Kiss Addiction

Chapter 21 You have no right to resist me

There was no need for Qiao Ran to make her regret it. Lin Meili regretted it now, but no matter what, she couldn't let herself continue to be entangled with him.

"Meili...are you really not going to tell Qiao Ran clearly about the child? If Qiao Ran knew that the child was an accident, he wouldn't be so angry. If it's hard for you to tell, I'll make it clear to Qiao Ran for you. alright."

"Nuan, please keep it a secret for me. I don't want Qiao Ran to know about the child. He and I will not have any involvement from now on." Lin Meili packed her luggage. After everything about her marriage to Qiao Ran was settled, , she just wanted to sort out her emotions.


"Nuan, your chance has come, I wish you good luck. Compared with you and Gu Rongyan, I would rather you stay by Qiao Ran's side." She blessed Nuan generously, but in her heart Heavy and painful.

If she really saw An Nuan and Qiao Ran together one day, she would not only be embarrassed, but would definitely feel uncomfortable.

Hearing this, Ah Nuan's heart really rose with hope, "Meili, are you in love with Qiao Ran? In that case, why would you let Qiao Ran out? I can see that your care for the child shows that you are I love Qiao Ran."

"I may love Qiao Ran, but I love Jiang Chengyi even more." Lin Meili's words reassured A Nuan and confirmed her own thoughts. No matter whether she and Qiao Ran could be together or not, she would always try. I found out later...

"Then... why don't you try dating He Mingxiu." An Nuan suggested.

Lin Meili took a silent attitude. He Mingxiu looked very similar to Jiang Chengyi, but she could still tell clearly that he was not Jiang Chengyi.

After her marriage to Qiao Ran ended, Lin Meili returned to the Lin family.

Lin's father was both happy and sad when Lin Meili came back, "Is there no room for negotiation between you and Qiao Ran's marriage?" Father Lin still remembered that he warned Qiao Ran to treat his precious daughter well.

This year, he did it. Beauty is too stubborn and too stubborn. It was hard for Lin's father to blame Qiao Ran, and it was extremely regrettable for Lin's father that Qiao Ran could not continue to be his son-in-law.

"Dad, I don't want to mention him. From now on, I just want to live alone quietly. Dad, assuming you love me, stop trying to find a marriage partner for me. I can be fine on my own."

She quietly remembered Jiang Chengyi alone, holding on to the memories of the two of them in the past, and the memories she remembered could support her going forward...

Just when she returned to her own room, Lin Meili easily had memories of Qiao Ran.

Occasionally, he would come back to visit his father with him, and his father would enthusiastically let them stay here for one night. But every time, he was always so restless and would inevitably stage a restricted scene in her boudoir...

Forceful, arrogant, cheating... He tried his best to attract her attention, hoping to occupy her heart step by step.

He worked really hard. In their relationship, Lin Meili didn't know that he had paid a lot.

Lin Meili's eyes filled with tears involuntarily, and she opened the closet. There were also the shirts and ties he had placed here, neatly arranged, but she had never tied a tie for Qiao Ran. Every time Qiao Ran asked, she turned a deaf ear...

Thinking back on this now, Lin Meili regretted it, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." She hugged Qiao Ran's clothes, which still had Qiao Ran's unique aura, which made Lin Meili shed tears more and more.

And Qiao Ran is also desperate for his relationship with Lin Meili. He no longer struggles, doesn't want to stay, and won't be nostalgic anymore...

However, when he accidentally saw the marital life regulations he had written in a drawer as a prank when they got married, his heart was disturbed again:

Article 1 of the Regulations on Married Life: Married couples live together once a night. No rejection, no resistance, and mutual cooperation.

Article 2 of the Couple Life Regulations: Both husband and wife are loving and affectionate, no cheating or extramarital affairs are allowed, and they should keep themselves clean.

Article 3 of the Couple Life Regulations: Both husband and wife are honest and frank, are not allowed to hide or lie, and trust each other.

Qiao Ran still remembered that when he handed the written regulations to Lin Meili, Lin Meili prepared to tear it in half without even looking at it, but was frightened by his words.

"Oh! Lin Meili, if you dare to tear it up, I will change the regulations to live as a couple twice a night. If you continue to tear it, I will continue to add up, three times, four times a night... As long as your body can bear it, Just tear it apart."

Lin Meili was not frightened. She was so womanly that she tore the regulations to pieces. And Qiao Ran was not easy to deal with. He really kept his promise and stopped pestering her several times every night. He won't let it go.

During that time, Lin Meili was not only in an extremely gloomy mood, but she also wondered where Qiao Ran's energy came from.

In fact, she didn't know that every time Qiao Ran saw her, no matter how tired he was, he would be full of energy...

