factors, and even put himself into the other party’s perspective to think, and fill in all the details that may cause accidents!

It is precisely because of this”rigorousness” that Fang Yuan has been so smooth. Of course, this is also related to Fang Yuan’s superb acting skills. After all, being an actor has always been Fang Yuan’s second career dream.

Soon Fang Yuan and the dragon priest leaned against the rock wall shoulder to shoulder. The dragon priest discovered at this time that Fang Yuan did have a lot of scratches on his body, and the leg with inconvenient movement was also full of blood, but the wound was blocked by the pants and could not be seen clearly.

In the process of reunion, Fang Yuan even took several attacks from the claw monster, and the bloody wounds could not be faked.

Nine points true and one point false, this is the highest realm of lies.

Several consecutive states were cast on Fang Yuan by the dragon priest, and the two began to fight side by side!

“Hold on, Prince Allen will be here to support you soon!”


The dragon priest still did not forget to comfort Fang Yuan at this time, and Fang Yuan responded without saying anything more.

“”Be careful! A high-level demon is coming!”

At this moment, a fireball lit up from the darkness in the distance, and a powerful magic wave was shaking!

Catelin’s”Magic Flame Ball” shot rapidly at the head of the Dragon Priest!

The Dragon Priest immediately gave a warning, raised his arm, and blocked his arm shield in front of him!


The magic flame ball hit the dragon priest’s arm shield and exploded immediately. Although it failed to break the arm shield, it caused a strong impact on the dragon priest’s arm!

At the same time! Fang Yuan made a move!

Fang Yuan was leaning on the left hand side of the dragon priest. The dragon priest’s arm shield was also installed on his left arm. After raising his left arm, his lower left ribs were completely exposed in front of Fang Yuan!

Fang Yuan flipped his wrist! The green-quality skinning knife appeared in Fang Yuan’s hand!


After a dull sound of piercing flesh, the skinning knife, like a scalpel, pierced accurately from the third rib on the left side of the Dragon Priest and pierced into his heart. Fang Yuan pulled his wrist back! Immediately, the tip of the skinning knife that pierced into the heart of the Dragon Priest moved forward, cutting open his heart and also severing one of the most important blood vessels in the heart!

Fast, fierce and accurate! One strike was a killing move!

This was Fang Yuan’s professionalism. He was sure that this strike would kill the Dragon Priest!


A normal person would die immediately if attacked like this! But the half-dragon’s strong vitality prevented him from dying immediately! Instead, he glared at Fang Yuan, raised the three-headed flail, and smashed it down fiercely!

Fang Yuan frowned, and immediately launched the”Thrust” skill he had obtained from the adventurer at a monster in the distance!

【Stab: Active skill. Green. Lock a target within a five-meter range, launch a surprise attack on it, instantly appear in front of the opponent, and perform a penetrating attack on it! Ignore 20% of the opponent’s defense, and have a certain chance to break armor! Consume 100 magic points, cool down for 40 seconds. 】

Fang Yuan’s figure suddenly disappeared from the spot and appeared in front of the monster. The long sword in his hand pierced the monster’s heart and killed it.

Of course, the most important thing is that this attack made Fang Yuan move away from the dragon man and avoid the fatal attack of the three-headed flail!

Then Fang Yuan directly let go of the long sword in his hand, raised his left arm back, clenched his fist with all his strength, and suddenly the Centaur hand crossbow on his left arm popped out!

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