Kiss Addiction

Chapter 73 It’s on purpose

Tong Mai and Huo Yize returned to the snow garden with their fingers intertwined, their deep joy and happiness still lingering in their hearts. Although it would be a little uncomfortable to see Luo Luo and Yin Yuqi when they returned to the snow garden, these discomforts were already over in the face of her and Huo Yize's relationship. It seemed weaker.

Tong Mai didn't go in, but instead grabbed Huo Yize's shirt at the waist. His eyes were full of pleasure, but he still asked uncertainly, "Are you really going to marry me?"

"Otherwise? In your eyes, my proposal is fake?"

Huo Yize's voice became more serious, and he was obviously not satisfied with Tong Mai's inquiry...

"Of course not, it's just... I'm too happy now, too happy, that's why I thought it wasn't true." Knowing that Huo Yize was a little angry, she stopped as soon as she got along, and hugged his waist coquettishly, Close to his chest, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat, Tong Mai clingingly wanted to get closer to him, but suddenly remembered that he left his phone in the car, "I seem to have left my phone in the car. I'll get it."

"I'll go with you." Huo Yize tightened his hold on her hand and prepared to go with her.

"No, I can just get it myself. You go upstairs to freshen up first." Tong Mai took the car keys from his hand and turned around.

Huo Yize stared at Tong Mai's leaving figure, with nostalgia and love completely on his face...

Yin Yuqi, who was standing upstairs, was always paying attention to the actions of Tong Mai and Huo Yize like a spy. Their closeness made her eyes red with jealousy. Her gaze shifted from Tong Mai's retreating back to the pose on the balcony. Put the flower pot.

If this flower pot was smashed, she wouldn't believe that Tong Mai would still be alive!

After Tong Mai got the phone from the car, she walked back. Yin Yuqi thought so and did the same. When the flower pot above her head was about to hit her head without any bias, Tong Mai didn't know it until Luoluo's voice resounded, "Mom..."

Tongmai reflexively looked towards the source of the sound, only to see the fallen flowerpot. Fortunately, he dodged in time, and the flowerpot fell downstairs with a crisp "bang", and the sound cut through the snowy garden night. The silence also aroused extreme panic and unrest in Tong Mai's heart.

For a long time, she just stared blankly at the broken soil and porcelain pieces on the ground. If this flowerpot fell on her head, then...

At this moment, Tong Mai could hardly imagine what the consequences would be.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Luoluo looked puzzled at Yin Yuqi, who was also panicking at this moment. In the end, Luoluo stood on tiptoes and looked down the balcony...

When Huo Yize heard the sound, his legs that were about to enter the bedroom quickly turned back, only to see Tong Mai standing there blankly, with a broken flowerpot at his feet!

Yin Yuqi's plan didn't work, so she hurriedly went downstairs to apologize, "Wheat...I'm sorry...I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it! I didn't know you were downstairs. I saw that this potted flower was about to die, so I wanted to water it. Luoluo suddenly called me, and I was frightened, so I accidentally knocked the flowerpot down...Mai, are you okay? Let me take a look."

She seemed even more nervous than Huo Yize. She held Tong Mai's arms, looked left and right, and kept apologizing, "Mai, please forgive me, I swear I really didn't mean it..." "

Tong Mai was speechless. He seemed to be in shock. He was still in the state of shock. His eyes looked at Yin Yuqi mechanically.

Was it really careless?

Obviously, this statement is not convincing enough! Huo Yize angrily grabbed Yin Yuqi's hand that was holding Tong Mai, his eyes were so sharp and scary, "You did it on purpose, right?"

Although his voice was not high-pitched, it was harsh and inarticulate, and his terrifying intimidation was revealed in every word...

", Yize, please believe me! If I did it on purpose, I would die badly..." In desperation, Yin Yuqi did not hesitate to swear.

Huo Yize pinched Yin Yuqi's chin, with enough force to destroy her face. Yin Yuqi cried in pain, but she was afraid of Huo Yize's ferocious look, and completely forgot to cry out, but her face was unusually pale.

"Dad, let go! You're hurting mom! Let go..." Luoluo pushed Huo Yize's body and tried his best to defend Yin Yuqi.

Tong Mai was also awakened by Luo Luo's shouts, "Yize, let go! I believe Yu Qi didn't mean it! Even if she wanted to harm me, she wouldn't be stupid enough to use such a blatant way."

In fact, Tong Mai's last sentence clearly showed that she knew Yin Yuqi did it on purpose! It's just that this method seems a bit too stupid...

Luo Luo and Tong Mai's strong defense of Yin Yuqi also forced Huo Yize to let go, "Tomorrow morning, I don't want to see you in the snow garden again, so leave immediately!"

"No...Mom can't leave...Dad, you promised me to let mom stay with me for a few days! Adults always lie, how can they teach us to be honest children?" Luoluo still doesn't want Yin Yuqi to leave. Huo family.

