Kiss Addiction

Chapter 124 Unknown Panic

Tong Mai's symptoms of forgetfulness became more and more obvious day by day, so obvious that she felt infinite panic and anxiety passing through her heart.

Especially after the phone call with Xiao Sha and Sister Fen just now, Tong Mai's shock became more and more intense, and she was really worried that one day she would not remember anything...

I don’t remember Xiao Sha, I don’t remember Luo Luo, I don’t remember Huo Yize, I don’t remember everyone around me!

Even though Huo Yize was putting pressure on Dr. Yu, increasing the research and development team to study the toxins in her body, he still could not appease Tong Mai's heart. Although Dr. Yu was able to save Huo Yize's life, Huo Yize's life was sacrificed at the expense of the senior's life. The cost!

If her situation requires cruel sacrifice of one person to survive, then she would rather leave alone quietly without disturbing anyone! She had already sinned heavily for Jiang Chengyi's departure. If she had to bear the burden of another life, she would not be happy even if she lived, and would even be condemned by her conscience all the time.

At the same time, she could also understand Huo Yize's original mood. He couldn't predict the future and didn't know how long he could live, so he tried his best to arrange everything for her, and then left alone...

What about her?

Is she going to do the same? What can she do for Huo Yize? She couldn't think of anything she could do for him except cooking delicious food in various ways for him, acting like a spoiled child and causing him trouble!

But if you leave to avoid seeing each other again, the reluctance in your heart will emerge...

But if she becomes Huo Yize's burden, she will no longer be able to stand by his side and shine with him, and her already strong inferiority complex will emerge even more unbridled...

For a moment, Tong Mai's thoughts became extremely chaotic. The quiet island, the tranquil sea, the hard-working and simple people in the town... Everything here must not be forgotten by her, and it is deeply engraved in her mind.

Tong Mai closed his eyes, trying to remember it firmly, and feeling the unique and beautiful atmosphere here...

In the past, when Huo Yize asked her and Mrs. Huo to leave, she instinctively didn't want to leave and just wanted to stay by his side. However, now she not only often forgets some of the things she has done, but she will even be in a state of confusion. He hurt others and bit Huo Yize, as if he had gone crazy, but then he acted like a normal person.

Obviously, this is a side effect of toxins in the body...

No one can predict what situations will await her next.

Assuming that from now on her existence is to harm others, then... what is the meaning of her life?

The more Tong Mai thought about these things, the more confused she became. Even when Sam was approaching her, Tong Mai was completely unaware. Her eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and layers of uneasiness and pain enveloped her, " angel…”

A very familiar title, but it no longer came from Jiang Chengyi's mouth, but Ah Sam was calling her. This call successfully brought Tong Mai back to her senses. When she turned around and stared at Ah Sam, she was a little disappointed. She even I hope Jiang Chengyi is back...

After all, few people would call her that except him.

"Sam, are you okay?" Tong Mai saw the solemn expression on Sam's face, which was heavy. It was clear that he had something to say to her.

In fact, she also had something to say to him. While she could still remember the things she had experienced with Ah Sam, she wanted Ah Sam to relieve his grudge, forget the past, and start a new life. She could easily see that even though Sam came back, he was still unhappy...

"It's nothing, I just want to see you." The reply was very straightforward, without any pretense or concealment, but the more frank it was, the more embarrassing it made the situation.

Looking at her from a distance, she stood meditating on the beach. Her sleeveless vest and long skirt reached her ankles. Her petite figure looked taller. Her curvy and exquisite figure was graceful and delicate. Her long black hair was blown by the breeze. Her fair and delicate skin exudes a radiant luster in the sun, with no trace of flaws. She is like a goddess, which makes people fascinated.

Her fresh and stunning beauty is an excellent weapon that makes men irresistible. Not only is she beautiful, but the stubbornness and perseverance that permeates her bones, as well as her tenacity of not bowing to fate, will involuntarily attract people's attention...

But now, the Tongmai that Sam sees seems to have lost its toughness and looks a little decadent...

Sam's eyes have been staring at him for a moment. If it weren't for the fact that his body was stained with too much blood and burdened with too much fate, or he was just an ordinary person in the organization and had never experienced the identity of a professional killer. , at this moment, whether it is Huo Yize or any other man, he will really do whatever it takes to be with her regardless of the consequences.

Tong Mai looked a little embarrassed under Sam's direct gaze, "Sam, I have something to ask you for."

Sam was a little surprised, but kept silent and continued to wait for her to speak...