"Lin Meili..." Qiao Ran said her name heavily, crumpled the regulations into a ball, threw them into the trash can, and quickly went downstairs.

"Aran, where are you going?" Qiao Yue asked in confusion.

"Brother Qiao Ran, you have just been discharged from the hospital. You cannot go out casually. You come back...or I will accompany you." Gu Rongyan followed closely, but Qiao Ran threw her away in disgust, "Don't follow me."

"Qiao Ran, come back here." Qiao Yue stopped him at the right time and did not allow him to drive out.

Qiao Ran was completely in anger and rage, and refused to give face to anyone, "Get out of the way." The two words he yelled were full of intimidation. He got into the car, started the engine, and carried out a series of actions that no one could stop...

"Aran, please wake up and don't make fun of your body. You need to rest now instead of running around." No matter what Qiao Yue said, he couldn't stop Qiao Ran's decision.

If he wants to see Lin Meili now, he must see her! Such urgency and passion filled his body, filling him to the brim.

He and Lin Meili seemed to have a good understanding. He guessed that she would come home, so he ran to Lin's house without thinking...

"Lin Meili, open the door... open the door for me..." Qiao Ran pressed the doorbell of Lin's villa fiercely, and the urgent doorbell sounded particularly loud in the middle of the night...

Lin Meili had not fallen asleep. When she heard this voice, she suddenly sat up from the bed, "Qiao Ran..."

If you listen carefully, you can still hear Qiao Ran's shout from a distance, "Lin Meili, come out here, you don't dare to come out, do you?"

After finishing speaking, Qiao Ran pretended to climb up the iron gate of the villa. At this time, the Lin family's servant happened to open the door for Qiao Ran, "Master Qiao..."

Qiao Ran didn't listen to what the servant said at all, and rushed to Lin Meili's room quickly. After Lin Meili's ears were quiet for a while, there was a loud noise outside her door, and there was a "bang" sound. When he didn't react, the door clicked and Qiao Ran pushed it open and entered.

Lin Meili looked at Qiao Ran in disbelief. He still had scars on his face, and he came with a violent and cold look...

She didn't know that he was discharged from the hospital so quickly. Facing the angry Qiao Ran, Lin Meili was undoubtedly a little afraid, "Butler...come here, let him out..." while calling for help. , Lin Meili stepped back step by step. She and Qiao Ran had known each other for such a long time. Qiao Ran would be angry and angry, but this was the first time she saw Qiao Ran. She was so angry that she couldn't control it at all.

However, before the housekeeper and servants could arrive in time, Qiao Ran quickly locked the door. Regardless of his injuries, he strode to Lin Meili's side and kissed her without saying a word. He was no longer as gentle as before. , but ravaged with great force, biting hard.


Lin Meili resisted, and the burning tingling sensation on her lips instantly filled her eyes with tears.

Qiao Ran roughly tore her thin pajamas, and Qiao Ran's lips fell boldly to her collarbone, "You wear so little, you know I'm coming, so you must be waiting for me."

He was being sentimental again. However, even if she was really waiting for him to come, Qiao Ran would not be happy at this moment. From the way he vigorously inflicted pain on her, it was clear that he was venting and retaliating. How much hatred and resentment he had in his heart at this time wanted to vent one by one on Lin Meili.

The snow-white plumpness was suddenly engraved with sharp tooth marks, "It hurts... let go... Qiao Ran, I hurt..."

Lin Meili screamed in pain, but she couldn't tell whether it was her body that hurt more or her heart that hurt more.

"It hurts? Lin Meili, do you feel pain too?" Qiao Ran laughed out loud, his laughter full of his sadness and ridicule, "A cold-blooded and ruthless person like you knows what real pain is! You Can’t you bear the pain? What about my pain? Have you ever thought about whether I can stand it or not?”

Qiao Ran lost control of her emotions and even tore off the last pair of white lace underwear on Lin Meili's body, but she also saw blood stains on the sanitary napkin of her underwear...

"Qiao Ran, you can't... I can't do it now..." Lin Meili closed her legs in panic, fearing Qiao Ran's strong invasion.

And Qiao Ran knew what the blood stains meant, and it reminded her again that she had brutally strangled their child. So, how could he forgive her? How?

"The biggest mistake I made in my marriage with you was to take you too seriously and hold you in my palms. But at present, it seems that my considerate gentleman's behavior towards you will not make you repent at all, so now I will Let you see clearly who is your real man. You don't have to love me, but you have no right to reject me in the future."

Qiao Ran looked very irrational. Lin Meili was in panic and had no time to resist. She was speechless and could only make a series of protests in her throat...

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