Kiss Addiction

Chapter 2 The only thing that hasn’t changed is the heart

When Tong Mai saw Pei Ruoxue, her heart was boiling and rolling like a pot exploding. In the past, Pei Ruoxue's face still had a little bit of beautiful baby fat, and her appearance was very clear, but now after pregnancy, her cheeks are obviously sunken. It's amazing, even though she has a big belly, except for her big belly, there doesn't seem to be much meat anywhere else on her body.

However, when Pei Ruoxue saw Tong Mai appear, she couldn't hide her happiness, "Mai Mai..."

Through Sister Fen, I also learned more about Tong Mai. After knowing for sure that the person Tong Mai loved was Huo Yize, Pei Ruoxue and Tong Mai were not so embarrassed when they met at this time.

Tong Mai swallowed hard, his eyes lingering on Pei Ruoxue's face, looking around, "Ruoxue...why have you lost so much weight?"

After asking, Tong Mai felt that he had asked knowingly.

It is said that Pei Ruoxue's family background is not good, and her parents are from the countryside. They are naturally very conservative in their thinking and cannot accept having children out of wedlock at all. Pei Ruoxue must have given birth secretly without telling her family, hoping to raise the child by herself.

It is great enough for a woman to be able to give birth to a child for a man, which is enough to prove that she loves this man deeply. What's more, in this situation, with no support, no protection, and no other extra financial resources, she can still do it. Smiling to herself showed how strong Pei Ruoxue was inside.

Tong Mai admires his bravery and tenacity...

When they were in Huailuoluo, although there were many misunderstandings between her and Huo Yize, which prevented him from being by her side, at that time, Li Xianning was there to rely on, and he always stayed by her side and helped her. Guard her.

When he missed Tong, Huo Yize was a good father, caring for her in the palm of his hand.

Tong Mai couldn't help but think of these things, which were in sharp contrast to Pei Ruoxue's situation at this moment, and his eyes couldn't help but feel sour...

Pei Ruoxue smiled, and the smile on her face was as pure as before, without a trace of impurities. "Pregnant women have different physiques. Some people gain weight during pregnancy, while others lose weight during pregnancy. I belong to the latter. The doctor said there is nothing serious. No, the child is healthy."

When talking about the child, Pei Ruoxue couldn't help but protect her abdomen, and her face clearly showed the joy and satisfaction of being a new mother. She was even vaguely looking forward to Li Xianning's return...

When she thought of Li Xianning, her heartbeat kept accelerating. She bit her lip, as if it was a bit difficult to speak, but she finally spoke, "Mai Ma... President Li... is he awake?"

She was in China and Li Xianning was receiving treatment in the United States. She couldn't get any information from anyone!

The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to read the newspaper to see if there are any reports about Li Xianning in the newspaper. He is a celebrity. If he attends a certain banquet, the media will inevitably rush to report it. It's a pity that every day I browse through the corners of the financial and entertainment pages, but I can't find any information about Li Xianning.

She wanted to ask Xiaomai many times, but she didn't dare to speak every time.

Now that Tong Mai is in front of her, Pei Ruoxue has the courage to ask her...

Tong Mai couldn't answer Pei Ruoxue's question for a while. If she told Pei Ruoxue that Li Xianning had woken up and he remembered everyone except her, then... she would be even more desperate, right?

Tong Mai frowned, it was obvious that the problem was embarrassing for her...

"Mai Mai, is the CEO's condition... getting worse?" Pei Ruoxue's complexion suddenly turned pale.

"No... Ruoxue, his condition is quite stable. You don't have to worry. The most important thing now is that you have to take care of yourself and give birth to the child safely."

Tong Mai didn't answer her directly, and gradually changed the topic invisibly. Pei Ruoxue was not stupid. Tong Mai said "it's still stable". Does that mean Li Xianning hasn't woken up yet?

When I think of Li Xianning lying in the cold ward, unconscious for so long, he must be lonely...

She obviously misses him so much, but she can't see him! He once said that things between them should be treated as if they had never happened, and he had clearly made his feelings clear. Even though the person Tong Mai loves is Huo Yize, he always loves Tong Mai deeply.

Envying Tong Mai, and even a little jealous of Tong Mai, Pei Ruoxue felt a sudden pain in her chest, "Mai, if the CEO wakes up one day and knows that I am pregnant with his child, he will definitely be furious. .”

When she said this, a strong bitterness appeared at the corners of Pei Ruoxue's lips. This bitterness matched the bitterness in her heart.

