King’s House Kindergarten

Chapter 165: new tactics

The short intermission ended quickly, and the children next to him were listening to the tactical arrangement and drinking water.

However, the children of Wangfu Kindergarten quickly listened to Qi Yun's tactics. In fact, it means to change the train of thought and let everyone be careful not to get hurt, because the second half is usually more intense, and it is easy to get angry and injured. Qi Yun has nothing to do. Good to say.

Shen Yue took all the children except Ah Si and Guo Yi, and left the arena together to the adjacent lounge outside the arena.

During the can temporarily leave the court to go to the lounge, but generally no one goes to the lounge at this time!

The game time and interval time of the children's group are very short, how precious is this halftime time!

Do not continue to analyze opponents, arrange tactics, and go to the lounge for this time?

There was a lot of discussion in the stands, there must be some secret method in Wangfu Kindergarten, and I don't want others to see it...

Definitely is!

They looked at each other in the stands, and said nothing in whispers. Even the emperor looked puzzled, so he called the chief supervisor to have a look.

Superintendent takes orders.

The prince's eyes were on Zhuo Xin.

Zhuo Xinzheng wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and had to hold back his funny expression.

Zhuo Xin could only smile at Tao Bo.

Tao Bo lightly coughed twice, indicating that he was in the presence of the Emperor, so he should not be rude.

Zhuo Xin had to hold back his smile all over again.

He didn't mean to laugh!

When he heard those people say that the palace had a secret way to hide in the lounge and didn't want people to see it, Zhuo Xin couldn't help it.

There is no secret method, in fact, Shen Yue is afraid that the children will catch a cold, so after each exercise, the children must change their sweat towels and clothes!

. The rules developed in kindergartens are unstoppable, so there are very few sick children in kindergartens!

After such a high-intensity competition, the sweat towel has long been soaked, so Shen Yue took the children to change their clothes one by one, and also secret weapons...

Zhuo Xin laughed and laughed.

In the kindergarten, Shen Yue and the children will communicate the rules well, and everyone will abide by them. Shen Yue supports the children's competition, so the children should also pay attention to their own health during each training and competition.

So, Shen Yue took the children to change clothes.

That's all.


After a while, when the children came out of the lounge one after another and changed into dry clothes, everyone in the stands was stunned!

Just now... went... to change clothes? !

Are you afraid your child will catch a cold? !

The whole stand was stunned...

Zhuo Xin finally couldn't help laughing out loud. Shen Yue was afraid that the child would catch the cold. In Shen Yue's mind, the competition was important, but the child's health was also very important!

The prince's eyes also fell on Shen Yue, and he was slightly condensed.

Soon, he looked away again.

Shen Yue wiped Taotao's forehead with a handkerchief, and Tao Tao was dancing with excitement because she scored a goal.

The joy this game brings to the children is unprecedented.

Especially when Zig and Xiao Wu hugged and danced together just now, although they quickly realized that the other party was Zig and Xiao Wu, and when they bounced back, they hummed with their arms around each other, but the earlier scene was very real.

The old lady of the Qi family and the general's wife kept smiling, and General Qi rarely smiled the whole time.

This stinky boy, besides fighting, has some ability...

General Qi has some ability in his heart, not referring to kicking Cuju, but looking at the overall situation.

He is an avant-garde, but he knows that he has to pass the ball to the striker instead of showing himself.

It's not just for Cuju.

It's the same everywhere.

He is very happy with his son's change, especially when he is with the children of Wangfu Kindergarten, he seems to have found a sense of belonging. People grow up in a collective sense of belonging, and this kind of growth is irreplaceable.

Grid has grown up!

In this team, it seems that Lu Qu is taking the lead and is taking the limelight, but a discerning person can see that in the whole field, the link between the past and the future is Qige.

He can stand in this position so stably, instead of competing with Lu Qu and Zhuo Tian for the limelight, this is the true core and pillar of this team.

General Qi felt that he had never been so proud of his son.

In this game, winning or losing doesn't matter.

Importantly, he saw a different grid.

As Shen Yue told him, Grid is a very responsible child. As long as he feels that his responsibility is very important, he will work hard to do it...

Right now, that's what he sees.

The gong sounded and the game began again.

The four teams returned to the field again. Only the children from the Wangfu Kindergarten wore clean and fresh clothes, with smiles on their faces and no pressure.

The first half has already locked in a big lead, and it is almost impossible to lose in the second half.

