Kiss Addiction

Chapter 60 Sensational request for a hug

Because Sister Fen called, Mrs. Huo successfully changed the topic about Huo Yize, but also gave Tong Mai a chance to go out.

Tong Mai had an idea. Couldn't she take this opportunity to go to the airport?

"Grandma... Sister Fen said that she has something urgent to discuss with me in person! I have to go out." Tong Mai said anxiously, not allowing Mrs. Huo to doubt her.

Grandma, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you!

"Go, go! Give me a call before you come back and I'll ask Lao Xi to pick you up." Old Mrs. Huo readily agreed this time. She really thought it was Sister Fen who came to Tong Mai for something important. Look, Mai Yatou was so anxious.

"Thank you grandma..."

The more lenient Mrs. Huo was in letting her go, the more guilty Tong Mai felt in her heart: Grandma, please forgive me for lying, and I will apologize to you when I come back.

She had to go to the airport to meet Huo Yize, and she also had to go to the United States with him. Just because of these necessities... She couldn't care about her grandma's sadness and anger, but she still hoped that her grandma would understand.

"Taxi, hurry, go to the airport." Every word in Tong Mai's voice was heavy and urgent.

She kept looking at her watch and urging the taxi driver to drive faster and get to the airport in time!

The second time.

This was already the second time that she followed Huo Yize to the airport, hoping to save something...

The first time was when she and Li Xianning were chasing each other to the airport. She longed for Huo Yize to stop for her, but he had such an indifferent and cold attitude back then. Even if she had thousands of words to say to him, she couldn't say it. Exit, you can only watch him leave.

At that time, was Huo Yize also feeling reluctant to give up? Or just angry? Angry that she took advantage of him in the first place?

This time, as long as she could see Huo Yize standing still in the airport, she would never let Huo Yize slip away from her again...

It's been six years since I left.

Could it be that this time... would he have to wait for six years?

During the chase to the airport, Tong Mai's tears kept falling down inexplicably as if they had been disconnected! He said he would only go there for a few days, but according to Tong Mai's intuition, there must be something wrong with him!

When the taxi driver hurriedly chased him to the airport, the place was still crowded with people as before, and the colorful figures were like looking for a needle in a haystack in Tong Mai's eyes! Huo Yize is nowhere to be found...

When I called his cell phone, it was turned off again. Has he already boarded the plane?

Strong fears and worries gathered more and more tightly, "Yes, call A Jin!" Tong Mai's fingertips were trembling abnormally as she searched for A Jin's number, and this anxiety was about to swallow her alive.


Ah Jin's phone number is open.

It's Miss Tong...

When A Jin saw the flurry of numbers, he couldn't help but frown, "Boss, let me answer the phone." In fact, in A Jin's heart, in his subconscious, he hoped that Tong Mai and Huo Yize would go there together. Of Vegas.

After all, with Miss Tong by his side, as long as the boss lives, his desire for survival will inevitably become stronger.

Huo Yize didn't expect that A Jin was "playing something". After checking the time, he was ready to wait. When A Jin came back after answering the phone, he was obviously about to enter the security checkpoint. "Boss, wait a minute." wait……"

Just after receiving the call, Miss Tong was rushing over from the other side of the airport. He had to delay this time, "Huh?" Huo Yize's expression was full of confusion, wondering why A Jin would act like this.

Facing Huo Yize's confused and slightly sharp eyes, A Jin touched his head with a hint of fear, looking unnatural, "I..." Can I ask you to wait?

But the words couldn't be said, stuck in his throat, and A Jin's face turned red involuntarily. Huo Yize seemed a little uncomfortable with his hesitation, "If you have anything to say, just say it!"


Of course he wants to say it. If he can't say it, can you not be angry?

A Jin was struggling the hardest and was a little at a loss. In the end, he laughed stupidly and said, "Boss...can I give you a hug?" As soon as he said this, A Jin not only blushed like a monkey butt. As if, the whole body felt red and hot.

Originally, I just wanted to delay time and wait for Miss Tong to arrive, so I randomly found something to say. Unexpectedly, I suddenly said such an unbelievable and blood-vomiting words...

These words... won't make the boss suspect that he, Ah Jin, is secretly in love with him, right?

Huo Yize couldn't help being shocked. His eyes looked at A Jin in slight shock, as if he was also trying to figure out what A Jin was thinking. What kind of play was this?

"Old... boss... I don't mean anything else! I just think... if you don't let Miss Tong see you off, I can give you a hug on behalf of Miss Tong. I can also tell Miss Tong when I get back. , I hugged you for her to make her feel at ease."