"Actually, you must have thought that I would insist on giving birth to this child because I wanted to use this child to obtain some benefits from the Li family, or to blackmail Li Xianning into being with me one day..."

"Ruoxue, don't say that. I swear, I have never thought of you like this! Because I understand your thoughts, even if you don't say anything, I can still understand you, because I have been so stupid before! But you Be braver than me, stronger than me. You are a good girl, don’t belittle yourself! Even if you have a past and have children, there will still be people who love you, love you, and protect you."

After all, Pei Ruoxue is indeed a very kind person.

However, good people should be rewarded! If she and Xiao A really can't get together in the future, she hopes to find someone who will love her for the rest of her life.

Pei Ruoxue said nothing and still just smiled.

Because there is still a deep love for Li Xianning, and because it is not clear whether Li Xianning can wake up in this life, if not, the child she is carrying should be born; and if he wakes up, of course it is good, but She never thought about holding Li Xianning responsible. This is what she insists on, and she must persevere no matter what...

"Wheat, your leg...I heard from Sister Fen that it was twisted. Is it better now? You can't move easily now, but you still come to see me. I feel very guilty."

Pei Ruoxue's eyes fell on Tong Mai's legs. Tong Mai shrank instinctively, as if she was afraid that Pei Ruoxue would see any flaws. In fact, it was obviously impossible to see any flaws. It was because she was too sensitive.

"If I don't come, how can you be willing to move out here? Ruoxue, if you really feel guilty, move to my place. Although my place is not big, it is safer than you living here alone. I It’s easier for Sister Hefen to take care of you! We don’t worry about you being here alone.”

Ever since Sister Fen found out that Pei Ruoxue was pregnant, Sister Fen had been "badgering" Pei Ruoxue, finding a house for her, and accompanying her to go to prenatal check-ups. Pei Ruoxue was all thanks to Sister Fen.

Later, Sister Fen asked Pei Ruoxue to live in her house many times, but Pei Ruoxue refused. She felt that she had caused a lot of trouble to Sister Fen, and if she still lived at her place, she would feel guilty and even uncomfortable.

"No, I'm very nice here! Look at me... I'm very nice, isn't it? I can come to your place from time to time and chat around." Pei Ruoxue still declined their kindness.

"But, you are about to have a baby. It would be better to have someone by your side to take care of you at all times. Sister Fen and I are both experienced people who can help you. Ruoxue, don't be polite to us, we are friends. There is no difference between friends. You need to be so rusty!”

Tong Mai's eyes were full of seriousness. He wished he could do something for Ruoxue. Doing something for Ruoxue meant that he owed less to Li Xianning...

"Wheat...I won't bother you for a while. I'll move in when your legs get better." Finally, Pei Ruoxue softened a little.

Tong Mai finally nodded, but Ruoxue, you don’t know, my legs may never get better in my life...

Thinking about the leg, Tong Mai felt boundless panic in his heart. At the same time, he was afraid, but also extremely contradictory. He wanted to see Huo Yize, but he was afraid of seeing him.

She made an appointment to video chat on QQ. After dilly-dallying for a long time, she opened QQ...

I haven't logged in for a long time. I was once young and frivolous. After a series of things happened, my heart became mature and experienced, and my state of mind changed accordingly. I will become worried, dull, and sentimental, but looking back, the only thing that has not changed is my love for Huo Yize...

Although she and Huo Yize were not the first to know each other, the fate of people is in no particular order!

Open QQ, the friend list is full of gray avatars, except for one person... Loneliness Correction Station! It turned out that Huo Yize had already been waiting for her to come online on Q.

This wonderful.

Having someone you love waiting for you in a distant place is undoubtedly a very happy thing!

Maybe this feeling is the so-called sense of belonging! No matter how tired, annoyed, or even desperate you are, there is always someone who will protect you and support you. He is your motivation and the source of all your hopes and happiness...

As Tong Mai thought about this, the haze and discomfort on his face gradually melted away!

Tong Mai looked at Huo Yize's QQ name, and there was no anger as before, only infinite sweetness running around. He didn't expect that Huo Yize would actually do such things as a prank that were completely inconsistent with his identity.

This is the way to love someone, you will unknowingly change for the other person, restrain the other person, and even do some things that are contrary to your usual behavior.

I'm afraid that when he sneaked into the group, Huo Yize started to like her a little bit, right? However, the way he expresses love is different from others. Just like a child who is studying, the more mischievous he is in front of the girl he likes, trying to attract her attention, but the result is self-defeating and counterproductive...

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