King’s House Kindergarten

Chapter 127: dead duck mouth

The corner of the man's mouth twitched slightly, but Lanlan didn't open his eyes.

The tranquility in the surrounding air, like a clear and slow stream, spreads quietly, no need to sculpt, just in his short sigh, in a smile, or, in a soft voice, "Ayue, I'm a little cold."

Shen Yue suddenly understood.

In the past few days, his robes have been taken off for her and Taotao, Xiaoliu to keep out the cold, where is he not cold, he is frozen...

Shen Yue moved her body and tilted the dagger that she was wearing more toward him. This is his big man, fluffy, very warm, and it seems to be able to withstand all the cold when draped around her. It fell into the temple earlier, but this time, when the guards of the palace escaped from the cave, they brought them out together.

He was lying in Shen Yue's arms, Da Hui was draped on Shen Yue's body, no matter how much he leaned, it wouldn't reach him much, she could only approach him gently, and get closer. In the end, Da Hui was able to almost cover the two of them.

Zhuo Yuan was satisfied, with a slight smile on his lips, and said in a low voice, "It's not cold anymore."

Shen Yue's face turned slightly red.

Fortunately, the people around were all behind the rock, and because of the rest of their lives, they were either talking or making up for sleep, and there were guards on duty, and no one would come forward to disturb Zhuo Yuan's rest.

Earlier, there were only Zhuo Yuan and Tao Tao, and Xiao Liu was there. In the barren mountains and wild ridges, it seemed that they could embrace each other and sleep well; but now, even if he was just lying in her arms, the blush on her face still couldn't go away.

While thinking about it, Zhuo Yuan comfortably rubbed towards her.

She was already in front of the rock and had nowhere to retreat. He stretched his arms around her waist and said softly, "Ayue, I'm really tired."

Shen Yue was stunned for a while, and when she looked down at him, the smile on his face had not faded, but the sound of peaceful and steady breathing had already sounded.

really fell asleep...

Shen Yue sighed in her heart, and then remembered that he had hardly slept his eyes in the past few days, and had been taking care of her and Tao Tao, Xiao Liu, and took time off this morning to sleep for a while, also preparing to explore the road down the mountain. Originally thought it would be safe to find Aji and others, but encountered a hungry wolf, fighting to the death.

If Zhuo Yuan was not there, how could she, Tao Tao and Xiao Liu be safe until now?

Shen Yue looked at the sleeping person in her arms.

He is really good-looking, so the delicate facial features will outline a clear and handsome silhouette under the moonlight. Perhaps it was the moonlight bewitching at this moment, or perhaps it was the growing intimacy in the past few days, she couldn't help but lose her mind...

In the blink of an eye, she gently touched his forehead with her lips, and said softly in a voice that only the two of them could hear, "Sleep, I'm here."

This time, she was there.

But inexplicably, he grabbed the hand around her waist, stiffened a little, and then hugged her even tighter.

Shen Yue's whole body froze, isn't he already...

However, Zhuo Yuan turned over gently, leaned closer to her arms, and said in a tired and slightly smiling voice, "Don't worry, Miss Shen, I won't tell anyone else... You secretly kissed me just now."

"..." Suddenly, Shen Yue's face seemed to be reddened by the fire in front of her.

But soon, the sound of breathing in his arms sounded again?

She didn't know if he really fell asleep so soon, or if he had just been in a half-dream and half-awake state. When he woke up tomorrow, he thought he was dreaming. He might not even remember what she secretly kissed him just now.

Thinking of this, Shen Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, it's not cold wearing a big coat.

With Da Hao's hat still on her head, Shen Yue seemed to be nestled in a warm blanket - just a big cat that was a little heavy in her arms.

She leaned her head up against the rock behind her and stared at the stars in the night sky.

The North Star was still dazzling, and this was the only time she had been able to stare at the starry sky steadily in the past few days.

Although the moon and stars are rare, and even though the sounds of wild beasts can occasionally be heard in the surrounding mountains and forests, they seem to gradually fade away in the warm firelight around them.

