King’s House Kindergarten

Chapter 131: goodbye spa

For a long time, there is no digestion and walk after lunch, and the children are so excited that they talk about the earth dragon.

Although the earth dragon, the babies are very afraid.

But once it was over, it became a conversation piece.

When they were in Pingning Mountain, Xiaoliu and Taotao were with Zhuoyuan and Shen Yue. Xiaoliu couldn't speak, and kept listening quietly. Taotao was the only one in the limelight. Not only was it exaggerated to say that he saw such a big python, but also when there was such a big wolf, the rest of the children were trembling with fear. Another look of envy.

Among them, Xiao Ba is the most enviable one, "I haven't seen a wolf yet, you have seen Tao Tao."

Tao Tao smiled.

Shen Yue shook her head, it was clear that she was the one who cried in fear that day, and now she still looks half scared to cry.

But in fact, let alone Taotao, she was also trembling with fright at the time. She still remembers the scene when Zhuo Yuan fought the wolf to the death. I still remember that at that time, Earth Dragon held her hand tightly, told her to close her eyes, inserted the saber into the rock hole, and pulled her back from the cracked gap little by little...

In Shen Yue's thoughts, Xiao Wu was ringing his arms, "I've seen it before."

Children naturally like to imagine, not to brag, but to imagine that they have seen animals like wolves. Shen Yue lowered her eyebrows and smiled, not piercing Xiao Wu, nor preventing the children from communicating with each other.

Xiao Wu was the older of the children. Xiao Wu opened his mouth and Xiao Qi believed it. He also asked curiously, Brother Wu, where did you see the wolf?

Xiao Wu was stunned for a while, and said proudly, "In my garden! A wolf came to my garden before, and Zhuo Ye and I drove it away together!"

Also know that pulling Zhuo Ye to increase the credibility, Xiao Qi, Xiao Ba and Tao Tao all said "wow", very satisfied!

Ah Si had a severe headache.

The children talked as they walked, and it seemed that they spent a lot more time for a walk in the afternoon today than usual, and Shen Yue didn't leave Xiao Ba for a walk alone, but Xiao Ba was surprised, "Ayue, why didn't we take a walk alone today? "

Shen Yue squatted down and smiled at him, "Ayue noticed that Xiaoba didn't eat too much at noon today, just right."

Xiaoba smiled proudly, leaned forward and said softly, "Ayue, I'll tell you quietly, my stomach hurt that day, the doctor said that I ate too much glutinous rice and gave me a lot of medicine, it was bitter, not at all. Delicious."

Shen Yue asked, "Then what?"

Xiao Ba looked around and made sure that no one was there, and then quietly said to Shen Yue, "I pulled a lot of stinky things."

Shen Yue couldn't help laughing, but seeing Xiao Ba was a little embarrassed, Shen Yue also said softly, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else."

Little Eight laughed.

Shen Yue said again, "But Xiaoba, you did a good job today, you were brave enough to overcome your desire to eat more, so we don't have to take a long walk at noon today, we have to do our best tomorrow, Ayue will watch write."

"Okay!" Little Eight smiled happily.


The nap time passed quickly, and the babies took the time to go to Hechi with Cong Qing and Shen Yue.

At noon, Tao Dongzhou came over and said that because of some changes in the court, the prince will leave for Beijing tomorrow. This trip will not detour to Mingzhou, and we must return to Beijing as soon as possible, so the children are in Xucheng. There is only one day left.

The children had only been to Hechi once before, and they didn't have enough fun, so Tao Dongzhou asked people to empty Hechi.

Shen Yue was surprised, because she heard Zhuo Yuan and Zhuo Xin talk about going to Mingzhou yesterday, but changed her mind today, it should be the news that she only received today.

Zhuo Yuan left the inn before noon and went to the city of Xucheng. Before he came back, Zhuo Xin took the babies to take a hot spring with the pool.

Shen Yue agreed with Tao Tao before.

Zhuo Yuan's absence saved a lot of embarrassment, and Shen Yue also had a good time with the children.

Although Zhuo Xin was the one who went to Tangquan because of Zhuo Xin's presence, Cong Qing and Shen Yue were just playing with the babies outside Tangquan, but they also agreed with Tao Tao and went to Hechi together.

I didn't play enough drums to pass flowers last time.

Continue this time.

Shen Yue beat the drums with her back to it, and the children danced and passed the cuju ball in the soup spring. They were very happy just listening to the sound.

Last time Zhuo Xin was away, I didn't know these guys had such a good time. It's no wonder that last time he and Uncle Six were cold and quiet in the Tangquan next door, staring with big eyes and small eyes, and he kept hearing laughter from He Chi's side.

Now that Zhuo Xin understands, it's no wonder that these guys have to come and join the pool with Shen Yue.

While thinking wildly, the drum in Shen Yue's hand suddenly stopped.

Zhuo Xin was stunned, fuck!

Just took it from Xiao Wu!

Zhuo Xin looked at Xiao Wu, no wonder he was dawdling just now, and now he was still looking at him and grinning, he should have thought of it!

Shen Yue turned her head with a smile, "Let me see, who is in the hands of the Cuju ball?"

Almost all the children reached out to Zhuo Xin and shouted in unison, "Second brother!"

Zhuo Xin's face turned green!

These little ancestors, when the drums stopped, the one who received the ball was going to sing and dance!

Let him sing and dance in the hot spring!

And in front of Shen Yue and Scallion...

Just kill him!

Zhuo Xin was annoyed.

But Xiao Wu was the first to jump up, "Brother, are you singing or dancing?"

He sings a ghost and dances a ghost too.

