“You took other people’s things and came to bargain with empty hands. Have some shame, take out the things to trade, and it’s yours.”

Fang Yuan sneered. The reason why he was cold to the spearman was actually very simple.

Fang Yuan noticed the private communication with the elephant at the beginning. The elephant was obviously worried that Fang Yuan would deliberately raise the price because he was a second-level hunter, so he asked the spearman, who was also a first-level, to trade.

The spearman was sour from the beginning, which immediately made Fang Yuan understand that he was jealous.

The spearman showed good fighting talent in the previous hunting copy, so he was accepted as a reserve member by the Sankou Society.

In addition to the establishment of formal members, each team also has the establishment of reserve personnel, and the upper limit of the number can be You can buy them with money, so each team has almost the same number of reserve members as regular members, or even twice as many.

However, apart from the communication channels, the reserve members are not much different from independent adventurers.

In fact, they are often exploited by regular members. Therefore, even if a spearman has experienced three hunting worlds, he is still only level 8, and after such a long time, he does not have any purple equipment or skills. The highest level is only a blue skill and a blue weapon.

The only advantage is that it is safe enough.

You can form a team to enter the hunting world and have ally, this is definitely more advantageous.

Of course, there are other restrictions for entering as a team, which I will not mention here for the time being.

There is no harm without comparison.

He is still struggling for the blue quality, and Fang Yuan is already using the purple skill book to make a deal.

The spearman is naturally jealous!

It just so happened that the elephant raised the price for Fang Yuan and asked him to come forward.

Originally, he wanted him to exchange one for one shield strike, but the spearman’s mind was crooked, and his cleverness played tricks, so he directly proposed the idea of one for two.

In this way, he can also benefit out of thin air.

Of course, more importantly, he really has nothing of equivalent value to trade Fang Yuan’s blue quality. Overlord Spear’s skill book.

But he didn’t expect that Fang Yuan would see through his idea in an instant!

Except for a few people, other hunters rarely have the opportunity and ability to do things like Fang Yuan, and 4 points of luck is already a rare existence among first-level adventurers.

Other adventurers usually go through two hunting worlds and can get to level 5 or 6, get an A score, and have a blue skill book and equipment. It’s good enough. How can it be like Fang Yuan who has two 3S scores and so many purple and blue equipment that he can’t fit them all and has to trade them out?

So it’s not the spearman’s fault that he is poor, it’s just that he is too ordinary!

“You! It’s just a broken skill book! I don’t want it! Brother Elephant! Let’s go!”

The spearman’s face turned red and white, even if it was blurred, people could still see his embarrassed expression!

In fact, it was very simple to slap Fang Yuan in the face at this time, just throw out a handful of money, but the poor spearman really couldn’t do it! So he could only say a cruel word and stare at Fang Yuan viciously!

Fang Yuan sneered and was too lazy to bother with such a person.

The shield warrior elephant’s face was also very ugly, because the spearman didn’t know if his brain was overheated. It would be fine if he left by himself, but he actually shouted at him.

You can’t afford it, but I can afford it!

The shield warrior itself is an offensive and defensive integrated force, In addition to defensive skills, the most favorite skill is the Shield Blast, which increases damage based on defense.

So the Elephant is almost determined to get this purple [Shield Blast], and he is also very clear that the traffic of this stall is not high now, so the value of the Shield Blast has not been truly reflected, and he must get it as soon as possible! Otherwise, when other defensive melee hunters with vision and needs find it, the price of this Shield Blast will double!

At this time, the Shield Warrior Elephant, who originally looked unhappy, suddenly looked stunned, and received an urgent notification in his dead communication channel!

“Buy that hammer at all costs! Be quick!”The one who sent the message was the president of the Sankou Society!

When he saw Fang Yuan’s stall before, he took a screenshot and sent all the things on Fang Yuan’s stall to the team channel. He originally wanted to see if there was anything else needed, after all, Fang Yuan had a lot of good stuff.

But he didn’t expect that at this moment, the president of the team would contact him directly!

Elephant immediately realized the seriousness of the matter, and immediately said to Fang Yuan with a serious and sincere face

“Don’t be angry, my friend is ignorant. Let’s put it this way. I want your shield strike, Overlord Spear, and the Dwarven Warhammer. I will exchange them for a blue and purple swordsman skill book, plus a purple swordsman equipment you can use. If you feel that you are at a disadvantage, we can negotiate again. I can add some other things you can use.”

This time, the Shield Warrior Elephant has lowered his posture and given a price that seems to be fair. More importantly, he took the initiative to hand the”slaughter knife” to Fang Yuan, and clearly stated that he could let Fang Yuan increase the price, which obviously allowed Fang Yuan to make a profit! This condition is undoubtedly very generous!

“Brother Elephant, please don’t……”

The reaction of the shield warrior elephant was undoubtedly the same as the spearman’s previous reaction. He slapped me hard!

I just finished pretending to be awesome, and the stall owner hasn’t hit me in the face yet. I never expected that the first person to hit me in the face was actually one of my own. This immediately made the spearman want to continue to say a few harsh words.

“Shut up!”

But before the spearman could say anything, the shield warrior spearman shouted angrily!

The spearman was stunned.���In his impression, the shield warrior elephant was a person with a good temper. Now that he was scolded, the spearman immediately became even more embarrassed. However, at this time, he did not dare to speak again. He could only stay aside, staring at Fang Yuan with hatred, and put all the pots on Fang Yuan’s head! He hated Fang Yuan completely!

Fang Yuan frowned slightly at the look in the spearman’s eyes. Fang Yuan did not like this kind of look. This was the look of the enemy. As for the enemy, Fang Yuan was used to killing him immediately, but the current conditions did not seem to allow it. Even

Fang Yuan became a little resistant to trading with the elephant, but since the other party had handed over the knife, it would be a shame for Fang Yuan if he did not kill him hard!

“Hey! Brother, if you trade with him, you will lose a lot.”

But before Fang Yuan could speak, a deep and hearty voice sounded behind the elephant.

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