Shen Yue didn't know when she fell asleep.

When I woke up, it was morning.

She was still leaning on the rock to fall asleep, the big hood on her body was tightly wrapped, and it was not cold at all, but Zhuo Yuan was not in her arms.

Having developed vigilance in the mountains these days, Shen Yue felt uneasy subconsciously, and suddenly sobered up. He got up in a panic, but just saw the rock not far away, Zhuo Yuan was talking to Aji. Shen Yuecai suddenly remembered that he had joined the guards of the palace yesterday, and now, the surroundings are very safe.

Seeing Shen Yue stand up, lean his head out from behind the rock and pause, Zhuo Yuan clenched his fist and smiled, patted Aji on the shoulder, and then paced towards her.

"Why don't you sleep more?" His voice was soft and soft.

Except for the guards of the palace who were on duty, most of the people who were rescued from the cave yesterday had the only good sleep in the past few days.

Shen Yue seemed to react, "I can't sleep."

His eyes just went over him and caught a glimpse of not far behind him, Bi Luo was still asleep with Tao Tao and Xiao Liu.

The two children are already obedient, but they haven't slept very well in the past few days. The children of this age are already vaguely sensible. After meeting with the guards in the palace yesterday, they should also know that they are safe, so they have not woken up until now.

Zhuo Yuan smiled and stretched out his hand to hold her, "Can't sleep, let's look at the surrounding terrain."

"Huh?" Before Shen Yue could react, he was led away with a smile.

The terrain was explored by guards in the morning.

Zhuo Yuan also took a look at it in person. Right now, holding Shen Yue, walking slowly and steadily, he was still going around a few steep slopes, and after climbing down the stones, his vision suddenly became clear.

Zhuo Yuan stretched his finger and pointed into the distance, "This is the entrance to Pingning Mountain earlier. We approached from here by horse-drawn carriage, and then went around the mountain on a winding road that should have been here. Right now, this road is blocked. If they are dead, they are all cliffs and cliffs. It is difficult for Zhuo Ye and the others to climb from here, and they may have to find another way, so they will come later."

When he said this, combined with what he saw in front of him, Shen Yue understood in his heart.

Earthquake broke the way into the mountain, so the most difficult search and rescue was Zhuo Ye and the others either climbing from the broken road or finding another way, each of which took time.

Zhuo Yuan said again, "Fortunately, Pingning Mountain is not big. Knowing that I am in the mountain, the city guard of Xucheng will go all out to search and rescue. Therefore, seeing Zhuo Ye is only a matter of time. What we have to do is to ensure that For your own safety, you can go out safely.”

Shen Yue nodded.

With no one around, Zhuo Yuan took her to his arms and said ambiguous, "Miss Shen, did you secretly kiss me last night?"

Shen Yue's eyes were stunned, and she suddenly said, "Zhuo Yuan... someone!"

Knowing that her face was thin, he smiled at the corners of his mouth. Just as he kissed her lips, she still said seriously, "There's really someone!"

Zhuo Yuan suddenly reacted, and following the direction her fingertips pointed, he really saw guards climbing up on the rocky cliff in the distance.

Shen Yue was surprised.

Zhuo Yuan also showed joy.

"It's Zhuo Ye." He recognized it at a glance.

After such a long distance, Shen Yue didn't have time to see clearly, she thought it was an ant, and after confirming it for a long time, she saw that it was a human being.

"Zhuo Ye?" After hearing Zhuo Yuan's words, Shen Yue's eyes were full of smiles, and the uncontrollable joy flooded into her heart. Zhuo Ye brought people, and they could go out from Pingning Mountain.

Tao Tao, Xiao Liu, and Bi Luo...

They were most trapped in the mountains for several days.

Zhuo Xin, Tao Bo, and A Si, Xiao Wu, Xiao Qi, Xiao Ba, and Suisui children in the inn must all be so worried that they can't sleep soundly.

Finally... finally saved, and can go back to be with the children.

Shen Yue hadn't recovered from her joy yet, so excited she threw herself into Zhuo Yuan's arms,

Zhuo Yuan picked her up, their eyes were slightly stagnant, as if their breaths were full of beauty and ambiguity, he looked at her, and she looked at him.