Zhuo Xin pulled Xiao Wu back to the soup pool, blushed, coughed twice, and said in a compromise, "I'll tell you a story."

Anyway, he has already practiced this skill along the way.

He can memorize the stories in the picture book like a fluent, and he can also make up a story incidentally.

As soon as he finished speaking, when Zhuo Xinzheng felt that his proposal was very witty, Xiao Wu jumped up and threw himself behind him, and said angrily, "You don't follow the rules! If you want to sing and dance, you must sing and dance! "

This ancestor was strangled to his neck.

Shen Yue smiled, let them make trouble, and said to Cong Qing, "I'll go get some water, you can watch it first."

Green onions should be fine.

The hot springs for male and female guests are served by servants or female envoys, and because of the strong privacy of Hechi, they are all looked after by their own people.

Shen Yue got up and went to fetch water for the children.

Here in Tangquan, the green onion is watching.

The children don’t have many chances to see Zhuo Xin on weekdays, even less than Zhuo Yuan. It’s rare to be with Zhuo Xin when they come back to Xucheng, and because Zhuo Xin will also take care of them like Shen Yue and Cong Qing, and also work with them. In the story, when the children were with Zhuo Xin, they were not as reserved or afraid to speak as they saw the second brother earlier, but they could also fight with Zhuo Xin.

Seeing that Xiao Wuchao Zhuoxin rushed over, Xiao Ba also responded and rushed over.

Zhuo Xin didn't pay attention, and with a "bang", he was thrown into the hot spring by the two arrogant children, Xiao Wu and Xiao Ba.

Xu Shi found it interesting, Xiao Qi, Ah Si, Xiao Liu and Tao Tao all laughed and rushed over, and everyone gathered firewood.

Except for Suisui, who didn't wake up from her afternoon nap and didn't follow, every child went up to press Zhuo Xin's head

Zhuo Xin was trapped in the soup spring and couldn't get up. He was strangled and held his breath again!

Bunch of puppies!

Who can say no to a bear, he was almost tossed out of his breath by these ancestors!

Zhuo Xin couldn't help remembering that Uncle Six was also thrown to the ground by them at that time, and the group couldn't stand up. He still thought it was funny at the time, but now, his tears were being held back, and he almost died. Some powerless.

Suddenly, when his consciousness was almost blurred, he was finally pulled up from the soup spring.

Suddenly, I felt that there was air around me, I quickly took a deep breath, and turned to look behind me.

Zhuo Yuan picked him up with one hand, and Xiao Wu, the original perpetrator, with the other.

Xiao Wu was still laughing "giggling", fluttering his teeth and claws, Zhuo Yuan said sternly, "I don't know if people can't breathe underwater!"

Xiao Wu was stunned.

Not only Xiao Wu, but the rest of the children rarely see Uncle Six/Uncle/Uncle Qing being so fierce. They almost suffocated underwater just now, and the children were afraid again.

"Uncle Six..." Zhuo Xin said softly.

"Go up first and rest for a while." Zhuo Yuan is rarely so serious.

Zhuo Xin nodded.

Several children were also a little scared, just when Shen Yue came back with the tray, seeing that the children's brothers all got up from the soup spring, and the one who picked up Xiao Wu with one hand, it seemed that it was not Zhuo Xin, but Zhuo Yuan, Shen Yue was a little surprised, no. know what's going on.

It's just that the eyes of the children all turned to Shen Yue who turned back, and Zhuo Yuan also turned around. He changed into a bath gauze for bathing in the hot spring. He was originally wearing a bath towel. , so Zhuo Yuan bare his upper body.

And because he went to the Tangquan to catch someone, the Tangquan water was soaked on his body and flowed down his neck and chest.

Shen Yue was stunned, belly...abs...

Fortunately, Zhuo Yuan's eyes didn't stay on her for too long, and he turned to Xiao Wu and the other children and said, "Are you still soaking?"

Several little guys nodded hurriedly, not daring to make Zhuo Yuan angry again.

It is just like taking a break for a while, and you can go back to the soup spring.

Xiao Bafang was a little intimidated, and quietly told Cong Qing that he wanted to go to the convenience.

Onion Qing led Xiaoba to go first.

At the soup spring, Shen Yue brought a tray forward and gave each child a cup of warm water in turn. Xiao Wu asked for two cups. She took more than enough. Shen Yue said beside Zhuo Yuan, "No, I'll go get it again."

"Okay." Zhuo Yuan replied softly.

When Shen Yue got up, she felt that the children were still a little afraid of Zhuo Yuan.

When she came back from the water intake, Shen Yue was thinking about how to ease the atmosphere, such as playing another round of games or something, but when she turned back, she saw that Zhuo Yuan had already been fighting with a few children, and there was no such thing as the earlier one. The embarrassment, every child laughed happily, Zhuo Yuan also stood up from the soup spring and held Xiao Wu high!

Xiao Wu is the one who laughs the most!

Shen Yue sighed in her heart, how could she forget, the expression on the child's face is like the weather, it changes as soon as it changes, no matter whether it was sunny or rainy the moment before, the next moment can completely change the color and still have fun as usual Not wrong.

And Zhuo Yuan is also a big bear child!

No difference.

When he was about to leave the hot spring, Zhuo Yuan hugged A Si, a Xiao Ba on his back, and a Xiao Wu in his hand. The children actually liked to stick to him, even if he was fierce sometimes.

When she came to the entrance of Hechi, Shen Yue was holding Taotao and Xiaoliu, but Taotao suddenly stopped, turned and waved at Hechi, and said with a smile, "Goodbye Hot Spring!"

Zhuo Yuan smiled in his eyes.

Shen Yue also revealed her face.

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