Huo Yize snorted coldly, his contemptuous expression clearly showed that he didn't care much about what Luo Luo said, but Tong Mai had to care about what Luo Luo thought, "Don't worry Luo Luo, what dad said is angry, Yu Qi's mother will still stay here" I’ll stay with you for a few days.”

After finishing speaking, Tong Mai's eyes fell on Yin Yuqi's face. There was a little bit of warning in his eyes, but it was not too obvious.

In fact, she just wants Yin Yuqi to take care of herself...

Even if it costs her life, does she think she can escape the punishment of the law?

Huo Yize's whole body was full of anger, which caused a great sense of oppression to both Yin Yuqi and Luo Luo. Tong Mai held his hand and said, "It's okay. Let's all rest." He didn't intend to pursue anything and continued. There is not much point in pursuing it. Yin Yuqi will insist that she didn't do it on purpose.

However, during the few days that Yin Yuqi lived in Xueyuan, she had to be more cautious than before.

It turns out that Yin Yuqi didn't really intend to let go, and everything she showed was just an illusion...

"Mai Ma, I really don't understand you. Why are you so stubborn? I don't agree with Yin Yuqi staying here. I won't allow her to stay here for a moment. What just happened was clearly her intention! She can If you do it on purpose once, you can do it twice or three times... You will not be so lucky every time! Can I ask you not to make fun of your own life! Even if it is for Luoluo's happiness, there is a limit! You must take it Only when your life is involved do you feel that you don't owe Luo Luo, right? What about me? What should I do? Have you ever considered my feelings? "

He is anxious, he is afraid, he will also be panic...

When he just saw a pool of broken flower pots at Tong Mai's feet, how could Tong Mai feel the overwhelming fear he was feeling, afraid of losing her, afraid that the two of them were finally willing to accept each other without grudges, but she was completely Completely disappeared before his eyes!

When he returned to the bedroom, regardless of whether Tong Mai was happy or not, Huo Yize was a little angry. It's not that he doesn't understand Tong Mai's difficulties, but if his understanding results in losing her, then he would rather be an unreasonable and selfish person in Tong Mai's heart.

Tong Mai swallowed her throat. Faced with Huo Yize's accusation, she tried to find the most suitable words to appease him, "Aren't I fine now? This time, you are suspicious. If she wants to harm me, she will definitely do it behind my back." You want to harm me instead of being so blatant! I promised you that I won’t let you make any mistakes, you have to believe me once!”

"I believe you, but I don't believe Yin Yuqi." Whether it was his words or the anxiety in Huo Yize's eyes at this moment, they were all worried about Tong Mai.

Indeed, Yin Yuqi really couldn't believe it now. Tong Mai couldn't argue, but in order to make him feel more comfortable, she pressed her head tightly against his chest, "Believe me, I will never bear to leave you, so I will protect myself no matter what." , will also be more vigilant. There are only a few days left, as long as Luoluo can be happy, we can bear with it."

Of course, this also includes the forbearance towards Yin Yuqi...

After Yin Yuqi lost her hand, she walked around the room, fidgeting. Her behavior today will definitely arouse Tong Mai's high vigilance. What she wants to do next will not be so easy.

"Mom..." Yin Yuqi dialed Chen Yuhua's phone number and began to plan the next step.

On the other end of the phone, Chen Yuhua listened to Yin Yuqi's report on the situation at Huo's house, and seemed to think that a good opportunity had come, "Yu Qi, you don't have to do anything from now on, just stay at Huo's house with peace of mind. Mom will take care of the rest." You cut the grass and root it out."

Chen Yuhua was so determined on the phone, as if he already had a complete plan.

"Mom, what are you going to do? Tell me. No matter can't hurt Luoluo and Yize."

"Don't worry! Mom will take care of this. I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Yin Yuqi became even more uneasy, and Luoluo's voice undoubtedly increased her panic.

"Mom, you deliberately wanted to drop the flower pot on my aunt's head, right?" Luo Luo stood in front of Yin Yuqi, with a hint of questioning in her words.

Hearing this, Yin Yuqi was so surprised that she just looked at Luo Luo stupidly for a long time. For a moment, she forgot how to answer, " really didn't mean it..."

"But, I clearly saw mom throwing the flower pot down before I called you! Why did mom say she was scared by me?"

Luo Luo seemed very persistent and righteous at this moment.

" are wrong. How could mother do this?" Yin Yuqi was panicked and stepped forward to hold Luoluo's shoulders. However, Luoluo avoided her hand for the first time in his life. "Mom, I am very sad." I love you, I hate my aunt very much, and I want my aunt to leave here in every possible way, but I don’t want my aunt to die, and I don’t want my little Sha to be without a mother."

In the logic of a child, there is no hatred, at least not so much that he wants to kill someone, especially a sensible person like Luo Luo. He is not willing to let Tong Mai hurt Yin Yuqi, and he also does not allow Yin Yuqi to hurt him. Tong Mai, but contradictoryly wants Tong Mai to stop disturbing their family...

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