Kiss Addiction

Chapter 24 Not qualified to be happy

Tong Mai would actually abandon their common child...

After hearing these words, Huo Yize's expression was obviously wrong. His expression was as stiff as stone, and the burning pain and hatred in his body were so intense that he almost wanted to set himself on fire.

No, it's impossible... Tong Mai wouldn't be so cruel! Huo Yize didn't want to believe this fact!

"I don't believe it, you are lying. Don't think that just because you make up a lie, I will believe you. You are no longer the Yin Yuqi you used to be."

Yin Yuqi used to be frank, honest, and kind, but why can't he find any such advantages in her now? What I saw under her eyes was not only hypocrisy, but hypocrisy!

At first, he cruelly asked her to abort Tong Mai's child, but in the end, she still kept it, which was enough to show that she had feelings for him. Since she decided to give birth to her, why did she throw away Luo Luo?

Huo Yize couldn't figure it out, so it could only be that Yin Yuqi was lying. His eyes were filled with dark light, and he had a horrified look on his face as he stepped closer to Yin Yuqi.

Yin Yuqi was scared, and because of the lie she had just made, fear spread throughout every corner of her body. But now, since she had lied, she could only continue to make it up, "Maimai didn't know that Luo Luo was her child. She was close to her." You originally wanted to use you to hurt me. When you decided to go to the United States with me, Xiaomai must have hated you so much that it was too late to even hate you. How could she still keep your child? Yize , you can’t see how I’ve treated you over the years. However, I don’t believe you can’t see how good I’ve been to Luo Luo. When Luo Luo was injured, I didn’t transfuse blood because my blood type and his were incompatible. If only I can help Luo Luo. As long as he is good, I can even give him my own life, let alone a little blood."

Yes, Luoluo is her life. Although Luo Luo seems to be her perfect weapon, she truly loves and cares about him.

"Whether it is true or not, I will find out! But before that, you'd better be careful, if you dare to play any tricks again! I can't forgive you! Since Luoluo is not your child, you have no right to be with him We will continue to live together. I will take Luo Luo back. As for you... I have nothing to say to you. You are hiding the matter of my child. Just based on this, you and I are completely done. !" His tone was quite cold, and there was no trace of emotion in his words.

"Yize... you can't do this. I brought up Luo Luo by myself. Even if I don't have any credit, I still have hard work! I can't give Luo Luo back to you, absolutely not."

Luoluo is hers and no one can take it away.

With Luo Luo, she and Huo Yize would have some hope, otherwise, even the last bit of hope would completely disappear!

Huo Yize snorted coldly, with a sinister look on his face, and the anger on his body was still very strong. "After I find out everything, I will come to you to settle the score."

Although I don’t believe that Luo Luo was abandoned by Tong Mai, there are still things that need to be investigated. If it is discovered that Yin Yuqi has hidden something else from him, she will never be spared...

"Yize... don't leave! Stay! How about we make peace? Don't stay here anymore, let's go back to the United States. In Luoluo's heart, he has already identified me as his mother. If you suddenly tell Luoluo's biological mother is his aunt, how do you let him accept it? Luoluo is still a child now... This is a matter between us adults, and we should not let a child suffer with us. Just treat it as if we are together for Luoluo Can Luo do something? Now it's impossible for you and Tong Mai. According to Tong Mai's character, if Li Xianning doesn't wake up for a day, she won't be with you. It's useless for you to wait like this! If Li Xianning really If she doesn’t wake up in ten years, will you also have to wait for her for ten years?”

Yin Yuqi hugged Huo Yize's waist tightly from behind. She had no choice but to hope to persuade Huo Yize to change his mind.

Moreover, from what she knew, Huo Yize would probably not wait for her for ten years even if he was infatuated and affectionate with Tong Mai, right?

Li Xianning is lying on the bed half-dead now. Let alone ten years...maybe he won't wake up for the rest of his life...

However, Huo Yize's answer completely wiped out Yin Yuqi's only thought, "Don't say ten years, even fifty years, even if Li Xianning never wakes up again, I will wait for her. You Qian Don’t have any extravagant thoughts about me! This is the end of you and me!”

He spoke so decisively and resolutely, as if there was no room for maneuver! Every word is like a hammer hitting Yin Yuqi's heart! Huo Yize, regardless of whether she was in pain or not, was no longer within his scope of consideration. He roughly pulled her hand away, leaving Yin Yuqi in deep despair and self-blame. Why didn't she keep a good eye on Luo Luo? How could she let him get hurt and the truth be discovered...

However, it is too late to regret...