In the beautiful and ambiguous surroundings, he suddenly asked in a deep voice, "Go back, are you and me still the same?"

Shen Yue was stunned.

But surrounded by his breath, there is no way to avoid it.

He said in a deep voice, "Then I can't bear to be here with Shen Yue and Zhuo Yuan. They care about each other and will embrace each other to sleep..."

Shen Yue looked at him, her slender eyelashes trembled slightly.

When he closed his eyes, she also closed her eyes gently.


"Zhuo Ye, you're finally here!" Tao Tao met Zhuo Ye and was very close.

Not only came up to ask him to hug, but also hugged him.

Being trapped in the mountains for several days, Shen Yue and Zhuo Yuan kept telling her that it was an escape game, and the condition for winning the escape game was that they smoothly reunite with Zhuo Ye.

Yesterday, she saw Bi Luo, and today they will meet with Zhuo Ye!

Taotao's eyes were full of smiles, "Ayue Ayue! Did our escape game pass successfully?"

escape game...

Zhuo Ye didn't respond for a while.

Shen Yue smiled and said, "Of course I passed, look, didn't Zhuo Ye come to pick you up?"

Although Zhuo Ye didn't quite understand the riddles between them, Miss Jiu was in a calm mood, without crying, and could talk to him well. Zhuo Ye thought it was because of Miss Shen, so he just listened.

Zhuo Ye also smiled.

Taotao embraced Yongzhuoye with joy again, but after hugging, she changed the subject and sighed towards Zhuoye, "Alas, Zhuoye, why did you come so late! We all encountered poisonous snakes in the escape game. And the wolf, I was scared to cry, fortunately there is still uncle!"

Tong Yan had no scruples, but no matter how bad Zhuo Ye was, he could hear the earlier danger from Tao Tao's mouth.

Zhuo Ye seemed to suddenly understand why Miss Shen would tell Miss Jiu that the trapped earth dragon was an escape game, otherwise, whether it was these beasts or the thrilling scene of the earth dragon, I'm afraid they would leave a lasting impression in Miss Jiu's heart. shadow.

But right now, Miss Jiu is just a game.

With Zhuo Ye's eyes hesitant, Shen Yue smiled at Zhuo Ye, "Then Zhuo Ye, next time there is a game, you must hurry up, Tao Tao won't wait so long."

Tao Tao nodded hurriedly, that's what she meant.

Zhuo Ye said with a smile, "My subordinates know about it, Miss Jiu can rest assured that the subordinates will come earlier next time."

Tao Tao hugged him again and smiled sweetly.

Shen Yue also smiled at Zhuo Ye, looked around, and after a while, glanced at Zhuo Yuan who was holding Xiao Liu not far away.

Zhuo Yuan was holding Xiao Liu and was talking with Master Kong.

Now Pingning Mountain has been destroyed, and the Great Buddha Temple has sunk under the rock cave.

If you want to rebuild the sky without damaging the Buddha's body, I am afraid it will take several years of work. Moreover, the construction of Pingning Mountain needs to be stabilized before it can start, otherwise it will cause more unnecessary troubles in the follow-up.

Master Zhikong is the abbot of the Great Buddha Temple. What will happen to the Great Buddha Temple in the future is all in the mind of Master Zhikong.

Zhuo Yuan held Xiao Liu and looked at Master Zhikong.

"Amitabha Buddha." Master Zhikong clasped his hands together, "Buddhism emphasizes fate, the Earth Dragon was born in Pingning Mountain, and the Dafo Temple has protected the lives of more than a dozen people. It has been regarded as a seven-level floating map. Now, it is often buried in caves, perhaps due to causal fate. Don’t ask for it. Today the Great Buddha Temple is no longer there, Lao Na wants to travel around the world, seek alms everywhere, teach scriptures and study Zen, maybe it is also Lao Na’s fate. Maybe, I will meet the prince somewhere else.”

