Kiss Addiction

Chapter 66 The end of the road

Lin Meili was entangled with endless pain, endless regret, and never-ending, never-ending longing.

Father Lin said: Don't hate He Zhenquan, and don't become someone like him...

However, if she sees He Zhenquan, Lin Meili will do whatever it takes to avenge Lin's father at all costs, even if they both end up dead.

Lin Meili needed to be alone. The Huo family had no choice but to return to their own home, but Qiao Ran would definitely stay by her side no matter how reluctant Lin Meili was.

I'm worried that she'll be lonely here alone, and I'm also worried that she'll get out of her way and do something stupid.

"Get some rest, you haven't slept for two days and two nights." Qiao Ran put his palms on Lin Meili's pupils. He didn't want to see Lin Meili's pale pupils, as if there would never be anything under his eyes. Emotions aroused.

In fact, her body and mind were exhausted, but she just couldn't close her eyes and sat there stupidly. She had nothing to say to Qiao Ran. What could she say to him?

From the "I'm sorry" Qiao Ran said to her in the hospital, she could clearly feel Qiao Ran's guilt for her.

In fact, Qiao Ran doesn't need to feel guilty. He has never owed her anything. She has always been the only one who owed him...

"Go back, I won't do anything stupid." She said it clearly from her lips. She was too calm and calm, which made Qiao Ran extremely uneasy.

"Beautiful, don't be like this. If you want to cry, just cry. If you feel any pain, let it out. If you let it out, you will feel better."

She worked so hard to hide her pain, but Qiao Ran could only watch her sad, which was more painful than killing him.

"Honey, cry out... If you want to blame me for my incompetence or my incompetence in doing things, just scold me or hit me."

Like a primary school student who had done something wrong, Qiao Ran was carefully begging Lin Meili for forgiveness, hoping that her anger and anger would subside a little.

His voice was very low, as if he was afraid of offending her, so he gently held her hand, "Talk to me, scold me, whatever you want, don't ignore me..."

He could tolerate Lin Meili hurting him again and again, but he could not bear Lin Meili's "cold war" against him. It was like a cold war, and a violent riot occurred in him.

"Go back, I want to be alone for a while."

Lin Meili spoke, but she drove him away...

"Honey, I'm sorry...can you calm me down? Don't be angry with me, and don't leave me because of my fault. I am also your dearest and most beloved person, so you can't give up on me."

At this moment, Qiao Ran was panicked and worried that Lin Meili would have other ideas.

Seeing that they were determined to be together, but such a sad thing happened again. I didn't expect that life is so full of variables, getting better, worse, worse, in just a thought...

Lin Meili's weak eyes looked at him, with tears in her eyes. She loved him and wouldn't blame him, but now she couldn't speak, all the words were stuck in her throat.

Qiao Ran held her hand and waved it towards his face, "You can do anything to me, but Lin Meili, you will never give up on me..."

He didn't know what to do without her.

After swiping on Qiao Ran's face a few times, his strength was a bit heavy, and bright red fingerprints appeared on his face in an instant. Lin Meili's palms were numb, and she struggled in time, and tears fell on the back of their hands along with the struggle. superior.

When Qiao Ran saw that she was reluctant to hit him, he firmly covered the back of her head, "And I... you will never lose me."

Yes, he would not let Lin Meili suffer the pain of loss again.

One day in the future, when they are gray-haired and dying, he will die behind her, leaving her alone with sadness and despair.

"And I will always be by your side."

Qiao Ran emphasized repeatedly, holding her tightly, clearly giving her endless strength and courage...

Lin Meili burst into tears more and more. She absolutely trusted Qiao Ran's words, but she was so afraid that the bad luck in her body would be transmitted to him and bring bad luck to Qiao Ran.

She huddled quietly in Qiao Ran's arms again, neither promising nor rejecting, quietly as if she didn't exist...

A rapid cell phone ringtone rang, breaking the silence of the Lin family.

A series of unfamiliar numbers appeared on Lin Meili's mobile phone. Qiao Ran frowned and pressed the speakerphone:

"Hello?" Qiao Ran spoke first.

"It's Master Qiao! You must be very sad now, right?" It was He Zhenquan's voice.

Lin Meili suddenly became emotional when she heard He Zhenquan's familiar voice, "Asshole! He Zhenquan, you damn bastard, why did you do this to my dad? What on earth did our Lin family feel sorry for you! You are a beast who deserves to go to hell/ "Sheng, I will not let you go, I will never let you go, just wait for me..."

