King’s Kingdom

Chapter 104: Magic Decay and the Witcher Legion

"Is it human nature... Your Majesty's insight is so insightful at the age of eighteen, but unfortunately we were too stupid at the time to see this clearly, and instead let Lord Joseph die..."

In fact, it is not surprising that the leader, Joseph, acted immaturely and extreme. It was because the war at that time was too fierce, and the bed brought to the people of Hilkati was almost devastating.

In its heyday, the empire had more than 400 million citizens, but forty years later, the most populous Zhongbu Empire only has more than 40 million citizens, and the Northern Empire is even more sparsely populated, and it is estimated that it is about to fall below 20 million!

This is the consequence of the 40-year war, famine, plague, military disasters, bandits, and now there are seven countries of Hilkati, including the eight kingdoms of the Rhine Kingdom, whether the total population can add up to 300 million is unknown. You can see the brutality of the war.

"That's right!" After sighing, Theodosius remembered another thing.

"As far as I know, both the guide and the guardian have extremely powerful force, and there is even a record that the guide cast a spell to destroy all 500 elite soldiers in a fit of anger. Did you face tens of thousands of soldiers at that time? The strangulation of the army?"

"Of course not..." Balin sighed: "I thought Your Majesty knew that since the Eight Holy Kings expelled dark creatures 4,000 years ago, the magical power in this world began to decline, and the leaders at that time were all powerful. A wizard or sorcerer with great power."

"But as far as I know, the most powerful guide 40 years ago was only able to emit fireballs that penetrate heavy armor within ten meters. The magic element in the air has become thinner and thinner, and we have also lost it. With such a powerful force, even the monarch of the Northern Empire at that time sent ten knights and 200 soldiers to kill us all at once..."

"I see..." Theodosius nodded. He had seen such an argument when he was reading, saying that magic power has always been declining in this world.

He himself is dubious about this. The main reason is that it is too exaggerated to use magic to eliminate five hundred elites by one person. In this case, there is no possibility of a secular regime. No matter how strong the army is, won't it be destroyed after a few times of magic?

Therefore, he thinks that those so-called powerful magics are fictional epics created in the style of Spring and Autumn, rather than real history. At best, they should be read as novels, and they are just to hear what Bahrain has to say. Bahrain is such a Said, instead, he somewhat believed what was written in those books.

"Not only the leader and us, but the monks of the church at that time also had great power, especially the Church of God of War, they could even borrow power from the gods through the practice of magic to increase the morale and physical strength of the army soldiers. , while making them stronger and less injured."

"The Church of the God of War is almost one of the sects that has contributed the most to the war between humans and demons. It is tied with the Church of the Light and the Goddess of Harvest. It's just that the divine power and divine power have faded together, making them no longer as impressive as they used to be..."

Bahrain was worried that his words were not convincing, so he moved out of the glorious achievements of the Church of God of War in the past.

"I see... You are a loyal person and an ideal person. I have another question, why did you choose me?"

"I'm afraid according to your criteria, I'm not a qualified king, right? My methods of suppressing rebellions are relatively cruel, and I am called a tyrant by many people. Besides, I never hide my desire for expansion. Many people in the country know that, come to seek Doesn't my appreciation go against your philosophy?"

"After the matter of Lord Joseph, I thought about it for many years, and found that the war could not disappear just by means of assassination or persuasion. The leader made the Eight Holy Kings and the human kings let go of each other 4,000 years ago. The hatred between them, and the alliance and fighting are because of a powerful foreign enemy."

"In addition, the eight holy kings are all outstanding people and have a long-term vision. Only then can we stop the military and fight against the monsters. We were blinded by the glorious act, thinking that we could replicate the feat at that time. The current monarchs are fundamentally Without the vision and heroism of the Eight Holy Kings, and even less self-awareness than other kings, it is not surprising that Lord Joseph's actions failed!"

"Ashamed to say, this is the truth that I only realized after ten years of seclusion. To unite the countries of Hilkati today, they must rely on a powerful hegemonic figure. Without lofty ambitions, it is impossible to do so. to this point!"

"How do you know that I am ambitious?" Theodosius smiled.

"Without him, just look at your attitude towards the commoners, you can tell one or two, other monarchs are unwilling to leave even a copper coin to the people, not even a single bean to the people in exchange for temporary power. ."

"And you, on the other hand, pay attention to the living conditions of the residents and ensure that they will not be oppressed. They are unwilling to divide the nobles and quickly establish their rule. Instead, you will rely on officials to control all regions. At that time, the whole country will be ruled by you. Anyone who is restrained, those well-fed and well-fed are strong and strong, and they love and respect you, they will surely be strong and loyal soldiers..."

"In addition, I am no longer alone now. Although prosperity and wealth are like floating clouds, I have to think about my children and wife!"

"It has been 18 years since I rescued my wife from the sword of the robber. She has been wandering with me since she was thirteen years old, and she had no complaints for four years. In the end, I chose to settle down, and she also gave birth to my children. , My children have lived a peasant life since they were born, and I was once a nobleman. After enjoying the glory and wealth, I will never be able to bear them to wither in the wind like grass and trees for a lifetime..."

"Very good!" Theodosius sat down on the chair, folded his hands and stared at Balin, the protector in front of him.

This witcher should not be lying. Maybe he doesn't care about a poor life, but he can't let his wife and children continue to endure Obviously, his ideal has been in twenty years of farming life. After being exhausted, although he will not be reduced to a man who has a craving for power, he is not the protector Bahrain who can devote himself to his ideals.

Not only would such a person not make Theodosius feel apprehensive, but he was even more happy, because if a person only worked hard for his ideal and had no needs, no monarch would dare to entrust him with a heavy responsibility.

Theodosius stared at each other, and the attributes of Balin immediately appeared in front of him.

"Bahrain Aino Dorita"

"52 years old"

"Faith: The Light God Cult"

"My opinion on you: 99"

"Administration: 12"

"Diplomacy: 15

"Conspiracy: 8"

"Military: 27"

"Management: 11"

"Learning: 19"

"Personal combat ability: 35"

"Title: Elegant Tanuki"

"Title: None"

"Character Traits: Innocent, Stubborn, Generous, Loyal, Family-Friendly, Integrity, Justice, Credibility"

"Learn Traits: Legendary Juggernaut, Insightful Thinker, Hunter, Herbalist, Wizard,

"Bloodline Traits: Saint King Ender's bloodline, Hercules, strong, sharp, and clear-eyed"

Such attributes and characteristics are not top-notch, but they are indeed quite rare talents, especially the legendary swordsman in the learning characteristics. This is an achievement that even Theodosius has not been able to achieve!

So, His Majesty the King accepted the frustrated witcher with great satisfaction.

Someone brought a pillow when he wanted to doze off. He planned to discuss with Bahrain to see if he could form a small army according to his template.


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