“”Eh? But I haven’t said it yet?!”

Prince Allen, who was indeed a little hesitant, immediately refused to do it and protested immediately.

“I am going to be a saint. Saints are not allowed to marry. My whole life will be dedicated to the Supreme God.”

“And you will be the king of this country, and a clergyman will be your queen. This is an absolutely wrong decision in politics. You should know this better than me, so it is more appropriate for us to be friends. After I become a saint, I will be your helper and support you to become the new king, and you will marry a daughter of a noble family to help you consolidate your power. This is the path you should take.”

But the quasi-saint Irene spoke again, her tone was calm and clear, giving people a feeling of wisdom!

However, if you look at it from a friend’s perspective, what Irene said was too rational, so rational that it was completely inhumane.

Even a fool can hear what Prince Allen wanted to say, but Irene gave a more ruthless answer.

Delon couldn’t help but slapped him hard in the face, and even he couldn’t listen anymore.

If Irene rejected Prince Allen for reasons such as not liking him, Delon would never behave like this. At most, he would say… She just laughed at Prince Allen.

But Irene also liked Prince Allen, but the two people who loved each other could not be together.

From the perspective of a superior, what Irene said was absolutely correct. The two identities of Prince Allen and Saint Irene were equivalent to the question of royal power and divine power.

If it were just adventurers Irene and Allen, I am afraid the two would be together without hesitation, but if it was a prince and a saint, things would be different.

Prince Allen’s heavy breathing was clearly audible in the darkness, as if he was struggling violently in his heart. Like this!

A voice in his heart was roaring, stand up! Come over! Hug her! Don’t pay attention to anything!

No one spoke in the darkness, but Delon and Irene were silently watching Prince Allen, waiting for his reaction.

If it were any young man with blood, he would rush up and kiss her first without saying a word!

But Prince Allen is an excellent heir to the kingdom. He and Irene have similar abilities. He can also predict the good and bad of an event. Although he is now trapped here, as if he may die at any time, his ability to judge , being trapped is a good omen, which means he will be rescued in the end, so he asked Delong to save his strength and wait for rescue!

So sometimes, people will not make special decisions unless they are forced into a desperate situation.

At this moment, Prince Allen still has expectations for the future, so he has some concerns. Between royal power and love, he chose royal power.

After a long silence, Prince Allen sighed deeply, smiled bitterly, and said softly to Irene:”Sometimes, I really hate your damn rationality. We are all going to die, do you still have to think so long-term?”

“My eyes tell me that the future is still in front of us, so we will not die, and someone will definitely come to save us, so we should conserve our energy and wait for rescue, which is what we should do.”

Erin’s voice was still somewhat cold. As a quasi-saint of the Supreme Church, she was bound to become a saint. She was a chosen one, born with the power given by the gods.

She could see the vague future, and now she could clearly see that someone would save her.

But at this moment, Erin did not have the slightest joy of being rescued, and her tone was cold and repellent.

Because the picture in front of her was clearer, Prince Allen would be crowned king among beauties, flowers, wine and songs, while she was swallowed by darkness and shadows…

As Prince Allen did not take any action, Erin saw the fate of herself and Prince Allen. Prince Allen climbed higher, while she was dragged into a deep quagmire by the unknown darkness, and the biting cold made her almost suffocate! Erin didn’t know what this darkness was, but she knew very well that her future would be full of pain and fear.

In fact, Erin’s heart was eager for Prince Allen to take that step and hug her tightly, but as she saw, Prince Allen chose the kingship instead of her.

So as a girl, Erin’s heart at this moment can be imagined

“I don’t know what to say to you, are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?!”

In the darkness, the atmosphere became silent again, and in the end, Delon couldn’t help but grab a stone from his side and smashed it hard at Prince Allen, and couldn’t help but curse.

Even as a bystander, he could see what Irene was thinking. He didn’t believe that Prince Allen’s intelligence would not be able to see it!

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