Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji

Chapter 1008: I like to kiss you so much, eh?

Ji Shiting was silent for a while, then suddenly lifted her chin and kissed her lips.

The man's dry and hot breath invaded her mouth, Ye Shengge suddenly remembered that he was in the bathroom last night, but his lips kissed her another place.

Her breath was suddenly chaotic, and she felt that all the places that were swept by the tip of his tongue were very sensitive, but her reaction made Ji Shiting's plunder deeper. He quickly aggravated the kiss when his tongue protruded into her. Deep in her throat, the woman in her arms suddenly fought a cold war.

Ji Shiting grunted and let her go, but saw the woman's face flushed strangely in front of her, she gasped weakly on his chest, and her eyes seemed to have avoided her staring.

Ji Shiting slightly twisted his eyebrows, and suddenly understood, he tickled his lips: "I like how I kiss you so much, eh?"

He said this in his mouth, but one hand reached underneath.

Ye Shengge's body froze, pushing his arm vigorously, with a tone of anxiety: "Nothing!"

"I like to see you look like a climax." His low, dull voice fell on her ears, "I can make you happy, and I am very happy."

Ye Shengge is bad for the whole person.

She almost couldn't help recalling certain experiences last night. Her breathing was heavier, her hands against his chest: "...but I want more than a climax."

"I can give you anything else." The man sighed into her red ears.

Ye Shengge only felt as if there was a current spreading from the pinna to the whole body.

She bit her lip hard and calmed her breath after a while, said hoarsely: "You know what I want most."

Ji Shiting paused and said: "I can do it before, and I can still do it now. Maybe after a while you will find that there is no difference."

Ye Shengge blinked, but did not refute him.

Now that she has decided to accept him now, and since this man is also trying to satisfy her to please her, then she does not want to immerse herself in the emotion of loss and sadness.

But she knew the difference.

Maybe he still cared enough about her, even more patient and considerate in bed, but she needed more than just these shallow pleasures, she also needed his unconditional trust, and a tacit understanding to understand each other without saying much. But if he doesn't love her, these are impossible.

Now he trusts himself only from his memory. He knew she loved him deeply, so he would never betray him. This is why he tried his best to stay behind.

Ye Shengge thought to himself mockingly.

"Sheng Ge?" Seeing her in a daze, the man couldn't help but call her name, and his voice was a little bit imperceptible.

"Well, I'll wait and see." Ye Shengge said, pushing his arm with a little dissatisfaction, "You go out first, you can't dress properly here."

The man exhaled slowly, his lips slightly raised: "Okay."


Half an hour later, Ye Shengge finally finished the long lunch.

Ji Shiting got the information and was ready to return to the company. Ye Shengge asked him innocently to rub his car.

She and Shang Tianyi had an appointment to meet at Shisheng Studio this afternoon, anyway, and T.S also went the way.

Ji Shiting naturally nodded his answer.

After sitting in the car, Ye Shengge finally had time to take out his mobile phone.

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