You can even make substitutions in the second half of the second half to retain strength.

The pressure is on the Dingyuan Palace.

On the opposite side, both Huayang Houfu and Nanping County Palace are very strong. The current score is 6 to 6. There is no difference at all, and they dare not retain their strength, otherwise they may not even appear.

The pressure on these two parties is even greater than that of the Dingyuan Palace, which has already lost!

Therefore, in the second half of the first game, Wangfu Kindergarten was waiting for work, one family was relaxed, and the three were under great pressure.

There was only a quarter of an hour in the second half of the game. The Wangfu Kindergarten's tactic was to get all the staff close, leaving all the rear to Xiaoqi.

Xiaoqi is the most nervous in the entire Wangfu Kindergarten team. Although everyone is close, they are all in the opponent's half area, and the ball can't get past. , he was inattentive.

Also because all the players went to attack, this style of play has not been seen for a long time.

The Dingyuan Palace, which was in high tension, could no longer resist.

One ball after another kicked in, directly kicking the opponent so that he didn't want to go past the half.

And just as Qi Yun planned beforehand, when Qi Ge scored two goals in a row and Xiao Wu scored one, Guo Yi and Ah Si came on to replace Suisui and Xiao Wu, which basically confirmed that his victory had been locked. , so replace the two strikers to rest!

Although the outcome of this game has been locked, the opponent's two forwards have been replaced. Dingyuan Wangfu felt that the attack of Wangfu Kindergarten should be slowed down, but in fact, Zig, who has always played a role in the vanguard, began to show his strength.

One ball after another, he was even more powerful than Suisui and Xiaowu.

The audience was dumbfounded.

It turns out that the Wangfu Kindergarten did not replace two strikers, but released a more energetic striker!

In contrast, Guo Yi and Ah Si are much inferior.

Guo Yi was better, Ah Si played soy sauce all the way, as if he was too lazy to run, he found it too strenuous, and he looked like he was too weak. He became the most watery one in normal competitions. .

Zhuo Xin had a headache.

Even Guo Yi desperately scored a goal.

Guo Xumin and Mrs. Qu in the stands have been cheering and shouting!

In fact, if Guo Yi can play, they are very content.

Guo Yi couldn't win a fight, and he never participated in physical activity. It was a milestone to be able to participate in the Cuju competition this time. If it weren't for Wangfu Kindergarten, Guo Yi would never touch this thing in his life.

When Guo Yi scored, the joy on his face and his companions ran up to congratulate him, clapped with him, and when there were cheers and cheers all around, Mrs. Qu couldn't help sneaking two tears.

Today's Ah Yi makes her particularly proud. He was trying to do what he was not good at, and he did.

When the gong sounded, the final score stayed at nineteen to eight.

Wangfu Kindergarten won by a big score.

Suisui and Xiao Wu rushed into the arena and hugged everyone. The children didn't know where they had enough energy to jump around, even Xiao Wu and Zig hugged.

Only Qi Yun sighed at Ah Si, "Si..."

Ah Si scratched his head, "I'm a substitute."

Qi Yun sighed, "You can obviously do better, Si..."

Ah Si giggled, "But everyone is already amazing!"

He doesn't want it!

Qi Yun knew that he was pretending to be confused again.

"Let's go, change your clothes." Shen Yue began to urge again.

So the stands finally believed that the children of Wangfu Kindergarten went to change their clothes again.

Moreover, they really prepared so many Cuju suits for this game? !

One change every half, there are four sets!

Even one person has four sets of Cuju suits, and one color!

Zhuo Xin thought to himself, that is the school uniform!

It is only temporarily used to make Cuju suits, the frog at the bottom of the well.

Inexplicably, because he worked as a teaching assistant in the Wangfu Kindergarten, the sense of superiority in his whole person even surpassed the sense of superiority brought by the identity of the second son of the Pingyuan Wangfu.

Soon, when Shen Yue and the others came out, the gap between the games was almost half over.

After a fierce competition, I took a long rest while changing clothes. When I came back, Qi Yun began to introduce the opponents for the next game.

"The opponent in the next game is the opposite Huayang Houfu. This team is very powerful and should not be underestimated. I have observed it carefully just now. Their cooperation is very good, and they are not lost to you, even better than your cooperation. There is also tacit understanding, it must be training together often, but we have only trained for two months, so with tacit understanding and cooperation, we may barely be able to catch up with them.”

