Kiss Addiction

Chapter 71 Lost happiness

A bone-chilling coldness filled every corner of Lin Meili's body. She had a strong feeling that she would not be able to hold on any longer...

Qiao Ran also felt Lin Meili's cold body, "Stop talking, don't say such things, there will be no accidents, I won't let you have any accidents..."

He hugged Lin Meili's ice-like body tightly, pressed his cheek against her face, and tried his best to convey warmth to Lin Meili.

The two of them had no intention of caring about He Zhenquan, as if it didn't matter even if he really shot them...

Lin Meili's vision was blurry. It was clear that Qiao Ran was right in front of her, but she couldn't see clearly. Her head was so dizzy that she almost couldn't lift it up. But she still had a lot to say to Qiao Ran, and she was afraid that if she didn't say it, she wouldn't... Opportunity.

"Don't... your body can't be so cold, you can't..."

Qiao Ran's voice trembled with fright and changed its tone, and she rubbed her cold hands vigorously. Although her body did not warm up due to the transfer of heat, her heart was warm from beginning to end.

"Master Qiao, you shouldn't have waded into the muddy water in the first place. Now that you have, I can only help you."

He Zhenquan didn't want to talk to them anymore, so he pulled the trigger with his index finger. Lin Meili turned around, and the next second she came out of Qiao Ran's arms with great enthusiasm, blocking the bullet for Qiao Ran...

In an instant, heartbreaking pain spread through every cell in Lin Meili's body, "Leave me alone, leave here... Hurry up, otherwise it will be too late."

She could no longer see Qiao Ran hurt because of her. Lin Meili closed her eyes weakly, and the blood on her shoulders flowed out...

"They are really a pair of mandarin ducks who live and die together. Master Qiao, you don't have to struggle."

When Qiao Ran caught a glimpse of Lin Meili's pale and withered face, as well as her increasingly weak breath, she was shouting and roaring hysterically in her heart...

How could this be? How could she block the shot for him without his consent?

Even if He Zhenquan's shot just now would have directly hit his heart, he would not let Lin Meili take the bullet for him even if he was certain to die.

Lin Meili's breathing was weak, "I love you..."

I'm afraid it was really the last time she said "I love you" to Qiao Ran. Although it was just three words, it took all her energy.

"No...don't...beautiful, wake up..."

Qiao Ran was shaking Lin Meili's body like crazy, but she was indifferent. He Zhenquan was very happy to see this situation, "Very good..."

When Qiao Ran couldn't wake up Lin Meili, his world suddenly fell apart, and life and death were not important to him. He hugged Lin Meili tightly and said, "Wake up and talk to me. I want to Listen to you say to me: I love you. Lin Meili, wake up..."

The words that escaped his throat were extremely hoarse and sad. He and Lin Meili hadn't really started their happy life yet. Was she going to leave him forever like this?

Qiao Ran roared suddenly, ignoring the injury on his leg, and rushed towards He Zhenquan fiercely. He Zhenquan seemed to have been on guard for a long time, and the two of them desperately went to grab the only gun, "It doesn't matter if I die, but after I die never expected to live another day..."

Hatred and pain intertwined in Qiao Ran's voice. Qiao Ran was obviously no match for He Zhenquan even though he was injured, and lost a lot of strength.

If Lin Meili really died, he would not be able to live alone...

However, Qiao Ran had a strong belief in her heart, and Lin Meili was also reluctant to leave alone and keep him...

He Zhenquan fired at the ceiling, and the "thumping" sound of gunfire rang out again. In the distance, when Huo Yize and the police came together to listen to the gunfire, their hearts tensed up, horrified, and they quickly quickened their pace, hating Can't go to rescue immediately.

Qiao Ran did not compromise, and the two of them fell to the ground, "Since you are not afraid of death, just accept death."

He Zhenquan's face was full of ferocity, and he exerted his utmost strength. Finally, the gun fell into He Zhenquan's hand, and the muzzle of the gun was pointed directly at Qiao Ran. This time, he did not hesitate for a moment. Qiao Ran had nowhere to escape, so he accepted his fate. Just when he closed his eyes and thought he was certain to die, a gunshot rang out and an unexpected sharp pain came. He saw bright red blood flowing out of He Zhenquan's chest...

Qiao Ran's nervous heart finally relaxed a lot. He turned around and continued to hug the unconscious Lin Meili, "Wake up... don't scare me... wake up quickly..."

Huo Yize looked suffocated as he watched Lin Meili, covered in blood, fall into Qiao Ran's arms. Even though he and the police came as fast as possible, they were still inevitably injured.

Especially Lin Meili, if her life is in danger, how can he have the face to meet Jiang Chengyi in the future?

"We can't waste any more time. We have to send Meili to the hospital right away." When Qiao Ran's leg was injured, Huo Yize picked up Lin Meili...