Zhuo Yuan nodded and said with a smile, "Master Nazhikong, goodbye by fate."

Master Zhikong put his hands together and looked at Zhuo Yuan with kind eyes again, "Your Highness, there is something I would like to say to your Highness alone."

Zhuo Yuan nodded and said to Xiao Liu, "Xiao Liu, go to A Yue's place."

Xiao Liu did as he was told.

After Xiao Liu ran away to find Shen Yue, Zhuo Yuan took his eyes back and said, "Master, please speak."

Master Zhikong also smiled and said, "My lord is a man who fights, and life and death are more in one thought, and think more."

Zhuo Yuan frowned slightly, "What does the master mean?"

Master Zhikong clasped his hands together, "Goodness, goodness!"

Zhuo Yuan knew that the Buddhists would not say more, so he said gently, "Thank you Master for your suggestion."


The road between the mountains itself is not very easy to walk, but compared to earlier, Zhuo Ye has brought at least 200 people to search and rescue. It is much easier and safer to go down the mountain than before.

Before entering the mountain, Zhuo Yuan had sent several groups of people to explore the road, and finally found this place, so when he left, he was familiar with the road.

Departing in the morning, there was almost no rest in the middle, and when it fell into the night, they all left Pingning Mountain one after another.

Among those trapped in the Pingning Mountains were Zhuo Yuan and others, the guards of the palace, the monks in the temple, and the pilgrims beside them. In the final analysis this time, if Zhuo Yuan hadn't found the entrance to the rocky cave of the Great Buddha Temple, perhaps they wouldn't even have the chance to see the sun again.

They all thanked Zhuo Yuan and Shen Yue in turn, and said goodbye one after another.

The city guard of Xucheng hurriedly stepped forward. These days, the person who is more restless than being trapped in the mountains is the city guard of Xucheng. The Pingyuan palace guards and comforts Xiqin. The importance is self-evident. If the king of Pingyuan is in his place. Something went wrong in his jurisdiction, and he was to blame!

Right now, seeing the safe return of King Pingyuan and the two young ladies in the mansion, the city guard of Xucheng was crying bitterly.

Zhuo Yuan exchanged a few simple words before turning to look at Uncle Tao, who was relieved to one side, and Zhuo Xin, who had been standing still, but lowered his head from time to time, secretly wiping his tears...

Zhuo Ye told him just now that the second son was always worried. When he saw the signal flare of the prince, he wanted to enter the mountain, but the housekeeper Tao refused to let him. The second son kept waiting at the foot of the mountain. After waiting for a few days, he never left the foot of the mountain, and he never closed his eyes.

Zhuo Yuan looked at Shen Yue and said warmly, "Ayue, go."

Shen Yue agrees.

Zhuo Yuan leaned over and picked up Tao Tao, while Shen Yue led Xiao Liu to Tao Bo and Zhuo Xin.

Tao Dongzhou came forward to meet him, tears streaming down his face.

In this mansion, the oldest person is Uncle Tao, Zhuo Yuan apologized, "I made Uncle Tao worry."

"My lord, miss, it's good to be safe! The old slave is satisfied!" Tao Dongzhou's eyes were red.

"Tao Bo." Shen Yue was blessed.

Tao Dongzhou stretched out his hand to help her, "Miss Shen, I have suffered for the past few days."

Shen Yue smiled and said, "No, the lord has been taking care of me and Tao Tao, Xiao Liu, we are all safe."

Behind the two of them talking, Zhuo Yuan walked to Zhuo Xin on the side, and seeing Zhuo Xin lowered his head, Zhuo Yuan said solemnly, "Would you like to hug Uncle Six?"

Zhuo Xin raised his eyes to look at him, not only the eye sockets, but also the tip of his nose were red, a look of a teenager crying with snot and tears indistinguishable.

Zhuo Yuan couldn't help laughing, and without waiting for him to speak, he stepped forward to embrace him, "Don't worry, Uncle Six is ​​fine!"

Zhuo Xin sneered, "Why should I be worried."

"Well, dead ducks are stubborn..."

Zhuo Xin: "..."

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