Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1006: The body is completely dominated by the senses

The man buried his head between her legs.

Ye Shengge's eyes widened, and he instinctively wanted to withdraw his body, but Ji Shiting seemed to have expected that he firmly held her lower body to prevent her from unrest.

"Shi Ting...uh!"

The air flow from the man's breath brushed her sensitive area, and Ye Shengge's voice changed tone until she could no longer speak.


Two hours later, the two finally came out of the bath.

Ji Shiting wrapped her in a towel and took her back to the bedroom.

The woman in her arms straightened her eyes. She leaned against his chest, her eyes and cheeks were red, and her lips were swollen and slightly open, as if she hadn't eased from her passion.

Ji Shiting slightly hooked the corner of her lips and put her on the bed. After covering her body, she leaned over again to cover her lips.

Ye Shengge overflowed from his throat with a slight hum, with a hint of refusal.

After several peaks, her brain was blank, and she didn't even know what tonight was in her trance. The body is completely dominated by the senses, this feeling makes people both happy and unconsciously panic, but Ji Shiting always has a way to make her forget the panic and drag her into the abyss of **** again and again.

Her remaining reason does not allow herself to be so degraded.

Ji Shiting realized her resistance, and just chuckled. He released her poor lips and rolled up her throat, and then went to kiss her cheeks and neck again. He kissed slowly and very slowly. Meticulous and surprisingly patient, Ye Shengge bit her lip and cracked in her mouth.

A few minutes later, Ji Shiting took her body slowly and firmly.


Ye Shengge can't remember when she slept in the past. The body that was climactic many times was so soft that she was trapped in the soft bed. She just felt so heavy that she couldn't even lift her arms.

The man's scorching palm walked over her body, the strength was not light, soothing her sore body, but also made her already consciousness more dim.

When I woke up, the room was still dim, and sporadic light penetrated through the gaps in the curtains. Obviously it was already daylight.

Ye Shengge knew she should get up, but her body was too soft and she didn't want to move.

She had to admit that last night was probably the best experience she has ever had. Because Ji Shiting has been pleasing her, as long as she is uncomfortable, he will stop immediately.

Ye Shengge felt a sour heart. Since he doesn't love himself anymore, why can he do this? Thanks for it?

At this time, someone pushed the door and came in.

Ye Shengge turned over subconsciously and wrapped himself tightly with a quilt.

The familiar footsteps are far and near.

Ji Shiting.

She remained hidden under the quilt until the quilt was lifted by him.

The man had opened the curtains, the light was dazzling, and she closed her eyes subconsciously.

"Wake up?" Ji Shiting leaned down and touched her cheek, her lips slightly raised, her tone full of patience, "Are you hungry?"

Ye Shengge opened his eyes and faced his black eyes.

For a moment, Ye Shengge felt that perhaps nothing had changed.

Her eyes were a little warm, and she subconsciously let out her arms around his waist, with a sense of coquetry.

"Starved to death... what time is it now?"

"It's two o'clock in the afternoon." The man patted her wrist. "Get dressed quickly and go downstairs to eat."

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