Kiss Addiction

Chapter 1 Las Vegas, sleepless nights

It turns out that Tong Mai begged Sam to send him back to China...

When Huo Yize was extremely worried about her safety and asked her to go back, Tong Mai refused to go back because she was reluctant to leave him.

However, now that her legs were getting worse and worse, and even more and more numb, she had to stay away from Huo Yize's sight, not wanting him to see her miserable appearance. Not only would Huo Yize be sad, but her inferiority complex would also follow. increase.

This time I returned home with a heavier heart than the last time I went to Las Vegas with Huo Yize.

The last time can be regarded as the breaking point with Huo Yize, the breaking point between the past and the present. At that time, she was indeed wholeheartedly determined to live with Li Xianning. It was only a mistake that later led to the current situation. .

And this time, if she really wants to tell the truth, even if it is the breaking point between the present and the future, there will really be no Huo Yize in her life in the future, right? Or, there will be no more her in Huo Yize's world.

She couldn't bear that she was disabled, terminally ill, and dragging him down...

The happiest people about Tong Mai's return were Xiaosha, Sister Fen, and Xia Niuniu. The three of them were surrounding Tong Mai. Sister Fen kept mumbling like a child, "Why are you so careless? You actually walked away." He even twisted his leg on the road! Huo Yize is really too insincere to send one of his subordinates to see you back instead of sending you back in person."

Sister Fen glanced at Sam unexpectedly. She seemed to have a strong opinion of Huo Yize, and also the people working under him...

"Oh, Aunt Fen, you have occupied my mother for too long. I have so many things to say to my mother! Just let me."

She verbally said "give up", but Tong Xiaosha raised her butt and pushed Sister Fen away fiercely, "Mom, compared with the little sister who was born, am I more beautiful? Or is she not as beautiful as me? How about beautiful?"

As Tong Xiaosha spoke, she shook her braid confidently, as if she believed that she was as beautiful as a little fairy. No matter which question Tong Mai answered, she was more beautiful.

Looking at Xiaosha's cute and dexterous appearance, this girl is indeed very beautiful with bright eyes and white teeth, but how long can she see her? Or will she still be remembered in the future?

"In mother's eyes, Xiaosha is the most beautiful child! No one can compare to you!"

Regardless of whether Xiaosha is her biological child or not, and no matter how many biological children she has, Xiaosha is extremely important in her heart. After all, during the most difficult and difficult days, she was fortunate to be by her side...

Tong Mai hugged Tong Xiaosha with a little sadness, and said tightly, "During the period when mom is away, do you listen to Aunt Fen? Have your math scores improved? Have you had any trouble with Niu Niu?"

During this period of time in Las Vegas, although I often talked to Sister Fen and Xiaosha on the phone, I still didn't care enough about Xiaosha. After all, too many things happened in the United States, and she had no time to take care of other things. anyone……

Wave after wave of things come one after another, and it seems that there has never been a quiet day!

"I..." Just when Tong Xiaosha was about to answer, Xia Niuniu said attentively, "Aunt Mai, Xiaosha has improved in math this time. Last time she scored zero, this time she scored thirty-nine... …”

He obviously wanted to please Tong Xiaosha and praise her, but at the end of the sentence, he felt awkward.

After all, much progress is this?

Tong Xiaosha glared at him fiercely. Xia Niuniu was as afraid as ever of offending her, so she covered her mouth in time, and then let go, "Aunt Mai, Xiaosha's score is still a little higher than mine, haha..."

Tong Mai shook his head when he heard Xiao Sha's poor math scores, but it was not easy to educate her on the first day back, so he poked her head, "Stupid girl! Go and Niu Niu*** open the suitcase and have a look. Mom has brought you a lot of gifts, don’t fight with Niu Niu, you each have one.”

Hearing the gift, Tong Xiaosha and Xia Niuniu both rushed towards the direction where the suitcases were placed, "Wow...Xia Niuniu, don't grab it from me! I want two copies! I want two copies!"

"Shit! I also have a share, we will split it equally..."

Like "hungry wolves rushing towards food", the two people quickly opened the suitcase and plunged into the world of their children, leaving space for Tong Mai and Sister Fen.

Sam's eyes have always stayed on Tongmai. When he heard her talking about Xiaosha on the plane, her eyes could not help but reveal deep maternal love, even if she was not related to him by blood. The child, however, hurt her heart to the core.

Especially when he saw that there was no alienation and closeness between her and Xiaosha's mother and daughter, Sam couldn't help but be infected...

"Sister Fen, let me introduce to you, this is Sam, my friend!" Tong Mai introduced Sam to Sister Fen, which can be regarded as correcting the word "subordinate" in Sister Fen's mouth.

