Kiss Addiction

Chapter 33: Throwing yourself into my arms

Until Lin Meili and Qiao Ran left the uncle's photo studio far away, Lin Meili still held the photo firmly in her hands. She knew the reason why Qiao Ran borrowed the bathroom was to thank the uncle. It was impossible for him to let the uncle just Take the thirty dollars.

Lin Meili understood his thoughts.

Because she understood him better and better, Lin Meili became more and more reluctant to let him go.

However, what can you do if you don’t want to give up?

Lin Meili suddenly turned around, and before Qiao Ran could stop her pace, she slammed into his chest...

Qiao Ran frowned, and Lin Meili retreated hastily, stroking her slightly sore forehead. Qiao Ran's teasing voice came from above her head, "Before I divorced you, I never saw you throwing yourself into my arms. Now. Don’t you think it’s a little late to throw yourself into my arms?”

There was no anger or anger in his gentle words. Even the way he looked at Lin Meili was extremely indifferent...

He finally lost his patience! Will he no longer have any care and love for her?

Lin Meili stared at him for several seconds, not escaping her gaze, just looking at him steadily, and finally handed the photo to Qiao Ran, "This..."

She hesitated to speak, and she was not sure whether Qiao Ran needed these photos, "Do you want these... photos?"

Qiao Ran's eyes stayed on her face for a moment, and then fell on some photos in Lin Meili's hand. Before Lin Meili could react, the photos had been taken out of her hand and thrown to the ground, " I don’t need it, and I think you don’t need it either. Just throw it away so that it doesn’t hinder your eyes.”

She looked at the photos scattered on the ground in disbelief. Lin Meili couldn't tell what she was feeling at this moment. Whether she was more angry than sad, or sad than angry, she couldn't tell for a while.

"You..." Lin Meili wanted to scold him for going too far. Why could he have such a bad attitude towards her?

However, Qiao Ran didn't give her a chance at all and left her side...

But after taking a few steps, he made up his mind, "By the way, I forgot, the ring should be returned to me."

Lin Meili felt a fire in her heart and could not speak. She was afraid that when she opened her mouth, she would talk nonsense and burst into tears.

Yes, I feel extremely uncomfortable at this time. It turns out that my heart can hurt so much. It hurts so much that it feels like I am suffocating and dying.

Lin Meili's whole body stiffened. She actually forgot to return the ring to him. Before she could raise her hand, Qiao Ran took out the ring from her palm and said, "This time, I will never give it back to him." Got it back."

After finishing speaking, Qiao Ran threw the ring again without Lin Meili's consent, and the ring sank into the sand on the beach.

He didn't need Lin Meili's consent, because he knew very well that Lin Meili didn't care about the ring. If he cared, he wouldn't give it to others casually...

"What are you doing?" Lin Meili blurted out, looking at the missing ring in shock. In the hot weather, her whole body was actually cold, from head to toe...

"As you can see, I threw the ring away. This is the best way. Both of us can start over. I don't want to make the person who has been waiting for me sad. Lin Meili, let's each cherish it."

Qiao Ran's face was calm, but his heart was racing.

He was right to do so! He no longer wanted to see Lin Meili fighting for Jiang Chengyi, and he no longer wanted to pester Lin Meili without dignity and spine...

Lin Meili watched Qiao Ran's back getting further and further away, becoming blurry and blurry, until it completely disappeared, and tears fell uncontrollably from her eyes.

She heard clearly, Qiao Ran said that he didn't want to make the people who had been waiting for him sad...

Isn't the person who has been waiting for him Gu Rongyan? That's why he and Gu Rongyan appeared here.

Lin Meili closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face. She deserved this, she was the one who pushed him further and further away from her...

Lin Meili did not show up for the afternoon physical training session.

Ah Nuan and Rita were calling her and kept her cell phone off, and the coach was also furious. Even if she was the boss's ex-wife, she wouldn't be so undisciplined and unorganized as a big-name player, right? Lin Meili's behavior of disappearing without asking for leave has aroused protests from the flight attendants, protesting against the unfairness of the coach.

It wasn't until the sun had set in the evening that Lin Meili appeared in the training team...

Only then did Lin Meili remember that she still had a training camp to attend. Just now, she just wanted to pick up the lost ring quickly, so she lost track of time and the training camp.

Seeing the coach's furious face, Lin Meili knew something was wrong, "I'm sorry, coach, I didn't mean to be absent."

"It's not intentional, it's not intentional, you don't mean it every time! Think about it for yourself, how many times have you been absent for no reason?" The coach, regardless of Qiao Ran's face, accused Lin Meili in front of many flight attendants.