Depend on it!

What an unconvincing explanation, what a rotten explanation!

The more he spoke, A Jin lowered his head completely, not daring to look at Huo Yize's face, for fear that he would be despised to death under the boss's sharp eyes.

Heaven and earth can prove that he is really not gay! He doesn’t engage in danmei!

But with Huo Yize's silence, A Jin's heart became even more hairy. It doesn't matter if he doesn't hug him... As long as he delays it until Miss Tong comes, he can retire.

But he never expected that Huo Yize smiled. The laughter was very clear, without any impurities or sarcasm. It was completely sincere, "Jin, thank you for staying with me and helping me for so many years." Share my work.”

After he finished speaking, he really didn't refuse and took the initiative to hug Ah Jin. His words were completely sincere and full of his gratitude.

The boss actually said thank you to him...

For a moment, A Jin stood there almost dumbfounded! His body stiffened, and in this hug with Huo Yize, he didn't feel any pressure from Huo Yize in the past. It was like a friendly hug between friends or brothers.

A Jin's eyes turned red instantly, "Boss, this is what I should do. Don't say thank you to me... You will be fine..." It's really embarrassing for a grown man to cry outside, but A Jin is really too embarrassed Moved.

I didn’t expect that a “hug” he said could bring out such an emotional side of the boss! The most important thing is that he can really get what he wants...

It is enough to show that in these years, Huo Yize has not treated him as a real servant at all, even though he has always been serious and sharp.

Huo Yize patted his back and said, "If anything happens to me... don't let me down. You must do what I tell you for me." Huo Yize finally showed a smile on his lips.

Such a smile... In A Jin's eyes, is it really a relaxed smile? Or was it forced out?

However, this smile seemed to make him so sad!

"Boss, you are a good person, and nothing will happen to you! Therefore, I will not agree to take care of Miss Tong. You can only do it yourself." At this moment, A Jin seemed to be getting bolder and bolder. He didn't dare to disobey Huo Yize's order, but this time, he refused firmly and decisively.

If he agrees, the boss will go away peacefully. He must not make him feel at ease at this time. On the contrary, he must give him infinite concern...

Good people...

When this word was used on Huo Yize, the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily, as if he was smiling but not smiling. Is he considered a good person? In the shopping mall, people who walk in the black and white lanes... can never be defined by good guys and bad guys.

"If you don't do it, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost." Huo Yize said easily. There was immense trust in A Jin in his voice. He believed in A Jin and believed in him without any worries.

His loyalty to himself over the years is enough to prove that he is very trustworthy...

However, this time, he mistakenly believed A Jin, "I'm leaving, take good care of my woman." When Huo Yize waved, he was shocked to find Tong Mai behind A Jin.

Her eyes were already covered with a thick layer of mist. At this moment, Huo Yize's figure became extremely blurry in her eyes, but she could clearly hear what he and A Jin just said.

What do you mean by waiting for him to die...

He really had something huge to hide from her! Huo Yize, are you going to die? Do you really plan to just walk away and never care about me again?

Six years ago, when you left, I still had enough hope and believed that one day you would always come back...

But this time, are you planning to completely extinguish my expectations? Make me despair while waiting?

Just like more than six years ago, she still had a lot to say to Huo Yize. She even had too many doubts that she wanted to ask, but her voice was stuck in her throat. She couldn't say them, nor could she ask them...

Huo Yize's eyes flashed with surprise when he saw Tong Mai. His sharp eyes glanced at A Jin fiercely. According to Huo Yize's intelligence, it was impossible not to know why A Jin suddenly asked for someone so sensationally. Embrace……

He just went to answer the phone and must have received a call from Tong Mai.

Huo Yize was angry, but he suppressed it again. He turned his eyes to Tong Mai and saw her looking at him with tears in her eyes. Her shoulders were shaking due to sobs. His heart felt like it was burning in a fire. General, severe pain, after brewing for a long time, he stepped closer to Tong Mai, "Silly girl, did you come alone? Didn't you agree not to come and see me off! You're not good again."

The low voice softened his anger, and he tried hard to hide his guilty conscience. When he held her cool palm, the coldness of her hand made him feel pity more and more.

Tong Mai didn't speak, just looked at him. Even though she was so close now and his vision was blurred by tears, she still stared at him with wide round eyes, blaming, angry, and full of panic...

"Mai, what are you doing? Since you are here, you are not talking. If you have nothing to say, I will board the plane." Huo Yize raised the ticket in his hand, pretending to be relaxed. God knows how heavy he felt at the moment!

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