Putting aside the embarrassment, Tong Mai just wanted Sam to get back on track and said seriously, "Don't take any more murder cases! No matter whether the other person is a good person or a bad person, we have no right to decide other people's life or death. Every life has its own existence." The meaning. What you did in the past may have been forced by life and had to be done, but... from now on, can you please stop being a professional killer! No matter what job you take in the future, you can't look back."

Thinking about his last murder, Interpol has paid close attention to him. If he commits another crime, it does not mean that he will be so lucky and escape the disaster every time...

Being a killer is like being on a thin line between life and death. Life and death are so close that you are caught off guard!

Whenever Tong Mai thinks about this matter, her nervousness will intensify, and panic and horror will follow.

Sam didn't answer, but still stared at her with his deep eyes. Seeing her hurt and sad, Sam wished he could kill Paul with his own hands, but killing Paul was not such an easy task. He had to be quite mentally prepared...

However, listening to her concern for him, warmth flowed through Sam's body. The next second, he couldn't control his emotions and held her hand. She escaped reflexively, "Sam..." She was shocked by Sam's words. Behavior, not sure what he was trying to do.

However, Sam didn't allow her to resist, so he took her into his chest and said, "Sam... don't do this..."

Tong Mai struggled. Even though she was grateful to Sam, the person she loved from the beginning to the end was Huo Yize. She knew this very well. He also didn't want Huo Yize to see it and make him jealous...

Huo Yize once asked her to put herself in his shoes and think about it for him. Yes, if he was intimate with Yin Yuqi or other women, she would also feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, she is now more and more considerate of his feelings and considerate of him.

"If this is your request, I will agree to you. As long as you say it, as long as I can do it, I will definitely agree to it. However, can you also agree to me... No matter what difficulties you encounter, you can't be discouraged or depressed. , this is not like the angel I know, in my eyes, you will never give in to fate."

Sam's words were obviously referring to her current physical condition. Everyone was worried about her, including herself, who seemed to have fallen into an abyss, unable to find an exit, and could only be trapped to death...

In fact, Tong Mai could not help but smell the smell of death getting closer and closer to her. The closer she got, the more scared she became, and the more scared she became, the more chaotic she became!

Listening to this, Tong Mai squeezed out a smile from the corners of his eyes, saying lightly but sincerely, "Thank you." These two words were so sincere that it made Sam's eyes sore, and they seemed to express all his gratitude to Sam, thanking him for his 1,000 Thank you for the kindness of Pound Sterling, thank him for sacrificing his life to save me, and thank him for enlightening and encouraging me now...

However, the word "thank you" is not what Sam wants to hear. "I don't want to hear thank you's words. I just want to hear you say: I will be fine."

Even if his love for Tong Mai will not change, even if he will not be able to control himself and use him as much as he does now, but his sense of proportion and principles are still there...

He and Huo Yize, in Tong Mai's heart, Sam could accurately interpret: one is the most important and irreplaceable person in life, and the other is a very important friend.

Therefore, if a friend wants to transcend the status of a life-or-death lover... the distance is simply a bit far away!

After Sam relaxed a little bit on Tong Mai's strength, Tong Mai also took advantage of the situation and pushed him away, widening the distance between the two. Although Sam was disappointed with her resistance, but fortunately her resistance reminded him, " I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything else...Actually, I was just worried about you."

Hesitation's explanation was always that he didn't want to put any mental burden on Tong Mai.

"Sam, I will be fine. The same goes for you. You should be safe, healthy, and happy in the future. Don't think about the past, the future... just enjoy the present."

Tong Mai sincerely hopes that Sam can have his own happiness in the future and meet a girl who can relieve his heart knot and melt his coldness...

Sam smiled, but this smile was not a truly happy smile from the bottom of his heart, but a slightly sad smile.

After all, happiness, happiness, enjoyment...these words have nothing to do with him.

"Wheat..." After Huo Yize got off the boat, he saw Sam and Tong Mai looking at each other. From Sam's eyes, he could still feel his deep attachment and reluctance to Tong Mai.

However, he said that he believed in her, believed in her unconditionally and without reason. He jumped to her side, held her slender waist domineeringly, and hugged her into his arms. Sam did not want to see their intimate behavior and made excuses. He left wisely, "A and I went to Qiao's house to have a look."

Although Lin Meili called back to report that she was safe, they still had to bring Lin Meili back together...

After Sam left, Huo Yize's eyes kept focused on her, "Just now...what were Sam and you talking about?"

I didn’t want to be so petty as to ask about such a trivial matter, but I still asked...

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