He really couldn't give Qiao Ran and Lin Meili face. This group of flight attendants were spoiled and had many opinions. Let them seize this good opportunity. If he didn't give Lin Meili some punishment, it would be difficult to convince them.

Then, there will be various excuses for their unexcused absence in the future...

Lin Meili remained silent and allowed the coach to scold her.

"Lin Meili, do you know that your absence without excuse is not allowed? I tell you, there can be no next time. If there is a next time, you will be out. Everyone present also listen to me. If there is a I won’t be polite to you if you’re absent,” the coach added as a warning to them.

"Tch! Coach, you are biased! Meili is the boss's ex-wife, so you just want to turn a blind eye to the mistakes she made and just scare her, right? What a pity, coach, you are fawning over the wrong person. Oh. Meili is the ex-wife, she is already in the past tense, and the girl brought by the boss today is the present tense. Coach, you have to see the person clearly before you act." It was the woman who was in the same room as Lin Meili again. She talks the most.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter. The coach stared at the group of people seriously, "Shut up. I haven't finished speaking yet, so don't interrupt!"

"Lin Meili was absent for no reason and was punished with a long-distance run of 3,000 meters. She could only have dinner after finishing the run."

The coach has no choice but to impose certain punishments.

"Wow, it's only 3,000 meters. It's a small case! Next time I miss an entire afternoon and don't train, it will only be 3,000 meters at most. Of course, 3,000 meters is a good deal."

The talkative woman continues to talk. The coach called her name and said, "Get out of the queue."

"What are you doing?" He had a bad attitude.

"Tonight's barbecue event, you are responsible for cleaning all the dishes, bowls and chopsticks. If you can't do it well, take your bags and leave immediately."

As soon as the coach's scolding came out, not only did the talkative woman dare not say a word, but the team was also silent.

Rita and A Nuan looked at Lin Meili anxiously, but they couldn't help...

Finally, when Qiao Ran and Gu Rongyan also appeared at the barbecue, A Nuan finally got the opportunity to report Lin Meili's situation in front of Qiao Ran.

"Master Qiao, please ask the coach to stop punishing Meili. There must be something that delayed Meimei so that she couldn't come to the training in time. Meili is not an undisciplined person. Master Qiao, you understand Meimei..."

A Nuan talked for a long time in front of Qiao Ran, but Qiao Ran looked indifferent. She couldn't figure out what happened between Meili and Qiao Ran, why Gu Rongyan was by his side, and the two seemed so intimate.

But this time, before An Nuan could finish her words, Qiao Ran suddenly interrupted her, "I don't know what kind of person she is. I only know that the coach is doing the right thing. There is no one here." She can get special treatment. She made a mistake and of course she has to be punished."

"Miss, I think your worries are unnecessary. You see, Meimei sister seems to be running very vigorously, and there is nothing wrong with her. It's better for girls to exercise. It's only 3,000 meters. Meimei sister can handle it."

Gu Rongyan looked at Lin Meili not far away. She was running around the beach. When she passed them, she also saw Gu Rongyan and Qiao Ran.

Lin Meili didn't pay much attention to them, she didn't want to look at them, she simply turned her eyes out and didn't bother her...

However, Gu Rongyan just wanted to show off to her, so she deliberately sweetened her voice and said delicately, "Sister Meimei, come on, we are waiting for you to have barbecue together."

This sound of cheering made Ah Nuan and Rita next to her goosebumps. It turned out that Qiao Ran was also good at this...

Lin Meili kept her eyes straight and her head turned away. Her body became a little weak. After a round of running, she seemed to feel that her body was about to fall apart! My head feels dizzy and my back hurts a lot.

After Qiao Ran threw the ring away, Lin Meili bent down and searched for it on the beach for a whole afternoon before she found the ring.

In fact, she knew that this ring no longer meant anything to her, but at that time she was stubborn and refused to throw it away...

"I can hold on." Lin Meili whispered to encourage herself.

Being able to hold on... not only means being able to finish the 3,000 meters.

After Qiao Ran really left her side, she could hold on. Didn't she hold on when Jiang Chengyi left?

It's just that Lin Meili forgot that she was able to survive at that time because Qiao Ran kept watching her and waiting for her. Otherwise, according to her persistent temper, she would have left with Jiang Chengyi long ago...

Lin Meili's figure passed by Qiao Ran again. When An Nuan and the others were in front of them, it was obvious that her physical strength was running low. Qiao Ran just looked at it without saying a word. Only Gu Rongyan pretended to be innocent and cheered for Lin Meili, "Sister Meili, come on! Come on! ah!"

Lin Meili's breathing became heavier and heavier, and her body became heavier. Not far away from them, she fainted and fell to the ground due to exhaustion...

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