Tong Mai came out of Li Xianning's hospital with slightly heavy and even painful steps. She was "hardly" kicked out by Li's mother again. There was a big swollen bump on her forehead due to the beating, and her hair was slightly swollen. Her face was messy and there were bruises on her face. Walking on the street, she looked like a woman who had been subjected to domestic violence. It could almost be described as "horrible".

But now, to Tong Mai, these pains and miseries are nothing at all. As long as Li's mother can calm down, forgive her, and Xiao A can wake up, it will be worth it no matter how serious her injury is.

After Huo Yize waited at her door for several hours, her figure finally appeared in his sight. However, she passed by him. She didn't know whether she was deliberately pretending to completely ignore him, or whether she really didn't see him...

Whether it was the former or the latter, Huo Yize was very angry. He grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at him. When Tong Mai saw that it was Huo Yize, he immediately backed away and asked, "What are you doing here?" He said in an unhappy tone. And I can completely hear her resistance to Huo Yize. She doesn't want to see him so much. From the bottom of her heart, she even doesn't want to see this person for the rest of her life...

But what to do?

After coming out from Yin Yuqi, every part of his body was eager to see her quickly, but she had this attitude!

She seemed a little angry, so the pressure on Tong Mai increased inch by inch. He breathed very close to her, looking at the bruises and redness on her face. All the blame he had placed on her before he came seemed to disappear in an instant. disappeared for a while...

Why can she hide it from her and not take away the child? Does blaming her mean abandoning Luo Luo when she was born? How would you react if you knew that the child you used your blood to save was your biological son?

At this moment, standing in front of Tong Mai, Huo Yize's heart was throbbing violently, and all kinds of bitterness was flowing...

He didn't know how to speak, there were many questions in his mind, and he didn't know which sentence to say first. The next second, his actions had replaced his thinking, sealing her lips, and his hot tongue entered hers wantonly. In his mouth, he sucked hard, as if he wanted to suck Tong Mai's heart out, very hard... as if he was deliberately punishing her.

She put her hands against his chest and said, "Well..." He protested loudly, his round eyes full of resentment towards Huo Yize.

As long as Little A doesn't wake up, she won't forgive him...

Huo Yize swallowed up her exclamation, and neatly unbuttoned her coat with his smooth palms. For a moment, he lost control and completely forgot that they were still outside.

It wasn't until Tong Mai made a sound of retching in his throat that Huo Yize let go. A pile of filthy stolen goods in his mouth vomited all over Huo Yize's body before he could control it...

No matter how much she hated Huo Yize, Tong Mai was always a little embarrassed to have filth on him. Moreover, it seemed that the fact that she was pregnant was difficult to hide. Even if she didn't go to the hospital for a check-up, it was equivalent to being inseparable. .

Huo Yize didn't seem to care about the dirt on his body at all. Instead, he patted her back gently. Tong Mai's body was lifted into the air and hugged to his chest, "Let go! Don't come to me again. Every time I see you, It will only remind me that Xiao A’s current situation is caused by me and you, and it will only increase my guilt. If you really think about me, let me go."

It's not clear whether she is already weak after vomiting; or whether her mood has become calmer now. The calmer it is, the more serious she is. Especially when looking at Huo Yize's eyes, although they are filled with hatred, half of them are Plea...

With such solemn and powerless contradictory eyes, Huo Yize felt extremely distressed in his eyes. Luo Luo was their obstacle before, but now that there is almost no obstacle left, Li Xianning's drama has happened again! Could it be that he and Tong Mai were destined to look at each other from afar but not be together?

How much he wanted to ask her: Did she abandon him after giving birth to Luo Luo?

But she couldn't say this sentence. She was so worried and hurt about Li Xianning that she couldn't bear the slightest loss.

Huo Yize didn't answer, but hugged her tighter, as if telling her through his actions that not only would he not let go, but he would also hold her firmly...

Regardless of whether it was true or not that he abandoned Luo Luo, he thanked Tong Mai from the bottom of his heart for working so hard to give birth to a child for him. Not only one, he wanted the child in his belly too! Domineeringly, he took Tong Mai's hand and clasped it firmly in his palm, "Let's go to the hospital. I want our baby. From now on, let me take care of you."

A very ordinary, very ordinary promise, but it was extremely sincere when it came out of Huo Yize's mouth!

Such sincerity undoubtedly put a lot of pressure and coercion on Tong Mai. She shook her head desperately, tears raging in her pupils, "It's impossible, we can't be happy! As long as little A doesn't wake up for one day, uncle If my aunt doesn't forgive me for a day, I won't be qualified to be happy." Even if she wanted to be with him...

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