Kiss Addiction

Chapter 49: Great Sadness After Great Joy

Do you really think she likes selling complete sets? It's not completely forced! This job... how easy it is to make people daydream and fantasize?

Especially when you meet a pervert like Huo Yize and ask you to wear it for him...

Damn, he is a typical psychopath! He thought he was the most beautiful man in the world, flawless from top to bottom, and wished that everyone would come and see him thoroughly...

Suddenly, thinking of Huo Yize, Tong Mai pouted with disdain. However, subconsciously, her contemptuous expression gradually disappeared, and she couldn't help feeling a little scared in her heart. If Huo Yize found out that his face was gone, how would he react?

Tong Mai swallowed his throat, feeling a little nervous, and even the hands holding the backpack trembled at this moment, trembling...

"Oh, don't think about it so much! I've already taken all the money, and I've already got the money. Is there any use in thinking about it? Besides, there are so many people in and out of that room, how can he be sure that I took it! Don't worry about it , or think about the money... how to deal with it!"

she comforted herself.

She is a typical person who has no foresight and near-term worries! The impulsive energy... from London to here, it has never stopped.

"Ten million, give it to the dean, and to the developer! In this way, the Alisa House won't have to be moved, and the children can continue to live there. The remaining 100,000...I keep 5,000 for myself , I have to continue to look for a job, and I have to spend money to eat and take the bus. The rest is handed over to the dean to buy some daily necessities for the children."

Tong Mai is like a financial planner, mumbling all the allocations by himself.

With the money, she can slowly find a decent, decent job. As for the condom company... she wouldn't even go to the condom company.

When passing by the window, Tong Mai inadvertently noticed the snow-white and elegant wedding dress in the window, which was worn on a fake model, and the concave and convex curves were vividly outlined.

Wedding dresses... are especially favored by every woman.

Tong Mai's footsteps stopped for a moment, and her bright black eyes stared at the white wedding dress dazzled... She seemed to be immersed in a lonely whirlpool forever, helpless and never able to see a future.

Seeing something, something, always can't help evoking the loneliness and coldness deep in my heart, and of course there is a trace of longing.

One day in the future, is it possible for her to wear a wedding dress and walk into the palace of happiness with her beloved?

There was no answer, even if she asked hundreds of times silently in her heart, she still couldn't find an answer... It seemed that the word "happiness" was far away from her, so far away that she couldn't reach it. Naturally, there will be no more extravagant demands and thoughts...

Originally, because she had so much money, she couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, but at this moment, her smile froze, and even her heartbeat gradually slowed down. She stared quietly and thought quietly...

Perhaps, after great joy, there will usually be more loneliness gathering in the bottom of my heart.

Everyone just sees her bold, rebellious, and irrational side, but who understands her pain and sorrow?

The petite figure stood in the endless crowd, watching the couples of happy lovers walking past the window holding hands, Tong Mai's heart calmed down a little, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, just like the aroma of black coffee , with a blurred atmosphere.

"Actually, is there a difference between loving and not loving? The point is, everyone should love themselves."

As if he had figured it out, Tong Maibun let go of the sorrow that he shouldn't have, and the dimples on his face deepened. The sweet and fresh smile was like the morning sun at dawn, so beautiful...

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