In Tong Mai's eyes, she never regarded Sam as a subordinate. He was a friend, a friend worth making.

"Sam, this is Sister Fen. I told you before that she is a very kind and good person."

Tong Mai introduced them. Yes, she had experienced many people in her life, most of them were kind people...

Grandma, Lao Xi, Sister Fen, Xiao A, Sam, and Huo Yize...

These people make up every bit of her life, laughter and sorrow, and together they are a precious treasure! However, she is not sure that she will know everything about them in the end. How much can she remember?

Sam didn't like to talk much, so he just nodded politely. Because he was Tong Mai's friend, he also showed extra respect.

Sister Fen became a little curious and whispered in her ear, "Did you and Huo Yize have a fight? So, you brought a man to demonstrate against him?"

It seems that this must be the case now.

Tong Mai smiled and said, "Sister Fen, you think too much!" Although she was hiding her sadness, even the arc of her smile seemed to be full of sadness.

"Sam, thank you for sending me back! Please help him more when you return to Las Vegas!" There is no doubt that there is no one else but Huo Yize in the "him".

In fact, she has always been thinking about Huo Yize in her heart, but... she can only blame fate!

After several twists and turns, I worked my way forward, but in the end I was shocked to find that I was back to the starting point! It's just that this time the starting point may be about to become the ending point.

" going on? You guys are talking weird! What happened?" Sister Fen noticed that they were talking strangely and was very anxious.

But if Tong Mai doesn't say anything now, Sam will naturally not be rude, but nod seriously. Even for Tong Mai's peace of mind, he will do his best to protect Huo Yize so that she doesn't have to worry about anything...

This is the only thing he can do for her now!

When Huo Yize and A Jin returned to the island, they only saw a letter left by Tong Mai on the table. A bad premonition followed. Their hands shook uncontrollably when they opened the letter...

There was no formal farewell or any words of explanation. In the letter, Tong Mai simply confessed that he missed Xiaosha and was worried about Yin's father's condition, so he decided to let Sam send her back to China. Not a word was mentioned about the fact that her legs could no longer stand up...

"Boss, why did Miss Tong go back?"

It seemed too sudden, even A Jin couldn't accept it, not to mention Huo Yize's current mood.

When I was full of joy and thought I could see her when I returned here, what I found was an empty room! Huo Yize tugged at the letter in his hand, feeling more empty than angry! It was as if his body was hollowed out for a while, and nothing could fill it, unless Tong Mai appeared...

After dialing the overseas number, Huo Yize could still vaguely hear the sounds of Xiao Sha and Xia Niuniu chasing and playing around on the phone. Tong Mai did not refuse to listen to his call, and said in his usual tone, "Don't be angry. ...I didn't tell you in advance because I was afraid that you wouldn't allow it, and I was also worried that you would miss me too much and not want me to come back! Don't blame Sam, Sam was also forced by me! He is already returning to Las Vegas At Sri Lanka’s airport…”

The delicate voice reached Huo Yize's ears through the radio waves. In fact, Tong Mai undoubtedly wanted to be safer when she returned to China, but because her current condition was not good at all, Huo Yize could not feel at ease no matter who was taking care of her. . What's more, she has to take care of Xiaosha when she returns home, and there is no one to watch over her.

But Huo Yize was in Las Vegas, so he couldn't get away and couldn't return to her right away.

On the phone, Huo Yize just listened to Tong Mai's story without scolding or getting angry. He was unexpectedly calm. Since she had gone back, he would let her go. As long as Dr. Yu had the results, he could bring her back.

In China, she can freely chat happily with Xiaosha, Sister Fen and the others, and go shopping, without having to be trapped on an island like she was in Las Vegas...

"Okay, if you... feel uncomfortable, tell me immediately!" What worries her the most is her body! It was always a big stone in his heart, accumulating heavily in his chest, but he couldn't show how worried he was in front of Tong Mai, otherwise it would only increase her fear.

After talking to Tong Mai on the phone, Huo Yize lay on the bed in their bedroom, his breath filled with the smell of her body. It lingered on the tip of his nose for a long time, making him miss him even more.

I always talked about sending her back to the country before, but when Tong Mai actually returned, the thoughts in my heart were tumbling like threads. The bottles and jars belonging to her on the dressing table were still there and had not been taken away. Huo Yize's mind The scene where Tong Mai was sitting there, smearing it on her face and hands, emerged from the meeting. She even gave random instructions without warning...

Huo Yize, get me a book...

Huo Yize, peel an orange for me...

Huo Yize, how about giving me a massage?

The more he thought about it, the more Huo Yize couldn't sleep. He spent the whole night thinking about everything about them, bit by bit...

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