Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1000: They look better than you

Ye Shengge was confused, but Li Yinian was only a slight degree, so she recognized at a glance that the man standing in front of him was Ji Shiting.

"Mr. Ji, Shengge has drunk too much." Li Yinian said calmly, but did not explain anything.

"Wh...what..." Ye Sheng fans screamed.

But Li Yinian did not answer her, but stood up directly and let it go.

Ji Shiting leaned over and picked up the woman on the sofa.

The drunken woman was taken aback, subconsciously hugged his neck, staring at him tightly with watery eyes. After a while, she finally recognized the person in front of her.

"Shi Ting, you... you're here." She finished, burp bluntly, and the scent of the wine was smoking.

Ji Shiting looked at her blushing face, her throat slipped, and said in a mute voice: "It's me, are you happy now?"

"Um..." she responded vaguely, "I... I figured it out."

Ji Shiting didn't know what she figured out, but his heart still twitched unconsciously, as if her answer could directly affect his life and death.

"Okay, let's go home." Ji Shiting said in a deep voice, looking at Li Yinian aside, "Thank you."

"Mr. Ji is polite." Li Yinian blinked, trying to keep himself awake.

After Ji Shiting took the woman in her arms and walked out of the box for a few steps, Qiao Yanze came over head-on. He and Ji Shiting came separately. At this time, Ye Shengge, flushed in Ji Shiting's arms, thought Li Yinian was also in the same situation.

"The two women!"

However, his words did not get Ji Shiting's enemies, Ji Shiting gave him a cold glance, and passed him straight.

Qiao Yanze couldn't care about him. He strode into the box and quickly stood in front of Li Yinian, his face was somber and gloomy: "I heard that you are looking for Niu Lang? Li Yinian, you are getting longer and longer. Ability!"

"I didn't do anything." Li Yinian stared at him for a while, as if confirming the fact, "They don't look good on you."

Qiao Yanze's pupils slightly enlarged, and two seconds later, his corner of the lips suddenly ticked out.

I didn't mind that I was compared with the cowboy.

"Well, you have a vision." Qiao Yanze said, reaching for her waist, "Follow me."

Realizing that Qiao Yanze was trying to hug herself, Li Yinian pushed away his arm and said with great ambition: "I will go by myself!"

Qiao Yanze discovered that the woman's eyes were brighter than usual.

She was also drunk with the co-authoring, just looking calm.

Qiao Yanze snorted softly, didn't insist, and grabbed her by the shoulder.

When the two left the box, Gu Yimo finally came out.

"Qiao Yanze, what happened to Lao Ji?"

"How the **** do I know." Qiao Yanze said angrily.

"I know." Li Yinian sighed and explained the situation briefly. "I guess Mr. Ji didn't want you to see his changes, so he simply ignored you."

Qiao Yanze's eyes sank, and after a while, he looked at Gu Yimo: "Although those instruments were destroyed, didn't Xu Wei run successfully? If conditions permit, he will certainly be able to make the first of those machines. Second time? You used to be his disciple, can you find a way to find his whereabouts?"

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