The children nodded.

Qi Yun continued, "On that point just now, we considered a draw, but the premise is that everyone continues to cooperate and cooperate as before, do you remember?"

The children nodded again.

Qi Yun added, "Technically speaking, the level of the seven of them is very average, which is a very good average, that is, there is no obvious shortcoming, and it is difficult to break through any one of them alone. But Here, Suisui, Gezi and Xiaowu are in the same echelon, Xiaoba is in the same echelon, Taotao and Xiaoliu are in the same echelon. In the game, Tao Tao, Xiao Liu, you will be under a lot of pressure, and there will be high-intensity confrontation."

"Huh?" The children gasped.

Qi Yun was right. During the match between Fang Cai's Yanghou Mansion and the Nanping County Prince's Mansion, two people were injured each because of the fierce kick. It's not intentional, or it's just that when the competition is fierce, there will inevitably be collisions, so physical fitness is very important at this time.

Tao Tao and Xiao Liu were a little scared.

Guo Yi said, "Then let me go."

Qi Yun interrupted, "Listen to me first."

The children were silent.

Qi Yun continued, "However, we also have advantages, our physical strength is better preserved, and their physical strength is relatively more consumed, and physical strength does not recover so quickly. Second, you played too much in the last game. Well, they are afraid of you, so they will be afraid of hands and feet, and there will be a period of testing. Therefore, they will start from defense from the beginning, they will not attack very much, and will attack suddenly after the testing is over. This is for us. It's an opportunity. But the same, Xiao Qi, their ball is so powerful, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch it."

The children were a little dumbfounded.

Qi Yun said, "So, we have to adjust our tactics and adjust our staffing."

"Huh?" The children were surprised.

Qi Yun waited for them to finish the "ah", and then said, "Because the first game was very expensive, the time of the second game will be adjusted. The first and second half only have a quarter of an hour, and the time is very short, so we have to Tactical."

"What tactics?" Suisui, Xiao Wu and Qi Ge all asked in unison.

Qi Yun said mysteriously, "I carefully observed Gu, their consumption is too high, because the next game is short, they can't recover so quickly, so they only have the strength in the first half, and they have no strength in the second half!"

The children held their breaths.

Qi Yun whispered, "So, let's defend in the first half, save our physical strength, and make a surprise attack in the second half! Drag them to death!"

The children gasped.

"Grid, in the first half, you go to be the goalkeeper!" Qi Yun began to arrange.

"Ah!" Zig shouted.

Startled all around.

"Xiao Wu, Suisui, you continue to be the forward, but save your stamina and be able to attack and attack. Don't be **** bad timing." Qi Yun said the second rule.

The two nodded.

"Guo Yi, you should start instead of Tao Tao first. I'm afraid that there will be too many collisions at the back and Tao Tao will not be able to stand it." Qi Yun said the third rule.

Guo Yi and Tao Tao both nodded.

At the end, Qi Yun looked at Ah Si, "Si, can you replace the avant-garde?"

"Me?" Ah Si was surprised.

Qi Yun said with a smile, "I know you react quickly, you just don't want to kick..."

"Where is it?" Ah Si felt guilty.

"That's it, Grid acts as a goalkeeper to preserve physical strength. In the second half of Xiaoqi, all the staff maintain their physical strength in the first half. Huayang Houfu is very strong, and it is much stronger than Dingyuan Wangfu, but we still have a chance of winning. Our chance of victory lies in Shen Shen. Hold your breath, remember?" Qi Yun asked.

"Remember!" The children responded in unison.

Qi Yun sighed in his heart, this kind of play is what Zhuo Yuan is best at...


Soon, the competition for the third and fourth place began, and the babies could take the time of the game and have a short two-quarter-minute rest.

Tao Tao whispered, "I'm a little scared."

Zig said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Tao Tao smiled sweetly.

Ah Si was bored watching the game, Cuju, if they really won, how would His Majesty make a sixth uncle...

Think about it here.

Shen Yue started giving out lucky candies again.

The babies have no doubts about Shen Yue's lucky candy.

Ah Si looked at Tang and then at Shen Yue, his eyes were a little complicated, no, it was really so powerful...

He was a little scared.

Ah Si hesitantly looked at the candy in his hand, thinking about whether to eat it or not. Suddenly, Xiao Ba snatched the candy in his hand and quickly pushed it aside. have eaten!"

Eat a ghost! Ah Si is on fire!

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