Her emotions were clearly out of control, and the voice she yelled was extremely sharp. She held the phone and wanted to find out He Zhenquan immediately, "Where are you? Tell me, where are you now? How dare you do this? Don't you dare to stand up for such an animal-like thing! Come out!"

Roars rose above the Lin family, and Lin Meili's obvious anger reached the extreme. According to her attitude and anger at the moment, if He Zhenquan was in front of her, she would definitely fight him to the death.

Qiao Ran put his arms around her shoulders, trying to calm her down, took Lin Meili's cell phone, and said to He Zhenquan, "You can't escape, come out! The police are trying their best to arrest you, and you have nowhere to hide."

He Zhenquan's arrogant laughter came from the phone, and his voice was full of endless sarcasm, "Escape? I never thought about running away!"

It's just that he won't let the police catch him easily...

"Give the phone to Lin Meili." He Zhenquan's voice sounded again.

Lin Meili also snatched the phone away at the right time, "Why are you here? My dad has never treated you badly. How could you do such cruel things when you grew up with him! I said I won't let you go, you Come out if you can, I'll tell you to come out...bastard..."

She was going crazy, so her voice was trembling incoherently...

"Beautiful niece, I'm waiting for your revenge! But, do you even want to violate your father's last words? Didn't you personally promise your father...that you would live a good life with Master Qiao and not hate me? You Have you forgotten what you said in the blink of an eye?"

He Zhenquan said these words angrily, reminding Lin Meili.

Hearing this, Lin Meili was also surprised that He Zhenquan actually knew this? Could it be...

Just when Lin Meili was shocked and her chest hurt more and more, He Zhenquan relieved her doubts, "When your father called you, I was next to him. I thought he would tell you that I wanted to kill him. I didn’t expect that he didn’t say a word, but said some hypocritical words to you. Your dad is like this... he talks so much about benevolence, justice and morality, as if he is the only good person in the world... Haha... What a joke! It’s so funny! "

He Zhenquan sneered.

But Lin Meili was so shocked that she couldn't utter a word.

Last words...

She really didn't know that in the last phone call her father gave her, he was telling her everything!

No wonder he said "he loves her very much", no wonder he told her not to hate He Zhenquan...

It turns out that he knew that he was about to die, so he let her live well and didn't want her to avenge him!

Lin Meili was speechless, with tears all over her face as she cried bitterly.

Qiao Ran said to the phone, "You bastard, where are you? If I had known... I should have sent you to jail!"

Qiao Ran was extremely remorseful.

"It's a pity that you don't. Master Qiao, I actually don't have any objections to you. This is my hatred between the Lin family and it has nothing to do with you. Just take care of yourself."

After saying that, He Zhenquan hung up the phone.

"Hello... hello..." Qiao Ran held the phone tightly, feeling the same pain as Lin Meili.

"Dad... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I really don't know..." Lin Meili hugged her head and cried.

At that time, she really didn't know that her father was giving her his last words, but she was so slow that she didn't notice anything. She just felt a little strange.

"Dad, I'm sorry..."

Lin Meili finally hugged Lin's father's portrait. Thinking of her hurry to hang up the phone, suffocating pain enveloped every corner of her body like a heavy dark cloud.

Her world, in front of her eyes, was filled with darkness for an instant, as if there was no trace of light left.

If He Zhenquan hadn't said that the call with her father was his last words, she would have thought it was just an ordinary call.

Thinking about it now, how painful and difficult it was for her father to talk to her...

"Beautiful, don't be like this. Dad won't blame you. As stated in his last words, he hopes you live a good life and don't go against his wishes. Otherwise, he won't be able to leave peacefully."

Qiao Ran tried to comfort Lin Meili, but Lin Meili selectively could not hear any words except Lin's father's voice.

"Dad, I love you too..."

She has lived with her father for many years. After she grew up, although they often spent less time together and more time apart, the relationship between father and daughter was very deep.

"Dad, I love you, how could you just leave without giving me a chance to honor you?"

Is this punishment for neglecting her father?

She couldn't feel any warmth when she was held in Qiao Ran's arms. She only felt cold and painful all over her body. It was better than falling deep into hell, with the coldness and sin sucking her deeply...

"Don't blame yourself, this is not your fault, you are not wrong. Don't blame yourself..." Tears also flowed from Qiao Ran's eyes.

What can he do for Beauty now? What can be done to make her suffer less and feel less guilty? Qiao Ran was so helpless at this time, as if he had reached the end of the road. There was no way to go except the cliff, the cliff...

Kissing Lin Meili's cold face and drying her tears, another wave of tears emerged, as if all the tears were going to be drained and exhausted this time...

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