When Lin Meili was being rescued in the hospital, her condition was very bad. She lost too much blood, suffered severe brain trauma, and her will to survive was not high. One day passed and she still had not passed the critical period. She had high and low fevers. , the body is sometimes cold and sometimes hot, and the situation is very unstable.

After Qiao Ran bandaged the wound, he refused to leave Lin Meili's side. He was so afraid that Lin Meili would disappear in the blink of an eye.

"Beautiful, can you hear me? If you can hear me, can you move your fingers?" Qiao Ran held her hand, looking forward to seeing the result he wanted...

It's a pity that Lin Meili remained motionless, with a pale complexion and a thick white gauze on her head. Her weak breathing seemed to suffocate and suffocate at any time.

"Beautiful, don't do this to me, please don't do this to me... You said that you will never leave me again, and we want to live a happy life. But our happy life has not begun yet... Be brave, think of me, and hold on for me."

Qiao Ran's eyes flashed with tears, "Baby, why are you depressed? Why is your will to live low? Tell me...are you still unable to let go of Jiang Chengyi?"

Otherwise, he could not explain Lin Meili's low will to survive.

In her heart, Jiang Chengyi is always greater than everything else, and no one can take his place...

"I promise you, I really promise you, as long as you wake up, it doesn't matter even if you have Jiang Chengyi in your heart. I can bear it and I will... But please wake up, okay?"

Qiao Ran was already making the biggest concession and begging her in a low voice, but Lin Meili was indifferent, which made Qiao Ran full of exhaustion and panic.

As time passed by, Qiao Ran's heart became more and more panicked and horrified...

It's not that she's never been sick, nor has she ever been to the hospital. She even fainted again and again, which frightened him.

However, this time, fear and fear came out of almost every pore of Qiao Ran, so distracted and flustered...

Qiao Ran even prayed to Jiang Chengyi in his heart: Don't take her away. No matter how much he loves her, he can't take her away.

Qiao Ran was immersed in his own pain and shock. He didn't even know that Tong Mai had entered the hospital until her voice sounded, "Qiao Ran, go and take a rest. I'll take care of Meili. Don't wait for Meili to wake up." , your body collapses."

Qiao Ran was silent, obviously not wanting to leave Lin Meili's side for even half a step, and brushed the hair on Lin Meili's forehead, "I won't leave until she wakes up. I'm fine, don't worry about me."

On the contrary, if he can't see her, he will be even more flustered...

"Qiao Ran... Mei Mei won't be able to wake up for a while. Let me tell her what's on our minds between women. Maybe her will to survive will come back. I know Mei Mei loves you, and she will definitely do the same. I can’t bear to leave you and all of us.”

I don't know if Tong Mai's words can convince Qiao Ran, but Qiao Ran can't survive like this. In addition, he has an injury on his leg. If he doesn't use a sling bottle, the wound will become inflamed.

"If your leg doesn't receive treatment, do you want to be disabled..."

"She was willing to..." Qiao Ran interrupted Tong Mai, "Meili was willing to leave us, because only by being willing can she be with her favorite Jiang Chengyi."

Lin Meili's words asking him to live came to Qiao Ran's ears. Her words made it clear that she was leaving him and that she was giving her last words.

Tong Mai shook his head, "Qiao Ran, you misunderstood. Maybe the person Mei Mei loved the most before was Jiang Chengyi. In the past, she would do anything for him. But that's not the case now. Since she fell in love with you, she has changed and has a smile. Yes, this is enough to prove that you are important in her heart."

Qiao Ran pursed his lips and said, "Maybe."

Thinking that she blocked the gun for him also meant that she loved him...

However, Qiao Ran has never been as uneasy and scared as he is now.

Even if Lin Meili loves him, between Jiang Chengyi and him... she will always choose Jiang Chengyi.

"Wheat, help me... I need your help." Qiao Ran was so helpless at the moment, wishing that everyone would help him wake up Lin Meili and get her out of danger.

"Of course, of course I will help you, but you also have to help me. Go to the ward to receive the sling. If there are any sequelae to your legs, Mei Mei will be very sad and sad. Neither of you two can be in trouble. Nothing can happen to you. Go. Well, I will guard Beauty here and talk to her."

Tong Mai helped Qiao Ran up.

Qiao Ran looked at Lin's beautiful face with nostalgia. Although he didn't want to leave, he trusted Tong Mai.

Tong Mai also tried his best to deal with Lin Meili and Qiao Ran, "Meili, don't torture Qiao Ran anymore. If you don't wake up, he will go crazy. Do you know? From Qiao Ran's eyes, compare it with the past The way the senior looks at you, Qiao Ran really loves you more than the senior. How lucky and happy we are to meet a man who loves us more than himself... This time, Beauty can't throw away happiness anymore... …”

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